Let me fall asleep
Chapter 21 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let me fall asleep: Chapter 21

T - Words: 1,969 - Last Updated: Mar 07, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/? - Created: Nov 04, 2013 - Updated: Nov 04, 2013
133 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Im trying my very best to keep up with the fic. But between intensive programs, dance performances and apprenticeship, I sometimes lose track of the story.

However, two more chapters and this will all be finished.

Unable to sleep more, Blaine rubbed his eyes. He turned to Kurt and couldn't help but smile as he stared at his boyfriend. Kurt was always such a peaceful sleeper, he enjoyed watching him sleep. Even more so when Kurt's hair was still messy from the night. It had been four weeks since Blaine had moved in and it had been four magnificent ones. Better than he could ever have hoped. It had been much more difficult than he had expected to tell his parents everything. A lot of tears and fights had been involved but after two days he'd managed to convince his parents to accept his wishes. This was how he wanted to spend his last weeks; with the person he loved. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. Coughs started to build up in his chest and he quickly climbed out of bed and made his way downstairs. Once in the kitchen he allowed his coughing fit to escape as he grabbed onto the counter for support. When the worst had passed, he poured himself a glass of water and tried to calm down. His breathing was still shallow and he could feel himself tremble. Cold sweat formed on his forehead and his body felt weak. He had felt himself get weaker and weaker in the past few weeks and he knew it would only be a matter of time. So far he'd been able to hide it from Kurt as well as possible, not wanting for their perfect days to ever end. He gulped down the water and searched for the nearest chair as he felt his own strength disappear in an alarmingly fast way. His vision blurred and his breath caught in his throat. He could just hear the sound of the glass shattering when it fell to the floor before everything in front of him turned black and he eventually collided with the cold tile floor.

Kurt searched with closed eyes for Blaine next to him but frowned when all he could feel was empty sheets. “Blaine?” his voice filled with sleep. He frowned when no reply came and forced himself out of bed. Kurt had never been a morning person and he usually would've turned around and waited for Blaine to come back from the toilet. Only this time he had a weird feeling in his stomach and he wasn't comfortable with the whole situation. “Blaine?” he called out in a whisper, not wanting to wake up his dad. A chill spread across his spine as he walked down the stairs. Something wasn't right. “Blaine?”
A gasp escaped him. He froze for a split second and then ran to the kitchen in panic. “Blaine! Dad! Dad! Dad!” he called out as loud as he could. “Blaine? Can you hear me? Blaine!” panicked cries came from Kurt as he reached his boyfriend, noticing the mess in the kitchen and letting out a cry of pain as his foot got cut on a piece of glass. “Fuck.” He cursed, “Blaine, can you hear me? Blaine!” he begged in cries. “Dad! Dad! Dad!!!”
“Kurt!” Burt ran down the stairs, hearing the desperate screams from his son.
“Call an ambulance! Quick!! It's Blaine!” Kurt cried.
Burt immediately grabbed the phone and rang the emergency number. He felt his insides freeze. He had always known this day would come and now that it seemed to be here, he felt sick. He tried to tune out Kurt's pleads as he passed through all the needed information.

Once he hung up, he made his way to the kitchen, unsure of what to do but knowing he wanted to help. He had not been ready for the scene in front of him. Kurt hugging Blaine to his chest, frantically sobbing into his hair, while he cried out his name in pleading tones, broken glass across the kitchen floor and patterns of smudged blood everywhere. “Kurt?” Burt gasped, staring at the floor, “all that blood, is he wounded?”
“It's mine. I cut my foot on some glass. Dad, is there an ambulance coming?” his face written with panic.
“Yes, they're on their way Kurt.”
“How long!?”
“I don't know. They shouldn't be far anymore.” And as if to prove Burt's statement they could hear the distant sound of sirens. “They're here! Kurt, see, they're here!” Burt ran to the front door, opening it, and not even a minutes later they were carrying Blaine away. Kurt was frozen on the kitchen floor, staring after Blaine.
“Sir? Sir, are you hurt?” it sounded so far away. Like the echo in a tunnel. A hand appeared in his vision and he blinked a few times to make himself focus on what was happening in front of him.
“Huh? What?” he looked up to see a paramedic stand over him.
“Sir, are you hurt?” he asked again, indicating to the blood on the floor and Kurt's foot.
“I…er…I-no, it's just a scratch.” Kurt rubbed his face, trying to comfort himself.
“Come on, I'll fix you up.” The paramedic suggested and helped Kurt up, helping him into the ambulance.
“I'll see you in the hospital Kurtie!” Burt called after him.
Kurt nodded in a daze and watched his father disappear as the doors of the vehicle closed and they drove off towards the hospital. His eyes fixed on Blaine and how the paramedics fussed around him. The only thing that comforted him amongst the unfamiliar words shared between Blaine's caretakers was that he could hear the beeping tone. The tone that indicated Blaine still had a heartbeat. It was then that Kurt got assured of Blaine's living, still tired with sleep and suffering from aftershock that he felt himself doze off unwillingly in his seat.
“Sir, wake up. Sir?”
Kurt felt the soft nudging of his shoulder and it took him a short time to remember why he wasn't home. “Blaine?!” he jumped up, letting out a scream when pain shot through his foot.
“Woah there.” The paramedic caught him as he lost his balance. “The other young man is being taken care of. Now, come with me so I can take a look at that foot of yours.”
“I am fine.” Kurt shrugged him off, “I just want to go see Blaine.”
“You can, after I've taken a look at your wound.” The statement was clear and allowed no objecting from Kurt's side.


“When can I go see Blaine?” Kurt asked, wincing as the gash in his foot got stitched up.
“As soon as both of you have been taken care of.” The nurse replied.
“Then stitch me up faster.” Kurt sighed, putting his head back down.
“I'm going as fast as I can with an impatient patient.” The nurse chuckled. Kurt rolled his eyes and stayed still for the rest of the time. “There. All done.” The nurse smiled, looking proudly at her own work.
“Can I go see Blaine now?!” Kurt sat up straight away.
“Woah, there young man. Is there anyone we can contact for you?”
“I don't need to. I just want to see Blaine. My dad is on his way anyway.”
“What's his name. I'll look for him in the waiting room. You are to stay here and not move a muscle, you understand me?”
“You understand me?” she pointed a finger at him. He nodded and laid back down, sulking.
“Burt Hummel. His name is Burt Hummel.”
“Well mister Hummel, I'll be right back.”
Kurt let out another frustrated sigh as he ran his hand through his hair. All he wanted was to see Blaine and he didn't get why people had such a difficult time understanding that.
“How's that foot?”
“Good. How's Blaine? Did you see Blaine?” he asked.
Burt shook his head. “Not yet. I was waiting for you. I did ask about him but they said he wasn't stable enough yet.”
“Oh.” He slumped back down, feeling defeated.
“You want to go and see if there's news?” Burt suggested, immediately getting Kurt's attention again. “Come on, let's go then. The nurse told me you were allowed to leave.”
“Why didn't you tell me sooner!”
“Because I knew you'd race off to see him immediately.” Burt sighed, watching Kurt get up and already wobbling down the hall.
“Kurt, you do realize that this might-“
“No! Dad, he'll be okay!” Kurt interrupted him.
Burt sighed. “Kurt, sit down with me.”
“No! No, I don't want to talk about this! Not yet.”
“Kurt, this isn't going to go away if you don't talk about it. It's happening right now. It happened in our kitchen! I understand it isn't easy but you need to be prepared for what might come.”
“No! Dad, you don't understand!” Kurt stared at his dad with panic all over his face. “He can't, I can't. I mean, if he, then I….” Kurt started sobbing, his breath hitching in his throat and he found it hard to breathe. He could feel a panic attack creep up on him.
“Kurt. Kurt, stop it,” Burt wrapped his arms around him, “Breathe. Breathe. Breathe! Yes, that's it son. Deep breaths. Kurt, whatever happens I'll be here for you. When your mum…I mean…you know. I know what it's like but Kurt, I will do anything in my power to make sure that you will be okay again.”
Kurt buried his face in his dad's neck, sobbing violently. It wasn't until Burt felt his son calm down again, that he slightly loosened his grip. “We'll go to the information desk now.” Kurt nodded and wiped the tears off his face, taking in another deep breath before letting go off his dad. While walking along the corridors Kurt recognized many faces and hallways from all the times he spend here when visiting his own dad and, after that, Blaine but right now and for the first time it all felt very strange to him. “Hi,” he heard his dad's voice and only then realized that they had already arrived at the information desk. He noticed the woman looking at him concerned and he made an effort to smile, that probably wasn't close to convincing but was the best he could do. “Uhm, we are waiting for an update on Blaine Anderson?”
“Are you immediate family?” she enquired.
“No but-“
“I'm sorry sir, hospital policy doesn't allow us to give any information unless you're family.”
“He's my boyfriend.” Kurt choked out, looking at her with still tearstained eyes.
She looked at him apologetic before shaking her head. “I'm really sorry but-“
“I'll take care of this Sandra, thank you.” Tess came walking from behind them. “Kurt,” she looked distraught, “sorry about that.”
“How is he?” he pleaded. She bit her lip, looking around. He could see that she was unsure whether she should tell him or not. “Tess, please.”
She sighed. “He's in IC. They're keeping him there for the night as he is really really weak.”
“But he's alive.” Kurt's eyes showed a glint of hope that faded as quickly as it came when he saw Tess' face.
“For now. Kurt…he's running out of time. Listen, you won't be allowed to see him today. Come back tomorrow. He wants to see you tomorrow.”
“You talked to him?” he asked surprised.
“Very briefly. So, go home and come back tomorrow. There's nothing you can do for him right now, he's getting the best possible help.”
“But, I want to see him!” Kurt demanded.
“Kurt,” Burt grabbed hold of his arm, “we have to go home. I'll drop you off first thing tomorrow.”
Kurt struggled against Burt's grip shortly but gave up, sighed defeated and nodded. He only looked back once when they walked out and prayed for Blaine to be okay.


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