Come Live With Me
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Story
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Come Live With Me: Chapter 5

E - Words: 9,105 - Last Updated: Jul 28, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Feb 14, 2013 - Updated: Jul 28, 2013
154 0 0 0 0

It was Blaine's first day and he couldn't have been more terrified. Sure he was finishing up eighth grade..But there wasn't a worse time to start school. No one was looking to make friends in the middle of the year. He walked into his first class with his high water pants, plaid shirt and bow tie. He froze as all eyes focused on him. He slowly walked to the back of the class, clutching his books to his chest and looking at the floor.

"Nerd." One kid said in a fake cough.

Blaine sighed as he sat in an empty desk and sank down. This would be the same as his last school.

"Hi." A voice next to him said. Blaine looked over to see a pretty blonde boy next to him. Blaine looked up before looking to the right. He wasn't talking to him, was he?.. "I'm Sam." The boy smiled.

Blaine looked back at the boy and smiled shyly. "I-I'm Blaine.."

Sam was about to say something else when their teacher interrupted. She briefly introduced Blaine, earning more snickers and stares before putting them to work. It turned out Blaine and Sam only had all of the same classes save for one. They also shared a lunch period. When the time came, Blaine followed Sam like a lost puppy to the cafeteria.

"Why did you move here?" Sam asked.

"I..I got adopted.." Blaine said as they set their trays on the table and sat down.

Sam nodded. "Is your new family nice?"

Blaine smiled. "It's just one guy..But yeah. Hes awesome."

"That's good. I just moved here at the beginning of the year."

"Where from?"

"Tennessee." Sam smiled.

"Cool..So how is this school?.."

"Its alright. I still get picked on. But that's anywhere."

"Why would you get picked on?.." Blaine asked. Sam looked like a completely normal kid..

"They laugh at me and make jokes about how big my mouth is.." Sam said quietly.

Blaine looked to Sam's lips and blushed. They were full and pink. Perfect. "I think your mouth is perfect..I-I mean..There's nothing wrong with it.."

Sam laughed awkwardly. "Thanks.."

"Yeah..Well..It seems like there's a lot of jerks in every school."

"There are. But I'll be your friend."

Blaine smiled. "Really?.."

Sam nodded. "You're nice."

Blaine couldn't help his blush as he looked down. "Thanks..So are you."


Blaine smiled wide, happy he wouldn't be completely alone this year.

Kurt came home from work early with a headache. He took some pain killers and laid back on the couch before there was a loud knock. He sighed as he got up to answer the door. When he did, his eyebrows shot up. It was Sebastian.

"Oh.. Hey.." Kurt said awkwardly. "What're you doing here?"

"I just..Wanted to apologize for the other day.." Sebastian said, holding up a rose and a bottle of wine, giving Kurt a crooked smile.

"You mean you're horny and thought about me?" Kurt said, rolling his eyes.

"No...I mean it..I was acting stupid.." Sebastian said with sincerity.

Kurt sighed softy. "I accept your apology. But I don't know if I should be seeing someone. Blaine's still getting used to being here."

"How will us being together affect that? .." Sebastian asked.

"Having another man around? Him feeling unwanted. It happens with kids all the time."

Sebastian sighed, twirling the rose in his fingers. "You're right.."

"But.. Let me think about it. Call me to tonight?"

Sebastian nodded, handing Kurt the wine and the rose. "I will.." He said softly before leaning in to kiss Kurt's cheek gently.

Kurt smiled as Sebastian pulled back. "Thanks for stopping by."

"You're welcome.." He nodded, giving a small sigh and walking back to his car.

Kurt looked down at the rose. He did kind of miss him. But he had Blaine now, and he needed to focus on him and making sure he was okay. That was his priority now. He looked to the clock. Blaine should be home any minute.

As if on cue, the teenager walked inside, grinning wide.

"Hey! How was your first day?"

"Great!" He said, pulling Kurt into a hug.

Kurt kissed the top if his head. "Make any friends?"

"One. His name is Sam and he was new this year too. He was really nice to me and says he gets made fun of too. I don't see why he gets made fun of though. I think he's awesome."

"Why did you get made fun of?" Kurt asked in a fatherly tone.

"I don't know." Blaine shrugged. "But Sam said they're just jealous of my bow ties." He chuckled, blushing lightly.

Kurt sat on the couch and pulled Blaine into his lap. "Of course they are. You look so handsome in them."

Blaine smiled, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck. "I missed you.."

"I missed you too."

Blaine grinned. "You should meet Sam..You'd like him."

"Invite him over." Kurt smiled.



"I'll ask him tomorrow. " Blaine said excitedly.

"Good. I'm glad you have a friend. How are your classes?"

"Good. Three of them are with Sam." Blaine said.

Kurt listened as Blaine went on and on about Sam and the more he did, the more unsettled Kurt felt. He shouldn't be doing this. Blaine needed to live his life like every other young boy.

Blaine sighed softly, nuzzling under Kurt's neck. "I just missed you.." He whispered against the skin. Kurt couldn't stop the small noise in the back of his throat

Blaine smiled lightly. "Did you miss me?.."

"I did, baby."

Blaine kissed Kurt's neck lightly, pressing their bodies together.

Kurt gasped. "Blaine."

Blaine bit his lip blushing. "Kiss me?.." He whimpered shyly.

"Only kiss.." Kurt said quietly. Blaine nodded, brushing his lips along Kurt's jaw to his mouth. Kurt sighed, pressing their lips together. Blaine's eyebrows kneaded together as he let out a helpless whimper. Kurt growled, running his hands to Blaine's hips. Blaine opened his mouth slightly, inviting Kurt inside. Kurt pulled Blaine closer as he slipped his tongue in. Blaine moaned, gripping Kurt's shoulders. "Mmph..Kurt.." He whispered.

"I need to make dinner." Kurt breathed out.

"But..I wanna kiss you.." Blaine pouted, kissing Kurt again.

"I know, baby. But it's going to get late."

Blaine sighed softly. "Okay.."

"I don't normally do this. But I don't feel like cooking. What do you say about going to pick something up?"

"I'd like that.." Blaine said happily.

"What sounds good?"


"I know just the place." Kurt smiled.

They went and got the food before coming back and stuffing themselves. Blaine eating the most. Kurt chuckled endearingly as Blaine tried to initiate more kissing but letting out a long yawn in the middle of it.

"Come on. You have school tomorrow. Go shower." Kurt said sweetly.

"But I want you.." Blaine said, kissing down Kurt's neck.

"You need sleep."

"I need you.." Blaine mumbled sleepily as he let out another yawn.

Kurt laughed. "Come on. I'll tuck you in."

Blaine sighed deeply, nodding. Kurt picked Blaine up and took him to his room. Kurt helped Blaine change and laid him down. The younger fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Kurt smiled sadly at the young boy before grabbing the bottle of wine Sebastian gave him and climbing into his own bed. He poured a glass and downed it. After about his fourth glass, he was feeling slightly warm and happy. He started to pour another and the phone rang.

"Hello?" He answered happily.

"Hey Kurt.." Sebastian said smoothly.

"Mmm, hey."

"You asked me to call tonight?.."

"Oh yeah. Thanks for the wiiinnee."

"I assume you're drinking it without me?.." Sebastian chuckled.

"There's still some left. Well, a little." Kurt giggled.

Sebastian chuckled. "You're adorable.."

"Noooo," Kurt slurred.

"Well then, how about sexy?.."

"You're funny."

"And you're hot as hell.." Sebastian said. Kurt could practically hear his smile.

"You're so good at that.," Kurt whispered.

"Good at what?.." Sebastian asked.

"Talking all..smooth and.. And sexy.."

"You think I'm sexy?.." Sebastian chuckled.

"Everyone thinks you're sexy.."

"I can't see why."

"I don't see why you think I am." Kurt said, biting his lip.

"Are you kidding?..You're the hottest guy I've ever been with..Those hips..That ass..Your eyes..And fuck..That cock..."

Kurt whined. "What about it..?"

Sebastian grinned. "How it tastes..How you feel in my throat..In my ass.."

"Sebastian.." Kurt gasped, rolling his body.



"You hot for me, babe?.."

"Mmm yeah.."

"I thought you didn't want me?.." Sebastian said softly, pretending to sound hurt.

"I-I.. Bas.." Kurt moaned.

"I could always just leave you alone.."


"Fuck I love when you're desperate for me.." Sebastian growled.

"I'm soooo hard," Kurt whined.

"Take it out and stroke it for me, baby.."

Kurt did as Sebastian said. "Ooohh."

"Describe what you're thinking about.." Sebastian whispered.

"You.. Tying me up. I-I love when you're in control.."

"So do I baby.." Sebastian moaned. "You want me to fuck you?..Want me in you?.."


Kurt could hear the gentle slap of Sebastian jerking himself. "Fuck..Kurt..Say it.."

"I-I want you to..ah..fuck me.."

Sebastian moaned softly, biting his lip.

Kurt sped up. "Fuck.."

"Kurt..Fuck..I want you so bad.."

"I want you, Bas.."

"I wanna fuck you into your mattress..I miss those nights..Making you scream my name."

Kurt whined loudly. "Yes.."

"Talk to me babe..Oh shit.." Sebastian panted shakily.

"Feels so good.. Make me scream, Bas.. Fuck, I need it.."

"Jut imagine me, babe..In you..Biting your ear..I know that drives you crazy.."

Kurt whimpered. "Fuck, I love it.."

"I know baby..Fuck..I wanna come all over you..a-ah.."

"Shit.. It's so hot when.. Y-You do and lick it off.."

"You like that?" Sebastian smiled. "What else do you like, babe?"

"You know just how to..make me fall apart. fucking good.."

Sebastian groaned. "Kurt..Shit..I wanna hear you come.."

"I'm so close.."

"Come for me.."

Kurt gave a few more quick pumps before letting go.

Sebastian came with Kurt's cry. "K-Kurt!"

Kurt panted heavily. "Fuck.."

Sebastian calme down slowly. "Kurt..Shit.."

"I miss how hot your body gets after.. Cuddling up to you.."

Sebastian gave a small smile. "Yeah. Me too, babe.."

Kurt hummed. "I'm kinda dizzy.."

"Clean up and go to bed." Sebastian chuckled. "Don't forget about me tomorrow, okay?.."

"I won't," Kurt giggled. "Byeee Bas."

"Bye, beautiful." Sebastian said before hanging up. Kurt cleaned himself up before crawling into bed and falling asleep.

The next morning he woke up after Blaine had left for school. Thankfully he was off today but his eyes went wide as he remembered the previous night's events. Shit! He had phone sex with Sebastian. Kurt groaned at the mess he had been making with his life. He ran his hands through his hair and growled as he heard the door bell. He knew who it was before answering it. Of course, there stood Sebastian, holding a fast food bag and that same old grin.

"I had takeout last night." Kurt said, shaking his head.

"I just thought I'd bring you some breakfast..And hello to you too.." Sebastian chuckled, bringing his other hand from behind his back and revealing a cup of coffee.

Kurt immediately reached out for the coffee. "Oh god. Thank you."

Sebastian smiled. "You're welcome...Can I..Come in?.."

"Yeah." Kurt said, stepping aside. Sebastian walked in and smiled lightly as Kurt closed the door. "Sorry.. I'm just.. I have a killer headache."

"It's okay.." Sebastian said softly, leaning in to kiss Kurt.

Kurt accepted the kiss. "Why aren't you working?"

"I took the day off.." Sebastian smiled. "So we could make up for lost time."

"I don't know if I'm feeling well enough for that.."

Sebastian sighed, looking down. "I know when I'm being rejected Kurt.."

"I want to.. I do. I'm just worried about messing up. I'm a dad now and.. I'm confused."

Sebastian nodded. "Don't you think this would be easier than doing it alone?.."

"Y-You'd want that?"

"I wouldn't mind it.."

Kurt wrapped his arms around Sebastian. "Give me until tonight. I'll call you. I won't be drunk. Just, let me think today. I promise I won't drag it out."

Sebastian nodded, looking down at Kurt. "Okay.."

"You can stay a while if you want. I was just going to hang out."

"That sounds great.."

"What did you bring?" Kurt asked, biting his lip as he eyed the bag of food.

"Breakfast sandwich." Sebastian smiled.

"I shouldn't.."

"Why?.." Sebastian asked.

"My ass will grow along with my thighs and everything else." Kurt said seriously.

Sebastian let out a short laugh. "Kurt. You're perfect. A breakfast sandwich won't change that."

"You really think I'm perfect?.. What makes me different?" Kurt asked, taking the bag.

"You just make me feel different than the others do..I don't know..You're just..Better." Sebastian smiled.

Kurt sat down on the couch, motioning for Sebastian to do the same. "How long have we been on and off now?"

"Since college." Sebastian smiled, sitting down.

"We never have tried just being together.."

"Well..We haven't? ..I'm sure we did at one point.." Sebastian said.

"I guess that one time. But I didn't exactly trust you so I didn't count it." Kurt said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"You didn't trust me?.." Sebastian asked, slightly amused.

"No. You're too good looking. Everyone wanted you and you could have them all if you wanted."

"But I wanted you."

"It just didn't make sense to me why you would pick me."

"You're amazing."

Kurt sighed, leaning against Sebastian. "Thank you."

"Just being honest."

"I must be driving you insane.."

"Why do you say that?"

"Like I said, you could have anyone. You want me and I'm just.. I don't know. Confused."

"You think too highly of me." Sebastian chuckled.

"Why do you say that?" Kurt asked.

"You say I could have anyone I want. It's not true. Because I don't have you."

"I want you though.." Kurt said. He hated the mess he was in. But he needed this. He shouldn't be with Blaine. He needed to be there as a father. "I just want to break it to Blaine first."

Sebastian nodded lightly, looking down at Kurt and giving a light sigh. Kurt reached over, cupping Sebastian's cheek. "Kiss me."

Sebastian leaned in without hesitation and kissed Kurt deeply. Kurt gasped, wrapping his arms around Sebastian's neck and pulling him down. Sebastian hummed in surprise, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist. Kurt pulled Sebastian's hair lightly as he pulled back. "I'm yours.."

Sebastian growled, climbing on top of Kurt and thrusting down. Kurt's head fell back. "Bas.."

Sebastian kissed up Kurt's neck, moaning softly.

"Wait.. I-I want to do something.."

"Like what?"

"You know how when you have to wait, it makes it more exciting? Like the anticipation of it?" Kurt whispered. Sebastian nodded, smiling. "Blaine's having a friend over tonight. Come back for dinner. When they go to bed.. I'll let them make a fort out here. We'll go up to my room. Bring some things from your place. You know what I mean. Surprise me. I'll be here, cooking and thinking of all the things you might do to me.."

Sebastian smiled, pressing a kiss to Kurt's lips. "Okay.."

Kurt rolled his hips. "It's gonna be so hot.."

Sebastian moaned softly, biting Kurt's bottom lip.

Kurt shivered. "Do you know what you're gonna do to me?"

"I know exactly what I'm gonna do to you."

Kurt whined. "Oh god.."

Sebastian smiled, looking into Kurt's eyes. "I missed you. "

"I missed you too.."

Sebastian kissed Kurt softly and slowly. They laid together until Kurt heard Blaine's bus pull up.

"I have to get up." Kurt said quickly.

"Why?" Sebastian mumbled, tightening his arms a round Kurt.

"If Blaine is hungry, I'll make him a snack. Then help him with homework."

Sebastian sighed."Fine.."

Kurt gave him a small kiss and stood as Blaine walked in.

"Hey sweetie. How was school?"

Blaine smiled before he saw Sebastian on the couch. "Why is he here?.."

"He's my friend." Kurt said.

Blaine looked up at Kurt with anger in his eyes before running upstairs.

"See what I mean?" Kurt asked. "Go home.. Do what you need to and call before you come back."

Sebastian sighed, rolling his eyes as he got up, kissed Kurt and left. Kurt went upstairs and knocked on Blaine's door. "Blaine."

Blaine opened the door, looking up at Kurt.

"When is Sam coming?"


"That's what I expected. But when?"


"Sebastian is coming, too. What do you want for dinner? Fish sticks? Fries? Mac and cheese? Chicken strips?"

Blaine just mumbled something and closed the door.

"Blaine!" Kurt said loudly, opening the door. "What is your problem? Do you want your friend over or not?"

"I don't want your friend over!" Blaine spat.

"Well, he's going to be around more." Kurt said sternly.

"Why?! All he wants to do is have sex with you!"

"No. We talked all day. I know what he wants and I'm going to be with him. I can't do this with you. You're a kid. You need to live your life like a normal kid."

"No!" He got out desperately. His eyes already filling with tears.

Kurt knelt down. "Blaine.. I'm your father now."

"But..No..No.." Blaine whimpered.

Kurt took Blaine's hands. "I'm going to be here. I love you. But you're my son. This is how it's supposed to be."

"Kurt I want you and I know you want me..I-I need you.."

"I know, baby. But I can't. This isn't right."

"It's right to me.."

"I'm sorry, Blaine." Kurt whispered. "But I have to end this."

"Please.." Blaine whispered, wrapping himself around Kurt. "I-I want you to be my first.."

"You're too young to be thinking about that, Blaine."

"No..I love you.." Blaine sobbed.

"Shh, it'll be okay. I promise.."

"No, it won't!"

"It will." Kurt said, kissing the top of Blaine's head.

Blaine tried to pull away, his shoulders shaking with sobs.

"Calm down, Blaine. Take a deep breath."

"Kiss me..Please.."

"I can't, Blaine."


Kurt closed his eyes. "You should get ready for Sam."

Blaine gripped Kurt's shirt as he whimpered.

"I'm sorry.."

"I l-love you.."

"I love you too."

Blaine pulled away, hurrying to the bathroom.

Kurt sighed, leaning against the wall. He didn't want this.. With any luck, Blaine would get over him quickly. He sighed, going downstairs to start on dinner. When Kurt pulled the fish sticks and fries out of the oven, his phone rang with a call from Sebastian.


"Hey babe..Is it safe to come over?"

"He's not taking it very well. So, be nice, okay?"

"I'm always nice."

"I'm not saying you're not. He's just sensitive right now." Kurt said softly.

"He's fifteen, he'll get over it."

"I hope so. You leaving now?"


"See you soon."

"Bye babe."

"Bye.." Kurt said quietly.

Blaine stayed in his room until there was a knock on the door. He raced down stairs and opened the door.

"Hey." Sam said shyly.

Blaine grinned. "Hey.."

Kurt appeared behind him. "You must be Mrs. Evans. I'm Kurt. Thank you for letting Sam come over."

"Thank you for inviting him."

Kurt exchanged numbers and talked to Sam's mother for a few minutes before she headed out.

"Are you hungry Sam?" Kurt asked.

"Starving." Sam smiled.

"I made plenty." Kurt said, leading them to the kitchen. Blaine said nothing as he followed. "Blaine, are you hungry?" Kurt asked.


"Oh.. I-I don't have to eat if you don't want to." Sam said, biting his lip.

"No..Its fine. I'll eat." Blaine said.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Kurt opened it to see Sebastian. He held up a bag with what looked like take out containers.

"Don't worry. I made it. Fresh tilapia with grilled mushrooms and asparagus."

Kurt smiled. "O-oh wow..Thank you.."

"You're welcome, gorgeous." Sebastian smiled, leaning in for a kiss.

Kurt gave him a light peck and let him in.

"Where are the kids?"

"In the kitchen, eating."

"Why don't we join them?" Sebastian said softly.


Sebastian walked in and set the bag down. "Hey Blaine."

Blaine just stared at his food, sighing softly.

"How's school?"

"Fine. This is Sam."

"Hello, Sam. I'm Sebastian."

"Hi." Sam smiled.

"It's nice to meet you." Sebastian said softly. "Kurt, here's yours."

Kurt took the food and smiled. "Thank you so much."

"You didn't cook for us?" Blaine said, raising an eyebrow. "That's rude."

"Blaine, you have food." Kurt said seriously.

"Fake fish. You get the real shit."

"Blaine!" Kurt scolded.

"What?" Blaine asked, pushing his plate away. "I'm not hungry."

"I can easilly call Sam's mother and get her to pick him up."

"No!" Blaine said quickly.

"Then I suggest you watch it.."

Blaine looked down at his untouched food.



Sebastian sighed. "It's fine."

"To your friend, too." Kurt said.

"Sorry Sam."

"It's okay.." Sam said awkwardly.

"Sam, eat as much as you want." Kurt said softly.

Sam nodded and Sebastian shifted. "Wanna go eat in the living room?.."

"Yeah." Kurt sighed. Sebastian grabbed his hand and smiled. They took their plates and headed to the couch. Kurt tasted his food and moaned. "Ohmygod.."



"Good. I figured you wouldn't want kid food." Sebastian chuckled.

"I wouldn't mind either way."

"You okay?"

"Just..Blaine..He never acts out like that..I'm sorry."

"Its fine."

"I'm really sorry. That guy is like a total ass.." Blaine said quietly.

"He doesn't seem that bad." Sam said, picking up a fish stick.

"He just...Doesn't treat Kurt right and is mean to me."

"Have you talked to Kurt?"

"Yeah..But he's not going anywhere."

"Oh.. Well, you can always call me when you want a distraction." Sam smiled.

"Thanks." Blaine smiled.

"Any time.."

"So you wanna go throw the football in the backyard?.."

"Sure." Sam said, finishing the last of his food.

The two boys ran past Kurt and Sebastian to the backyard.

"He looks like he's having fun now." Sebastian said softly.

"True.." Kurt smiled. "So..What'd you bring?"

"You want to see?" Sebastian asked.

"I do.."

Sebastian pulled his bag over and set it into his lap. He opened it and looked to Kurt for his reaction.

Kurt gasped. "O-oh.."

Sebastian grinned as Kurt admired the toys and restraints. Kurt bit his lip. He imagined what Blaine would look like all tied up in these.

"I can't wait to get you upstairs." Sebastian whispered.

"W-well..We have to wait for the kids to fall asleep.

"I know." Sebastian chuckled. Kurt nodded, his cheeks pink.

A little while later, the boys came back in.

"Ugh. It's hot in here." Blaine groaned, slowly pulling his shirt off.

Kurt stared at Blaine, his eyes growing wide.

"I thought maybe we could watch a movie." Blaine said, bending over to look at their collection. He glanced back at Kurt, his ass in the air. "Is that okay?"

Kurt swallowed dryly and nodded, looking away.

"What do you like, Sam?" Blaine asked.

"Anything really." Sam said.

Blaine bent over further. "Hmmm... I think I'm in the mood for something funny. The Other Guys?"

"Awesome." Sam nodded as Sebastian pulled Kurt close.

Blaine put the movie in and sat next to Sam. Kurt looked over at Blaine, watching him discreetly. Blaine could feel Kurt's eyes on him. He grabbed a blanket and rested it over his and Sam's legs. Kurt swallowed again. He shouldn't be jealous..He couldn't be. Sebastian turned the light out and pulled Kurt close. Kurt tried to relax as he rested his head on Sebastian's shoulder.

Blaine looked over at his friend and smiled sweetly. Sam grinned, blushing lightly.

"Can I..?" Blaine said quietly, motioning to lay his head on Sam's shoulder.

"Yeah.." Sam said softly. Blaine smiled as he cuddled up to his friend.

Kurt sighed loudly, pulling himself closer to Sebastian. Sebastian ran his hands up and down Kurt's sides, trying to relax him. The blue eyed man tried to settle down. Every time Blaine moved, Kurt noticed. It only made him that much more jealous. He tried to ignore it but Blaine was flirting with Sam..and Sam was flirting back.

"Thanks for having me over.." Sam whispered in Blaine's ear.

Blaine smiled. "I'm glad you came."

Sam took a shaky breath as he reached over and took Blaine's hand. Blaine smiled, lacing his fingers with Sam's.

Kurt's blood boiled as he saw the exchange. He looked back to the tv and tried to calm himself. Sebastian bit his lip, slipping a hand under Kurt's shirt. Kurt inhaled softly. Blaine wanted to make him jealous? Two could play at that game.. Sebastian smiled, feeling up to Kurt's nipples and pinching one then the other. Kurt gave a tiny gasp, looking over his shoulder at Sebastian. Blaine looked over, his face hardening at the sight. Kurt moved Sebastian's hand, playfully scolding him and giving him a light kiss. Sebastian leaned in and bit Kurt's ear, making him giggle.

Blaine squeezed Sam's hand and scooted closer to him. Sam smiled, resting his head against Blaine's curls. Kurt huffed, staring at the screen.

"You think they'll be sleeping soon?" Sebastian whispered.

"Maybe.." Kurt sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing..Just..Can't wait."

"We don't have to." Sebastian chuckled.

"But we will."


Kurt chuckled. "Impatient.."

"I've been thinking about this for days."

Kurt couldn't help but smile. Sebastian sighed, kissing the top of Kurt's head.

After the movie Sebastian stood. "Okay. Bed time, kids."

"Can't we stay up? Well just watch another movie." Blaine said. "Tomorrow is Saturday."

Sebastian sighed, looking to Kurt.

"Behave yourselves. I brought pillows and blankets down. Make a pallet or sleep on the couch. No funny stuff." Kurt said seriously.

"Funny stuff?.."

"You know what I mean." Kurt said in his fatherly tone. Blaine rolled his eyes, sighing. "Behave." Kurt repeated. "Ready, Bas?"

Sebastian grinned, nodding. Kurt looked back at Blaine before strutting up the stairs. Blaine glared at Sebastian. Sebastian winked at Blaine as he followed Kurt.

Blaine made a disgusted noise, looking to Sam.


"I just hate him.."

"Oh.. I'm sorry.."

"It's fine..So..Um..Do you..Like boys?.."

"Oh.. I-I don't know.."

"It's okay..You just..Grabbed my hand so I was wondering.. "

Sam blushed, looking down. "I-I'm really sorry.. I-I didn't mean to make your feel weird.."

"No, you didn't..I liked it.."


"Really.." Blaine said, grabbing his hand again. Sam smiled lightly as butterflies filled his stomach. Blaine smiled back, pressing a soft kiss to Sam's cheek.

"O-Oh.." Sam gasped.

"Th-That's too much isn't it?.."

"No.." Sam whispered. Blaine fluttered his lashes, looking up at Sam. Sam swallowed dryly as he leaned in. Blaine's breath hitched lightly, cupping Sam's cheek. Sam licked his lips before closing the space between them. Blaine inhaled deeply as they kissed. He ran his hand into Sam's hair and pulled lightly. Sam let out a strangled whine at the feeling. Blaine moaned, slowly pushing Sam back until he was sitting and climbed into his lap. Sam looked at Blaine with wide, innocent eyes. Blaine smiled, sighing shakily as he leaned in for another kiss. Sam closed his eyes, letting Blaine lead him. Blaine kissed him slowly, closing his lips around Sam's plump bottom one before licking lightly at his mouth. Sam gasped, opening his mouth for Blaine. Blaine eased his tongue inside, moaning softly and ignoring the sound of feet coming down the stairs. Sam whimpered. This felt so good, he couldn't think. Blaine wrapped his arms around Sam's neck and rolled his hips down as Kurt entered the living room.

"A-Ah!" Sam moaned, breaking the kiss.

"Blaine!" Kurt snapped.

"Oh! Kurt!" Blaine pretended to be surprised.

Kurt's jaw hung open and snapped shut quickly. "I'm going to go back upstairs...But I do not want you two doing this..I-I can't..I get you're young..But..Just.." Kurt couldn't find his words.

"It's just kissing, Kurt." Blaine chuckled as Sam looked away in embarrassment.

"Blaine..Don't push me..Just..You two..Don't." Kurt said, shaking his head as he walked upstairs.

"M-Maybe we should stop.." Sam said quietly.

"Only if you want to.."

"I-It felt..r-really good.."

Blaine smiled, nodding. "It does.."

"I don't want you in trouble though.."

"I won't be.."

"Are you sure?" Sam asked.

"Yeah.." Blaine smiled.


Blaine leaned down, kissing Sam again. Sam reached out, interlacing their fingers together. Kurt hurried up to the room, closing the door behind him and leaned back against it.

"What's up with you?" Sebastian asked.

"Nothing..I just walked in on Sam and Blaine..Kissing.."

"So? It's what kids do."

"I don't know.."

"He's just testing you. Come here."

Kurt walked over to him. "Testing me?.."

"He's in a new house. Wants to see how far he can push you. I've seen it plenty of times." Sebastian explained. "He wants to see what he can get away with."

Kurt sighed. "I don't know what to do.."

"He could just be showing off for his friend. Try to forget about it for now."

Kurt sighed, nodding lightly.

Sebastian rested his hands on Kurt's hips. "It'll be okay."

Kurt looked up at Sebastian but all he could think about was Blaine kissing Sam. It was great he was moving on..But so quickly?..

"Do you want me to leave..?" Sebastian asked quietly.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck and sighed, cupping his cheek. "No..No.."


Kurt gave another small sigh. He needed to get his mind off Blaine and how much he would love to be the one under him right now.

"I want you.."

"You don't have to, Kurt. I get it." Sebastian sighed, looking towards the door.

"You get what?..Sebastian..I want this..I want you.." He said quietly before kissing him. Sebastian sighed as he pulled Kurt closer. Kurt gave a small moan, deepening the kiss. Sebastian pulled Kurt into his lap and laid back. Kurt rolled his hips down. "O-Oh..Sebastian.."

"Fuck, I've missed you." Sebastian growled, moving with Kurt.

"A-ah..Tie me up..Please.."

Sebastian flipped Kurt over and got the restraints from his bag. Kurt's chest heaved as he looked up at Sebastian. Sebastian removed Kurt's clothes and tied his ankles and wrists to the bed. "So fucking sexy."

Kurt pulled lightly at the restraints. His legs had a bit of slack so he could bend them, but other than that he was helpless.

"What have you been thinking about me doing?" Sebastian whispered.

"Just..Fucking dominating me.. Like you used to.."

Sebastian pulled his shirt off and climbed on top of Kurt. He kissed his neck before biting down roughly.


"Mmm, you like that?"


Sebastian rocked his hips down. "Are you my bitch?"

"Yes.." Kurt moaned.

"Say it."

"I-I'm your bitch.."

Sebastian ground his hips against Kurt's growing member. "That's right, baby."

Kurt whined loudly. "I'm your bitch!"

Sebastian stood and stripped the rest of the way. He nipped down Kurt's body, nuzzling against his cock. He inhaled deeply. "Fuck.."

Kurt rolled his hips up, panting lightly.

"You want me?"


Sebastian bent Kurt's knees and spread his legs. "Don't move."

Kurt nodded, whimpering softly. Sebastian leaned in, licking at Kurt's perineum. Kurt gasped harshly, his back arching off of the bed. Sebastian moaned, pressing against him harder.


"Fuck, babe." Sebastian grinned, licking to Kurt's asshole. Kurt let out a sharp cry but bit his lip to stay quiet. Sebastian moaned, pressing his tongue in.

"Oh baby..fuck me..Yes.."

Sebastian spread Kurt's legs as far as they would go as he pressed in deeper. Kurt's body rolled as he pulled against his restraints. Sebastian licked to Kurt's balls and moaned. "Sebastian, please.."

"Please what?"

"Fuck me.."

Sebastian climbed up Kurt's body. "Suck me, first."

Kurt opened his mouth, looking up at him. Sebastian moaned as he eased in. Kurt hummed, moaning softly. Sebastian rolled his hips. "Fuck you're so good."

Kurt smiled around him, sucking harder.

"Ungh.. Kurt.."

Kurt bobbed his head as much as he could.

"Fuck.." Sebastian pulled back and settled between Kurt's legs. Kurt rolled his body as he closed his eyes. Sebastian spread Kurt and slowly eased in. Kurt whined loudly, looking up at Sebastian.

"Shit.. I've missed this.."

"M-me too.."

Sebastian pressed in completely and growled.

"Oh god..B-B..Bas.."

The lawyer steadied himself before starting to thrust roughly. Kurt threw his head back as a loud moan escaped.

"That's it. Let me hear my slut scream for me."

Kurt bit his lip. "I-I can't.."


"Th-The kids.."

"Doesn't mean you can't be a little loud." Sebastian said, giving a particularly hard thrust.

"Ah!" Kurt whined, arching his back.

Sebastian balled his fists as he kept in the same spot. "Fuck!"

Kurt couldn't help but cry out at the pleasure jolting through his body as Sebastian rammed into his prostate. Sebastian growled, biting Kurt's neck. Kurt tried to wrap his legs around Sebastian in vain. "Oh fuck! S-Sebastian! I'm your slut!"

Sebastian grinned, slamming into him. "Fuck yeah, you are. My dirty slut. You love when I fuck you like this, don't you?"

"Yes!" Kurt moaned, tears forming in the corners of his eyes as his legs began to shake. Sebastian reached between them and pumped Kurt quickly. Kurt's body was on fire. Sebastian touching him quickly became too much and he whined helplessly as he began to come. Sebastian stroked Kurt through his orgasm, watching as the feeling displayed across Kurt's face before letting go and coming inside Kurt. Kurt's body shivered lightly as he looked up at Sebastian with hooded eyes, flushed cheeks and trembling lips. Sebastian slowly pulled out and untied Kurt. Kurt quickly wrapped himself around Sebastian, feeling his incredibly warm body against his own. Sebastian kissed Kurt softly. Kurt hummed, closing his eyes as his mind immediately wandered to Blaine.. He hoped Blaine couldn't hear any of what just happened. He swallowesd dryly as he just realized the sex he just had meant nothing to him..He wished more than anything it was Blaine who was peppering his neck with gentle kisses as they came down together. Their bodies almost too warm as they pulled each other closer.

Sebastian wrapped an arm around Kurt. He hadn't been this happy since... No. He had never been this happy. There was just something about Kurt that made him feel like home. Maybe he never really knew how to show it, or say it properly..But Kurt made him feel..Wanted. not just sexually, but romantically. He would deal with some bratty teenager if it meant sleeping with Kurt's warmth against him every night.. Sebastian kissed Kurt's neck. "Goodnight beautiful."

"G'night.." Kurt whispered.

Downstairs, Blaine was laying with his arm around Sam. He had heard everything that went on upstairs and had to fight to keep his tears at bay. Sam had fallen asleep long ago and Blaine nuzzled against him. He really did like Sam..And Sam confessed to liking him..But it just didn't feel right.. Not like it did with Kurt. Blaine sighed softly as Sam pulled him closer and shifted slightly. Why couldn't he be like most boys? He didn't like feeling like this. Kurt saved him and showed him what it felt like to be cared for again. He loved him.. And Blaine loved him back.

Blaine cuddled up closer to Sam. Maybe he was what was best for Blaine. And if Kurt was moving on, Blaine needed to try. He closed his eyes, hoping he could get some sleep.

The next morning, Blaine was woken up by a shirtless Sebastian coming down the stairs. Blaine sighed, turning over. Sebastian walked into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. Kurt came down a bit later, looking at Sam and Blaine cuddled up on the couch. His heart sank at the sight. He sighed sadly, walking into the kitchen.

Sebastian smiled. "You're so gorgeous when you wake up."

Kurt smiled shyly. "Thanks..."

Sebastian poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Kurt. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"You're cooking for me?.." Kurt smiled.

"I am." Sebastian grinned.

"Thank you.." he said, kissing him softly.

"You're welcome. What do you want?"

"Some eggs please."

Sebastian kissed Kurt softly before starting to cook. Blaine felt Sam start to wake up and cuddled closer to him. He didn't want to get up yet.. Sam pressed back against Blaine. "Morning.."

"Mmmph.." Blaine mumbled.

Sam turned over and looked up at Blaine. "You're cute.."

Blaine blushed intensely. "W-what?.."

"I said you're cute.."

"Thanks..I just..I-I..So are you.."

"Thank you.." Sam whispered.

Blaine smiled, tightening his arm around Sam. Sam fluttered his lashes as he heartbeat sped up. Blaine leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Sam's lips. Sam blushed lightly. Blaine grinned. "Are you hungry?"

"A little."

Blaine nodded. "Me too.."

"What are we having?"

"I dunno.."

"We should cook together.."

Blaine grinned. "I'd love that."

"Me too."

Blaine got up, holding his hand out to help Sam up. Sam took it, following Blaine to the kitchen. Kurt watched as they walked in, swallowing dryly. Blaine had his shirt off still.

"Can I make you anything?" Sebastian asked.

"We'll make it ourselves." Blaine said.

"Alright." Sebastian sighed, making Kurt's plate and sitting down.

Blaine started on he and Sam's breakfast, humming softly.

"What're we making?" Sam asked.

"I'll make you an omlet if you want."

"Sure." Sam smiled. Blaine kissed his cheek before starting to cook.

"So, Sam, how do you like McKinley?" Sebastian asked.

"It's great now that Blaine's there."

"You have classes together?"

"Three." Sam nodded.

"Do you play any sports? Part of any clubs?"

"Football..I'm the quarterback."

"Oh wow.." Blaine said, looking Sam up and down. Sam smiled, blushing lightly and kurt took a large bite of his food, chewing quickly.

"You must be kind of popular.." Blaine said.

"Kind of..But..I don't like hanging out with them. They're really shallow."

Blaine just nodded. "They probably won't like you hanging out with me.."

Sam shrugged. "I don't care. You're way more fun than them."


"Yeah.." Sam nodded.

"When is your mom picking you up, Sam?.." Kurt asked.

"Whenever I call. D-Do you want me to go soon..?"

"No sweetie, I was just curious."

"Okay." Sam nodded. "Oh, that smells good."

Blaine smiled as he finished up and slid the omlet onto a plate.

Sam sat down, quickly digging in. "Ohmygod."

Blaine smiled. He didn't usually cook, but he could when he tried.

Sam quickly ate, placing his hands on his belly when he finished. Blaine grinned, kissing his cheek.

"Wanna go outside?" Sam asked.

"Sure." Blaine nodded. Sam helped clean before following Blaine outside. They decidee to play football again and blaine grinned. "The fences are the end zones okay?"

"Okay. You know much about football?"

Blaine blushed. He actually knew a lot, but he wasn't going to pass up Sam teaching him something.

"Not really.."

"Don't worry." Sam smiled as he started to explain the game.

"I think I got it.." He smiled.

"Okay." Sam said, getting into position. Blaine grinned as he hiked the ball and they began to play. They ran a few plays and Sam felt confident in Blaine's performance. Blaine bent down to retie his shoes. Sam couldn't help but notice the way Blaine's pants outlined his ass. Blaine stood back up and smiled, turning to Sam. "Wanna run another?.."

Sam shifted awkwardly. "Y-Yeah."

Blaine grinned. "Come on. Don't hold back.."

Sam nodded, bending over in front of Blaine and hiking the ball. Blaine ran back and moved around Sam. Sam followed, chasing Blaine before tackling him into the snow. Blaine fell with an 'oof', chest to chest with Sam. Sam chuckled nervously as he looked at Blaine's lips. Blaine inhaled softly before leaning up to kiss Sam deeply. Sam moaned, rocking his hips down. Blaine gave a light whimper as he tangled his fingers in Sam's hair. Sam deepened the kiss. Blaine wrapped one of his legs around Sam as he felt arousal stir low in his stomach. Sam ground his hips down and gasped as he felt Blaine against him. Blaine gasped as well as he felt Sam's erection against his own. Sam repeated the movement. "O-Oh.."

Blaine whined as they began to move together. "Blaine.. Yes.."

"Sam.." Blaine moaned in his ear. "A-Ah.."

Sam gave a loud whimper as their hips sped up. Blaine pulled at Sam's hair and his coat, moaning his name. "Don't stop.." Sam gasped.

Blaine reached down, gripping Sam's ass and grinding against him. Sam buried his face in Blaine's neck, biting down lightly. Blaine gave a soft noise. "Oh my god..Please..F-Faster.."

Sam rocked his hips down as hard and fast as he could. "Shit, Blaine.."

Blaine didn't even care that the snow was melting under him and soaking into his clothes. This felt so good.

"F-Fuck I wanna..Taste you.."

Sam moaned deeply. "Really?.. Fuck.."

"Y-Yes.." Blaine panted.

"I-I've never.. Oh god, please, Blaine.."

Blaine flipped them over, pulling out Sam's length slowly. "Wow.."

Sam's head fell back. He had never let anyone touch him before. Not like this. "Blaine.."

Blaine pumped him slowly and licked at the tip. He gave a shaky breath, looking up at Sam. Sam nodded encouragingly. He couldn't wait to have Blaine's lips around him. Blaine slowly took him into his mouth, sinking down carefully.

Sam gasped harshly. "Ah!"

Blaine closed his eyes as he stroked what he coundnt reach.

"Blaine! Oh god.. I-I.."

Blaine hummed softly, looking up and locking eyes with Sam. Sam whimpered and whined as the muscles in his stomach clenched and he came hard. Blaine gasped as the jets of hot, salty liquid filled his mouth. He tried to swallow all of it, but in the end, he pulled off, letting two more pulses of come paint his face. Sam was panting heavily as he came down. "Oh my god.."

Blaine licked his lips before wiping his face off with his scarf. Sam sat up and kissed Blaine deeply, tasting himself of his tongue. Blaine whimpered. He was painfully hard in his jeans, but for some reason..He didn't want Sam to be the one to relieve him..

"That was so amazing, Blaine.."

Blaine smiled lightly, blushing. He couldn't believe he just did that. "I-It was..Come on..I'm gonna take a shower. I'm freezing now."

"Okay." Sam smiled, tucking himself back into his pants. They walked inside and Sam went to go take a shower in the hall and Blaine sighed. "Kurt?..Can you show me how to use your shower?..Yours is different.."

"Umm yeah. Come on." Kurt said, getting up from the table. Blaine smiled, walking up the stairs and swinging his hips. Kurt tried to ignore it but he found himself staring at Blaine's ass.

When they walked into the bathroom, Blaine immediately began stripping, his erection obvious in his boxers.

"Blaine." Kurt sighed.

"What?" Blaine asked, pulling his boxers off and bending over the tub. He rested a hand on the edge and looked back at Kurt, biting his lip.

"I told you we can't do this.."

"Please Kurt.." Blaine whimpered, arching his back sos his ass looked even more amazing. He was presenting himself to Kurt. Literally begging for him and he'd never felt more vulnerable. "I need you.."

Kurt closed his eyes. "Sebastian is downstairs. And Sam is here for you. Why are you doing this?"

Blaine closed his eyes. "All I think about Is you..Kurt..I need you..I can't come without you..I d-don't want anyone to touch me but you..I'm yours..I'm..I'm yours.."

Before Kurt could stop himself, he was closing the door and pulling Blaine close. Blaine gasped, looking up at Kurt with those big, innocent hazel eyes. "Kurt.."

"What do you want, Blaine?"

"I-I want anything..Just..Please..."

"Bend over like that again." Kurt whispered darkly. Blaine nodded, doing as he was told.

"Fuck, Blaine.."


Kurt spread Blaine's ass and leaned in, licking at him. Blaine gasped, giving a tiny whimper. Kurt moaned, pressing in as far as he could.

"K-Kurt..Finger me?.." Blaine whispered. Kurt pulled back and sucked a finger into his mouth before slowly entering Blaine. Blaine pushed his hips back. "O-oh..Kurt.."

Kurt stood and pressed himself against Blaine. "Kiss me."

Blaine turned his head, kissing Kurt deeply as he moaned. Kurt curled his finger, rubbing against Blaine's prostate. Blaine bit his lip, holding back a cry. Kurt pulled out and got on his knees. "Turn around. Face me."

Blaine quickly did as Kurt instructed. Kurt reached between Blaine's thighs, inserting two fingers and sucking Blaine leaking cock into his mouth. Blaine moaned loudly, rolling his hips. Kurt hummed as he eagerly sucked Blaine.

"I-I'm so close.."

Kurt locked eyes with Blaine, looking up with eyes full of lust. Blaine bit his knuckle as he thrust forward and came down his throat. Kurt swallowed all if Blaine before pulling off. "Feel better?"

"Yes..." Blaine whispered.

Kurt sighed. "We really shouldn't be doing this."

"Why?..No one will know.."

"You're underage, Blaine."

"Then..Why did you just.." Blaine whimpered.

"Because I.. I want you too.." Kurt whispered.

"Then why?.."

"I'm trying to do the right thing, Blaine!" Kurt snapped. "But I fucking want you, okay?"

Blaine tensed as Kurt yelled. "I-I'm sorry.."

Kurt shook his head. "No.. I'm sorry. I-I don't know what to do.."

"I know..You should..Get back down to him.."

"Blaine, come here.."

Blaine quickly hugged Kurt, his eyebrows kneading together.

"I'm so sorry.."

"It's okay.."

"What about Sam?"

"We might be better as friends."

"Does he know that?"

"I dunno.."

"He really likes you, doesn't he?" Kurt asked.

Blaine sighed, nodding.

"What have we gotten ourselves into?"

"I don't know.."

Kurt kissed Blaine's cheek. "I'm so sorry."

"I just want to be happy with you.."

"Me too. But Sam and Sebastian will both want to know why we don't want to be with them."


"Talk to Sam. I'll talk to Sebastian. I have to go. He'll suspect something's wrong."

"Okay.." Blaine said softly. Kurt kissed Blaine before heading back downstairs.

Sebastian looked up. "That took a while."

"He needed to talk." Kurt sighed.


"Why he's getting an attitude when you're here."

"What'd he say?.."

"He's worried I'll forget about him. I don't think its the right time for this.." Kurt said quietly.

Sebastian stared at Kurt. "Seriously? ..Kurt..I.." Sebastian stared at a spot onbthe wall before grabbing his glass and smashing it on the floor. "I am so done with you!"

"Please.. I-I'm sorry, Bas.. B-But Blaine.." Kurt said shakily as tears formed in his eyes. He had never seen Sebastian this mad at him.

"I tried! I begged for you..I-I.." Sebastian turned away, his back to the other man before spinning around. "Why are you so worried about that little brat anyway? He's fifteen! He doesn't need you all day every day! You're just gonna be alone forever if Blaine doesn't like who you're with?!"

Kurt stepped back. "Y-You're wrong.. He's my son now! I have to think of him first!"

"He's not your son! And he's a teenager! You don't have to baby him!"

"I don't know what the fuck I'm doing! I've never been responsible for someone like this. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to be a dad. But I'm trying!"

Sebastian sighed. "I just wanted to be with you.."

"I know.. I didn't mean to hurt you, really.. Please, don't hate me.."

"I could never hate you.."

Kurt carefully stepped forward. "This has nothing to do with you, Bas. I promise, it's me."

"Please just don't.."

"I'm serious." Kurt said softly. "You're amazing. I just can't and its not fair to you for me to keep trying when I have too much on my plate right now."

"I just want you.."

"I know. I'm sorry, Bas.."

Sebastian looked down. "I guess I'll go."

"Can I have a hug..?" Kurt asked quietly. Sebastian nodded, walking over to Kurt. Kurt wrapped his arms around Sebastian tightly. Sebastian rested his lips against Kurt's temple, sighing softly. Kurt took a shuddering breath. "Are we still going to be okay?"

"I don't know.."

"I-I understand.."

"Will you ever be ready for me?.."

Kurt looked down. "I-I don't know.."

Sebastian sighed. "Okay.."

"I know it probably doesn't mean anything.. But I really am sorry.."

"I know.."

Kurt bit his lip as he pulled back. Sebastian looked up at him with sad eyes. Kurt felt like the biggest jerk. He looked down. If he kept looking at Sebastian, he knew he'd crack.

"Can I kiss you?.." Sebastian asked.

"Will it hurt you?"


"Then why?" Kurt whispered.

"Because I need you.."

Kurt sighed, closing his eyes. "Okay."

Sebastian leaned in slowly and pressed his lips to Kurt's. Kurt sighed, moving his lips with Sebastian. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, pulling him closer. Kurt let Sebastian take control, giving him what he wanted one last time. Sebastian moaned softly, trying to ignore the tears in his eyes. Kurt squeezed his eyes shut. He wanted to pull back but he hated hurting Sebastian.

Sebastian pulled away. "I-I'm sorry.."

"I am.." Kurt whispered.

"I can tell you didn't want that.."

"You did, though."

Sebastian sighed. "I don't if you don't.."

"I don't.. I hate to say that but I don't.."

"So..You don't want me?..Ever?.."

"I don't know, Sebastian. But it's not fair for me to ask you to wait."

Sebastian nodded lightly.

"I-I know I keep saying it but I'm sorry."

"It's fine.."

Kurt looked down as tears stung his eyes.

"Why are you so upset about this?.."

"Because I'm hurting you and I hate it. I should want this. You're what I should have. I just.."

"Just what?.." Sebastian asked.

"I just don't want a relationship right now."

Sebastian nodded slowly. "I-I'll just go get my things.."

"Okay.." Kurt said sadly. Sebastian walked upstairs, changing and coming back down. Kurt watched Sebastian, unsure of what to say.

"I guess I'll see you.." Sebastian sighed.

"Will you?" Kurt asked quietly.

"If you want to see me."

"I do." Kurt said softly.

"Okay..Bye, Kurt.."


Sebastian nodded, walking out. Kurt sank down on the couch and sighed. What was he doing?.. He had a guy that loved him and wanted to take care of him. But Kurt threw it away for a fifteen year old boy. Blaine wasn't just a boy, though. He was his boy. He loved Blaine with everything he had.. Kurt just hoped it didn't blow up in his face.

Sam was sitting on Blaine's bed, shirtless wen Blaine came in. "Hey.." Sam smiled.

"Hey.." Blaine said softly.

"What do you want to do today?"

"We can just hang out..But..Kurt just talked to me.."

"Oh? What about?"

"He doesn't..Want me anyone.."

"Oh.." Sam said quietly before regaining composure. "No big deal. We'll still be friends."


"Yeah. Why not?" Sam shrugged. "I don't even think I'm gay. I just thought you were cute. And you're cool. It's cool."

Blaine nodded. "O-Okay..Cool."

"Wanna just watch a movie?"


Sam sighed heavily. He would just have to hide his feelings. Blaine put on a movie and climbed on the bed. Sam sat with his back to the wall as the movie started.


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