the coffee artist
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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the coffee artist: Chapter 13

T - Words: 2,635 - Last Updated: Jun 13, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Oct 10, 2014 - Updated: Oct 10, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Hi everyone, I have so much to tell you guys so if you normally stop reading above here, you better keep reading now.

First of all, I know everyone is sad that glee is over (or at least most of us) but now its up to us to keep it alive. I know there are fanfic writers out there that will stop or will have stopped after glee ended but Ill finish every story I have and probably write a few more. So dont pannick if I havent updated in a while, Im still here alive and writing and thinking about this and the other fanfics.

Second of all I want to thank all of you for supporting me while writing this fanfic and my other fanfics. It means a lot to me to read your comments, see the follows and favorites (on FF) that this story has. It has been amazing for me and Im so happy you guys like it.

To end, I want to say that this story is comming to a place where I think I have maybe 5 chapters left. I want my story to end on a high and I know what I still want to write. I hope you stay till the end though and I hope I wont dissapoint you in the way there :)

Anyway thanks for reading this chapter! Thanks for reviewing if you will and thanks for keeping up with me :) Lots of love xoxo and I see you soon!

It was a warm summer day in New York. Blaine and Kurt were walking hand in hand through central park, enjoying the first shines of sun after all the rain and coldness. It was Kurt's free day and Blaine had decided to leave his school work for a bit and just enjoy some time with Kurt.

Kurt pointed towards a tree a little further. They walked towards it. Kurt took a seat and Blaine nestled himself between his legs.

They just sat there for a while. Cuddled up together, Blaine feeling save with Kurt's arms around him.

It was when Kurt started fiddling with his fingers that he knew something was about to happen.

“You gonna tell me what's on your mind?” he wondered.

Kurt's head shoot right back to Blaine from the distance he had been staring to. “I don't know what you are talking about,” he said, looking like a deer caught by the headlights.

“Oh Kurt,” grinned Blaine as he shook his head. “We've been together for a while, I know you.”

Kurt sighed. “I have something I want to ask you,” he said. “But I don't really know how to ask you.”

Blaine shrugged. “You could just ask me.”

Kurt let out a breathy laugh. “Promise you let me speak before you tell what you think.”

Blaine linked his pinky with Kurt's. “I pinky promise you.”

Kurt started laughing. Blaine wasn't sure but he thought he heard Kurt mumble something like dork under his breath. Blaine let himself lean back as he waited for Kurt to tell what had been on his mind.

“I've been thinking that the coffee shop has been growing a lot. There is a lot potential with it and even though I might not do this for the rest of my life, I want to make it in something big until I don't want to do this anymore,” said Kurt.

Blaine nodded against his chest as he waited for the rest to come out. “So I've been thinking about how the shop is getting a bit little for all the people but I don't want to move it as people know now where it is.”

Blaine nodded once again. “So what do you want to do? Buy a new store somewhere else or buy a house next door to make it bigger?”

Kurt sighed and Blaine felt how he shook his head against his head. “Not really. I was thinking about us moving out from above the shop and buying a house. Like a full house and not a small apartment above the shop. Somewhere with a garden for Pirate and somewhere we could stay until we are grey and old. Somewhere we'll be able to have kids if we one day decide to have kids,” said Kurt in one breath.

Blaine let the words sink in. He noticed how Kurt got even more nervous with every passing minute.

“Say something,” pleaded Kurt, worried that he had screwed up.

“I think we've to be realistic about this Kurt. I'm still in college. I mean, I have some money saved up but I'm not able to afford a full house,” he whispered as he turned around in Kurt's arms.

“But I have. I saved quite a bit money and with business going great, we could surely afford it. To renovate the upper half of the shop, I can get a loan by the bank,” Kurt said, hope shining in his eyes.

Blaine let his hands cup Kurt's face. “You know I want what you want Kurt but I want our relationship to be equal. If we buy a house together, I'm going to pay half of it or at least let me pay it back. We also should make sure if we buy a house together that it's rather close to my college and your shop,” Blaine said.

“Is that a yes,” asked Kurt in the most adorable way.

Blaine shook his head with a playful sigh. “I guess it is.”

He felt Kurt lean forward as his lips met Blaine's. They kissed fiercely for a few minutes, letting the reality sink in.

When Kurt pulled away, he was breathless. “I love you so much Blaine Anderson, you have no idea.”

Blaine smiled. “And I love you just as much,” he whispered as his lips kisses Kurt's nose. “I guess we'll have to arrange a few things but tonight, we should celebrate.”

Kurt grinned at him. “I would like that.”

Blaine stood up and duster off his pants. Then he held out his hand for Kurt to take and helped him stand up. “Let's get out of here,” he whispered in Kurt's ear.

He linked his hand with Kurt as they all but skipped out of the park, wanting nothing more than to celebrate this forever.


A few weeks passed. It was frustrating going house hunting in New York city with everything they wanted. Beside that the prices were much too high.

It's how they started looking further and further away from the shop. Looking at the rand of New York, finding the perfect house.

And then one day, they just found it.


Blaine watched how the real estate agent stopped in front of a house. It looked big from the outside and had white stones. The house had something light and inviting. The front garden had a lot of flowers and a tree with a hammock chair for two persons.

It looked extremely cozy. Blaine looked at Kurt and saw him smile at him. He knew they were having the same feeling.

The real estate agent walked them towards the door and opened it for them. “Do you want me to look through it with you or do you want to look alone first?”

“We'd like to take a look alone first,” said Kurt with a friendly smile.

He linked hands with Blaine and walked inside the house. The house looked just as light from the inside as from the outside. The tiles where crème colored and the walls were painted white. They walked through the first door, which leaded to the living room. It looked just like the hallway but it was so much bigger. There was a lot of glass which gave the feeling that you got all the air you wanted.

The living room was in the same room as the kitchen. Blaine heard Kurt let out a gasp as his fingers trailed the kitchen cabinets. It had a kitchen island where Blaine could already see them eat breakfast. The glass gave them an excellent overview of the small garden which held a few trees, flowers and a garden shed.

Kurt leaded them back towards the hallway. They took the stairs and went to the next level. They stood in a hallway with five doors. One was turned into a study. Blaine imagined it would more look like a music room and he knew Kurt would totally be ok with that. The next door went to the first bedroom with an adjacent bathroom. The room wasn't too big but big enough. Blaine could see this being a guestroom.

There were 2 more bedrooms on the other side. Both a little bigger than the smaller bedroom and both holding an adjacent bathroom. Blaine knew one of those would be theirs and one of those would belong to one of their kids one day.

There was one more level left which held quite a large loft. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist and held him tightly. “You know if we decide after our first child to have another one, we can turn this into a bedroom 2 and turn this into a space for the children to hang out.”

He looked at Kurt as best as possible from where he could and saw Kurt's lips turn up in a smile. “I guess that would work,” he whispers.

They walked back downstairs to see the real estate agent waiting for them. “So what do you think?”

Blaine looked back at Kurt to see him smiling. “I think it's perfect for us.”

They talked about how much it was going to pay and placed on offer.

It was only when they were later at home, cuddled close together that they realized what just happened. They looked at each other, laying side by side. Sweet kisses traded in the middle with shocked words of denial and sweet worlds of love. This was the start of their beginning.


It didn't take long for the offer to be accepted. It took even less for Kurt and Blaine to move in. The next day, they arrived at their new house with a key and a few of their stuff loaded into the back of Kurt's car.

A truck was already waiting with the heavier and larger stuff of their loft. Work men loaded them out and placed them neatly as Kurt pointed out where they wanted them.

Blaine carried in the smaller things, stopping every once in a while to just look at Kurt and enjoy the happy feeling that was settling in his belly.

It took them 3 car rides to get all their smaller stuff in their new house and Kurt insisted that their clothes should at least be moved into their bedroom closet.

It was 9 pm as Blaine let himself fall in the hammock chair. He left his eyes fall close, his muscles feeling achy from all the carrying.

He was slowly falling asleep when he felt the chair move a bit. His eyes opened slowly and were met by Kurt sitting down next to him.

Kurt's arm wrapped around him and Blaine let himself fall against his shoulder. “Heavy day?” asked Kurt.

“Heavy but the best,” Blaine smiled with his eyes closed.

“How about I make you a warm bath and then we enjoy our first night in our new house?” smiled Kurt.

Blaine practically moaned at the idea. “I think that sounds heavenly.”

Kurt unwrapped himself from Blaine and placed a kiss against his cheek. His mouth lingering by his ear. “I see you in a few,” he whispered in Blaine's ear as he walked towards the house.

Blaine felt himself smile as his eyes followed Kurt walking into the house.

Tonight was only the start of forever.


It was the next day, when everything stood into place that Kurt let out a heavy sigh. “Blaine we need more stuff. Half our house is empty,” he whined.

Blaine started laughing from where he had been lying on the couch while playing with Pirate. “I knew this was coming so I made the perfect idea,” he grinned as he placed pirate on the ground.

Pirate let out a noise of discontent and made his way over to his private corner. Kurt shook his head and rolled his eyes, the cat was so attached to Blaine.

Blaine smiled as he stood up and walked towards Kurt. He took his hand and leaded him towards the hallway. “Put on your jacket and some shoes, we're going out and I'm driving,” he said in a singsong voice.

Kurt gave himself over and let Blaine drove him. He only started laughing when Blaine stopped in front of a huge Ikea. “Seriously, this is your master idea?”

Blaine grinned at him. “I know it's not really high fashion but their stuff are good and last long and are not so expensive. Let's go shopping,” he yelled happily as he left the car.

Kurt followed, shaking his head fondly.

It's how they spend there they in the Ikea. Blaine probably tested every chair and bed and he even made Kurt make some fun.

They bought a smaller couch for in the music room and a bed and a small dresser for the guestroom. Then they went to the part where you could buy smaller stuff and they almost loaded there shopping cart full.

It was good thing that Kurt had started to earn more money with the shop because otherwise there would be no way they'd be able to afford all the stuff.

They paid for everything and went home happily. Kurt smiled at him once they were home and loading everything out of the car. “Thank you for today,” he smiled. “It was a good idea.”

Blaine grinned from where he was placing some candles on the table. “I knew it was. I guess now our house is fully done.”

Kurt grinned mischievous from where he was standing. “Almost. We have a few years to make it fully done,” he winked as he turned around and went to take the rest.

Blaine looked at him with his mouth open, shaking his head. Yeah, they still had a few years for that.


It was late in the evening when they were cuddling on the couch, pirate spread over their legs enjoying the warmth.

The fireplace was crackling and the wall was showing their shadows, it felt homey.

Blaine sighed happily and cuddled a little closer to Kurt while scratching behind Pirate's ear.

“How are things at the shop,” he asked.

“We start with the works next week. I'm excited but I hope the customers won't mind the noise from upstairs. I know you havent seen yet what it's going to be like but I know you'll like it. It'll all be renovated and looking so new,” he grinned as he leaned forward and took a sip from his cup of coffee.

Blaine smiled fondly at Kurt. “I know it'll look amazing with you designing it. Maybe if you ever don't want to hold the coffee shop, you could do something with it,” he shrugged.

Kurt looked at him thinking. “Yeah maybe, it would be easy combined with the coffee shop too,” Kurt thought out loud.

“You still have time to figure it out Kurt. One step at a time,” smiled Blaine.

“As long as each step is taken with you, I don't mind,” grinned Kurt.

Blaine leaned up and kissed Kurt's lips. “I guess we've a deal then.”

Blaine leaned forward and took his cup of coffee. He turned his cup, looking for a drawing. He grinned when he saw the two of them cuddled on the couch with pirate laying on the coffee table. “You thought close,” laughed Blaine as he pointed at the drawing. His fingers followed the letters on top. It said: our first steps to forever and the date of them moving in the new house.

Kurt laughed. “I guess I just knew that we'd end this night so carefully.”

They stayed just like that a while longer, enjoying the warmth and each other. As the sky grew darker, Blaine turned off the fire and they walked to their new bedroom hand in hand.

Blaine walked towards their closet, Kurt's eyes following his carefully.

Blaine found the box at the end of the closet and pulled it out. He opened it and inside were all the coffee cups that had a special meaning behind it. He carefully placed the cup next to the others and back in the closet.

It was when he stood up that he felt two arms wrap around him. “I love you,” Kurt whispered in his ear.

“One day,” whispered Blaine as he turned in Kurt's arm, “Well put all these cup in a room and it'll be our memory room. Holding each important moment to us and it will be unique because I know 100 % sure that there isn't a couple out there that is just as cute as we are.”

Kurt giggled and kissed his lips. “I guess we are pretty unique.”


“And I wouldn't want it any other way,” smiled Blaine as their lips met again and again for the rest of the night.


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