After the Fire
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After the Fire: Chapter 6

E - Words: 3,485 - Last Updated: Jun 06, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Apr 04, 2012 - Updated: Jun 06, 2013
590 0 1 0 0

Things had been going pretty well for Kurt and Blaine. They agreed on taking things slow and it had been working out Most of the time it had gotten a little hard to take it slow..Especially when Blaine would come home from work, sweaty and looking completely edible. Or when Kurt wore his pants low and swung his hips. But they were trying. Blaine's schedule helped with that as well. Usually when they were in the middle of a very heated make out session, Blaine's phone would go off and he'd be out the door. Luckily, Kurt understood and handled him leaving well.

Blaine was sitting at work, rolling his eyes as David went on and on about Angie.
"I mean, she's so hot dude..And just..Amazing..Do you think you could get her to come out on another date with me?" David asked.

"David. Why don't you just ask her?" Blaine sighed.


"He's a wuss." Wes chuckled, sitting down.

Blaine laughed. "True. But apparently she's into that."

"Shut up.." David mumbled, sipping his soda.

"Then I guess I won't mention what she has said about your last date.." Blaine teased.

"What'd she say?" David asked quickly.

"Nope." Blaine grinned. "You want me to shut up."

"Blaine, come on!"

"Call her." Blaine said seriously. "She's into you."

"Really?" David grinned.

Blaine was about to tell David to call Angie now when the alarm went off. The department quickly got up and headed to their gear. Blaine gasped when he heard the address. "No.."

"What's wrong?" David asked quickly as they pulled on their suits.

"That's the bakery.." Blaine said as they ran to the truck.

"Well come on!" Wes yelled. They got on the truck and sped to the fire. Samantha was outside being calmed by some other fireman when they pulled up to the scene. Blaine saw Angie and ran to her. "Where's Kurt?!"

"He-He's still inside!" She said hysterically. "He's trying to put it out! I told him you would come but he wouldn't listen!"

Blaine turned on his heel and ran inside, screaming Kurt's name. He ran to the kitchen where the smoke was pouring out and the flames were climbing up the walls. He pulled on his mask but could still barely see through the smoke. Wes and David were starting on putting the fire out when Blaine saw Kurt on the floor. He picked him up in a panic and felt for a pulse. Still breathing. He yelled to his friends before hurrying to carry his boyfriend outside. Blaine hurried out of the building and Angie screamed as she saw Kurt unconscious in his arms. The EMTs brought a gurney over and Blaine laid him down, insisting he had to to with Kurt. They let him get in the ambulance and quickly pulled off, Blaine holding Kurt's hand. He pressed his lips to Kurt's hand. "Please baby.. Wake up.."

Kurt's eyes slowly opened and he looked up at him, grabbing at the oxygen mask.

Blaine stopped him. "Baby you need it.."

Kurt let his hand fall weakly back to his side before coughing loudly. The paramedics made Blaine sit back as they examined him.
"He's inhaled a lot of smoke.." One of them said.

"Will he be okay?" Blaine asked worriedly.

"He should..We just have to get him to the hospital..He might have to stay overnight depending on the severity.." The EMT said. Kurt reached out for Blaine, squeezing his hand with his own. He had a few burns on his forearm but they didn't look that bad.
"I'm sorry.." Kurt said quietly.

"Its okay baby... I'm here.." blaine said, kissing Kurt's palm.

Kurt looked up at Blaine, tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry.."

"Shh.. I'm here baby.." Blaine whispered. "You're going to be okay."

Kurt coughed more, closing his eyes as he squeezed Blaine's hand.

"Try to relax baby.."

Kurt let Blaine hold his hand, breathing heavy and broken as they drove to the hospital. They got there and Blaine had to sit in the waiting room as the doctors examined the damage. Angie hurried into the waiting room with Samantha close behind and saw Blaine, running over to him. "Is he dead?.."

Blaine looked up at her in disbelief at her words. "No."

"Oh my god.. Sorry..I just had like thousand scenarios running through my head and I just got so scared and Idon'tknowwhattodo.." She rambled, her breathing speeding up.

Blaine sighed, getting up and hugging her. "He inhaled a lot of smoke.."

"But he's okay?.." She whispered, clutching to Blaine.

"He should be.."

"This is all my fault.." Samantha whimpered.

"Why?" blaine asked.

"I-I left the cupcakes in the oven a d went across the street..Just for a minute..Well..A few..And when I came back I locked myself out a-and there was smoke..I tried every way to get in but I didn't have the key..So I called Kurt and Angie.." Samantha got out.

"Why did he go in?"

"To put it out.." Angie said quietly.

"I should've been there.." Blaine whispered.

"You were working." Angie said seriously. "There's no way you could've been there."

"He shouldn't have been in there."

"I told him not to. He wouldn't listen.."

The doctor came out a while later and explained Kurt's condition. He would be released in a couple of hours but had to take it easy for the night and the next few days. Blaine was allowed to go see his boyfriend after he spoke with the doctor. He sat on the edge of Kurt's bed and took his hand. "I was so scared.."

"I know..I'm sorry.." Kurt whispered.

"You're okay.. It's okay.."

"I didn't mean to get caught in there..I thought it was small.." Kurt said quietly.

"You should've waited for me.. Its so easy for things to get even worse in a fire.. You have no idea of the things I've seen.."

"I'm sorry I scared you..And when can I take this damn thing off?" Kurt growled, grabbing at the oxygen mask.

Blaine couldn't help but smile lightly. "In a little bit. You have to take it easy for the next few days. So how about I cook you dinner tonight? David called me and said I could have the night off to be with you."

Kurt smiled. "I'd love that.."

When they got home, Blaine helped Kurt to the island in the kitchen and got ready to cook. He put some music on and smiled at his boyfriend. "Now.. I've never made this before.. So, bare with me.."

"What is it?" Kurt asked quietly, resting his chin on his hand and smiling. Angie had gone out with David again so they had the apartment to themselves.

"You'll see. But don't worry. It's chicken," Blaine giggled. He was actually quite proud of himself for how dinner turned out. Chicken breast with sun dried tomatoes and Romano cheese with a flavorful punch along with the tantalizing aroma of fresh marjoram in a rustic Italian-inspired dish. And on the side, sauteed fresh spinach and steamed broccoli. Blaine made their plates and poured them each a glass of wine before sitting across from Kurt.

"And he can cook?..You're perfect.." Kurt giggled.

Blaine looked down as he felt his blush growing across his cheeks. "Thank you.."

Kurt smiled, looking down at the food and smoothing down his arm bandages self consciously. "Your welcome.."

"How are you feeling?"

"Good..Just worried about how bad these scars are gonna look.." Kurt admitted before starting to eat. "This is amazing.." He smiled.

"I'm sure we can find something to help them heal. And thank you.. It's just something I've been thinking about for a few days," Blaine said softly.

Kurt grinned, reaching over and grabbing Blaine's hand. After dinner, Blaine cleaned up and they cuddled up on the couch to watch one of Kurt's favorite musicals. Kurt let Blaine wrapped his arms around him and sighed happily. "I can never thank you enough.."

"You don't have to. You being here and safe with me is all I need.."

"You saved my life.." Kurt said, looking up at Blaine.

"You don't have to thank me baby. It's what we do," Blaine said softly.

Kurt smiled, leaning up and kissing Blaine softly. Blaine hummed quietly as they kissed. He pulled back as his phone rang and sighed as he saw it was Wes.
"This better be important."

"Blaine..We need you.." Wes said quickly.

Blaine sat up. "What is it?"

"There's a huge apartment fire downtown. We're getting every man we have down here." He said quickly.

"On my way! Meet you there!" Blaine said before hanging up. "I-I'm sorry baby.. They need me.."

Kurt nodded. "It's okay. Go." He said softly, kissing Blaine sweetly. "Be safe.."

"I will.. I love you." Blaine said as he pulled his suit on and ran for the door.
Once he arrived at the apartment complex, Blaine saw that more than 100 firefighters, including his team and a few other local stations, were battling a large fire after a construction crew ruptured a gas line next to the building. The failed to get the gas turned off before the fire ruptured. Most of the renters had been evacuated. By the time the firefighters were there, the gas had spread to the first three floors and the fire was steadily growing. A woman slammed her car door, and ran towards the building screaming, "My baby!"
Blaine and another firefighter ran up to catch her. "What room?" Blaine asked quickly. She told them before he and three others darted inside and up to the third floor. The heat was scorching as they ran through the hallway, dodging the cracks in the floor.

Kurt was at home, curled up on the couch as he watched the news. He barely blinked as he waited for news of Blaine being out of the fire. He watched as one by one the firefighters came out, sometimes bringing the people that hadn't made it out. A few more men had come out, one collapsing to his knees next to one of their trucks and coughing nonstop from inhaling too much smoke. Another man appeared from the building holding a fellow firefighter, who looked severely burned, and helping him to an ambulance. Minute after minute ticked by. Each one seeming like an eternity to Kurt. The news reporter listened to the person in her earpiece. She looked into the camera and revealed Kurt's worst nightmare. "It seems that everyone is out expect for two firefighters, Wesley Adams and Blaine Anderson. Along with a four month old and a babysitter.."

Kurt's hand flew over his mouth and tears gathered in his eyes as he clutched the throw pillow closer. "Oh my god.." He got out before Angie ran in, asking if he had heard anything. His eyes were wide with fear as he answered her. "Blaine and Wes are still in the building.. They've been in for a long time.. There's a baby inside.."

Angie got on the couch and pulled Kurt close. "He's gonna be okay.."

"He said he loved me..Before he left.." Kurt whispered.

Angie gasped. "What did you say?"

"He left..A-And I was so shocked..I..I didn't..I.." Kurt whimpered as a tear slipped down his cheek.

"Shh, it'll be okay. He's coming home.." Angie soothed.

"It's been so long..I couldn't handle that smoke for five minutes.." Kurt got out.

"Shh, it's okay. It's his job. That's what his equipment is for. Look!" Angie said, pointing to the screen as Wes came out with the girl who must have been the babysitter and lead her to the EMTs.

"Oh god..Blaine's still in there.."

Wes was comforting the young girl when their Captain came over. "Where the hell is Anderson?!"

"He disappeared! I thought he was behind me with the baby!" Wes said.

"Get in there and find them! NOW!" The Captain yelled as Blaine stumbled out, holding the baby girl close to his chest. He had the top half of his suit off. His arms were badly burnt along with his chest. But he had the baby and that's all that mattered to him.

The mother ran to Blaine and he handed her the baby. "Ohmygod..Thank you..Thank you so much.." She sobbed.

"Y-You're welcome ma'am.." Blaine got out before slowly making his way over to his crew with the mother to have the baby checked out.

Wes and David hurried over to Blaine. "Come on, we've gotta get you an ambulance.." David said quickly.

"What happened in there?.." Wes asked.

Blaine shook his head. "I couldn't see.. I-I took off my suit and the floor was too fragile in some places.. I had to be careful.."

"Come on man..You're burned pretty badly.." David said softly. "Always have to be the hero.." He chuckled under his breath.

Blaine didn't answer as he was led to an ambulance and to the hospital. He had irregular patches of white and red on his arms and chest, along with blisters on his back. The burned spots appeared wet and shiny. Even the slightest touch made the firefighter jump. The doctor told Blaine that it would take about a month for the burns to completely heal and prescribed him antibiotic ointments, dressing changes two times a day, daily cleaning of the wound to remove the dead skin and a systemic antibiotic. He was also given a pain reliever for when he had to do the dressing changes. When Kurt was finally allowed to go see Blaine, he could tell Blaine had gone into shock. His skin was pale and clammy. He looked weak and his lips had a bluish tint to them. Kurt tried to say something but Blaine wasn't fully alert.

"Blaine..." Kurt whispered, sitting next to the bed.

"Hmm..?" Blaine hummed quietly.

"Oh god..You're okay.." Kurt smiled.."Well I mean..You're alive.." He said, tears filling his eyes. Blaine groaned. He was in so much pain. He couldn't imagine how horrid he looked to Kurt. "Shh..It's okay..Just relax.." Kurt whispered. "I brought a few of your books.." He said quietly. "I thought you might want me to read to you.."

Without moving, Blaine glanced at his boyfriend and tried to whisper, "Please.."

Kurt nodded lightly, pulling out the book Blaine read the most. The cover faded and the pages yellowed and feathered a bit from him reading it so many times.
"I brought Pride and Prejudice.." Kurt said quietly, smiling a bit. "I know how much you love it.."

Blaine gave the slightest smile. He loved how well Kurt knew him. Kurt crossed his legs, opened the old tattered book and began to read.
"IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife..."

Blaine took a deep breath, closing his eyes and relaxing at Kurt's voice. A few hours later, Kurt dog eared the page and sighed softly as a nurse came in to change Blaine's bandages. Blaine clenched his teeth as the pain shot through his entire upper body. Kurt's hand flew over his mouth as the burns were revealed. One of the nurses added the pain killers to his IV drip as they carefully peeled the dressing away. Blaine's eyes fell closed soon after, the pain killers helping him fall asleep. They redressed his wounds and laid him back, walking out of the room and leaving them alone.

About an hour later Blaine woke up. "K-Kurt..?"

Kurt looked up from the book and saw his boyfriend. "Hey.." Kurt said softly. Blaine tried lifting his arm to reach for Kurt's hand but his eyes winced shut at the pain from moving. Kurt reached down, carefully grabbing Blaine's hand. "I'm here.."

"I-I..I-I'm sorry.." Blaine choked out as tears sprang to his eyes.

"Shh..You didn't do anything.." Kurt whispered, leaning over carefully to kiss Blaine."You saved that baby..You came out alive..That's nothing to be sorry for..."

Blaine's bottom lip quivered. "I-I look hideous.. I'm putting.. You through.. So much.."

"You're still perfect to me..I'll always be here Blaine..." Kurt said quietly. The burned man looked down. He knew Kurt cared about him. But there was a small part of him that wondered if his boyfriend pitied him. "I love you too..." Kurt said quietly.

Blaine quickly looked up, turning slightly and groaning at the movement. "Y-You do..?"

"I do.." Kurt smiled.

"Thank you.." Blaine whispered.

"Don't thank me.." Kurt said softly. "That sounds like I'm doing you a favor.."

Blaine nodded as he kept his eyes on Kurt's.

"I love you..."

"I-I love you too.."

Kurt smiled, running his thumb over Blaine's knuckles.

"I want to go home.." Blaine whined.

"I know baby," Kurt whispered.

Blaine sighed, looking up at Kurt. "Will you sing?"

Kurt nodded, squeezing Blaine's hand lightly before beginning to sing.
"When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
Well, there's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?.."

Blaine smiled as he listened to the angelic voice.

"Well, I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up.."

Blaine reached out, squeezing Kurt's hand.

"And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not
And who I am

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up.."

Kurt finished, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"You're so..perfect.." Blaine whispered.

"So are you Blaine.." Kurt said just as quietly.

"What's wrong..?"

"I just..Wish I could help somehow.."

"You're here.."

"I'm sorry I..I just don't want you to be in pain.."

"I know, Kurt.. I-I'm trying to keep it in.. Sometimes I just can't.."

"You don't have to..Let out what you need to.."

Blaine shrugged lightly. He didn't want Kurt to see him like this.

"Blaine..It's okay.."

"Thanks for being here.." Blaine said quietly.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else.." Kurt said, giving a small smile.

"How's the bakery?" Blaine asked.

"Angie's going to look now..It's probably ruined..I haven't gotten a chance to go see.." Kurt sighed.

"It's okay if you do." Blaine said softly.

"I want to stay with you..She's gonna take pictures and send them to me.." Kurt said softly.

Blaine nodded. "Do you have insurance in case of fires?"

"Yeah.." Kurt said softly. "But you don't worry about that..You just rest okay?.."


Kurt smiled, picking up the book and beginning to read aloud to Blaine where he left off.

A while later, Angie appeared at the door, knocking lightly. Kurt said she could come in and she stepped inside. "Hey.." Kurt said softly, setting the book down.

"How you feeling?" She asked Blaine.

"I've been better.." Blaine said, giving a weak smile.

"Today is just not our day." Angie sighed.

"Two hospital visits in one day.." Kurt sighed. "Just stay away from an open flame Ange.." He giggled.

"I'll do my best," she chuckled.

"So how bad is it?.." Kurt asked quietly.

Angie groaned. "You don't want to know."

Kurt swallowed hard. That building was in his name. What if the insurance didn't cover everything?

"We'll figure it out, sweetie.."

"Can I just see the pictures?.." He asked.

Angie pulled out her camera and handed it to Kurt. Kurt kept a somber face as he looked through the pictures of the charred building. When he finished he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply.

"How much in damages?" Blaine asked quietly.

"It looks about..Twenty thousand.." Kurt said quietly.

"I've already called the insurance company. We have an appointment in the morning." Angie told Kurt. Kurt nodded, grabbing Blaine's hand.

"I can help too," Blaine said softly.

"No, you just need to worry about feeling better." Kurt said seriously.

"I'm serious, Kurt.."

"So am I Blaine..You saved my life..I can't ask you for anything more than that.."

"And you didn't ask." Blaine said, trying to sit up.

"No, Blaine.." Kurt said, trying to get him to lie back down. Blaine put too much pressure on his arms and collapsed back onto the bed. He gripped the sheets as hard as he could to keep from groaning. Kurt leaned down, kissing his forehead softly. "Shh.."

Blaine turned his head so Kurt couldn't see his tears.

"It's okay.." Kurt said, stroking his cheek and kissing him softly.

A nurse came in and checked Blaine's monitor. "How do you feel? Any pain?"

"I'm fine.." Blaine lied.

"He's not..Can you please give him some pain killer?.." Kurt asked, ignoring Blaine's glare.

She raised an eyebrow at her patient. "Mr. Anderson. You need to tell me when it hurts."

Blaine looked down and said nothing as she administered the pain killer.

"Thank you," Kurt said to the nurse.

"You're welcome.." She said softly before walking out.

"I don't need it." Blaine grumbled as he felt himself getting tired.

"If you're in pain you need it.." Kurt said seriously.

Blaine tried to fight back a yawn but failed. "Nu uh.."

"Yes.."Kurt smiled, placing a chaste kiss to Blaine's lips.

Blaine tried to protest before he fell asleep with a small smile on his lips. Kurt smiled lightly before looking back at Angie.

"How long does he have to stay?"

"A couple of days..The burns put him in shock..I think he's better now.."

"Good.." Angie said softly.

"What if the insurance Doesn't cover it?..." Kurt asked.

"We'll find a way," Angie said as she took kurts hand. Kurt took a deep breath, running his hands through his hair.

"Let's just go to the meeting and see what happens."

"Okay.." Kurt whispered.

End Notes: Thanks to harryeron for helping us with an idea. Added a little twist to it. Hope you all like. And if anyone has anything they want to see in this story, let us know :)


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I knew something bad was gonna happen but luckily they are both okay and they said I love you :) I hope Kurt's insurance will help him. Blaine wants to help him too even though Kurt says no I know he doesn't want it but Blaine loves him