March 10, 2013, 3:50 p.m.
March 10, 2013, 3:50 p.m.
By this point Blaine was shivering uncontrollably. Kurt's words were not only a promise of an assuredly fantastic orgasm, but affirmation that his boyfriend truly appreciated Blaine's effort to continue exploring the sexual side of their relationship. Now all he felt was a maddening combination of emotions, running the gamut from sweet, innocent tenderness to lustful, full-blown arousal. The sheer amount of both physical and mental feelings racing through him caused Blaine to choke on a noise that crashed out as half sob, half moan. Registering the clearly conflicted note, Kurt's tone softened slightly, murmuring comfortingly as he pulled Blaine further into his arms,
"Honey, are you still with me?"
After taking a few deep breaths, Blaine nodded, managing a brief explanation,
"I just.. I love you. I love us. And I want you so badly right now and... all the time. It's just so much."
Kurt smiled broadly, laying a kiss into his boyfriend's sweaty curls.
"I know, baby. I'm going to take care of you."
He slid away slightly, moving again to kneel between the meaty thighs beneath him, finally hooking his thumbs on the hem of Blaine's shirt, pulling upwards. Blaine complied with the silent order by stretching his arms and allowing the garment to slip completely off before resuming his original position. Kurt tossed it away carelessly, too eager to suckle the expanse of tanned skin before him, as opposed to mouthing the cotton previously hiding the delectable surface. Bracing his hands on either side of his boyfriend, Kurt bent down to mimic the line his fingers drew earlier, only this time pressing his lips inch by agonizingly slow inch down Blaine's spine.
Kurt took his time, spending full minutes working his way along Blaine's back, alternately placing soft kisses that left no evidence and harsh bites that littered the skin with dark, deep marks. The feeling of muscles contracting beneath his mouth and the sounds of breathy mewls only served to spur on his excruciatingly teasing descent. Throughout the delightfully painstaking process, Kurt maintained a slightly uncomfortable awareness of his own desire for reciprocated contact, but managed to retain determination that Blaine remained the focus of this particular encounter. Nothing brought the older teen more pleasure than seeing and hearing Blaine get off. In fact, the odds were good that Kurt might come in his pants before this whole thing ended, should he perform as well as he knew himself capable of.
Upon reaching the delicate black trim once more, he briefly swiped his tongue underneath the waistband. Immediately after the tantalizing lick, Kurt lifted himself back up, pulling his knees slightly together and clasping his hands behind his back, effectively removing all contact from Blaine's body. His boyfriend whined helplessly. By moving backwards in search of Kurt's touch, he only succeeded in creating more friction between his crotch and the pillow beneath him, which caused him even more physical anguish. Both boys equally floated in a world of blissful hell, and neither wanted this to feel any other way in this moment.
Without touching him in any way, Kurt flexibly bent down to whisper in Blaine's ear,
"So, just how desperate are you by now to feel my tongue fucking your filthy ass while that silk still clings to your cock?"