the coffee artist
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the coffee artist: Chapter 10

T - Words: 2,578 - Last Updated: Jun 13, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Oct 10, 2014 - Updated: Oct 10, 2014
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Author's Notes:

a new chapter a little late today! Its also a little different but I hope you enjoy it! Let me know ;) lots of love xoxo

Weeks had passed since the day Blaine moved in with Kurt. And life was perfect! There really wasn't another word to describe it. He felt happier than ever. Every morning, he woke up next to Kurt. Every evening they would cook together, watch some TV and go to bed together. He loved it!

Slowly all his stuff got their own place. Boxes were moved out of the house and soon it became fully theirs. It was home.


Blaine walked home, his walk a little faster than usually. To say today was bad was the understatement of the year.

First he woke up earlier then Kurt. He wanted to surprise him with some breakfast only to crash his little toe against the bed and Kurt wide awake of course.

Then he wanted to take a shower only to realize that there would be only cold water to shower in, which didn't improve his mood.

Thanks to trying to get warm water out of the shower, he didn't have time to get any breakfast at all. He got his coffee from Kurt and ran out of the door as fast as possible, hoping it would be better.

During his first class, his stomach was making himself noticed the whole time just to let him know he didn't had any breakfast which had all of the others students looking at him strangely and the teacher asking him kindly to eat something the next time. He couldn't get any more embarrassed, at least that's what he thought.

The second hour, he was sitting in class trying to burn the last hour from his mind. His lecturer was and older man who was very strict. And just that hour on that day his phone decided to go off.

The teacher looked up and Blaine had to leave the course while all people were watching him. When he got out of the room as soon as possible, he saw it was a text message from his brother Cooper with just a message saying that he would be in New York the next week. It wasn't something he looked forward to as he and Cooper didn't get along so well.

With a sigh, he decided to go to the nearest coffee shop to get just a little bit of caffeine in it, he needed it.

He walked into the small Starbucks on the corner of the street from his campus. Not his first choice as he knew seeing Kurt would make him feel much better but it wasn't like he had that much time and he had a whole class to catch up on.

He walked into the small shop to see a long row in front of him. Knowing that he wouldn't have time anymore to study, he stood at the end of the line which slowly moved forward.

While standing in the row, at least one woman had stood on his feet and a girl who passed by had spilled a little of her coffee on his shoe. And if that had only be it!

But no, once he stood in front of the line, he noticed who was standing behind the counter.

“Oh wauw, who do we have here? Still sex on a stick I see?” asked the guy with a smirk on his face.

Blaine tried to ignore him. “A medium drip please,” he said as he took out his wallet.

“Blaine really? It's Sebastian,” said the guy.

“Oh I know who you are, can in now pay please?” asked Blaine, trying to sound politely.

Sebastian typed his order into the system and told him how much he had to pay.

“Now Blaine, how about we chat by some time? I'm sure we have a lot of catching up to do and well I'm alone, you are alone, it's new York and you never said yes to any of my advances so how about we change that?” asked Sebastian, trying to sound flirty.

“You may be alone, I'm not. I'm happily living together so no,” and then Blaine moved to the end of the counter to get his coffee, walking as fast as he could out of the Starbucks shop.

Not feeling thirsty anymore, he dropped the coffee in the first bin down the road.

He walked back to his classes, trying to get some notes from the other students but not many of them were willing to give. Blaine just really wanted to bang his face against his table, but knew that wasn't the best idea during this class.

He tried to stay concentrated and get as many noted as possible as it looked like it that he would have to study the whole hour before on his own.

He counted the minutes on his watch and he was so glad that he was out of his two hour class.

Blaine bought a sandwich down the road and took a seat on the nearest bench. Carefully he ate his sandwich, not realizing the sky had turned rather dark until the first raindrop hit his skin.

He could only run inside the building with his bag over his head, trying not to get too wet.

Once in the class, he realized he didn't have his book for the last class which meant he wouldn't be able to read with the lector and would only be able to take some side notes.

You wouldn't believe how happy Blaine was when the last class was dismissed. He just wanted to get home and see Kurt and maybe take a warm bath before he had to catch up with three hours of classes.

Blaine walked a little faster home then usually. He let out a sigh of relieve when he saw the coffee shop nearing.

Inside it was more busy then most days. Almost all the tables were filled and a little row was forming.

Blaine knew he wouldn't get his daily Kurt cup of coffee after school, let alone a hug and a kiss when the shop was so full so he settled for a wave and went up the stairs.

He placed his bag next to the table and started to work on the classes he had missed, hoping it wasn't to difficult so he could catch up.


A few hour had passed and Blaine hadn't noticed it. His books were spread over the table and his mind was set on the texts in front of him, trying to understand what it was going on about.

A little shock went through his body when he felt two hands on his shoulders. “You didn't come and get your coffee this afternoon,” pouted Kurt.

“It was busy in the shop, I didn't want to disturb you,” Blaine answered while writing something down.

“I wouldn't have minded you know. Just so you know next time. Although it was a rather busy day. Seems like people are finally realizing the same you did,” said Kurt.

Blaine mumbled an agree under his breath.

“Something wrong Blaine?” asked Kurt.

“Gosh Kurt, I'm working, don't you see that? Let me work for a bit,” said Blaine in an almost angry sounding voice.

Kurt was a little shocked and slowly moved his arms from Blaine's shoulders. He took a step back and slowly walked out of the room.

Blaine only realized that Kurt had left the house when he heard the door down the stairs close.


To tell Blaine wasn't feeling guilty would be a lie. He had looked more at the clock then read in his book. It had been an hour and he was starting to get worried.

He stood up and walked towards the window, looking at the people down the stairs and trying to find Kurt. He had messed up a little and he knew it but today had just been so frustrated and he had just been on such a difficult part of his book and then Kurt was there and gosh it was no reason, he knew that but still.

He let his head fall forward and his mind wander back. The cold of the window calming him down a little.

A voice cleared behind him and Blaine turned around.

Kurt was leaning against the door. His arms were crossed over his chest and Blaine knew that meant that Kurt was feeling just as stressed as he was.

“I'm sorry,” whispered Blaine. He wasn't sure if Kurt heard him but he didn't dare to break the silence in the room.

He hadn't noticed how while standing by the window, some lonely tears had travelled down his cheek until he felt the last one make his way down his cheek.

Blaine's hand moved up to remove the tears from his face. He pinched his nose, trying to calm himself a little.

“Today has just been awful and I know it's no reason for me to snap like that to you but really if I told you what today was like, you wouldn't believe it had really happened at all,” said Blaine quietly.

Kurt looked at him a little longer before he turned around. Blaine was about to walk towards him in case he wanted to leave but Kurt's voice made him stand still. “I get us some coffee, we can talk then.”

Blaine nodded and took a seat on the couch.

It's how Blaine and Kurt found themselves on the couch, talking about Blaine's day. Kurt had wrapped him into the hug before he was halfway into his story.

When the story was done and their cups were empty, Kurt placed a kiss on Blaine's forehead.

“I know there might be shitty days, I know there might be days where you think like everything goes wrong but that's where I am for. I'm here to help you through those Blaine. It's what I signed up for when I asked you to move in with me because I want to live it all with you. I want to get through the good moments together and also through the bad,” said Kurt. “But in the end, we always have each other.”

Blaine hugged Kurt a little tighter. “And I should probably apologize too,” said Kurt.

Blaine shot up and looked at him. “Why?”

“Because I ran away. I should have stayed and talked to you because that's how relationships last,” said Kurt.

Blaine leaned forward and pressed his lips against Kurt's. “I guess we have to learn together. The storms may get dark and the sun may shine bright but the rainbows is what we should live for, because they are worth remembering.”

Kurt grinned at him. “How about we order some Chinese, take a bath together and get an early night of sleep?” wondered Kurt.

“I think it sounds perfect,” whispered Blaine as he nuzzled himself further in Kurt's chest.


They first ordered in their Chinese. They took out too plated and ate their Chinese with the little chopsticks while trying to steal as many food from the others plate as possible.

Blaine couldn't help but love it and he felt himself relax almost immediately.

Then they took a long warm bath together. Blaine wished he could stay forever in that moment as little candles lit up the room. His back against Kurt's chest and his head buried in the crook of Kurt's neck.

Blaine was almost dozing off when he felt some bubbles collide with his face. He turned around to see Kurt looking around sheepishly.

Blaine moved the soap from his face. “Oh Hummel, this is war,” he said as he scooped up some bubbles and made them collide with Kurt's face, trying to make a beard.

“Blaine, you didn't just do that!” said Kurt warningly.

“Well it's not like you have any evidence,” Blaine tried as he jump out of the bath, Kurt following close behind, trying to catch him as his hands held some of the soap.

It ended with a house full of soap and a bath with only water.

They ended up cleaning the house, putting on their PJ's and blowing out all the candles together.

When everything was done, Kurt held out his hand and leaded Blaine towards their room.

Blaine let himself fall down the bed. “You have no idea how happy I am to just get some sleep.”

Kurt laughed behind him. “Well maybe you should move a little or I'm going to need to sleep on you.”

Blaine shook his head. “There is no way I'm moving even an inch.”

He didn't really notice what he had fully said until he felt Kurt lay down on top of him, sprawled out.

“Kurt you are kind heavy,” mumbled Blaine.

“Too bad, I gave you a chance, you didn't take it. Goodnight Blaine,” Kurt whispered as he pressed a kiss against Blaine's cheek.

“Goodnight Kurt,” whispered Blaine as he slowly fell asleep.


Blaine was woken up by the smell of eggs. He opened his eyes to see Kurt slowly crawling on the bed with a plate in his hands. “Morning Blaine,” he whispered.

“Morning baby,” whispered Blaine back. He sat up and went through his eyes with his hands. “What this?”

“I wanted to surprise you and hopefully this way you'll morning will go twice as good as yesterday,” said Kurt with a tiny smile on his face.

“How did I get so lucky?” whispered Blaine as he leaned closer to Kurt's face.

“I wonder the same every day,” was all Kurt whispered as his lips collided with Blaine's into a soft morning kiss.


Blaine walked out of his and Kurt's room with his bag, ready for a day of school. He went down the stairs to see a line already forming in Kurt's shop.

He smiled at Kurt and was about to leave when Kurt stopped him with his hand.

He excused himself from his customer and walked towards Blaine with a cup.

“Here you go Blaine, have a good day,” whispered Kurt as he leaned forward to press a kiss on his cheek and give him a half hug.

“I'm sure it will,” whispered Blaine back and with a last wave he was out of the door.


Blaine was sitting in his first class, which was going way better than yesterday.

He had double checked if his phone was off and one of the other students had made some copies for him which would make studying so much better!

He was about to take a sip from his coffee when he saw something on the side.

The first drawing was the both of them being separated by a wall, both looking sad.

The second on was both of them together in the bath with candles surrounding them as well as hearts. Above was written in Kurt's perfect handwriting: The storms may get dark and the sun may shine bright but the rainbows is what we should live for, because they are worth remembering.

Under the drawing was written: no matter how much we fight, I'll always love you. Never forget that!

Blaine felt a wide smile form on his face. He took his phone out of his bag and held it under the table. “I love you so much and every day I love you a little more. Thanks for the drawing baby, see you tonight! Xoxo love Blaine!”


He put his phone back in his bag and looked back at his books. Yeah, today wasn't so bad.


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