March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
sorry sorry sorry!!! Late add but I was in London for a week and stuff.
Also Valerie, I tried to e-mail reply but got a failure notice so: NaNo is https://nanowrimo.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/161061-nano-in-a-nutshell
“Congratulations.” Blaine chuckled, slumping down in the bed. “you won fair and square.”
“I sure did! You were the one who cheated.” Kurt said, poking Blaine's side.
“Hey!” Blaine complained, jumping slightly to get away from Kurt's poking finger and could feel the pressure in his chest, causing him to have a coughing fit.
“Blaine!” Kurt panicked, jumping to Blaine's side and helping him up.
“I'm okay, Kurt. I'm okay.” Blaine said between coughs. Kurt felt helpless, unsure of what he should and could do to help. Hesitantly he poured a glass of water and offered it to Blaine, who shot him a small smile and took it gratefully from Kurt. Blaine took a few careful sips before putting the glass down next to him. "Thanks." he said, his voice hoarse.
"Youre not okay." Kurt frowned, looking at Blaine whod gone slightly pale and who had beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
"Kurt, I told you Im fine." Blaine smiled but it barely reached the corners of his mouth.
"Blaine...please dont lie to me."
"No," Kurt held up his hand to silence Blaine as he was trying to speak his mind, "I consider you my friend and I can only hope you think of me in the same way."
"Of course." Blaine quickly put in, Kurt shot him a quick look as to disapprove of his interruption but smiled nevertheless.
Kurts features had softened lightly but he was all serious again when he spoke next. "Im asking you, as a friend, please dont lie to me."
"Im sorry." Blaine whispered, looking down at his own hands. He wondered how theyd end up like this? “Kurt, I'm ill. Why else would I be here, there's no point for me to tell you I'm not okay with every coughing fit I have. Because I have those all day long.”
“No, please, when you're here I don't feel ill. And I like it that you don't treat me like I might break any moment.”
Kurt smiled at Blaine but bit the inside of his cheek as he felt torn. He didn't like acting like everything was okay when everything so obviously wasn't okay. He didn't want to pretend but Blaine had just told him that it made him happy, so what was he supposed to do now? He decided it was best for now to grant Blaine that pleasure. “So, since I won this time,” he smiled, “do we get to do what I want this time?” Blaine shook his head. “Why not?” Kurt asked surprised.
“We didn't agree on it.”
“Blaine!” Kurt's eyes grew wide with disbelief and he shot Blaine a glare.
“Sorry,” Blaine held up his hands in defence, “those are just the rules.”
“Fine.” Kurt crossed his arms across his chest and leaned back in chair, “Will you at least tell me whether you've figured out the favour I owe you yet?”
“Oh, I have,” Blaine smiled, “but I'm not telling.” Blaine shot Kurt a smug smile before changing the subject “Anyway, did you start reading yet?”
“No, I'm sorry.” Kurt shook his head.
“Why not?!” Blaine seemed disappointed, Kurt hated seeing that smile disappear of Blaine's face and vowed to himself he'd finish that book tonight.
“Well…my dad came home really late and I kind of ended up watching the previous episodes of Once Upon A Time.” The smile that Kurt loved so much, reappeared on Blaine's face and Blaine sat up a little bit straighter. “Did you like it?!”
“Of course I did, I wouldn't have watched those other episodes if I hadn't!” Kurt nodded, Blaine's excitement being contagious.
“So from now on we can watch it together!” Blaine clapped his hands.
Kurt laughed, “we'll have a weekly date from now on.”
Blaine's smile grew wider. “It's a date,” he paused slightly, feeling hesitant, “though…will your dad not mind?”
“I've been here every day this past week so far and you're only wondering right now?” Kurt cocked an eyebrow. Blaine blushed and chewed his lip.
“I'll admit I've been selfish,” Blaine whispered, “I just like your company. But you said your dad came home quite late again and I just wondered if maybe you wanted to spend more time with him?”
“Actually I do…” Kurt admitted, “but I also like spending time with you.” Kurt felt himself blush this time but he also wanted to spend more time with his dad. The late nights worried Kurt. Even though his dad had not smelled of alcohol anymore ever since he'd been home. He had even seemed more alive and more aware of everything around him, but Kurt was still afraid his dad might fall back into old habits. “How about you give me your number and I'll let you know in time whether I'll be coming around or not?” Kurt suggested.
“Sure.” Blaine searched for his phone, “give me yours too”. They swopped numbers and talked for a little bit longer about ‘Once upon a time', until Kurt decided it was time to go home again.
When Kurt arrived home he found his dad asleep on the sofa, the television on and the remote still in his hand. A smile of endearment crept upon Kurt's face but also a slight pang of pain filled his chest. He'd seen this image many times before, only on previous occasions the side table would be filled with bottles of alcohol. Kurt was relieved to find only a cup of coffee and a few chocolate wrappings this time and grabbed for the blanket –that was always hidden under the sofa- and covered his dad with it. He ran upstairs, got the book Blaine had given him and went back upstairs to settle in the smaller sofa opposite of Burt's. He shot his dad one more loving look before he opened the book on the first page and started reading. ‘Chapter 01: The boy who lived. Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much….'
Kurt read, ‘A voice echoed through the train: "We will be reaching Hogwarts in five
minutes time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken
to the school separately.”', and read, ‘It was a magnificent mirror, as high as the ceiling, with an ornate gold frame, standing on two clawed feet. There was an inscription carved around the top: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi.', and right when he wanted to start the next chapter his dad stirred in his sleep.
“Kurt?” mumbling.
“Dad?” Kurt sat up in the arm chair, his eyes on his dad. Burt tossed and turned but didn't open his eyes. Kurt realized his dad must be still sleeping and relaxed some more as he watched his dad toss a few more times before he settled again. Burt's chest rose slowly up and down, his left arm thrown across his eyes and his right one, clinging to the blanket Kurt had put over him. “I love you son.” Burt mumbled drunken with sleep but Kurt had heard it nevertheless. A smile spread across his face and he hugged his book, feeling grateful to have a dad who loved him as much as his dad did. No matter what Burt's flaws were, Kurt realized that he had blame too and he decided that he needed to spend more time with his dad. As much as he hated knowing he'll see Blaine less, as much he wanted for his dad to get better and he was willing to do anything to help. He searched for his phone, looked for Blaine's number and dialled it.
Blaine's sleepy voice came through the other end “Hello?”
“Blaine?” Kurt whispered, not wanting to wake his dad even though he knew it would take more than that to do so.
“Kurt? What's wrong? Why are you calling? Are you okay?” worry showed in Blaine's voice.
“Yes of course, why would there be something wrong?”
“Because you're calling me at like one in the morning.” Blaine mumbled and Kurt noticed how Blaine's voice was filled with sleep. He glanced at the clock and couldn't believe it himself.
“I'm so sorry, did I wake you?”
“Nah you know, I'm usually awake at this hour. I was about to do some stretching and then go for a jog.”
Kurt chuckled, “I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell you that I won't be making it tomorrow.”
Kurt wondered if he was imagining the sadness he heard, or if it was really there. “Blaine I'd love to come see you again, but you were right. It's not fair on my dad and it seems like he's been trying really hard this time. I ought to give him more support than I am giving him now.” Kurt whispered
“I know. I'm glad you are, I just wish you could do both. I enjoy your company.” Blaine sighed.
“I enjoy being around you too, I won't be gone for long. You can't get rid of me that easily.” Kurt felt himself blush the moment the words were out, realizing how stupid he must sound.
Blaine just chuckled tiredly. “I'm glad.”
“I'll let you sleep now.” Kurt smiled
“You woke me up, might as well make it worth it.” Blaine mumbled.
Kurt flushed again and chuckled. “Goodnight Blaine."