June 13, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 13, 2015, 7 p.m.
I hope you like what I made and I promise that there will be a new chapter soon ;)
This is a bonus "chapter". I wanted to show you guys how I see the coffee shop when I was writing it. It doesnt do fully justice because I had to work with a program I didnt know and with the stuff they showed me but I think it turned out close to what I wanted.
I want to add that the frames on the right present the heart on the side. You should imagine it as a heart! The black thing on the other wall is where the quote is supposed to hang. The stage should be a little higher then the normal floor. The microphone should be in a stand and the piano should be a keyboard but beside that, its so close to what I Imagined. Oh, and dont forget the fairy lights on the walls ;)