the coffee artist
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the coffee artist: Chapter 4

T - Words: 2,275 - Last Updated: Jun 13, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Oct 10, 2014 - Updated: Oct 10, 2014
157 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I hope you guys like this chapter. Its about getting to know Kurt and Blaine a little better and working towards them getting closer. Its a long chapter and I really really dont want to dissapoint you guys so Im sitting here fingers crossed that you like it!

When I started this story, I never thought it would get this response on s&c and ff. So I really love to read your reactions. Let me know! Lots of love xoxo

ps.  Im sure half of you didnt know if it was true that I posted this huge chapter :) It is though :)

Blaine was walking through the almost empty streets of New York. One of his teachers had decided that today would be an amazing day to give classes longer than normal. And that's how he was now cursing half his school because he wouldn't be able to see Kurt today.

He looked down again at his watch. Ten minutes it had been since Kurt's closing time. He saw the building coming near and unhappy frown making his way on his face.

But when he appeared, he was surprised to find the coffee shop still open and Kurt looking out of the window.

Kurt smiled when he saw Blaine and waved at him to come in. “Hi,” he said.

“Wait you are still open?” was all Blaine could think about.

A blush formed on Kurt's cheek. “Well yeah.”

Blaine started grinning. “Wait a minute, you waited for me?”

If it was even possible, Kurt's blush became even harder. “Well you normally come here every evening and you didn't came tonight so I was started to worry a little.”

Blaine smiled at him. “I think it's sweet. But anyway, now I'm here, is there any chance I might get one of the best coffee's out of New York?”

Kurt laughed. “Yeah, I guess that's the point.”

He walked towards the coffee machine, prepared two cups and started brewing them. “So do you have anywhere to go still this evening?” Kurt asked.

Blaine frowned. “Not really, why?”

Kurt shrugged. “I wouldn't mind if you stayed a little. I mean, you've been coming here for a little while now and it would be nice I guess to get to know you.” The blush returned and Blaine found it really adorable.

“Yeah, I would like that Kurt.”

Kurt smiled at him. “Yeah?”

Blaine nodded, “yeah.”

When the two cups of coffee were ready, Kurt made his way towards the door. “Let me close first or before you know it you aren't the only person in here. We should probably get upstairs. That way they don't see anyone sitting inside.”

Kurt took the two cups and started leading Blaine towards a door in the back. They took the stairs to the floor above.

“So euhm, this is my place,” said Kurt shyly.

He opened the door. The cups of coffee were placed on the floor while Kurt took off his shoes before he leaded Blaine towards the couch.

“Wait you actually live about the shop?” asked Blaine while looking around. It wasn't a very big apartment but it was big enough for one person. The kitchen was rather small but big enough for two people to walk around. There was a small kitchen table standing with two chairs and some flowers on it. Then there was a small space where they were now with a couch and a television and this little fireplace that gave the room a homey feeling. On the fireplace there were standing a few pictures and on one wall hung two pictures. One of Kurt with a guy and woman which Blaine guessed where his parents. And another one with Kurt and the same guy, another woman and a boy that look to be around the same age as Kurt.

Kurt just shrugged and sat down. “It's kind of logical you know. It's my shop after all. I mean, I could have rented it to someone else but what would be the point?”

Blaine smiled. “You do have a point.” He took the cup and looked around the cup. “Wait I don't get a drawing today?”

Blaine started pouting when he looked at Kurt. “Are those puppy eyes? Don't use them on me Blaine!”

Blaine kept pouting until Kurt gave in. “Fine.”

He stood up and walked towards the small kitchen to take a black marker.

“How about you drink your cup first? It will make the drawing so much easier.”

Blaine nodded and took a big gulp. “Right, so Kurt, what should I know about you?”

Kurt started giggling. “Well I'm Kurt Hummel, I'm from Ohio and I own the coffee shop with the best coffee in New York according to some customers,” he said winking to Blaine.

“Those customers know for sure what they are talking about,” Blaine winked back.

“I would hope so because I can't stand people lying to me,” said Kurt.

“Good to know that we are on the same boat for that one,” Blaine said happily.

“So how about you?”

“Well I'm Blaine Anderson, I study music at NYU, I'm from New York and I'm a coffee addict! I think that sums it up.”

Kurt smiled at him. “Oh I know about that coffee addiction.”

“You don't know half of it,” said Blaine.

Kurt feigned offense “wait you are having another favorit coffee shop in New York?”

Blaine smirked at him. “Well sometimes I do want a latté instead of a medium drip,” he said playfully.

“Ok that's it, I'm going to look for another favorit customer. No more drawings for you.”

It was that moment that Blaine started pouting again. “You wouldn't!”

“Maybe, maybe not,” Kurt grinned playfully.

Blaine pouted. “Gosh Blaine, ok fine no I wouldn't, happy now?” asked Kurt.

“Very!” Blaine said with a content smile. “So there is something I want to know. I want to be even on the information we know about each other and we aren't right now so that isn't really fair. Tell me Kurt, what's your coffee order?” asked Blaine seriously.

Kurt started laughing. “Really Blaine? I thought you would be asking a mind-blowing question. And I drink every kind of coffee I guess it comes with being the owner of a coffee house but I like a grande nonfat mocha.”

“Oh you are that type,” said Blaine jokingly.

“Wait what do you mean you are that type?”

“The type who is so addicted to coffee that it drinks every kind,” said Blaine grinning.

“It comes with the job,” said Kurt with a shrug.

A silence surrounded them after Kurt's word left his mouth. They just enjoyed it while drinking their coffee again.

Kurt was the first one to break the silence. “You said you study music at NYU, right?”

Blaine nodded. “Yeah, I used to be a member of our high school glee club. We weren't that good and didn't get that far in competitions but I loved to sing and just stand on a stage and forget everything. So I decided to apply at NYU. We actually made a small band, me with some friends. We aren't known yet and I don't know if it's really our intention but we do some gigs.”

Kurt smiled at him. “You should tell me when you play your next gig. I'd love to hear you sing.”

Blaine grinned. “A just let you know when we'll play again. And I don't really only sing.”

“You play instruments?” asked Kurt.

“Yeah, I play the guitar, drums, piano, keyboard, violin and a little bas. I want to learn so many more though.”

“Now I'm really sure you have to show me one time. It was always my dream to play a music instrument but it never happened,” said Kurt.

“Well I happen to be a great teacher so maybe one day I can learn you?”

“I would love that!” Kurt was looking really excited and Blaine couldn't help but think about how nice it would be to learn Kurt to play the guitar or piano.

While he was daydreaming about learning Kurt how to play a music instrument, another question popped up in his head. “How did you actually come on the idea to write on cups of coffee?”

Kurt smiled when the question was asked. “I guess that all goes back to the day I decided to own a coffee shop. It's a long story.”

Blaine shrugged, “It's not like I have anywhere to go tonight.”

“It started a few years back in Ohio. I was the victim of several bullies. Growing up in Ohio being who you are isn't always that simple to say the least and I was never one to hide. My own safe place was the local coffee shop. It was a coffee shop owned and ran by a small family. I would go there when things got to heavy. They had a daughter my age and we became best friends. I would go there almost every day when things didn't look up, when I got another slushy thrown into my face, when I was dumpster tossed or locker shoved. They knew little things about how bad it was and most of the time I didn't have to say what was wrong. Me and Lauren, we hung out a lot. And then senior year arrived. I was busy with school but tried to go there still as much as possible, even if it was to make school work. My original idea was to go to NYADA. I wanted to perform on Broadway but with my letter came the news I wasn't accepted. And it was like all I had fought for all these years had gone to waist. I spend that night in the coffee shop and me & Lauren talked about it all night long. She told me I shouldn't give up and just come to New York and see what life threw towards me.”

Blaine looked at him the whole time during the story, feeling bad that he had the chance to grow up in such a huge city with more respect and less judgment.

“So I found a small apartment, really small and not really expensive. I worked into a small coffee shop here and started earning money to save up or buy food. And then one day I had a really bad day at work and when I was done, I started walking around the streets of New York. I walked past this really cute house and it was being sold. I fell for this house. And then the idea came up, like what if I stop working in the coffee shop and open my own. I called my dad and he wasn't really that fond on my idea at first but he would always support me so I used the money I had for college to buy this and I got some help of my dad and that's how we are sitting here now. I'm quit financial stable now and business is going good so I'm happy.”

Blaine smiled at him. “You are something different, you know that?”

Kurt blushed. “Well it isn't finished yet my story. On my first day, I got a customer who was really upset having a bad day at work and she was on the phone talking about something from work so I wasn't able to ask her name to put on the cup so I decided to just place a message. So I wrote have a nice day. The woman was looking at me weirdly when I started writing on the cup, but when she saw it she started smiling, gave me the money and left. She has been coming back almost every morning ever since.”

Blaine grinned. “Like I said, you are something special.”

Kurt looked up at him and when those blue eyes met the hazel ones, everything became quiet. Blaine wanted to lean in so bad but he just froze. His mind focusing on every color that he saw in Kurt's eyes. And without knowing it, he leaned closer and closer.

But faith wasn't with them as Blaine's phone started ringing. Blaine leaned back and picked up the phone.

Kurt took that moment to take his marker and started drawing on Blaine's cup.

Blaine smiled, watching him as he focused on his class mate talking about a task he didn't understand because he didn't find a paper and if Blaine could bring it tonight.

Blaine promised to bring it as soon as possible and looked at Kurt apologetic when he looked up with a sad look in his eyes.

When he turned off the phone, he looked back to Kurt. “I'm really really sorry but I've to go. A friend of mine can't find his paper for a task we have to turn in like tomorrow.”

Kurt shrugged. “It's ok. I had a nice evening though.”

Blaine smiled. “Yeah me too. We should do this again.”

“I would love that,” grinned Kurt.

Blaine pulled on his shoes and his jacket. Together they made their way down the stairs. Kurt gave Blaine his cup when they were standing in front of the door. “Here like I promised.”

Blaine turned the cup and saw a little drawing of him and Kurt sitting on the couch with their cups of coffee. “You are awfully talented! I promise I will give it a special place!”

Blaine decided to take a chance and leaned forward to hug Kurt. “Thank you for tonight and the cup.”

“It's no problem Blaine,” said Kurt while he relaxed in Blaine's arms.

Blaine unwrapped himself and waved one last time to Kurt, before the door closed behind him.


It was later that evening when Blaine was working on his computer, that he looked back to the new cup on his desk. It was one of his favorites. On the bottom, he had added the date, not wanting to forget his first real conversation with Kurt.


They were friends now, right? He was thinking back to their conversation when realization drew towards him. He slammed his head on his desk and cursed himself in his head. “I forgot to ask his number while I had the chance.”


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