March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 7, 2014, 6 p.m.
“What is it?” Kurt asked, seeing how lines formed on Blaine's forehead. If he wasn't so worried about what Blaine was going to say, he'd laugh at seeing Blaine so nervous. He grabbed the other boy's hands and squeezed them. “Blaine?”
Blaine gulped, trying to catch his breath. “You know how we promised each other we'd just do everything faster than a normal couple? Well...er...I mean. Oh Kurt, you've given me so much and er...I, well, I can't give you much back but er...I mean, I thought that maybe er...I'm not making any sense am I?” Blaine sighed.
“Not really,” Kurt chuckled, “but it is kind of amusing seeing you stammer like this.” He pecked Blaine's lips.
“You're not helping when you do that.” Blaine moaned.
“Oops. Sorry,” Kurt moved away from Blaine, making the brunet pout, “no more body contact until you manage to say what you wanted to say.” Kurt winked.
If Blaine could he would've stamped his foot and held out his arms like a little kid, wanting Kurt back in his arms. Sadly enough he wasn't five years old anymore and he really did need to talk to Kurt. Maybe it was better for him that Kurt wasn't anywhere near touching distance, it did make his mind less foggy. He rubbed his eyes and pressed his face in his hands, taking in a deep breath. “Kurt, there's this thing that I really want to experience. You've made me feel more alive than I've ever been and I was alright with missing out on things but...oh there's really no easy way of saying this is there...Kurt, if there's anyone I'd want to experience everything with then it's you. And there's no one else I would want to do this more with than with you, it's actually something I wouldn't want to miss out on.” Blaine saw Kurt's face slowly change from confusion into comprehension, “I want to have sex, Kurt.” Blaine blurted out eventually, deciding there was no easy or subtle way of saying it. He'd tried and had ended up stammering.
“Right now?” Kurt asked, bewildered.
“No, of course not.” Blaine smiled. Seeing a grin grew on Kurt's lips, realizing Kurt was joking.
“Blaine,” Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand, “I'd feel honoured.” Pulling Blaine closer to him, stealing another kiss. Blaine's heart felt as if it had grown twice its size. He felt blessed to have such an understanding boyfriend. Blaine nuzzled Kurt's neck and planted a kiss on the skin that was so sensitive, enjoying the feeling of Kurt's strong arms wrapped around him. “You know...,” Kurt whispered, stirring Blaine's hair, “it happens to be so that my dad will be out all night.”
“Where is he goi-Oh.” Blaine flushed, realizing. He looked up at Kurt. “Are you sure about this?”
“More than anything.” Kurt nodded, “Unless you feel like we're rushing?”
“No,” Blaine shook his head, “I mean, obviously it's gone even faster than planned,” he smiled, “but I don't mind.”
“I like how you have still not stopped blushing.” Kurt mumbled, biting Blaine's earlobe and slipping his hands under Blaine's shirt. His fingers discovered the skinny plains of Blaine's chest. Kurt could feel how Blaine used to be muscled, but months of spending in a hospital bed had had their affect. His fingers slid up Blaine's sides, feeling Blaine's ribs. He looked down at his beautiful boyfriend and smiled in bliss, seeing Blaine had closed his eyes as he enjoyed the sensation of his touch. He planted butterfly kisses all the way down Blaine's throat, lightly sucking the skin at his collarbone.
“Kurt,” Blaine moaned, struggling to produce coherent sentences, “you need to stop now. I'm not sure I can handle much more.”
“Awhn.” Kurt giggled, “I was having fun.” He removed his hands from underneath Blaine's shirt and linked them with Blaine's. “Tell me when you want to go home.”
“Just a little while longer.” Blaine sighed with content, “I like it here.”
Blaine had no idea how he'd gotten from completely relaxed and comfortable around Kurt in the park to a nervous wreck at Kurt's home in the time span of an hour. Well, he did have an idea but wondered why he felt so nervous when it was his idea to begin with.
“Hi.” Kurt smiled at him, reappearing from the kitchen where he'd put everything away.
Blaine swallowed roughly, his stomach all in knots and filled with butterflies. “Hi.” It sounded choked.
Kurt chuckled. “Did I tell you yet that you look extremely cute today. Like, more than usual?” Kurt closed the space between them and put his arms around Blaine's waist. Kurt's fingers tracing patterns on Blaine's back, trailing down and fiddling with the rim of his shirt before slipping his hands under it. Blaine felt as if Kurt's touch burnt him, he could feel every little single stroke Kurt made. He shivered lightly and felt his knees give in. He clung onto Kurt, his lips finding the other boy's as his hands held onto him for dear life. He wrapped his hands around Kurt's neck, pulling him even closer and deepening their kiss. A loud moan erupted from Kurt's lips and Blaine felt how Kurt wrapped his legs around his waist, his hands immediately shifting to support Kurt's weight. It was at that moment that his body seemed to take over and lived a life on its own because his legs managed to do that what he thought he was incapable of and started walking towards the stairs. Before either of them were aware of it they were upstairs and in Kurt's room, kissing passionately. As Kurt kissed along the vein of his neck all the way to his collarbone, Blaine tried to stop thinking. Tried to stop worrying about everything. Why was he even worrying? Kurt seemed completely confident in what he was doing. Instead of making him more relaxed that thought made him freeze immediately. What if Kurt had done this before? What if Kurt would think he was totally rubbish? He bit his lip and wondered if it was too late to make an end to this. He wanted to do this with Kurt more than anything but he didn't want to lose face with Kurt either. Not when he loved someone more than he had ever loved anyone.
“Blaine?” his sudden halt not going unnoticed by Kurt, “what's wrong?”
“I...er...this is my first time.” He mumbled.
“I know,” softly stroking Blaine's knee.
“You'll have to help me with this.” He added, avoiding eye contact.
“Blaine...,” Kurt sounded surprised, “I-I thought it was obvious that I haven't before either?”
“Oh.” Blaine met Kurt's gaze, his eyes written with confusion. “I thought...”
“You thought I'd done this before?” Kurt finished his sentence, raising both eyebrows in surprise.
Blaine nodded and bit his lip. “You just really seem to know what you're doing.” He mumbled.
“It's because I just really like you.” Kurt smiled, reaching up to peck Blaine's lips. He slid his hands up to Blaine's shoulders and massaged most of the tension out of them. “You know we don't have to do this if you're not ready?”
“No. I want to do this.” He rested his head in the crook of Kurt's shoulder, taking in the smell that characterized Kurt so much. Realization hitting him. “Shit!”
“What's wrong?”
“I don't have any...you know?”
“Oh! That's okay. I've got what we need.” Kurt said, subtly nodding towards his nightstand.
“would have saved me one very embarrassing trip with Coop if I had known.” Blaine grumbled, being remembered about how his brother was an annoying idiot.
“Remind me to ask you about that story in the morning?” Kurt whispered as he nibbled on Blaine's earlobe and pushed him down. Blaine's mind went foggy, every worry and thought gone as he realized it was just him and Kurt in this very moment. Everything was a blur of touches, smells and kisses. Blaine had never been aware of himself existing this way. With every move, touch and sound that came of Kurt, he felt more invincible. In that very moment, Blaine felt like he had hope, he felt like he was real. He felt alive.
His skin burnt on every place Kurt touched him. His hands searched every bit of Kurt's bare skin he could touch. His nails trailing a path across Kurt's spine, he could feel Kurt shiver and felt the vibration of his chest as Kurt let out a growl. “I love you.” Blaine panted, following Kurt's rhythm.
“I'm not hurting you am I?” Kurt's breathing was shallow, his face intense, eyes locking with Blaine's as they shared a kiss. Blaine thought back of the ache he felt at first but how it had soon changed into a tingly sensation from his stomach all the way through his body. He shook his head, reassuring Kurt, clinging onto him more. The next moment, his whole body seemed to shudder, he dug his nails into Kurt's skin as Blaine felt the other boy move faster and get louder. Blaine let out a cry of pleasure. The whole thing had gotten too much and had finished him off earlier than Kurt, who collapsed on Blaine a few seconds later. They stayed quiet for a moment, both enjoying that bliss feeling, spreading between the two of them. Legs and arms wrapped around each other and sharing kisses. “You're beautiful.” Kurt whispered.
“Was I any good?” Blaine mumbled, worrying about letting Kurt down.
“You were perfect.” Kurt pecked his lips.
“I never thought I could feel this alive.” Blaine mused, “Kurt, I love you so much. I wouldn't have wanted this to be any other way.”
“I'm glad. Now come here.” Kurt smiled, pulling Blaine closer to him and crawling into him. “Sweet dreams, Blaine.”
“Goodnight Kurt.” Blaine smiled, planting a kiss on Kurt's hair and watching his boyfriend fall asleep before he closed his own eyes.