the coffee artist
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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the coffee artist: Chapter 15

T - Words: 2,263 - Last Updated: Jun 13, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Oct 10, 2014 - Updated: Oct 10, 2014
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Author's Notes:

I feel extremely bad that I made you guys wait a month! Its just not acceptable so by this way I want to apologize to each of you for the long wait. Ive no excuses except that school has been a lot of work lately. As the story is slowly nearing its end (2 more chapters!) I also want to thank you for the wait and for keeping up with this story. I promise that you wont have to wait as long for the next chapter!

I also want to explain why I made such a jump in time. It felt right for me to jump to this. They are building there future and adding more would make the story feel forced to my opinion and thats the last thing I want. I hope you like it :) The song I used is marry me by Jason Derulo.

I hope to read what you guys think so please review and well thanks for reading ;) See you next time! Lots of love xoxo

Time came and go. Business was going well and Blaine was now full time performer in the coffee shop. After he had graduated at NYU, he still hadn't found a stable job in the music business but his time would come and they both knew that.

After all they were both quite happy with the life they were living.

It was one of those nights when Blaine was sitting on the couch with Kurt cuddled in his side and pirate on his lap that he just knew that this was what he wanted for the rest of his life.

He wanted the kiss in the morning, the moments that no words were needed, the moments when the love was so visible between them. He wanted the kids and the marriage. He wanted forever.

It was that evening when Kurt went to bed that he stayed up a little longer. He took his phone and started calling the number for the first time in his life.

“Hello,” said the voice on the other side.

“Can you make yourself free in a month,” was all Blaine said before he started explaining it all.


It was a beautiful evening. The coffee shop was full of people, even more busy than most nights.

Blaine took a seat behind the piano and started playing some softer songs as he saw people come and go.

Normally he would play a few songs on the guitar too but his hands wouldn't stop trembling and he knew it wouldn't be a great idea to even try to play a song right now on his guitar.

He finished the song he was playing and some people started applauding.

Most of them had become regulars after opening night. While Blaine was happy that they came back each time, he still hoped that one day there would be a manager in the crowd, seeing his potential.

He looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Ten more minutes and it would be time.

He had everything arranged for tonight. It would be perfect and he knew it.

Blaine took the microphone from the stand. “How about I take a break and I'll be back in let's say 10?”

The crowd nodded understandingly as they started talking with their friends again or doing whatever they had been doing.

Blaine made his way into the small room next to the stage.

He took the suit jacket from the chair and carefully pulled it over his button-up. It wasn't much but it made him look more dapper.

Slowly he made his way towards the large mirror on the wall. He looked at himself.

Somehow he felt like after tonight he would be different in a better way. It was like he needed a minute to get his thought in line and get used to the idea.

He was wearing blue tight pants. A white button-up hugged his chest with a blue jacket covering his shoulders. Blaine knew there was just one more thing missing as he took the blue with black and white striped bowtie that he had bought with Kurt a long time ago.

He grinned happily at himself as he looked at himself one more time. There was no turning back now.

Blaine walked back into the room to see Amber and Mitch in the back. He guessed that they had closed the shop for a bit to see it themselves.

He took place behind the piano as he saw Amber turn off the lights. Some customers looked around surprised, looking why the light wasn't working.

Mitch turned on the fairy lights on the wall. The only other light came now from the stars and the moon out of the window.

Blaine saw some familiar faces in the back and he smiled, knowing they had made it just like they had promised.

Slowly he started to touch the keys as he waited for the only person that was still needed now.

It didn't take more than two minutes until Kurt appeared up the stairs. “What's going on? The shop is closed and the lights are out everywhere,” he asked almost frustrated.

Then he noticed how quiet it had become. He looked around the room, letting out a quiet gasp when he noticed the people in the back.

His head snapped towards Blaine, question evident in his eyes and so much love.

Blaine smiled at him softly and started playing a soft melody of the song he had been practicing for months now. He was still surprised how this song was written so easily. It was like when he just thought of Kurt, the words flew out and there was no stopping.

When the last notes of the intro ended he started singing softly along, his eyes never leaving Kurt's.

A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you
Wake up every morning with you in my bed
Thats precisely what I plan to do

And you know one of these days when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
Well forever be in love, so there aint no need to rush
But one day I wont be able to ask you loud enough

Ill say, "Will you marry me?"
I swear that I will mean it
Ill say, "Will you marry me?"

Ooh whoa ooh oh
Ooh whoa ooh oh
Ooh whoa ooh oh
Oh, yeah

How many boys in the world can make me feel like this?
Baby I dont ever plan to find out
The more I look, the more I find the reasons why
Youre the love of my life

You know one of these days when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
Well forever be in love, so there aint no need to rush
But one day I wont be able to ask you loud enough

Ill say, "Will you marry me?"
I swear that I will mean it
Ill say, "Will you marry me?"

And if I lost everything
In my heart it means nothing
Cause I have you,
boy, I have you
To get right down on bended knee
Nothing else would ever be better, better
That day when...

Ill say, "Will you marry me?"
I swear that I will mean it
Ill say, "Will you marry me?"

Ill say, "Will you marry me?"
(Ill get down on one knee)
I swear that I will mean it
Ill say, "Will you marry me?"

Got me singing
Ooh whoa ooh oh
Got me singing
Ooh whoa ooh oh
Would you marry me, baby?
Ooh whoa ooh oh
Ooh whoa ooh oh
Ooh whoa ooh oh

A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you
Wake up every morning with you in my bed
Thats precisely what I plan to do, yeah.

He smiled softly as he heard some people gasp and look at them. Kurt had his hand over his mouth and Blaine saw how he slowly was pulling the puzzle pieces together.

Blaine stood up from the piano bench, carefully picking up the cup of coffee from next to his bench.

When he was close enough from Kurt, he placed the small cup on the ground and took Kurt's face between his hands.

He placed a soft kiss on his lips. “I remember that one day when I decided to have a cup of coffee in this very coffee shop. There was this incredible cute guy behind the counter who made my day by drawing a silly drawing on my cup of coffee.” Blaine said as he shook his head with a fond smile on his face. “That day changed my life forever Kurt. You made my bad days look so much better, you made me feel happy, feel loved. There is no way I could have hoped that I'd meet my mister right so early in my life but somehow I got lucky enough to do.”

Carefully he wiped away a tear that traveled down Kurt's cheek. “You are one of the strongest, most beautiful people I've ever met. And while we've been together for quite some time now, there are still things I get to learn about you that surprise me. They make me fall even more and harder than I've already fallen. I've fallen so deep, that I know there is no way out of it anymore and honestly, I don't want a way out anymore because all I see as I look at you is our future. I see us in this shop drinking our coffees, I see us together on the couch with pirate, I see us in the future with beautiful children but most of all I see us and it still makes my heart beat a hundred times faster,” Blaine said softly.

He carefully sat down on one knee as he took the coffee cup from the ground and held it up. “I guess this one is for you, Kurt,” he smiled.

He didn't even know if Kurt would be able to read it but Blaine knew that Kurt already knew what was written on the cup.

Kurt took the cup out of Blaine's hands and looked down at the cup. More tears seemed to fall down with each words he read.

Blaine had pasted a picture of the tree of them on the cup and had surrounded it with little hearts. The date was written on the bottom and in the middle was written in neat letters: Kurt Hummel, love of my life, will you marry me?

Kurt couldn't get the words out and started nodding as he looked at the words. He whispered quietly. “Yes, god yes,” as he looked at Blaine with wide eyes.

Blaine stood up and grabbed the cup out of Kurt's hands. He pulled the lit of it and carefully took out the black little box.

He clapped it open in front of Kurt and showed him the ring he had chosen. It was a simple golden ring with three little diamonds inside it. He carefully took out the ring and showed Kurt the message inside the ring.

There was engraved: every day of forever, I'll love you. Next to it was a small heart and a coffee cup engraved with next to it the day they had first met.

Kurt let a few more tears fall as he read what was written inside of it. Blaine carefully took Kurt's hand and placed the ring on his finger.

When the ring was home, he placed a small kiss on it before he started kissing Kurt with everything he had as his own tears slowly started mingling with Kurt's on their cheeks.

People started applauding around them but that didn't matter at the moment. All that mattered were Kurt and Blaine.

Kurt was the first to pull away out of breath. He held out his hand and looked at the ring on it like he couldn't believe it. “I love you so much,” he whispered as he looked back at Blaine.

“I love you too Kurt, every day of forever,” he grinned as he kissed him once more.

They only pulled apart when they heard someone clear his throat behind Kurt. “I guess I should say congratulations to the both of you,” he said.

Kurt let go and turned around in the same movement. “Dad,” he shrieked like he had forgotten his dad was there. Then he pulled his dad into a hug.

Blaine was hugged too by Rachel and Finn and by Carole, Mitch and Amber. Burt was the last one to hug him. “Congratulations kiddo,” he smiled. “I told you he would say yes.”

Kurt turned around and looked at his dad. “Wait, how long have you known?”

“Long enough to book our plane tickets and make it in time,” he grinned. “Blaine actually called me to ask my permission to marry you.”

Kurt shook his head. “Ever the gentleman,” he said softly as he played with his ring.

They were interrupted by Mitch and Amber who had taken the stage. “Congratulations at the newly engaged couple. We'd like to inform you that there are bottles of champagne coming this way and we've enough for everybody. Let's celebrate!”

It's how they spend their night celebrating with their friends and some of the customers. They had pulled on the radio and the party was still in fool motion at 4am.

It was the first time Blaine was able to get Kurt private from all the people congratulating them and catching up with his family.

He pulled Kurt with him towards the dressing room. When they were finally alone, he pressed Kurt against the wall, kissing him softly.

They stayed like that for what felt like hours, exploring each other like it was all new again. Trying to show the other just how much he loved him.

Blaine pulled away slowly and let his head rest against Kurt's. “Are you ready to start forever with me,” he whispered.

Kurt kissed the tip of his nose softly. “I've never been more sure of anything Blaine,” he whispered as he cupped Blaine's face and kissed him again.


They had all the time in the world and tonight was only the beginning.


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