Sept. 5, 2012, 8:26 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2012, 8:26 p.m.
Blaine finished packing his guitar, sheet music, and notebooks for the day. it was ten on the dot and was happy to have finished early, it gave him time to go home and get ready to go out with Kurt. He was going to meet him at eleven to grab some drinks.
Kevin was also cleaning up for the night; they had gotten some tracks in and were very happy about it.
“Someone’s in a hurry to get out of here, didn’t know my company was so awful”
Blaine looked up from snapping his guitar case closed and smiled at Kevin.
“No, I’m just going to meet a friend for some drinks.”
They said their goodbyes and Blaine headed to his apartment to get ready for the night.
Blaine arrived at the apartment, and headed straight towards the shower, it felt good to take away all the stress of the day. He had gotten up early and was exhausted. He wasn’t even able to fit in a nap, but he was pumped to go out. He couldn’t remember the last time he had gone out to get drinks.
He got ready in record time; he threw on tight black jeans a simple white V-neck shirt and a dark grey vest. He quickly styled his hair doing the best he could with the short time he had.
He checked his phone and saw he had two missed messages the first one from James. He was in Miami dealing with some of his clients, something about an actor wanting out from a movie contract.
(10:09) from James
Goodnight baby, miss you.
He smiled a little; James rarely sent any kind of cute messages, so it was nice when he did. Not that it made anything ok. Their relationship felt like it was on the very edge, Blaine thought just a little more pushing and he would fall off. Sometimes they would have some good moments, but then they would be fighting. Blaine believed it was his fault, maybe if he was more loving, maybe if he tried more, their relationship wouldn’t be so rocky. But he didn’t know what to do; sometimes Blaine got so lost in his head and never managed to do anything right.
He knew he shouldn’t go out with Kurt, with anyone. It made James paranoid that he was going to do something. Especially in New York, James had a lot of friends and Blaine always ran into them at events, he wouldn’t be surprised if his outing with Kurt would get to James before he was even back from his trip.
At one point he was so worried about James finding out that he almost called Kurt to cancel, but in the end, his need to see his friend won. He couldn’t waste an opportunity to hang out with Kurt, no matter what kind of inner turmoil he was in.
He sent a quick goodnight to James and checked his other message.
(10:59) from Kurt
Sitting at the bar all by my lonesome…
Blaine looked at his clock and noticed it said it was 11:02. He grabbed his wallet and keys and threw on his scarf and coat and headed out the door, glad that the bar was only a short cab ride over. He sent out a reply to Kurt to let him know he was on his way.
(11:03) to Kurt
Running late, on the way
He hailed a cab and gave the cabbie directions; he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.
(11:05) from Kurt
Tsk tsk, just know you’ll have a lot of catching up to do
As he read it another message came in
(11:05) from Kurt
The bartender persuaded me to start without you
Blaine frowned at the TX, Kurt was already drinking and already had the bartender flirting with him, and again he couldn’t stop the jealousy he was feeling at the thought.
He smiled when he sent out his reply
(11:05) to Kurt
What if pictures of tonight end up online, and were screwed
(11:06) from Kurt
(11:06) to Kurt
I’m pretty sure it’ll rule
(11:07) from Kurt
Are you drunk already?
(11:07) to Kurt
If we get kicked out of the bar, we could hit the boulevard
(11:07) from Kurt
Blaine, no
(11:08) to Kurt
With my favorite party dress, there’ll be warrants for my arrest
(11:08) from Kurt
You need help
(11:08) to Kurt
We can dance on tabletops after we took too many shots
(11:09)from Kurt
Katy Perry will haunt me forever.
Blaine laughed, he enjoyed that he was able to banter back and forth with Kurt, it reminded him of all the random TX messages they would send to each other during school. The easiness they used to have that he had yearned for so much.
That’s what he was expecting of the night, he wanted to have his best friend back in his life. James managed to control many aspects of his life but he wasn’t going to allow him to take away one of the few people that made him genuinely happy.
He notices he had arrived at the bar; he paid and heads inside, his phone vibrated while he waited to get in.
(11:10) from Kurt
There’s a nice cold shot with your name on it
After getting his id checked he headed toward the bar. It was a little crowded so it took him a second to find Kurt.
When he finally reached him, he was sitting on a barstool a glass with something pink next to him on the bar. He took Kurt in, he was wearing sinfully tight white jeans, a light blue button-up with a skinny dark blue tie, and knee-high boots. Blaine couldn’t help and think that Kurt just looked sexy; the outfit complemented his body in all the right places.
He realized he had been staring; he was shaken from his thoughts as Kurt turned over and spotted him. He smiled at him and Blaine went over and sat on the stool next to him.
Kurt handed Blaine the shot “aww and I was expecting you to show up in some hot little party dress”
Blaine laughed “I’m not sure I have the legs for it”
Blaine took the shot and couldn’t help but smile at Kurt. The bartender brought over two more. Kurt handed him another shot and held up his glass.
“Well, to hopefully see you dance on the table tops”
Blaine laughed again and brought up his glass “as long as I keep my clothes on”
“Your no fun” Kurt smirked flirtatiously as they both took their shot. Blaine blushed at the comment.
He didn’t know what to expect, but he knew he felt like a huge weight was lifting off his chest, Kurt was being so carefree and he welcome it, it reminded him of the old Kurt, the one he had gone out with countless of times.
He ordered two more drinks. He decided to forget about everything and have fun, something he hadn’t had in a long time.
Kurt didn’t know how they ended up where they were, he was hot and sweaty and he could feel the alcohol cursing through his body, he was feeling really good. He moved his body to the same rhythm Blaine was moving. His hands tightly gripped his hip and Kurt’s arms wrapped around his neck.
The club they were at was a couple of doors down from the bar they had been at. After a couple of rounds of drinks and shots, Blaine suggested going and dancing something they hadn’t done together in a long time. They were both drunk, so he had agreed. They ordered another shot and headed to the dance floor. They were dancing and acting like idiots to the beat of the music.
Kurt was laughing hysterically when they started playing ‘Raise your Glass’ and Blaine started to do the warbler steps from high school. He laughed harder when he started doing his gangster pose.
The club still wasn’t crowded so they had plenty of space between them. But all of Kurt’s inhibitions were thrown out the door after a few shot girls walked past. They had two more shots, by then he had lost count. Slowly people started trickling in.
It was almost one and the club was packed. They were body to body, so now they were both dancing close to each other. He knew the little voice of reason inside his head thought it was a bad idea to be so close to Blaine, but his body was telling him otherwise.
They had talked at the bar about nothing in particular. He was happy to be hanging out with Blaine. It felt like it used to.
Well almost.
Kurt noticed something he hadn’t the last couple of times he had been with Blaine. He didn’t know why he didn’t notice before. Something in Blaine was missing, something was clouding his usual bright excited honey eyes.
There was always a spark of happiness and excitement. In the beginning, he thought maybe he was just tired, but the more he saw him the more evident it was that something was wrong with him. He didn’t know if it was work or James or him that was making him feel like that. But it sadden him that Blaine looked so miserable. In Kurt’s mind it wasn’t right, Blaine is always meant to be happy.
He decided to put down some walls he had built around himself and like himself around Blaine. Maybe it would make Blaine feel a little bit better. He knew they were still very awkward around each other, but it also made him realize how much he missed Blaine in his life, and Kurt didn’t think he could let him go again. No matter what James said or did.
A few guys had asked him if he wanted to dance, some of them randomly grinding up against him. At any other night, he would have let him, but he was with Blaine and he had no interest in dancing with anyone else. After one guy was being very persistent, Blaine grabbed Kurt by the hips and pulled him against him. . The guy got the message and finally let Kurt go.
And now they were dancing. The room was hot and humid. The dance floor was dark and the lights were flashing, and Blaine’s body was grinding up against him; he could feel the heat coming off Blaine’s body. Kurt pressed himself closer to Blaine and Kurt could smell his cologne sweat and Blaine against his neck, it was intoxicating.
He could remember the last time he felt this good and had so much fun.
Every time I look into your eyes
I feel like I could stare into them for a lifetime
We can get started for life (tonight)
We can get started
Kurt turned around and faced Blaine, he could tell he was also very drunk his eyes were glazed over and his curls were a little messy. He gave him a sultry smile and danced against him, grinding on him to the beat of the music. He thought if James saw them at that moment he would probably have a brain aneurysm.
I am what they thought I’d never become
I believed it and became it
Now I’m here to claim it
I know that we can make it alright, alright
Kurt felt like the dynamic of their friendship had shifted. It wasn’t like before when they were in high school or college. They were best friends and their relationship was strictly platonic, it’s not like they never flirted, god knows he tried, but when Blaine made clear that they were just friends, Kurt stopped. He would never imagine in a million years that he would be in this position, dancing drunk with Blaine and heavily flirting with him.
In his drunken haze, he couldn’t help feeling confused. In all the years he had known Blaine, he had never shown he was remotely attracted to him. But since the day of the show and their first dinner, he had seen a change in his friend. He was slightly flirtier with him and the way he looked at him had changed. Kurt didn’t want to put his hopes up but it felt like Blaine wanted him, and not as just a friend. The way Blaine was behaving made him believe his theory wasn’t wrong.
Cause if it feels right (you know it feels right)
We shouldn’t waste any more time
Let’s get it started (let’s get it started)
Don’t think about it
Do what feels right
They dance into the next song; Kurt could feel the sweat dripping down the side of his face and his clothes clinging to him. He looked at Blaine and was in the same state some of his curls were sticking to his face. They laughed and kept dancing, Kurt turned around and felt Blaine hold him closer, placing his hands lower on Kurt’s hips, he could feel his thumbs rubbing his sweaty skin under his shirt, it sent a shiver up his spine.
Blaine had never touched him like he was at that moment. maybe it was the heat or the alcohol making him do it, but Kurt didn’t mind, he had always dreamt about Blaine holding him like he was, but he could never imagine how fantastic it felt.
It was getting late and Kurt was too drunk, he turned and grabbed Blaine’s hand and dragged him out of the dance floor and towards one of the exits. He looked behind him and Blaine gave him a questioning look. They went down into a small hallway where they had checked their coat in. they grabbed them and then stepped out into the cold New York street.
“Where we goin’?” Blaine slurred as he put his coat on.
Kurt busted into a fit of drunken giggles when he noticed Blaine had put his coat on backward. He finished putting on his coat and linked his arm with Blaine and started walking down the crowded street.
“Come here, were going back to my place”
He knew he was drunk, like really drunk, and he knew that Blaine wasn’t one of his usual drunken conquests. But the club was crowded and he just wanted to be alone with him, maybe talk a bit and figure out what was bothering Blaine so much. He knew Blaine was married and he had no plans to put any moves on him in his state. Even if he just wanted to push him against a wall and kiss him until he couldn’t breathe.
Blaine smiled at him and wrapped an arm around Kurt and rested his head on his shoulder. The gesture caught Kurt by surprise but he ignored the feeling it was brewing deep inside him, he wrap his arm around Blaine and headed the few blocks to his apartment.
Blaine leaned his head back as the elevator he was in went up. There was a dull thump still in his head from the loud music from the club. He knew he wasn’t there anymore but he felt like he could still hear the music.
He rolled his head to his right and saw that Kurt was watching him intently. He was drunk also because there was no way Kurt drank the same as him and wasn’t drunk.
He had sobered up just a bit with the walk and the cold air, so he didn’t feel like he had inside the club.
Blaine started to laugh and Kurt smiled as he cocked an eyebrow at him.
“Care to share the joke with the rest of the class?” he said playfully.
Blaine laughed and rolled his eyes “but there are only two of us in here.”
The elevator stopped and both of them stepped out as Kurt lead him to his door. Blaine laughed again.
“I hope I don’t have anything in my face because for some reason you keep laughing at me” Blaine only laughed harder as Kurt stumbled a bit while trying to get his keys out of his pocket.
Blaine’s tone turned serious “I would never laugh at you Kurt, I just realized my coat is inside out, I’m a mess”
And he did. He looked in the reflection in the elevator and saw the bright red lining instead of the black coat he was wearing when he left his apartment, and his curls were all over the place. Kurt laughed as the door opened and he led them toward his door.
After Kurt open the door they both stumbled in. he watched as Kurt put his keys in a bowl by the entrance and started removing his coat. Blaine removed his and hung it by the coat hanger Kurt had by the entrance.
He took in the large apartment. It was tastefully decorated; no doubt Kurt had done it himself. The walls were a light grey, the furniture a mix of light and dark.
There were pieces here and there that had Kurt’s personal touch, but other than that he felt like he had stepped into an interior design magazine.
Blaine sat down on the couch and tightly closed his eyes as he tried to regain some composure. The effects of the alcohol still ran heavily through his body, but not as strong.
“Do you want something to drink, water or coffee, unless you want something else?” Kurt asked as he leaned against the kitchen counter.
Blaine didn’t think he could drink anymore, so he decided to take his offer of coffee. He thought he should sober up a bit before he headed home.
While Kurt went to make the coffee Blaine decided to go and looked around Kurt’s apartment, he saw shelves full of books, he had a large TV and under it he assumed was a large storage for DVDs. The one thing he notices is that Kurt didn’t have any pictures. Not even of his family.
He frowned at that.
He remembered Kurt loved picking out new frames to put new memories in. he used to have plenty of pictures of his family, Burt, Carole, and Finn with his daughter and wife. He had pictures of his New Directions friends and the Warblers. He also used to have pictures of himself and Blaine.
But he guessed he had no right to say anything, he used to have a picture of him and Kurt sitting next to each other in Dalton’s common room, both of their heads tilted towards each other with big grins on their faces. Blaine had put it in a bright cheesy ‘best friends’ frame, much to Kurt’s chagrin. Telling him that it was gaudy and terrible and should be burned. Blaine knew it was sitting in a box full of his old stuff in the back of the closet in his office.
Kurt came back carrying a tray with two cups of coffee, sugar, and cream. He set it on the coffee table as Blaine went to sit next to him.
Blaine made his coffee to his liking and took a sip and moaned as drank the hot liquid.
“You always made the best coffee”
Kurt laughed “I know, if I didn’t, I don’t think we would have survived with the sludge you always managed to make”
“You wound me, it was fine”
Kurt rose an eyebrow at him “Blaine, coffee should be that thick”
Blaine rolled his eyes and bumped his shoulder playfully with Kurt’s.
“So did you have fun tonight?” Kurt asked him expectantly.
Blaine looked at Kurt’s eyes, they were a dark blue and he could see a little bit of excitement coming from them.
“yeah I did, it’s been a while since I did something like that, I really don’t go out much, other than the parties and events Wes makes me go to, but even then I never stay long enough to enjoy the actual parties” he gave Kurt a small shrug.
“But why? Your young and you work hard, you deserve to have a bit of fun, I bet those parties are crazy fun”
Blaine bit his lip as he thought about how to answer. He knew the reason why he didn’t have fun was that James didn’t let him, but he didn’t think he could share that with Kurt.
“It’s not my scene, I like to stay home and write and stuff”
Kurt looked like he wanted to say more on the subject, but instead took a sip of his coffee while they sat in silence for a few moments.
“So what about you what does a young bachelor like yourself do in his free time?”
Kurt gave him a small smile “well I do work a lot, either here or at the studio, but I guess I do go out often…” he stared at his coffee cup for a few seconds before he continued “…I guess because it gets rather lonely, but because it’s also fun”
Blaine looked a Kurt for a few moments, he knew what he was implying, that he liked to go out and have fun with other guys. The thought made Blaine’s blood boil in jealousy.
“so no one special?” he still wasn’t sure if Kurt had anyone specific he was dating, but with the guys he had seen him flirt with, he wasn’t sure if he just had flings with random men.
Kurt shrugs still avoiding Blaine’s gaze “no, I mean nothing special, just some casual friends…”
Blaine wasn’t sure what had come over him, he wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the sheer white jealousy that he felt, but he didn’t want Kurt to be anybody’s, Kurt didn’t deserve to have meaningless one-night stands and be discarded the next day, he deserved someone loyal and that worshiped him and that loved him. But he didn’t have that.
In the back of his hazed mind, he thought he could very have been that person for him, and he hated himself for not realizing it. Instead, he had married James who in his heart thought he loved. But with the last couple of months, he wasn’t so sure anymore.
Kurt was there next to him, he was the most amazing, talented, compassionate person he had ever known, he was his best friend and he had been there the whole time.
Blaine didn’t know what had happened, he was staring at his friend and reached out palmed the side of his face, and lightly grazed his flushed cheeks with his thumb. Kurt’s eyes widen at the touch. Blaine could tell he was surprised and didn’t know how to react because he didn’t move.
Blaine looked into his wide shining blue eyes. Eyes that he had looked at millions of times before but that had never seen…He could feel Kurt’s warm breath on his face; he was there and so close all he had to do was just lean in a little…
He knew he shouldn’t, he couldn’t, but there was a force and a want that he could control anymore. Kurt’s eyes were looking at him, waiting for him to close that gap between them. He wasn’t sure if Kurt would push him away, but there was still a chance that he could.
Blaine closed his eyes and then he felt his lips against Kurt’s warm ones. Their lips didn’t move for a few seconds, just relishing the moment. Blaine could feel a spark and shiver down his spine as he began to move his lips against Kurt’s.
The kiss started innocent enough, but then it started to get more passionate. He heard Kurt let out a small moan as he swiped his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue.
He placed his other hand on Kurt’s lower back pushing him closer to him. Blaine nipped Kurt’s bottom lip and he moaned again. They broke the kiss to catch their breath.
Blaine looked at Kurt’s eyes to see what emotion was running through his mind.
“B-Blaine I…“ He could tell he was struggling for words but he decided to kiss him again.
He locked his lips with Kurt’s again, but more desperate and messier, Kurt gasped a little and Blaine took the opportunity to push his tongue into Kurt’s mouth. He moaned against him as he took his time to explore Kurt’s mouth. He could taste a little alcohol and coffee and a taste he was sure was simply Kurt. He didn’t think he had ever tasted something so delicious in his life.
Before he knew it he was straddling Kurt on the couch, his arms wrapped around his neck as Kurt’s hands wandered up and down on his back.
Blaine felt like was losing control fast. He knew that easily he could end up in Kurt’s bed, and deep down inside he knew he wanted to, but he still had a conscious.
He couldn’t cheat on James and he knew it would be fair to Kurt either. He knew he still cared for James and he cared for Kurt, there was no way he was going to hurt both of them for his selfish reason.
He was able to make his body stop and broke the desperate kiss with Kurt. He looked down at bright lust blown eyes. He shuddered a bit, knowing his lust mirrored Kurt’s.
“I-Im sorry Kurt” he got off Kurt and stood in front of him. A confused look on his face.
“I’m so sorry Kurt I should have done that, I’m so sorry,
I-I… I have to go” he quickly walked toward the door grabbed his coat and bolted out of the apartment.
When he reached outside. The air was still bitterly cold, and it was still late but there were few people in the street.
Blaine walked fast towards his apartment, he would have hailed a cab but he thought the walk would be good to clear his head.
He had a sick feeling in his stomach. He knew it was guilt. He had kissed another man and cheated on his husband, something James had always accused him of. He never thought he would ever do it, and remembered that he had always promised James that he would never do it, but he had.
But at the same time, it had felt right.
He had also taken advantage of Kurt and hurt him in the process. He didn’t know what Kurt felt, he hadn’t stayed long enough to find out, and that made him feel worse.
Blaine knew he was in a complete mess. He had a husband to who he cared dearly and to who he had vowed to be faithful. Then he had his former best friend who he was slowly realizing that he may have feelings for.
He was in deep.
And he didn’t know what to do.
so the song In this chapter is"Get It Started" by Pitbull feat ShakiraI love that song, it just make me want to hit the clubso update next week, i know i said 2 this week but this one was long and i had a bit of writers block.plus the plot bunnies are jumping around in my headi am slowly writing another fic but will probably not post until this one is almost over.so have a wonderful rest of the week.p.si am currently reading "land of stories" by Chris Colfer i basically embarresed myself when i was at target because it was the last one, i made this really loud sqweel, the little girl next to me looked at me like i was insane.but the book is awesome, i'm so proud of our baby!
Why would blaine do that to poor kurt aww i can not wait tell next week. I love your boo so much it is so good.
ahhh this was so good, but so sad i feeel so bad for Kurt!!
Hi,I just want to say that I love this story. I really can't wait for the next chapter,please update soon! Love from Italy :)