College Life : New to McKinley Part III
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College Life : New to McKinley Part III: Chapter 26

E - Words: 5,803 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 27, 2012 - Updated: Feb 12, 2013
306 0 0 0 0

(12 years later)
A twenty-two year old Elliot walked up the snow-covered steps to his parents' house with his fianc�, Damian. "Now, my dad, Kurt might be a bit intimidating, but just talk about old Broadway and fashion, and he'll love you.."

"What if he doesn't like me..?" Damian said, chewing on his lip nervously.

"They'll love you.." Elliot said softly, leaning in to kiss the taller man. Damian was a couple of inches taller than Elliot with bright green eyes and dark brown hair. "Oh and I apologize in advance if my sister tries to get in your pants."

Damian's eyes went wide. "What?"

"She's..She's a really big flirt." Elliot said, chuckling softly. "Now relax."

"Ohmygod," Damian sighed. "I can do this. We can do this."

"We can.." Elliot said softly, knocking on the door.

Blaine answered the door and grinned. "Elliot! How are you? Come in, come in."

"Hey dad!" Elliot smiled, walking inside and hugging his father.

"And this must be Damian!" Blaine grinned.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Hummel.." Damian said, holding his hand out.

"Is that my brother?" Ilyana called as she walked out. Her jaw dropped as she saw the man shaking hands with her father. "Well, hello there. Who is this handsome devil?"

"My fianc�." Elliot said, wrapping an arm around Damian's waist.

Blaine sighed as he saw his daughter's skin tight outfit. "You're going to give Kurt a heart attack."

"Daddy, it's in fashion." She chuckled, kissing Blaine's cheek.

Elliot couldn't help but laugh. "Where is dad?"

"He's in the kitchen." Ilyana smiled, hugging Elliot.

Elliot took Damian's hand and led him to the kitchen. "Hey dad!"

Kurt looked up from his coffee and smiled wide. "Elliot! Oh god, come here." He said, standing, and hugging his son. He pulled back looking him up and down. "God, you're so skinny. Well of course, you live in Los Angeles where all they eat is tofu. I'm feeding you."

"Dad, I'm fine." Elliot giggled. "I want you to meet my fiance, Damian."

"Oh, I've heard a lot about you." Kurt smiled, pulling Damian into a hug.

Damian smiled as he hugged Kurt back. "It's so nice to meet you, Mr. Hummel."

"Dad, you're really coming on with that gray hair, huh?" Elliot chuckled.

"Elliot, baby, that's not very nice. Your dad's not old enough for grays yet." Damian said softly.

Kurt smiled wide. "You're right. Elliot you, should listen to this one, he knows what he's talking about."

"He's just being a suck up," Elliot laughed, linking arms with Damian. "But I love him."

Damian smiled, leaning down to kiss Elliot softly. "I love you too.."

Kurt bit back a smile. He was so happy for his son.

"So when is the wedding? Where? What are the colors? What's the theme?" Kurt asked, pouring them each a cup of coffee.

"Daaadd. We just got engaged."

"So, there's nothing wrong with planning." Kurt said, inviting them to sit at the table as he did the same.

"Well, I know I'd love to have a red, black and white wedding.." Damian said carefully.

"Why those colors? Maybe we could do a soft blue-" Kurt started until Elliot spoke up.

"Dad.." He said softly. "Our wedding." He chuckled.

"Sorry.." Kurt laughed. "You know I love planning.."

"I know.." Elliot smiled.

"So, Mr. Hummel, Elliot tells me you're into Broadway?"

"It's my career, sweetie." Kurt chuckled.

"Oh yeah.. Of course.. I just meant I like it too.."

"Really?.." Kurt smiled.

Damian nodded. "Evita, Wicked, Phantom.. I could go on and on all day."

Kurt gave a small clap. "I can tell we're gonna be friends.."

Elliot smiled as Damian looked more at ease.

Blaine walked into the kitchen. "So what sounds good?"

"What're you boys in the mood for?" Kurt asked.

"Oh anything..We've been eating nothing but takeout and delivery pizza for the past month and a half." Elliot said.

"What if we grill baby?" Kurt asked his husband. "I can go down to that butcher shop and pick up steaks and chicken."

"It's snowing." Ilyana said, sitting next to Kurt.

"And? We can open the balcony door and do it there."

"True.." She said, resting her head on Kurt's shoulder.

"Ilyana. What in the name of..What the hell are you wearing?"

"They're called clothes, daddy."

"That is a sock..Go put on some real clothes, Ilyana." Kurt said seriously.

"Daddy," The twenty year old whined.

"Ilyana.." Kurt said in a warning voice. "You can dress like that when you go out, but not when we're with family.."

"Fine." She said, rolling her eyes as she got up to go change.

"Attitude." Blaine warned.

"Quit being a brat Lana, you're twenty!" Elliot called.

Ilyana's mouth dropped as she pointed to Elliot. "And he's supposed to be older than me?!"

"I am. I act more mature anyway." Elliot smirked.

"Oh whatever." Ilyana groaned as she went to her room.

Damian laughed. "You guys are cute."

"She's so annoying." Elliot chuckled. "But she's my baby sister."

"I need to take her shopping for some turtlenecks." Kurt sighed, looking at his husband.

"She won't wear them." Blaine said, sitting next to Kurt.

"I know.." Kurt sighed deeply before turning to kiss his husband softly.

Blaine smiled as they pulled back. "Elliot, you're her brother. Why don't you try getting her to understand?"

"Because she won't listen to me." Elliot chuckled.

"I don't know what to do with that girl." Kurt sighed.

"She's not a bad kid.." Blaine said.

"No. I just don't want some sleazy guy coming around her."

"Too late for that." Elliot mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Kurt asked quickly.

"You guys don't know about Steven?.." Elliot asked.

"No," Blaine said as his eyebrows knitted together. "Who's Steven?"

"Oh.." Elliot said. Maybe Ilyana didn't want them to know. "He's just a guy..She's talking to."

"Is there something wrong with him?" Kurt asked his son. "If you don't tell me, I will go ask her."

"He's just..Kind of..Terrible."

"How so?" Blaine asked, his voice thick with concern.

"He's kind of possessive..I don't know.." Elliot sighed.

Ilyana came back out in tight jeans and a tee shirt. "Better?" She asked.

"Who's Steven?.." Kurt asked, looking over at his daughter.

Ilyana froze. "W-What?"

"Who is Steven?"

"Oh, Steven.. He's just a friend, daddy."

"That's not what Elliot told us." Blaine said and Elliot sighed, looking up at her apologetically.

"I can't believe you told them! I came to you and trusted you! Ugh. I'm going out." Ilyana groaned, grabbing her jacket and leaving before her parents could say anything.

Elliot sighed. "Damian..I'll be back, okay?.."

Damian nodded, kissing his fiance's cheek before he left. Elliot saw Ilyana driving off and hopped in his car, following her.

She called Steven to see where he was and headed off to an old abandoned apartment complex where they usually hung out at.

Elliot pulled in a few minutes after Ilyana.

She ran inside and smiled as he saw Steven sitting on a tore up couch. "Hey.."

"Hey sexy.." Steven smiled.

Ilyana bit her lip and went to sit with him. "I had to get away for a bit."

"Well I'm glad you came here.."

"Me too.."

Elliot climbed the stairs and walked to the door, sighing deeply.

"What are you doing tonight?" Ilyana asked Steven.

"Hm..Probably you.." Steven grinned, running his hands up and down Ilyana's sides. She changed into a green halter top that only went town to a few inches above her belly button. Ilyana bit back a fake smile as she scooted closer to him. There was a knock on the door and Steven told Ilyana to go get it. She hurried up and opened it. Her mouth dropped when she saw her brother. "What are you doing here?!" Ilyana whispered harshly.

"What are you doing here?" Elliot said seriously.

"Well, obviously, I can't trust you anymore. I didn't want to be home."

"I let one thing slip and you go running back to this piece of shit? And what the fuck are you wearing?" Elliot said.

"He's not shit! He's changed.. All that stuff I told you.. It's over." Ilyana lied to her brother, hoping he would believe her.

"Well then bring him over. I wanna talk to him."


"What? I'm not the one running around with low-lifes, dressed like a slut!" Elliot said, raising his voice.

Tears immediately filled Ilyana's eyes. She stepped back in shock. "Fuck you, Elliot!"

Elliot immediately realized what he said and gasped. "Lana, no..I didn't mean it.."

She shook her head and turned, walking back to Steven.
Elliot followed after her.
"What the fuck? Who are you? Stay away from my girl!" Steven growled, standing.

Elliot ignored him. "Lana, please.. Just let me take you home.."

Steven stepped up to Elliot, shoving him. "She's not going anywhere!"

"You don't want to start this." Elliot growled, pushing Steven.

"Stop!" Ilyana protested.

Steven glowered at Elliot, stepping forward and raising his fist.

Ilyana grabbed Steven's arm, pulling him away. "I said stop!"

Without thinking, Steven turned around and smacked Ilyana in the face, creating a loud slap that rang through the room. Elliot felt his blood boil as his sister fell to the ground and the sound of Steven yelling at her was muffled in his ears. He grabbed Steven by the collar of his shirt and slung him against a wall with a crash. "I'm gonna fucking kill you!" He growled before Steven lunged back at him and they began throwing blows.

Ilyana scurried to her purse and pulled out her phone, dialing Blaine's number. "Daddy! Please! I need you!" She got out through her tears before telling him where she was.

"We're on our way." Blaine said quickly before getting everyone in the car and heading that way.

Ilyana yelled to her brother, trying to get them to stop. Elliot finally pushed Steven off of him, grunting. "You don't lay a hand on my sister!"

"That's not the only thing I've put on her." Steven said with a wicked glint in his eyes.

Elliot growled, stepping forward again, but Ilyana jumped in front of him. "Elliot..Please don't.."

"Lana, get out of my way." Elliot said seriously, bringing his hand up to wipe away the blood on his lip.

She put her hands on his chest. "Please.."

Elliot looked over her shoulder. "If you come near her again, you're dead! Come on, Lana. I'm taking you home."

"Elliot.." Ilyana said, not moving.

"You're fucking kidding me! Lana, we're leaving!"

"He's my boyfriend.."

"He's a dickhead that just hit you!" Elliot yelled. He couldn't believe his sister.

Blaine came inside and Ilyana sighed with relief. "What's going on?" he asked, out of breath.

"He fucking hit her!" Elliot growled.

"He did what?" Blaine asked, examining his daughter's face. He grabbed her arm and started towards the door. "We're leaving."

"Daddy, stop!"

"Now!" Blaine yelled at his daughter with more force than she had ever heard. She nodded, looking down, unable to face him. Blaine lead her and Elliot outside. Ilyana got in the car with her father.
"What the hell were you thinking in there?!"

"I-I don't know.."

"Has this happened before?" Blaine asked, trying to calm down. "Don't lie to me."

"Once.." Ilyana whispered.

"Why didn't you come to us, Lana?"

"He said he wouldn't do it again.." Ilyana said.

"Ilyana, I'm sorry. But I have to ask you. Has he ever..made you do anything?" Blaine asked seriously.

"What do you mean?.."

"Did he ever make you do things..with him?"

"Oh..Well.."Ilyana said slowly.

Blaine took a deep breath. "Was it something you wanted or no?"

Ilyana teared up as she shook her head.

Blaine gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white. "More than once?"

She nodded again. "D-Dad..Please calm down..I'll never go back to him..Just please.."

"You will never see that boy again." Blaine said, fighting back tears. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

She nodded, wrapping her arms around Blaine's shoulders and resting her face on his chest. "I-I'm so sorry.."

"You didn't do anything wrong, baby girl. You did the right thing by calling me.. I'm so sorry, Lana.. If I would've known.."

"I hid it..Just..I'm so sorry.."

Blaine just shook his head. "It's not you're fault.. You know that, right?"

She nodded again. "I just..there were times when he would tell me how much he cared about me..It seemed like he really did."

Blaine wrapped an arm around his daughter. "You won't have to worry about him anymore."

"I shouldn't have hid him from you.."

"It's over now, Lana." Blaine tried to soothe. She nodded, sighing as she saw Elliot pacing through the parking lot, trying to cool down.

They headed back to the house and Blaine went straight to his bedroom, finally letting his tears out. Kurt walked in and sat next to his husband. "What happened?..."

"Kurt.. I-I.. That.. Steven guy.. He hits Lana.." Blaine got out. "But.. T-That's not all.."

Kurt's eyes went wide. "What do you mean that's not all?.."

"He made her.."

Kurt stood, starting towards the door. "I will go over there and kick his ass myself!"

"No.. We'll go to the police in the morning. Elliot already fought him."

Kurt gasped turning around. "Is he okay?.."

"I haven't seen him yet. He's driving to calm down."

Kurt bit his knuckle as tears filled his eyes. "Our baby.."

"If she hadn't been there.." Blaine whispered angrily.

"Calm down, baby.." Kurt tried to soothe.

"He hurt her, Kurt.."

"I know.." Kurt said, squeezing Blaine's hand.

"I'm going to make sure that bastard is put in jail.."

Kurt sighed, looking down as the tears fell again.

Damian sat in the living room with Ilyana, holding her hand. "You didn't deserve any of that.."

"I don't know about that." Ilyana whispered.

"No one deserves to be treated that way.." Damian said sweetly.

"Not everyone is lucky enough to have everything going for them. Maybe Elliot is right. I'm just a slut that hangs out with losers."

"He didn't mean that..And you're not a slut. You're a beautiful young woman that just needs a confidence boost."

"It's kind of hard when you have a brother that's practically perfect." Ilyana sighed. "I'll never be as good as him."

"I love Elliot..But he's far from perfect.." Damian chuckled.

"Are you kidding?" She asked, looking up at her future brother-in-law. "I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful. I love my family more than anything. But.. Elliot is a part of both of them. He shares their interests. I was given up. My parents didn't want me. I'm just an adopted..abused..nothing.."

Damian frowned. "Ilyana...Your parents are in that next room..They raised you and love more than anything on this earth.."

"I love them too.. But I won't ever be anything close to Elliot. He moved to LA. He teaches music. He's the golden one. I'm still here.. Not knowing what I want.."

"There's nothing wrong with that.."

Ilyana looked up with tears in her eyes. "They'll never look at me the same.."

"Thats not true."

"How do you know..?"

"Because I'm adopted too.." Damian said softly. "My mom couldn't carry a child after some complications she had during my brother's birth, so I was their back up plan.."

"So, you were like.. her miricle.." Ilyana said, calming down a bit.

Damian nodded. "And so were you, to Your dads."

"I just feel so..disgusting.."

"Don't. I can tell you're a sweet girl Ilyana..You're not disgusting..or at fault.." Damian said sincerely.

Ilyana gave a small smile. "Thanks, Damian."

"You're welcome.." He said, smiling back.

Elliot walked inside, running a hand through his curls and sighing deeply. "Are you okay?.." He asked, walking towards his sister.

"Yeah.." She said quietly. "Are you..?"

"Yeah.." He said, sitting next to her and pulling her close. "I-I was just so scared..And mad..I never should've said that..And..I'm so, so sorry.."

"It's fine.."

"No, it's not..I just..I love you Ilyana.." Elliot said. quietly, sniffing as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I love you too, Elliot," She said softly, cuddling up to him.

Elliot stroked Ilyana's hair softly. "I'll never let anyone hurt you.."

"Thank you, Elliot."

He kissed her forehead and Damian smiled, grabbing Elliot's free hand.

Blaine came out a few minutes later. "Lana.. Can we talk to you?"

Ilyana looked up and nodded, standing and walking into the room with her parents. Kurt motioned for her to sit between he and Blaine. "We're going to need his name, address, everything. We're taking care of him first thing tomorrow morning."

"Dads..I really don't wanna press charges.."

"I'm sorry. But if we don't, he could do it to another girl." Blaine said seriously.

She looked down. "You're right.."

"We won't let it get out. We just want you safe," Kurt explained.

She nodded again. "I'm sorry.."

"Why, sweetie?"

"Just causing all of this..Especially on the day Damian came to visit."

"Lana, baby, this isn't your fault. If it wasn't for Damian and Elliot coming, it would still be happening."

She nodded. "Look..Can we just forget about this for the rest of the day and have a good time with Damian?.."

"Of course," Kurt said softly, kissing her forehead.

"Thank you Daddy.."

Blaine smiled, hugging her close. "You hungry?"

"Starving.." She sighed.

They went back out to the living room and sat down. "I know you two have had take out a lot. But is pizza okay for tonight?" Kurt asked.

"Oh, that's just fine, dad." Elliot said.

"Veggie, please," Ilyana asked.

They all had dinner, Damian learning more about Blaine and Kurt and them learning more about him as well. That night, Elliot smiled at his parents. "So, I'm assuming you won't make Damian sleep on the couch?"

"You're engaged," Blaine chuckled.

"But we don't want to hear anything." Kurt said seriously.

Elliot raised an eyebrow. "From what Dad told me you and him used to be pretty bad for grandma.." He said to Kurt.

Kurt's mouth dropped. "Well, she had her moments too!"

"I'm just sayin'.." Elliot chuckled.

"Well, I don't want to hear it," Ilyana laughed.

"Oh please.." Elliot smiled. "Damian's not that loud anyway.."

"Ohmygod.." Damian groaned. "There will be none of that in your parent's home."

"Seriously?" Elliot asked, looking over at his fianc�.

"It's your parent's house, Elliot.." Damian said. "That's weird.."

"It's my old house..I've had sex here before." Elliot said before he caught himself, blushing.

"With who?" Kurt asked with his hands on his hips.

"Um..Alex..And..That one guy in high school you and Dad didn't like..The one with the motorcycle.." Elliot admitted.

Kurt just shook his head. "Come on Blaine. Before we find anything else out."

"No, wait..I'm sorry I didn't tell you, okay?.." Elliot said quietly.

"I'm not mad," Kurt chuckled.

"Not even about Dane?" Elliot asked. "I know you guys hated him..Which is partly why I liked him so much.."

"I liked Dane." Ilyana smiled.

Blaine rolled his eyes playfully. "We didn't like him. But you ended up with someone much better."

Elliot smiled at Damian, "I love you.."

"You're still not getting any," Damian grinned.

Elliot sighed. "We'll see about that.." He said under his breath.

"Goodnight kids," Blaine said before following Kurt to the room.

Elliot walked with Damian to his old room and smiled, pulling him close.

"I love your family.." Damian smiled.

"They love you.." Elliot said softly.

Damian leaned in to kiss his fiance. "I love you so much, Elliot."

"I love you too, Damian.." Elliot smiled, kissing him again.

"Is your lip okay?"

"It's fine. It'll heal before you know it.."

"I like your room," Damian grinned, looking around.

"Really?..It used to be Disney.." Elliot said.

"I think that's adorable."

"I was in love with The Little Mermaid."

"That was my favorite. Along with Lion King."

Elliot grinned. "You're so perfect.."

"So are you," Damian said softly as he started to change. Elliot smiled slyly. Pulling his shirt off and holding Damian from behind. Damian let his head fall back on Elliot's shoulder. "So you're serious about not doing anything in my parents' house?.." Elliot asked.

"I don't know.. It is a little weird with them in the room next to us.."

Elliot pouted, running his hands up and down Damian's sides. "It's not going to work, baby," Damian giggled.

"You sure?.." Elliot giggled, nipping at his neck and tracing his hands to Damian's hips.

Damian gave a small gasp. "Elliot.."

"Mmmhm.." Elliot grinned, pressing down lightly on his hip bones. Damian bit his lip, pressing back against his fianc�.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist.."

"It's not my fault that you're so hot.." Damian whispered. Elliot smiled, laying them down on the bed and climbing on top of his fianc�. Damian looked up at his fiance with excited eyes. Elliot leaned down, kissing Damian's neck softly before biting down. The taller inhaled sharply, tilting his head back.
"So sexy.." Elliot whispered, kissing down his chest. Damian brought his hands up, running them through Elliot's hair.

"I love you.."

"I love you too..So much."

Elliot moaned, rolling his hips down.

"Baby.." Damian gasped.

"What do you want?"

"I want to feel you.."

"Want me to fuck you?.."

"Ohh.. Yes.."

Elliot smiled, grabbing Damian's ass and squeezing lightly.

Damian arched his back up. "Please.."

"Please what, baby?..." Elliot whispered.

"I want you, Elliot.."

Elliot undressed and grabbed the lube, spreading Damian's legs. Damian gasped as his fiance pressed inside of him. Elliot panted softly, resting his forehead against Damian's temple.
"Elliot.." Damian breathed out.

"So fucking perfect.." Elliot whispered, beginning to rock his hips.

Damian's mouth fell open in a silent moan as his eyes screwed shut. He was pretty quiet and tame in bed. But there was something about Elliot cursing and talking dirty that really got him going. Elliot moaned softly in his ear. "You like when I fuck you, baby?.." he smiled, nibbling at the lobe.

Chills ran through the taller's body as he wrapped his legs around Elliot. "Yes.. Oh god.."

Elliot rolled his hips faster, gripping the sheets. Damian tilted his head back as wave after wave of pleasure ran through him. Elliot let out low grunts in his lover's ear as he tilted his hips, searching for that perfect spot. He found it and Damian let out a quiet whine, tightening his legs around Elliot.
"Damian.." Elliot moaned before sucking harshly on his neck.

Damian bit his lip as his muscles started contracting around his fiance.

"Holy shit.." Elliot moaned. Damian threw his head back and arched his back as far as he could as his orgasm hit him, eliciting small whimpers from his lips. Elliot gave a small cry as he came with Damian. "Fuck.." He panted.

Damian leaned up, kissing his fiance deeply. " you.."

"I love you too.." Elliot said, pressing his lips to Damian's again. "God..I love those little fucking whimpers.."

Damian gasped, giving Elliot another one. Elliot kissed Damian deeply, pulling him close. "You have no idea what that does to me." Damian whispered between kisses.

"What what does to you, baby?.." Elliot smiled.

"When you talk dirty.. A-and cuss.."

"You like that?..So fucking hot.."

"Ohh.. Y-Yeah.."

Elliot bit his lip. "One of these days, I'm gonna make you scream so loud.."

Damian's breathing sped up again. "Elliot.."

"Yeah, baby?..."

"You're making me want more.."

Elliot chuckled. "Me too.." he said before slowly pulling out. Damian gasped before curling up to Elliot.
"I love you.." Elliot smiled.

"I love you too."

Elliot sighed softly, smiling. "Goodnight, baby.."

"Mmm, goodnight, gorgeous."

Elliot kissed Damian's forehead before they both drifted off to sleep.

The next morning came and Elliot took Damian on a tour of the city and his favorite places. Blaine and Kurt got ready and took Ilyana downtown to the closest police station and got the paperwork ready to get a restraining order on Steven and filed a report on him. After that they all got home and saw Elliot and Damian setting up the Christmas tree.

"How'd it go..?" Elliot asked.

"Good." Ilyana sighed. "The tree looks nice.." She said, kissing her brother's cheek.

"Thanks. Wanna help?" He asked softly.

"Sure.." Ilyana smiled, reaching into the box. "Oh Elliot..Look..It's the construction paper gingerbread men we made when I was in kindergarten.."

Elliot couldn't hold back his grin. "I remember that."

"You guys still have these?.." She smiled, turning to Kurt and Blaine.

"Of course," Blaine smiled.

"We have everything you two have made." Kurt added.

"Really?" Elliot grinned.

Their dads nodded and sat on the couch, watching the younger ones decorate. Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand, smiling. "This is so perfect.."

"It is.. I miss them both being here." Blaine said quietly.

"So do I..It's good to have them together.." Kurt smiled.

Blaine curled up to his husband. "You think she'll be okay?"

"I hope so..Soon she won't have to worry about him anymore." Kurt said, looking over at Blaine.

"You have no idea what I'd give to be alone with him.." Blaine whispered.

"I know baby..Just relax.."

Blaine nodded, resting his head on Kurt's shoulder.

"I love you.."

"I love you too, baby."

Kurt smiled, humming softly to himself.

Ilyana turned to her dads and grinned. "Daddies.. Are you going to make those raspberry mojitos?"

"I dunno..Are you and Elliot gonna sing us a song like you used to?" Kurt smiled.

"If we do, will you make them?" She asked, giggling.

"Maybe." Blaine grinned.

"Dads, don't make me do this." Elliot sighed.

"I want to watch," Damian smiled.

Elliot groaned and Ilyana chuckled. "Or I can just show you how it's done.."

The men all sat down around the living room and Ilyana smiled before starting to sing one of her favorite songs.
"There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold
But you sing to me over and over and over again..
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
and pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.
Sing to me the song of the stars
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing
and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.."

Kurt and Blaine smiled at their daughter, cuddling closer. A tear ran down Ilyana's cheek as she finished the song.
"So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope
I give you my destiny
I'm giving you all of me
I want your symphony
Singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs I'm giving it back
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.."

Her family all clapped, grinning. "That was beautiful.." Damian smiled.

"Thank you.." She said, a bit bashfully.

Kurt smiled wide. "That was perfect sweetie."

"Thanks, daddy," Ilyana smiled, sitting down across from them.

"Showoff." Elliot chuckled.

"You're just jealous." She laughed.

"Of what?"

"My talent."

"Oh please.." He giggled. "I have just as much."

"Is that why you're scared?" Ilyana challenged. Elliot raised an eyebrow at the challenge and smiled.

Damian chuckled. "Are sing-offs normal here?"

"We usually just burst into song spontaneously.." Kurt chuckled as Elliot sat at the piano and began to play. He turned to his fiance and grinned. "Come on. You're singing with me."

Damian went pale. "O-Oh..Elliot, I don't sing.."

"All you have to do is have fun." Elliot said softly. "Come on."

He sighed, nodding as he sat next to his fianc�. Elliot grinned as he played the familiar tune and they started the duet.
"I really can't stay
But, baby, it's cold outside
I've got to go away
But, baby, it's cold outside
This evening has been
Been hoping that you'd drop in
So very nice
I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice
My mother will start to worry
Beautiful, what's your hurry?
My father will be pacing the floor
Listen to the fire place roar
So really I'd better scurry
Beautiful, please don't hurry
But maybe just half a drink more
Put some records on while I pour.."

Elliot grinned, Damian actually did have a really nice voice..

"The neighbors might think
Baby, it's bad out there
Say what's in this drink?
No cabs to be had out there
I wish I knew how
Your eyes are like starlight now
To break the spell
I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell
I ought to say no no no, sir
Mind if I move in closer?
At least I'm gonna say that I tried
What's the sense in hurting my pride?
I really can't stay
Baby, don't hold out
Oh, but it's cold outside."

Their family applauded them and Damian blushed, looking down.

"In school to be a doctor, a very nice voice, very handsome.. Damn, Elliot, you've done well." Ilyana chuckled. "You still didn't beat me."

"That's a matter of opinion!" Elliot laughed.

"Dads?" Ilyana asked, crossing her arms.

"You were both amazing.." Blaine smiled.

"Have you ever thought of doing something with your singing?" Damian asked Ilyana.

"Oh, no..I've never really thought about it."

"Well, you have an amazing voice."

"Thank you.." Ilyana smiled.

Damian nodded, "You're welcome."

Elliot smiled. "So what do you guys wanna do today?"

"Chrissy wants me to go ice skating with her if you wanna come." Ilyana said.

"That sounds fun." Damian smiled.

"Didn't you used to mess around with Chrissy?" Elliot chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing." Ilyana said quickly.

"I don't wanna know.." Blaine sighed.

"She's just my friend. I'm not gay, dad. We just.. make out sometimes."

"Ohdeargod.." Kurt said, rubbing his temples as Blaine chuckled.

"What?" Ilyana asked, trying not to laugh. Kurt just shook his head and Blaine laughed along with Elliot. "So, are you in or not?" Ilyana asked, smiling.

"Sure, Lana.." Elliot smiled.

They all got ready and headed out. It was a beautiful afternoon. They met up with Ilyana's friend and had a great time skating and hanging out. They went out to go get a couple of drinks before going back to Kurt and Blaine's. Kurt was on the couch, sitting on his husband's lap, kissing him softly. Blaine rested his hands on his husband's hips. "You're still the most beautiful person I've ever seen.."

Kurt smiled. "You know, I was right..You look better with gray hair than I do.."

"What're you talking about? You don't have any," Blaine smiled, trying to be sweet. Kurt grinned, leaning down to kiss his husband deeply. Blaine gave a low moan, wrapping his arms around his husband. Kurt hummed, opening his mouth to Blaine as he rocked his hips down.
"Kurt.." Blaine growled, thrusting his hips up.

Kurt gasped at the noise. "Oh Blaine..Your voice.."

Blaine grinned, keeping his voice low. "You like that?"

"Ungh..Yes.." Kurt smiled, licking across Blaine's bottom lip. Blaine turned them, laying down and pulling Kurt in for another kiss. Kurt gave a soft moan. "Fuck, you're so hot.."

"So sexy.." Blaine growled. Kurt pulled on Blaine's curls, panting softly against his lips. Blaine gasped, thrusting up again. "D-Do you think the kids will be back soon?.." Kurt asked, whining softly as he rolled his body.

"I hope not." Blaine whispered. Kurt moaned, biting Blaine's neck and sucking hard. Blaine let his eyes slip closed as he let out a loud moan. "I want you.."

Blaine wrapped an arm around Kurt and flipped them over. He ground his hips down onto his lover as he kissed down his neck. "Blaine.." Kurt panted.

Blaine lifted up, quickly removing his shirt before doing the same to Kurt. Kurt reached down unzipping Blaine's jeans and pulling his own down. Blaine tossed his aside and positioned himself between Kurt's thighs. Kurt wrapped his legs around Blaine, gasping harshly. The shorter pressed in all the way before starting to thrust quickly. Kurt gave a loud moan, throwing his head back. "Blaine!"

"Fuck baby.. Yes.. Let me hear you." Blaine panted. Kurt pulled Blaine's hair, rolling his hips in time with Blaine's. Blaine growled deep in his throat, leaning down and kissing Kurt passionately. Kurt ran his hands down to Blaine's back before clawing down the firm muscle.
"Holyshit!" Blaine moaned loudly.

"Fuck me!" Kurt gasped. Blaine gripped the cushion on either side of Kurt, slamming down into his lover. Kurt spread his legs open, bending them at the knee as he moaned loudly, getting out his husband's name between breaths. "So fucking good.." Blaine gasped.

"Blaine! Fuck..Ungh..Ah! Right there!" Kurt moaned.

"Fuck baby.. I'm so close.."

"S-So am I.."

Blaine gave a particularly rough thrust as he and his husband came together. They cried out in ecstasy as Damian walked through the front door. "Ohmygod, I'm so sorry!" Damian gasped as he closed the door again. Blaine groaned, trying to find a blanket to cover them. Kurt couldn't help but laugh as he panted. "It never fails.."

"At least we got to finish," Blaine chuckled. Kurt smiled, leaning up to kiss Blaine deeply. "We should get dressed.."

"We should.." Kurt chuckled. Blaine shook his head as he got up and grabbed his jeans. Kurt shot a sly smile over his shoulder as he walked to the bedroom to clean up. Blaine straightened the couch and went to the front door. "Sorry about that.."

"Um..It's okay.." Damian said, chuckling nervously. Blaine nodded before walking to his room. Elliot walked upstairs with Ilyana and saw Damian's flushed expression.
"What happened?"

"I um..Kind of..Walked in on your parents.."

"Oh, eww." Ilyana sighed.

"There's not an age limit Lana.." Elliot chuckled.


"True. Damian..You wanna help me get started on dinner?.."

"Yeah, babe."

Ilyana smiled at them before walking back to her old room. She sighed as she laid down. Putting on a fake smile and pretending to be happy was so exhausting. She turned over and buried her face in her pillow, sighing as she felt tears creep into her eyes. Ilyana knew she was lucky that her situation was over. But now there was a chance of it getting out. She hated that her family knew. She knew she was loved dearly. But it made her feel like an outcast. Elliot was engaged and smart and went to college..What was she compared to him? She wasn't in school. No idea of what she wanted to be. She loved Elliot, and she knew how much she was loved in return, but it still hurt. She sat up, crying quietly as she hugged her pillow.

A few minutes later, Kurt came upstairs to check on his daughter. He heard her quiet sobs through the door and knocked softly. "Lana..?"

She gasped, turning and quickly wiping her tears. "I-I'll be out in a second, Daddy.."

Kurt slowly opened the door. "Can I come in?"

She looked down, wiping her eyes again and turning away. He walked in and sat on the edge of her bed. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm okay.." She said, pulling a fake smile. "I promise."

"You can talk to me. I'll keep it between us if you want."

"I just..I know how much you and Dad love me..But..I just have this bugging voice in the back of my head..Telling me how perfect Elliot is..And..He's a part of you..I'm not.."

"Oh, Lana," Kurt sighed. "Come here.. I know it might not sound the same out loud. But you don't have to be blood to be family. You'll never know how much you saved me."

"What do you mean?.." She asked quietly as Kurt hugged her.

"It's not something we talk about much. We had been planning on adopting a girl for a while. But hadn't put it in motion yet. Everything was perfect. Until I got a phone call that just..broke my heart. My dad had passed away. I was a mess. I barely remember most of it. But for a long time, I wasn't okay. Blaine was scared I wouldn't come out of my depression. Since that happened, we waited. And I'm glad we did. We waited and found you." Kurt explained with tears in his eyes. "I was better. But I wasn't the same. When I saw you though.. It was just like when I saw Elliot for the first time. I knew right then, that you were meant to be with us. And that I would do anything to keep you safe. Honestly, I feel like I failed because of what happened. But no matter what, you are my baby girl and you saved me, Ilyana.."

"You didn't fail at anything, Dad.." Ilyana said quietly as a tear slipped down her cheek. "I love you so much."

"I love you more than anything. Don't ever think you're not as important as Elliot. You are both our kids. We love you both so much."

She nodded, wiping her eyes. "I just..Elliot's engaged and happy and has a good job..I just can't.." Ilyana sighed, wiping her eyes.

"He's also six years older than you," Kurt said softly. "You'll have that when you're ready."

She sighed, nodding. "I'm sorry.."

"Don't be, baby girl. You don't have to figure everything out yet."

Ilyana nodded again. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, Lana."


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