June 13, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 13, 2015, 7 p.m.
I dont really know if this is my best chapter :$ I wanted to write something for all of you because it has been a while since I uploaded and I feel really bad about it. Schools been driving me crazy (exams in a month) and I had this paper to finish so its been hectic and I know its no excuse but well :$
Anyway I hope you still enjoyed the chapter! I think its one of the hardest stories Ive had yet to write with the cups but I enjoy writing it a lot! Please let me know what you think, I love reading your reactions! they mean the world to me! Lots of love xoxo
The next few weeks were amazing. They went on dates, hung out together and every morning, there would be a steaming cup of coffee waiting for Blaine on the counter of Kurt's coffee shop.
But right in this moment, Blaine felt like a mess. He was walking around his room, picking up button-ups and trying them on.
He sighed and was just about to try on another button-up when his phone started ringing. Blaine looked through the button-ups on his bed before he found his phone.
“Hello?” he asked.
“Do I hear nerves?” asked the voice he became so familiar with.
“Maybe,” he said carefully.
“Thought so,” he heard Kurt say. He could imagine Kurt standing there with a satisfied grin because he was able to guess right.
“Now you have one more hour until you have to meet me here if we want to be on time,” Kurt said.
“I know I know. I promise I'll be there on time!” said Blaine.
“You better be,” was Kurt his only response. “I see you in an hour.”
“Ok baby, see you then. Love you,” Blaine answered.
“I love you too.” And then the line went dead.
Blaine went with his head through his hair. He had one hour to be there so he should make his decision fast.
He was looking over the mountain of clothing.
He was about to pick up one of the mountain when his phone beeped.
A new message from Kurt. By the way, I think the red button down would fit you best. Love you.
Blaine laughed loudly and shook his head. Even after this few weeks, Kurt knew him so well.
Thanks baby. Be there soon! Love you 2! He replied before taking the red button up from the mountain.
He pulled on the red button up and looked at himself through the mirror. It looked well with the black skinny jeans he was wearing.
He went through his hair one last time before taking his jacket and walking out of the door.
There would be time later to clean up the mountain of clothes on his bed. Right now he had somewhere to be.
Blaine walked through the door of the coffee shop. No one was inside and Kurt was nowhere to be seen. “Kurt, where are you?” he screamed out.
“I'm coming,” was the reply from upstairs.
Blaine shook his head. Always the same. Kurt would always threat him if he was late, but most of the time it was the other way around.
“I'm sure you look great in whatever you are wearing,” he screamed out towards the loft above.
“I know I will, I just have to make sure everything looks ok,” screamed Kurt.
Blaine took a seat on one of the comfy couches in the coffee shop.
He looked down on his pocket watch. They had only little time left before they had to be in the restaurant.
Just as he was about to scream, Kurt walked down the stairs. He looked amazing in his skinny jeans and white button down. He topped the look with a black skinny tie.
He giggled when he saw Blaine his face. “You like it?” he asked in that flirty tone he liked to use while teasing me.
“No, I love it. You should do a spin for me.” Said Blaine.
Kurt laughed but did as asked. Blaine started catcalling playfully.
Kurt giggled and walked towards him. When he was close enough, he wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck.
“Why thank you!” he said before he pressed his lips against Blaine's.
“You never have to thank me Kurt,” said Blaine breathlessly.
“Maybe,” was all Kurt said.
His fingers started playing with the curls on Blaine's neck.
A teasing smile appeared on his face. “Still nervous?”
“Maybe,” said Blaine shyly. “We better get going though.”
“Hmm,” said Kurt while he leaned forwards and pressed a last kiss on his lips. “He won't bite, I promise you. Now let's get going.”
He took Blaine's hand and leaded him outside. He locked the door behind him, before they made their way to the subway.
Blaine's hand was shaking while holding Kurt's hand.
They walked inside the small restaurant. A little guy was standing behind a counter. “Do you have reservations please?” he asked.
“Yes, a table under the name Hummel Anderson.”
The guy looked into his book before he leaded them towards a small table in the back.
Blaine took a seat next to Kurt and placed his jacket on the back of his chair. His hands were still shaking so he started to play with the sleeve of his button-up to ease the tension.
Kurt was looking at him with a smile on his face. “You look cute when you are nervous, you know that?”
Blaine looked up. “I don't want to look nervous Kurt. Oh gosh this will all go wrong.”
Blaine started rambling about all the things that could go wrong when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
He jumped in surprise and turned around to see a balding man standing behind him. “You don't need to be afraid, I won't bite. I'm not sure if Kurt would ever forgive me that.”
“Dad,” Kurt shrieked as he jumped up and ran towards his dad. He wrapped him in a big hug.
“I missed you so much!” he said in his dad his shoulder.
Burt laughed. “Well you should visit us more in Ohio Kurt.”
Kurt laughed. “You'll never let me live it down that I barely come to Ohio, will you?”
His dad's smirk told it all.
Meanwhile a woman appeared behind Kurt's father. “Hey don't forget about me Kurt,” she said playfully.
“Carole, I missed you too!” Kurt said as he wrapped her in a hug.
Blaine stood up from the table and held out his hand for Kurt's dad. “It's nice to meet you sir,” he said formally.
Burt looked down to the hand before he started laughing rather loudly. “Kid you are family. Now come here and give me a proper hug.”
Blaine looked at Burt with shock before a smile appeared on his face. He took back his hand and wrapped the man into a hug.
He unwrapped himself out of the hug after a while. “Oh and before I forget, It's Burt not sir.”
Blaine looked up to see Kurt grinned behind him with a satisfied look that said, I told you so.
The woman came to stand in front of him. He didn't have a chance to prepare himself before he was wrapped into another hug.
Blaine started laughing. “Well it's nice to meet the both of you.”
Carole turned himself around to look at Kurt. “You got yourself a good looking one,” he heard her say.
He looked up to see Kurt blush. Blaine walked towards Kurt and wrapped him in a hug. “If anything, I got myself the good looking one,” he said with a wink to Carole.
Burt and Carole laughed while they took a seat. Blaine took this as his moment to give Kurt a small kiss on the lips before he leaded them back to the table.
They all ordered their food and small talk was made during dinner. Burt asked Kurt about how things were going in the shop and how everything was going in general. Then Kurt asked his dad about his car shop and if he was eating healthy. When that subject came up, Burt rolled his eyes and looked towards Blaine with panic in his eyes. Blaine almost started laughing but decided to help his father in law out.
And that's how they started talking about football much to Kurt's dissatisfaction. Kurt rolled his eyes a lot of time but took it as his chance to talk with Carole about clothes.
Blaine was happy that everything went so well. He had to say that Kurt was right. His dad was amazing. In a lot of ways, he saw similarities between Kurt and his dad. They were both strong men but down to earth. They were also both headstrong and caring.
He knew that one because of the fight that went over the bill. Burt insisted on paying while Kurt looked at his dad with a look that said “If you dare to pay I won't talk to you until you leave back to Ohio”. Meanwhile Burt looked at Kurt with a look that said “I'm still the dad so I pay.”
He looked up to see Carole laughing silently with the discussion. When their eyes met, they burst out laughing. Burt and Kurt looked at the two of them like they were insane.
“What are you two laughing about?” asked Kurt with a pout.
Carole was the first one able to speak. “You should have seen yourself. Why don't you just split it?” asked Carole.
Kurt and Burt looked towards each other, having a silent conversation with their eyes. It seemed like they came to a decision when they both searched for money into their wallets.
Kurt stood up and started buttoning his jacket. “So how about we all meet up at the coffee shop? I know you want to see it dad and we can talk a little longer with a cup of coffee.”
They all agreed. Everyone started pulling on their jackets before they left the restaurant and went to the nearest subway.
Kurt started brewing the cups of coffee behind the counter. Blaine had wanted to help Kurt but Kurt had sent him away.
Now Blaine was sitting again on the comfy couch with a pout on his face.
Burt grinned when he saw it happening and patted Blaine on the shoulder. With a proud voice he said, “that's my kid!” before he started looking around the place like Carole was doing.
“I like it Kurt, it's so you,” she said.
Kurt turned around with a smile. “Thank you Carole.”
They all took place on the comfy looking couch. Kurt placed a cup of coffee in front of everyone before he took a seat next to Blaine.
Blaine pressed a kiss on Kurt his cheek as a thank you for the coffee. His hand rested on Kurt's knee while He took a sip of the coffee of cup.
Burt and Carole both complimented Kurt on the coffee. “It tastes amazing,” said Burt.
“That's because it's the best coffee you can find in New York,” said Blaine proudly.
They all started laughing. “You are all biased,” said Kurt.
Burt placed his cup of coffee on the table. “Now tell me Blaine, what are your intentions with my son?”
Carole slapped her husband carefully on the arm. “Burt,” she whispered in a strict voice.
Burt just shook his head and looked intently to Blaine, who was feeling the nerves coming up again.
Kurt tried to hide his face in his hands, his face red with embarrassment. “Dad,” he whined. “I'm too old for you to try and scare away boyfriends.”
“You are never too old for me to do that Kurt. I'm your dad and I want to make sure that's all.” Said Burt.
Kurt sent a glare to his dad.
He was about to say something when Blaine opened his mouth. “Burt,” was all he said at first. He swallowed before talking again.
“I understand that you want to make sure that Kurt's in good hands. It means you care and I'm glad that Kurt had people who accept him in his family. I love Kurt. Honestly, I've liked him from the day I walked into this coffee shop. He is the most caring, loving, sweet and smart person I've ever met. When I first came here, I was running late for classes but I wanted a medium drip so badly. So I stopped at this cute little coffee shop to meet a guy who wrote messages on people their cups of coffee and even a special drawing for me, only to make my day better. I can promise you that I'll take good care of him. I love him so much and I really wouldn't want it any other way. Every day I walk inside this coffee shop, there is something that makes me fall even harder for him. It doesn't matter how small it is, he always is able to amaze me. And when I looked in the future, let's say five year from now, I see myself with him, living above this coffee shop. I see myself on broadway or playing shows in little venues around New York and when I have free time, I even see myself working alongside Kurt on the more busy days. I see myself being married to him, having kids to raise, I see a family. And honestly when I look that future, I feel like the happiest man alive.”
Burt looked at him with a satisfied smile. “Glad to have you in the family Blaine!”.
Blaine smiled at him. “Thank you Burt.”
He turned around to look at Kurt when he felt a hand on his. Kurt had tears in his eyes. “I wouldn't want it any other way,” he said before he kissed Blaine.
It was in the early evening when Blaine left Kurt and his family in the coffee shop. After all he still had a lot of work on his desk for classes and a mountain of clothes he would need to hang up again.
He sighed when he thought about it. He said his goodbye's to Burt and Carole, promising them to meet for Christmas as Kurt was going back to Ohio.
Kurt walked him outside. They hugged each other for a little longer, sweet kisses and words of see you soon and I love you.
Blaine was about to walk away when Kurt placed his hand on Blaine's shoulder.
“You forgot something,” he said.
Blaine took the cup of coffee with a frown. “I thought you might want another one for in your collection, at least if you are still keeping it.”
Blaine turned the cup around until he found the drawing. It was a drawing with all of them. Blaine had his arm around Kurt and Burt had his arm around Carole. At the bottom was the date. Above the drawing was written: “Welcome in the family Blaine.”
Blaine smiled when he looked up. “Of course I still keep them. Thank you Kurt.”
Kurt just smiled. “No need to thank me. I need to keep up what I once started, don't I?”
Blaine laughed. “I guess you have. I see you tomorrow baby. Love you.”
Kurt waved. “See you tomorrow Blaine, I love you too.”
Later that night, when Blaine finished studying and had cleaned up his room, he looked back to the cup on his night stand. It had been a long time that he felt like he was part of a family and had he missed the feeling. He turned off the lights with the happiest feeling he felt in a long time.