Sept. 4, 2012, 3:44 p.m.
Sept. 4, 2012, 3:44 p.m.
On Monday the next week, Blaine was still smiling about Saturday when he and Kurt walked in the woods. The look on Kurt’s face when he stepped in mud was priceless, and he also enjoyed pinning Kurt against the tree while making out. Thankfully, it was a pretty quiet area, so they had a long time to enjoy each other’s company.
He was too lost in his own mind to notice Mark and Rob at the top of the hill with their new friend. He wasn’t quite sure who it was yet; he must have been a new student. He was decently attractive, and the summer version of Blaine Anderson might have wanted him as a friend with benefits, but the most he was wondering about him now was whether he wanted to join the Warblers.
“Blaine Anderson,” Mark said slowly, taking Blaine’s attention from the text he just received from Kurt. “It’s been a while.” The two of them, his friends, were smoking cigarettes. He could smell it, and it tempted him slightly; he needed to leave real soon.
The other boy wasn’t smoking, but was sitting there, phone in hand, laughing at something on the screen. He seemed innocent enough, but would probably be converted into the boy Blaine was during the summer soon. Poor kid.
“Hey guys,” Blaine began, unsure of what to say next, “yeah, it has been, what’s going on?”
“Not much,” Rob continued, “we were going to go get high in a few minutes, wanna come?”
“I would –“ Blaine started, only half a lie “ – but I have to go meet someone in a bit.”
“Who, your new bf?” Rob asked, a smirk on his face.
“Yeah,” Mark added, “I heard you were whipped now. What happened to player Blaine?”
It’s true; Blaine has kind of changed since the summer. If he were to keep hanging out with these ‘friends’, he would have kept partying, drinking, smoking, and many other bad things still. He’s been spending most of his time with Kurt, though, and also with the Warblers, so he hasn’t spent much time with Mark or Rob. Apparently, they’ve found a replacement, though.
“I’m not whipped,” Blaine scoffed, grinning, “plus, at least I have someone.”
“True,” Rob’s smile fell a little bit. The other boy was still sitting there awkwardly, not knowing what to say. “At least come to my party this Friday. Sebastian’s coming, right?”
“Yeah,” the other boy, Sebastian, said. “You?” he asked Blaine, giving him a wink and a smile. Blaine was guessing that he was gay.
“Yeah sure,” Blaine replied, not sure whether he was actually going to go.
“Sounds good,” Mark said, fishing through his bag for a moment. “Want a cigarette?”
“Naw,” Blaine answered, “I’m trying to quit.”
“Whatever, pussy,” Rob chuckled.
“I’ll see you guys later,” Blaine grinned, ending the conversation, and they all said bye as he walked away, heading towards his car. He looked back at his phone to find a funny text from Kurt, making him giggle. He was glad that Kurt came into his life; he was mostly just sad and angry during the summer, wanting to get it over with so he can start his senior year at high school, get good grades, and leave. As much as he loved his parents, he wasn’t too sure of how they’d react when they found out he was gay. He was wondering what his life would have been like now if he would have told them long ago.
Maybe now he would tell them. He knew that if his parents were to disown him or something crazy like that, that he always had his friends to support him. Now, though, he has a reason to tell them. He had Kurt.
He wasn’t sure why, but Kurt wasn’t just a summer fling. Maybe it was the fact that he had high morals, or that he was pretty smart. Or maybe, it was the fact that Kurt was an incredibly passionate person. Blaine could see the way his face lights up when he talks about Glee or getting in to Julliard. Blaine wishes he had that amount of passion in him.
He wondered, though, what Kurt would think when he found out that Blaine hasn’t told his parents yet. He’s told everyone but them, basically. His friends accept him, and although some people don’t, their opinions don’t affect him as much as his parents’ will. It’s also his home, and where he got his money. If his parents did decide to disown him, how would he ever get into a university?
He still had a year to think about that though. When he was ready, he’d tell his parents, and would hopefully be able to take anything thrown at him. At least he would hopefully have Kurt at his side if and when something went wrong.
He could forget all of these problems on Friday, though. Which reminded him, would Kurt want to go to a party? He texted Kurt, asking;
So how do you feel about parties?
Kurt texted him back after a few minutes. Blaine had skipped class for the afternoon, wanting to go for a walk and clear his mind after his parents told him about some girl they wanted him to meet; he hated breaking girl’s hearts when he told them that he wasn’t interested in them. Kurt, however, was still in class, and was probably attempting to be sneaky about the whole ordeal.
You know how I feel about them :P why?
Wanna go to one on Friday?
I’ll think about it. Also, guess what?!
Good, you should have a little fun ;) and what?
Kurt, for some reason, didn’t text him back. He wasn’t too fazed, though; Blaine wasn’t one to freak out if someone didn’t text back. Since he skipped the last half of the day, he had time to drive to Lima and see Kurt. He would keep it a surprise; Kurt would probably still be at Glee practice, and he wanted to sneak over to see him perform. First, though, he stopped off at the Lima Bean and picked up two coffees, a medium drip for himself and a non-fat mocha for Kurt.
At 3:30 he walked through the doors through McKinly, looking around the hallways and in different classrooms.
Blaine has been at private schools his whole life, so it was interesting to be inside a public high school. It definitely had a different atmosphere to it; more simple, yet crazy. He could hear singing down the hallway to the left, so he turned down that way and walked until he found the source. He looked through the opening of the door to see around 15 people dancing and singing. Along with the school, the Glee club here was definitely different; they had instrumentals, and the choreography was more free and light. He looked around to see a blonde boy, a really tall and awkward boy, a Hispanic girl, Rachel and Mercedes, and a few others... Where’s Kurt?
I hope Kurt's okay! I'm excited to see how Sebastian will come into this!