Sept. 4, 2012, 3:44 p.m.
Sept. 4, 2012, 3:44 p.m.
Kurt was sitting beside Mercedes and Britany in English class. His teacher, Mrs. Alexander, wasn’t the best teacher and was surely irritable. As they were learning how to write a proper argument essay, Kurt was reading Blaine’s texts and texting him back underneath the desk;
So how do you feel about parties?
Kurt raised an eyebrow. Was Blaine planning on taking him to one? He’s sure that Blaine would be drunk, and he might have a little bit to drink too. Of course, he would probably embarrass himself, and he could barely control his urges with Blaine already; who knows how far they’d go. He decided he’d spend some time to think about it. If Blaine was even asking him to go to one.
You know how I feel about them :P why?
Wanna go to one on Friday?
Kurt was going to decide against it, but then he thought of all of the perfect dates they’d had before today. Blaine, despite seeming like a bad boy, was always a gentleman, and never took things too far. It couldn’t hurt, could it?
I’ll think about it. Also, guess what?!
Kurt was incredibly excited. He performed a song called ‘Rose’s Turn’ on stage one time alone in grade 10, but it turned out he wasn’t alone; Tina was going to use the auditorium to practice her vocal range when she saw Kurt, and now, senior year, she brought it up in rehearsals. Kurt was hoping to perform it this year for sectionals, considering it would be a perfect opening number; just like Rachel’s “Don’t Rain on My Parade” at their very first sectionals two years ago.
He smiled at the thought, and just then his phone vibrated.
Good, you should have a little fun ;) and what?
Kurt chuckled quietly, and it must have caught the teacher’s attention, because just as he was going to text Blaine about his possible solo, Mrs. Alexander was at the front of his desk, holding out her hand.
“In exchange for your phone, I’ll give you a detention,” she stated smugly. Kurt sighed and gave her his phone, making sure that it was on silent and locked before giving it to her; Blaine could be very suggestive in his texts, and he didn’t want her snooping in on his personal life.
“So I’m guessing you’re not coming to Glee practice tonight Kurt?” Rachel asked, turning towards Kurt. He wasn’t sure if she was asking for Kurt’s sake, or that fact that it’s one less person there to steal away a solo from her. Of course, Kurt was never really sure of Rachel’s intentions.
“That’s impossible; unicorns don’t get detention,” Britany commented, probably thinking aloud. Once again, Kurt wasn’t quite sure what went on in this girl’s mind.
The bell rang just then, and Kurt answered them both as he packed up his stuff, sighing, “Sorry Brit, I won’t be there. Rachel, make sure that Mr. Shue knows I definitely want a solo!” He waved goodbye at both of them before walking out of the class and to his locker before detentions started. He was hoping that Rachel would actually tell that to Mr. Shue; he really wanted a solo…
Luckily, English was the last class of his day, so he wouldn’t have to live without a cellular device for too long. Once he closed his locker, he headed towards the detention room and sat down, starting his homework. He was barely paying attention though; all he could think about was Blaine and that party.
As Blaine was peeking through the door to the Glee club’s room trying to get a better look, Mercedes noticed him, and when they finished their song he got ushered in. “Come on in, white boy.”
He walked in confidently and looked around the room, once again not seeing Kurt. He did, however, notice the Latino girl walking up to him. She grinned and jutted her hip out, placing her hand on it lightly. “Damn, if this is the Lima Bean delivery, I’ll make sure to give you an extra tip,” she winked and, like a snake, walked slowly and sharply to her seat. Mr. Shue just rolled his eyes, and simultaneously Rachel looked over and spotted Blaine.
“SPY!” she yelled, getting over excited about the whole ordeal.
Blaine just raised an eyebrow at her, “Now, I know I’m a Warbler, but I’m not here to spy at all despite your crazy ideas. I just came to drop something off for Kurt.”
Mercedes and Tina ‘awwed’ while the other girl said, “Oh so you’re the guy Kurt told us about. I give Kurt props. You’re hot,” she stated, pointing a finger towards him. “How did he get you as a boyfriend? Or, are you guys just friends with benefits? Because I couldn’t imagine Kurt getting a guy without at least giving a little bit in return. Of course, that isn’t really Kurt’s style.” She thought aloud, and then changed the subject. “Now I know you’re gay, but just in case you’re not getting any, I’ll give you an opportunity with me; I wouldn’t mind if you rammed into my –“
“Santana!” Mr. Shue interrupted harshly, turning away from her and towards Blaine. “You’re welcome to stay here and watch; we’re just doing vocal warm ups for now. Unfortunately, Kurt didn’t show up today.”
“He got a detention,” Rachel explained. “He did tell me that he wanted a solo. I was supposed to tell everyone that, but I accidentally –“
“Yeah, accidentally,” Mercedes muttered, Sam giving her leg a squeeze.
“– forgot to mention it to you. Although, I don’t think it’s any use; I’ll obviously be getting all of the solos.”
“Whatever, man hands,” the Latino girl, Santana, chimed in. “Now, I suggest you go find Porcelain. Also, I’m from Lima Heights Adjacent, and if you hurt him, I will break one of your nuts. Left or right; you choose.”
“Sounds good,” Blaine chuckled, “I’m going to go find him now.”
He walked farther down the hall to find the detention classroom. He wondered what Kurt did to get in there. It was probably not even a big deal. He looked at Kurt to find him sitting at a desk, hovering over a sheet of paper with a math equation on it. Blaine leaned against the door slightly; he admired Kurt’s drive and control over his responsibilities; he knew what he wanted and he knew how and what he would do to get it.
At one point, the teacher walked away and into the hall through the back door, so Blaine took the opportunity of an open door to walk through it. He checked if the coast was clear before heading in to talk to Kurt. Kurt, at the moment, was too focused on his work to notice Blaine behind him.
About 30 minutes later, the teacher – Kurt had no idea who it was, but he looked bored as well – went to the washroom, and left Kurt by himself. He debated leaving, but detentions suck as is; he’d probably get more. So, he stayed seated at his desk, resting his chin on his elbow and looking down at his work, trying to concentrate. He only had about 5 minutes left of his detention, but it was still hell. He sighed, looking down at his desk and getting lost in his mind. He suddenly felt hands on his shoulders, and let’s say he didn’t respond very calmly.
“What the fuck?!” Kurt yelped, pushing his hands down on the desk to propel him out of his seat. Once he was up, he turned around with a hand clutched to his chest to see Blaine. “Blaine, you scared this shit out of me!” The visit from Blaine, although quite a nice surprise, was incredibly unexpected; how did he even know where Kurt was?
“First a detention and now swearing,” Blaine grinned, moving close to Kurt, “When did my boyfriend become such a rebel?”
Kurt blinked a few times, in a little bit of a daze; they’re boyfriends? They never discussed that topic, and Kurt obviously didn’t have a problem with that. He raised his eye brows and smiled, about to confirm that with him, when he heard the teacher coming. “Shit, Blaine hide!”
“I’ll get right to that,” he replied, walking over to the corner and sliding himself in beside the doorframe, hopefully out of sight from the teacher’s view. He was, considering the teacher didn’t even look in his direction when she told Kurt he could leave and vacated the room, leaving Kurt’s cell phone on the desk. As soon as Blaine heard the door shut, he walked to the front desk, grabbed Kurt’s phone, and handed it back to him, noticing his name was still ‘sex god’.
“We’re boyfriends?” Kurt interrupted Blaine’s train of thought, and he looked up to see Kurt eyeing him expectantly. Honestly, he was hoping to have a serious conversation about it with Kurt, considering he’s never actually had a legitimate boyfriend before - just fuck buddies - but he missed Kurt too much to want to talk at the moment.
“Yeah, unless you oppose to that.”
“Not at all,” Kurt whispered as Blaine closed the distance between them, pulling Kurt in for a passionate kiss.
They held on to each other for a moment, taking in the feeling of the kiss. When they broke apart, Blaine said, “I missed you.”
“Blaine, we saw each other on Saturday,” Kurt stated.
“I’m surprised you didn’t say you missed me too; I don’t know how you could live without your sex god.”
That earned him a playful slap from Kurt, “I’ve been meaning to change that.”
“Well, it does suit me.”
“Oh really?” Kurt asked sarcastically. He didn’t get an answer from Blaine though, since he leaned in to kiss Kurt another time. They kissed for a while, and at one point they seemed to have a mutual agreement, for their tongues touched, mouths open against each other’s. Kurt still couldn’t get over the amazing feeling of kissing Blaine. It never got tiring, and he felt as if he could do it forever. Even though he thought that in movies or other shows it was gross, this was just sweet.
However, things took a turn when Blaine backed him up against a chalk board, biting his lip gently as they pulled apart. Their gazes locked on each other's, and Kurt took Blaine’s head to push their lips back together with an astounding force.
Things were heating up fast; Kurt moaned against Blaine’s mouth, deepening the kiss. Blaine brought his hands around Kurt’s waist, underneath his shirt, which gave Kurt shivers. He wondered how Blaine got to be so amazing with kissing, and also wondered what Blaine thought of his skills, if he had any. He didn't want to stop kissing to ask, though, so he just continued on. Kurt lifted his own hands, finding something for them to do, and placed them underneath Blaine’s shirt on to his stomach. He definitely has abs, Kurt thought, running his hands up and down. He ran his hands higher at one point, feeling Blaine’s incredibly fast heart rate, and Blaine bit on Kurt’s lip again, groaning at the feeling of Kurt’s fingers playing gently across his abdomen. Kurt guessed that he was at least doing something right. They kissed fiercely, Blaine rubbing his thumbs on Kurt’s hipbones, and Kurt couldn’t take it any longer; he needed something, anything, from Blaine.
Realizing where they were, though, he broke the kiss, both of them panting. “We should probably head home,” he suggested, running his hands down Blaine’s chest one more time before pulling them out from underneath Blaine’s shirt.
Blaine didn’t seem that content, considering he thought that Kurt meant in separate vehicles to different places. He didn’t speak, still catching his breath while Kurt grabbed his things. He took Blaine’s hand and pulled him forward quickly, out of the classroom and into the hallway, heading towards the exit. Once they reached the doors, Kurt opened them and let Blaine pass through before grabbing his hand again, pulling him towards his car.
“My bike –“ Blaine began.
“I’m sure you could get it later. My house is only a few minutes away from school.”
Blaine nearly stopped in his tracks; Kurt is bringing him to his house? For what exactly? Will he have to meet his parents?
“Both my dad and Carol are at work right now, and Finn’s at football practise, so we’ll have some time to hang out.”
Well, that explains everything.
When they reached Kurt’s car, Kurt put his bags in the trunk before opening the passenger’s door, letting Blaine inside before heading over to the driver’s side and hopping in the car, driving towards his house.
Fun story! Well written & I am enjoying this, so thanks for writing.
I loved Kurt's reaction to Blaine putting his hands on his shoulders...I'm surprised he didn't plant one on Blaine's nose!!!
I love this so much, it's amazing!
I really like this story :)! Can't wait for the next chapter.
Oh I like where this is headed! What happened to the baby penguin? Good story... Very cute.