the coffee artist
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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the coffee artist: Chapter 9

T - Words: 1,858 - Last Updated: Jun 13, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Oct 10, 2014 - Updated: Oct 10, 2014
141 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Im back :) I want to thank everyone of you for having patience and I promise that from now one (now my exams are done) Ill update much more! Let me know what you think :) Lots of love xoxo

Blaine was walking through his apartment. It was strange walking through it, knowing it was the last day he would live here. Around him where all kinds of boxes with his stuff. It looked like a mess inside and it made him a little worried as Kurt would be here any kind of minute, for the first time and the last time in his apartment.

He walked towards the window and looked out at the street. How many nights hadn't he spend here, studying late at night the past few weeks while looking every once in a while to the city.

He was pulled out his thoughts when the doorbell made his noise. Blaine walked towards the phone at the door and pressed the button for Kurt. Then he opened the door of his apartment so Kurt could enter easily.

Blaine walked back into his bedroom, deciding to end what he had started this morning. His clothes were already neatly folded in all his boxes, except for his bowties and his shoes.

He was bent over a box, placing shoes in it, as he heard someone make a noise behind him. Blaine turned around and saw Kurt lean again the door, a smirk plastered on his face.

Blaine's eyebrow shot up and a smirk formed on his face. “Kurt, were you checking me out?” He wiggled his eyebrow to prove the point.

Kurt sighed dramatically. “Busted, does that mean I have to work now?”

Blaine started laughing. “Well that might be what you came for, didn't you?”

Kurt was tapping his chin with his finger. “What makes you think I didn't come to see my boyfriend for a kiss?”

“Well, the fact you sent me a text like five minutes ago saying I'm on my way, ready to help you moving!,” said Blaine with a grin.

Kurt threw up his arms. “Fine, now how can I help?”

Blaine thought for a minute. “How about you pack the rest of the living room? There are only few things left.”

“Ok,” said Kurt. He was about to turn around when he changed his mind and walked towards Blaine. “Now how about I first get that kiss I came for?”

Blaine smirked and leaned forward until they were really close. “First work, then you get a kiss,” Blaine whispered against his ear and then he went back to work.

Kurt stood there a while longer, just looking at Blaine like he didn't really know what happened. Then he started pouting and staring at Blaine with eyes that said, you don't play faire. It took him a little longer before he realized that he wouldn't get a kiss when he started walking out of the room.

What he didn't expect though was Blaine to reach out for his hand, turn him around, press him against the closet and kiss him properly. When Blaine pulled away, he was full smiling. “Hello Beautiful.”

Kurt giggled. “You dork, now back to work baby.”

Kurt unwrapped himself out of the embrace and walked into the living room, ready to get some work done.


It was in the later afternoon when the moving truck appeared at the door. Blaine was busy pointing out what needed to be loaded in. Kurt and him had spent quite some time, placing the last things into boxes. When the job was done, they had had a few moments spare to drink some coffee before the moving people arrived.

They helped them load the boxes into the truck. They took turns using the elevator for the boxes. The heavier things were carried by the moving people down the stairs.

It took them an hour to move everything inside the truck.

Blaine was the last one upstairs and started looking around the rooms, making sure he didn't forget anything. The only things that were going to be left behind were the bed and the couch. Kurt had those after all in his apartment.

He felt someone sneak up behind him before he felt those warms that could only belong to one person wrap around his waist. “You ready to go Blaine? Everything is inside the truck.”

Blaine nodded. “Yeah, I'm ready.”

He looked around once more before he laced his fingers with Kurt's as they walked out the door. To the start of a new beginning.


Blaine looked around Kurt's apartment. It was filled with boxes everywhere. He heard Kurt sigh as he walked inside the room and fell down on the couch. “I really really want to get those boxes out of our home but I really don't feel like doing it today.”

Blaine chuckled and walked towards where Kurt was laying on the couch. “How about you get some rest and I make you some dinner?” Blaine reached out and tickled Kurt's feet.

Kurt giggled. “Fine, stop tickling.”

He tried to get his feet as far away from Blaine as possible. “There was no need for that,” he pouted.

Blaine grinned. “At least now I know you are ticklish. Anyway take a nap, I wake you up when dinner is ready.”

Blaine leaned forward and kissed Kurt's forehead before turning around and walked into the kitchen. He heard how Kurt turned on the television to something that sounded a lot like project runaway.

Blaine shook his head grinning and walked towards the fridge. He opened the door and looked what was inside it.

In the end, he decided to make some chicken with vegetables and potatoes. He topped it with using a family recipe for the sauce.

When everything was almost ready, he walked towards the table and started setting it. He found a few candles and lit them. When everything seems ok, he placed the food on the table.

He walked towards the sleeping Kurt and kneeled down next to him. His hand stroked the little pieces of hair out of his face.

“Kurt, wake up,” he said when he shook him carefully. Kurt opened his eyes one by one and started to stretch himself like a kitten. “Food ready?” he mumbled.

Blaine nodded. “Yeah, you need a moment to fully wake up?”

Kurt shook his head. “No, I'm fine.”

He stood up carefully with Blaine's help as they walked towards the table. “Blaine it smells amazing!”

Blaine grinned. “Now let's hope it tastes just as well.”

He walked Kurt towards his seat and held out his chair for him. He grinned when he saw Kurt blushing.

Then he started filling Kurt's plate and poured some water into his glass. “Here you go baby.”

Blaine took his seat and filled his own plate and glass.

They ate in silence, every once in a while talking about little things and Blaine couldn't help the giddy feeling he had. It felt so domestic and it was amazing.

They cleaned the table together and did the dishes together.

Blaine couldn't hold the smile from his face for longer than a minute. He felt like he would explode from happiness and if the look on Kurt's face was any indication, he felt exactly the same.


Later that evening, they found themselves together on the couch, all cuddled up.

Kurt was laying between Blaine's legs as Blaine had curled his arms around Kurt's waist. His fingers were slowly following the patterns of Kurt's arms.

“I can't believe we are living together,” said Blaine happily.

“hmm, me neither,” whispered Kurt while trying to cuddle further in Blaine's chest. “Every morning waking up by your side, every evening coming upstairs to see you here, no need to call you if I want to see you. Although I'll probably miss my freedom.”

“What?” asked Blaine.

Kurt shrugged and turned around. His eyebrow rose playfully. “Wait, you walked into that?”

And then Kurt started laughing one of the loudest belly laughs that Blaine had ever seen.

Blaine's eyebrow rose and he started smirking. “Very funny Kurt. Now it's war.”

Before Kurt could react he was laughing even harder because Blaine was using his new found aspect of Kurt. His fingers followed Kurt's ribs as Kurt's laughs even grew louder.

“Stop Blaine, stop please,” begged Kurt while laughing.

“How about you first tell me I won?” asked Blaine smirking.

“NEVER!” screamed Kurt. Blaine started to even tickle him harder and Kurt was having trouble breathing now.

“Ok,  you win Blaine you win. I need air!” screamed Kurt.

Blaine smiled and stopped tickling. “That was all I needed to hear baby,” he said as he pressed a kiss on Kurt's cheek.

When Kurt had caught his breath, they decided to watch a movie before going to sleep together for the first time as a living together couple.


The credits were rolling down the screen as they pulled apart. Kurt's lips a little more swollen then they used to be and Blaine couldn't help smiling while noticing. His fingers slowly following the trail of Kurt's lips. He started to lean in again when his lips ended their trail and he let the kiss linger for as long as possible.

It was Kurt who pulled away first with a huge smile on his face. “Common Blaine, It's time to get some sleep. I have to be up early tomorrow or the customers won't like it that their coffee shop it closed.”

“Oh they have reason to be mad as you have the best coffee in the whole of New York.”

Kurt stood up and turned off the tv. He held out his hand for Blaine to take and they walked to the bedroom.

It was strange as Blaine hadn't spent much time in Kurt's room yet. Well, now their room. How he loved the sound of that.

They both went to the bathroom to do their routines. Kurt's one a lot longer than Blaine's but Blaine didn't mind.

He put on his PJ's and settled in the bed with a book until Kurt was done. His glasses pressed on his nose while read.

Blaine had fallen into the story so much that he didn't hear how Kurt stepped into the bed and nestled himself next to him.

“I like you with your glasses on,” said a whisper in his ear as he felt how Kurt pressed a kiss against his neck.

“Well maybe I should wear them more then,” said Blaine as he marked the page and lay the book on the night table.

“I wouldn't mind,” grinned Kurt.

Kurt leaned forward and kissed him softly, just for a while longer before his need for sleep became to much.

His eyes were slowly falling close and Blaine couldn't really blame him as he always had to wake up pretty early and work rather lately.

“Go to sleep Kurt,” he whispered as he turned off the lights.

He cuddled himself closer to Kurt until they were laying forehead to forehead. His arm tucked around Kurt.

When Kurt's breath was slowly evening out, Blaine knew he was asleep.

He leaned up and pressed a kiss against Kurt's forehead.


“I love you so much,” were the last words whispered in the air as Blaine slowly caught up with his own sleep.


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