June 13, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 13, 2015, 7 p.m.
three new chapters (well one for this story and two for the cartoonist who caught my heart) today! I hope you liked this one. Its been a while since I updated and Im really sorry. Real life can be hectic some time and Im really tired but I took some time to write for everyone! New update hopefully comming soon. Lots of love xoxo ps: i love your reviews on this story so keep telling me if you like it or not! :) It really makes my day
Blaine felt ill. His nose was bright red, it was cold outside.
But he had a mission today and his feeling ill wasn't going to make him ditch his plans.
He had put on his thickest jacket, wrapped a scarf around his neck and had put on a beanie. That would help him keep warm.
The umbrella was opened before he took the final step out in the pouring rain.
Luckily the coffee shop wasn't that far.
The walk seemed longer than usual but maybe the weather was the reason for that.
He let out a sigh of relieve when he walked into the coffee shop. It was busy as it was a rainy day.
Kurt was walking around behind the counter, trying to keep up with the commands.
Blaine decided to take a seat on one of the comfy couches and just looked at Kurt working. It was relaxing.
It wasn't until he sneezed rather loudly that Kurt saw him. First a big toothy smile formed on his face, then a frown took over an expression and in the end he had a worried look on his face.
He finished his order and held up his hand for the next costumer. He started brewing a coffee. Then he asked the new customer his coffee order. The customer frowned but gave him his order.
Kurt wrote it down and looked at the coffee that was still brewing. He started preparing the new coffee and waited until the last was done. When it was finished he first started the new coffee before he held up his hand to the customer as a sign for him to wait.
He walked to Blaine and placed the coffee in front of him. “Please wait until it's a little less busy ok?”
Blaine just nodded and watched Kurt walking away.
It took another hour before all the customers had had his final coffee. Kurt looked on his watch, it was close to lunch break and he decided to close the shop a little early today.
He turned around he sign from open to closed before walking to Blaine and holding out his hand. “Do you want to come upstairs?”
Blaine just nodded and took the hand with a big smile, following behind Kurt on the stairs.
Kurt leaded Blaine to the couch and sat him down on the couch. “Now tell me Blaine, why did you come through the pouring rain for a cup of coffee while you look like you already got one of those bad colds.”
Blaine felt a blush form on his cheeks. “I forgot something yesterday,” he mumbled.
“Now what would that be that it's so important for you to walk through the pouring rain while you already look ill?” asked Kurt.
“Because I didn't have another way to contact you. That's actually the reason, I forgot to ask the most important part yesterday,” said Blaine.
He held out his phone to Kurt with a weak smile.
Kurt giggled. “You are insane, you know that? You should be in your bed right now so you get better soon.”
Blaine just shrugged. “I can't lay still, needed to do something.”
Kurt grinned. “Well you should listen to me.”
“My my bossy Kurt,” grinned Blaine.
Kurt was busy typing in on his phone. He stopped a minute to stick out his tongue to Blaine.
“You are a meanie!” said Kurt.
“Am not,” laughed Blaine.
Kurt turned around the phone and pulled on a big smile while he took a photo.
“You're taking a photo?” asked Blaine.
“No I'm checking out my hair,” said Kurt while rolling his eyes.
Blaine just grinned. He heard a phone ring somewhere and started looking around, only to see Kurt reaching over to take his phone and look at it with a smile. “So now we're even. Well almost, I would ask a photo from you too but I don't know if I find it cute or not with the red nose. It's a little like Rudolf.”
Blaine held out his hand over his mouth in fake shock but started coughing in the progress.
Kurt looked confused before he started rubbing Blaine's back. “You are really getting ill aren't you?” he asked.
Blaine just looked up with teary eyes.
“How about I make some soup, we can lay on the couch and watch some movie? I really don't want you to go home to be all alone and with nobody to look after you,” suggested Kurt.
Blaine just smiled to him, “you are to good you know? Thank you Kurt!”
Kurt just shrugged, “no problem. Make yourself comfy and I'll be back in like half an hour. You can watch some tv if you want.”
He gave Blaine the remote and left to make some soup.
Blaine felt someone go with his fingers through his hair. It felt strange but so good.
It took a moment for him to get his mind clear before he opened his eyes.
In front of him sat Kurt on his knees with a loving smile on his face.
“I would say good morning but it's just a little over the afternoon. Sleep well?”
Blaine started to rub his eyes and whined when Kurt his hand left his head.
Kurt started laughing and placed his hand back into his hair and Blaine almost purred.
“You really remind me of a puppy sometimes. Anyway I have some soup. You want some?”
Blaine nodded and tried to sit up as Kurt walked to the stove to get some soup for the both of him.
He came back with a tray with some bread on it and soup.
“Here you go,” he said.
Blaine took the soup and smiled happily. The taste of the soup was amazing and it felt so good against his soar troath.
“Thank you Kurt,” he said a little hoarse.
Kurt placed his hand on his head. “You are a little warm. Let's grab a blanket and watch some movies. It will make you feel better along with my magic soup.”
Blaine laughed which ended with a cough fit. “Thank you Kurt.”
Kurt took the blanket and kept still in front of the couch. “Euhm,” he said blushing.
Blaine just padded on the seat next to him. “You can lay down first and I can lay next to you, there is enough place.”
Kurt smiled, “Yeah let me grab a movie first. What movie do you like?”
“What do you have?” asked Blaine.
“I have everything musical and everything Disney,” he shrugged.
“What about finding Nemo?” asked Blaine. He didn't want to admit it but it was his favorite Disney movie and always made him feel better. His friends teased him about it a lot of times.
Kurt grinned. “Of course I have it.”
He took the movie and placed it into the dvd player.
He lay down and Blaine snuggled into his side, his head on Kurt's chest. A smile was lingering on his lips. He loved how everything was so comfortable with Kurt.
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine to keep him close as they watched the movie.
Well Kurt watched the movie as Blaine fell asleep halfway through it. Happily and safe.
It was early evening when Blaine woke up. He felt very comfortable. And warm. Just comfy and warm. It felt amazing.
He opened his eyes and was met by Kurt chest, who also seemed very much asleep. Blaine looked up and just stared at him.
He reached out with his hand and placed it on Kurt's head. A piece of hair fell on his forehead and Blaine carefully removed it from his face.
It made Kurt open his eyes. He looked to Blaine with a confused look before a blush formed on his cheeks.
“Feeling better?” he asked in a whisper.
“Yes I do,” he said.
They kept on staring at each other, neither saying a word. It was then that Kurt placed a hand on Blaine's cheek and pulled him closer.
Their lips touched, and Blaine took the chance to cup Kurt's cheeks.
Their lips moved together and to Blaine it was a perfect moment.
When they pulled apart, Kurt tried to look away shyly but he couldn't turn his head really with Blaine cupping his cheeks.
“Hey, don't look away. I want to look into those beautiful eyes so I remember them when I think back to this perfect moment.”
Kurt looked back to him with a big grin. “You thought this moment was perfect?”
“Of course I did and I really really would like to go on a date with you, if you want to,” he said sincerely.
“I would love that but only if you kiss me again,” he whispered against Blaine's lips.
Blaine didn't hesitate before his lips were back on Kurt's.
They stayed like that a little longer before Blaine really needed to go back home again. He walked to the door and put on his shoes against and his jacket. He gave Kurt one more kiss that lasted a little longer than the other kisses they shared before he walked downstairs and let himself out.
He was just about to turn the corner when he heard someone scream to him. “BLAINE!”
Blaine turned around and saw Kurt running to him. “You forgot something!”
Blaine frowned,” and what would that be?”
Kurt held out the coffee cup. “Here, we won't miss out on our traditions now will we?”
Blaine smiled. “You're perfect Kurt. Thank you. I see you tomorrow ok?”
He leaned forward and pecked his lips. He watched Kurt walk away before he turned around the corner.
He looked down on the cup. On it were drawn two little pictures. On one it looked like Blaine laying on the couch asleep. Above stood the word adorable. It made Blaine giggle from happiness. The one next to it were the both of them kissing. The date was standing in the corner and above it stood a little sentence. “Because when I'm with him, it feels like fireworks and butterflies.” A little heart ended the sentence.
Blaine grinned like an idiot when he walked into his dorm room. He placed the cup on his night table, just so he could remind himself the whole night that this was actually real.