Chasing Your Love
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June 17, 2013, 10:01 a.m.

Chasing Your Love: Chapter 12

E - Words: 3,172 - Last Updated: Jun 17, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Feb 04, 2013 - Updated: Jun 17, 2013
141 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I wanted to thank every single one of you who favorite, follow and comment this fic. It means the world to me, lovelies!

Blaine was rushed to the ER, all the band in tow. They had all left after the song, unable to go on knowing that their friend was in such a state. The doctor could barely feel his pulse, a bruise forming on his cheek where he had hit the ground.

Once he disappeared with the bed and all the doctors behind the heavy door of the ER all they could do was wait. Wait and hope that Blaine would be alright, that it wasn't some horrible and incurable disease.

Nick was wrapped around his boyfriend who was sobbing against his shoulder, rocking them back and forth. Trent looked worriedly at Wes who was sitting straight, and pulling his phone out of his jacket.

"Suzie?" Nick asked, biting his lip and frowning in worry when Wes only nodded. They all knew that Blaine was all she had now, they didn't like the thought of putting her in a heavy situation of stress but she needed to know.

"Yes gentleman?" The lady answered, already knowing who it was on the phone.

"Suzie, hello. It's Wes. Do you have a minute, please?"

"Most certainly. Is Blaine bothering you again with that horrible, eye-bleeding sweater? I thought I threw it out last time I came by."

"Well, not exactly. Suzie, it's Blaine, he is at the hospital, he fell unconscious at the concert and we have no idea what caused it."

"Which one?" The woman asked with a calm voice. Wes knew better, it was the tone the woman used when she was trying to keep it together because now wasn't the time to panic. He gave her the directions to the hospital and hung up.

Barely twenty minutes later, the woman was walking fiercely into the hospital, ready to see her grandson and to talk with the doctor. Unfortunately nobody gave her information and she just sat with the others, in an anxious waiting.

Kurt was suffocating. There were no other words for what was happening. He had tried to face the situation with as much of a level head as he could. But he had been a fool from the very first moment of this all, and now he was just paying the price.

Heavy tears were rolling on his cheeks as his chest burned from how constricted it was. He was gasping for air, not able to breathe easily, or at all for what it seemed. It looked like a panic attack, it felt like a panic attack, but Kurt knew it must have been the physical reaction to his emotional state: he was a mess.

He had played a dangerous game and lost it. He never had the right card from the beginning but he had hoped that maybe, if he played them well and bluffed a little it would turn out ok. Apparently he was wrong, so, so wrong.

The man managed to get to his place and into his bed, falling into it, not even able to move under the cover as he tried to control his breath. He tried to remember some weird relaxation exercises but it didn't work, he just tried to calm down, it didn't work. His chest was burning and aching, he was drenched in sweat and starting to panic. It was all so wrong.

Hours later Suzie and the boys were still waiting. The woman had gladly insulted the nurses, some doctors, even the janitor. Of course nothing helped; Blaine was still out of reach behind the door. She hadn't said a word to the other Warblers but she was holding Wes and Nick's hands tightly. She knew them well, she had seen them grow with her grandson and only the fact that they were here with her was enough for the woman to keep on waiting without breaking down.

After forty more minutes a tall and blond doctor who looked as friendly as possible at that moment finally came out to talk to her.

"Mrs Anderson?" The woman stood up quickly and startled the boys next to her, who were waiting just as avidly for information.

"That's me. Now young man, talk!"

"Hello, I'm Doctor Crawford," The man started with a heavy English accent, "Mr Anderson was rushed to the ER earlier that night because he fell unconscious on stage. He is suffering from severe malnutrition, his kidneys are not functioning properly because of this, he has deficiency in lots of vitamins and nutrients, and his blood isn't producing as many white blood cells as it should. He also started coughing blood and his body is covered with bruises. I have to ask, Mrs Anderson, is your grandson in an abusive relationship?"

The woman frowned and turned to the boys to see if anyone had any information about it before answering.

"Not that I know of. He is in a relationship but I don't think his boyfriend is abusing him." The doctor didn't say anything else right away, instead he studied them both like they had something to do with Blaine's state.

"There is something that I'm not explaining. These symptoms are just random. They don't match one disease specifically. It's like every part of his body is giving up right after the other without any sense. I know that he isn't taking any drugs or drinking too much from his blood test results. Is... Is his boyfriend his soulmate?"

The man seemed to be talking while thinking, obviously at a loss in front of the odd case. Unfortunately no one really had an answer for his question since no one really knew Porcelain's real name or even if he had Blaine's name on his body.

"We don't really know that. I'd say no from the information I have." The doctor nodded checking his bipper. He stayed silent few more seconds, pondering what he should do. Finally the man spoke up, still confused with the situation.

"He is in room 206, he is still unconscious. You can go in there two by two. I'll be back later to check if anything changed."

The doctor walked away as the group made their way to the indicated room. Suzie entered the room alone, and walked quietly to the bed.

"Oh, Blaine," The woman sobbed. "How did you let that happen to you, baby? You need to come back, you have to come back to me, baby. Don't you dare leave me in this stinky hospital on my own. I love your friends but you're my grandson, you're my little boy. I'm too young to bury people." The woman half joked, angrily wiping tears off her cheeks. "You have to wake up, Blaine!"

The woman sat tiredly on the chair next to the bed, not letting go of his hand, gently brushing hair from his forehead. She looked at him and saw how pale and tiny he looked, how much weight he'd lost.

Slowly the woman kissed his hand and walked out. The others boys went inside two by two, Jeff crying even more at the sight of his friend, lying in a hospital bed.

The grandmother asked Wes if he knew a way to contact Porcelain, if he had his phone number or something. Of course no one had it and Wes gave the woman Sebastian's number. The two were roommates, after all.

"Sebastian's speaking, make it fast."

"Well, that's no way to talk to a lady, young man. Now be a good boy and put Porcelain on. I don't have all day."

"Who's asking?"

"Suzie, Blaine's grandmother. Remember me, sweetie? Now put the man on!"

"Can't do, he's not with me." The woman sighed, how could reaching one person could be that complicated?

"Fine, don't help me. Just know that Blaine is currently unconscious at the hospital and that you better bring your ass over here and so does his boyfriend or I swear on alcohol and free sex, I'll skin him alive!"

"He's what?"

"Sebastian honey, stop masturbating while I'm talking, it's making you deaf. I said he is unconscious, we don't know why, come over here."

And with that the woman hung up, worn out by the stress and the anxiety. She entered Blaine's room again and sat next to him, forgoing what the doctor had said when all the boys stayed as well, sitting wherever they could.

Kurt was lying in bed, his breathing a little calmer than before and little bit more under control. But his chest was still burning and constricted, he could feel every heartbeat in his ears and his body was getting colder and colder. This had nothing to do with being heartbroken. Tears, headaches and physical heartache were some things that happened after a breakup. This was a bit too painful and real to be the physical evidence that he was hurt.

It all hit a bit too close to home. The pain in his chest, the cold and the worry. He had been there before.

His heart was pounding under his ribcage, instinctively Kurt brought a hand over it; his mark was burning. The only part of his body that was actually hot was his mark, when the rest of his body was cold as ice. The man opened his shirt and looked at the mark, it hadn't change at all. It was just painfully hot.

He stayed for hours in his bed, trying to will the pain away. It worked a little, at some point the pain was nothing more than a constant throbbing in his chest and in his veins. He could live with that for now.

The man fell asleep because of the exhaustion of constant pain. It was a restless sleep, not giving him the amount of rest he needed after such a night. The moment he woke up, the pain in his body seemed to do the same, now he could feel the burning from his mark and it was a sharp contrast with how the rest of his body felt.

Sebastian entered violently and quickly into the man's room, not bothering to knock on the door.

"Wake up, princess. Your boyfriend is at the hospital, we have to get going." Kurt's glare changed quickly from annoyed at the man to anxious.

"He's what? Where?" Sebastian threw a shirt at him and quickly after a pair of pants, shooing him away to get dressed.

"Hospital. You're going."

"Of course I'm going. And... he is not my boyfriend anymore." Kurt corrected the man in a whisper. It felt wrong to say that. It had felt weird to let himself fall for someone that wasn't his soulmate but not having Blaine as his. This was wrong, so painfully wrong.

Sebastian rolled his eyes at the drama that was happening in front of him and just left the room.

"We're leaving in ten!"

"We?" Kurt wondered, shock that the man would come along.

"Sebastian Smythe caring enough to go to the hospital for someone, shocking right? Now get the fuck dressed. I don't have all day!" With that, he left the room. Kurt dressed rapidly, not even bothering take time to wonder if it was correct to go the hospital to see your ex boyfriend. It felt like he had to go and nothing could make him stay away, so he was going.

Sebastian drove them there and left the designer in front of the main entrance so he could go there quicker, while he would search for a place to park.

As predicted Kurt almost ran into the hospital and almost fell over Wes who was waiting for him to lead him to the hospital room. They didn't say a word, Wes still analyzing what the doctor had said about either Blaine being in an abusive relationship or Porcelain being his soulmate. Either way the man was a bit wary about the man's presence around his friend. Kurt, on the other hand, couldn't walk fast enough to get to the room. Once they get there Suzie came out of the room and dragged Kurt away from the others.

"I'm going to be very clear, young man. I liked you, a lot. You made Blaine smile like he hadn't in years and he was lighter and more bubbly than ever whenever you were with him. Now though, I really hate you. You're either brutalizing my grandson or denying him. Either way you're hurting him and I won't allow that. Get your head out of your ass and tell me. Which one is it? Are you a fucking asshole that likes to beat people or are you just too fucking stupid to read a name on your body?"

Kurt stood there, confusion painted on his face.

"I'm not..." the designer started, offended, "I wouldn't hurt Blaine! I would never do such a thing to him or to anyone for that matter. How could you think something like that?!" the woman studied the outburst and the man, narrowing her eyes and waiting to see if he had anything else to say. When nothing happened after a long minute the frown and the terrifying look on her face disappeared to a knowing smirk.

"Thought so, Tight Pants. So it's the other option after all, you're just a little fucker that can't read a name. Well guess what, time to learn how. Go in there and look at his finger, on his left hand." The woman once again dragged the designer in front of the door and opened it to push Kurt through.

"Just to be sure though, you touch a hair on his head and you're a dead man." The woman warned as she held the door for a few seconds before closing it, leaving Kurt alone in the room.

The designer made his way to the bed, taking in the dark room and the beeping machine next to the bed, before his eyes finally landed on Blaine.

How could he have not seen this? Blaine looked so thin, sickly thin and his pale skin highlighting how purple the circles under his eyes were. His hair was a mess of limp curls, falling here and there. What shocked Kurt the most, though, was that Blaine must have been highly sedated but he didn't look peaceful. Instead tiredness, sadness and pain were written all over his face. Kurt's heart clenched at that and the man moved toward the bed and toward the singer, linking his hands together and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

"Hi there." Kurt murmured, almost afraid of disturbing the state Blaine was in. Kurt stayed silent, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth, not knowing what to do.

What do you say to your ex boyfriend who was currently unconscious in front of you? He knew that sometimes people in comas could hear what people around them said but what did he really want to say? What was left to say anyway?

Nothing he could do or say would change anything, it wouldn't make Blaine better, it certainly wouldn't make him feel better and in the end he still wouldn't be Blaine's. Because in the end it was all Kurt was craving for. No matter how hard he tried not to think about it, to deny it and to push to a retrieved place in his mind, he knew that what he wanted and needed the most was to be Blaine's.

"I think," the designer took a shaky breath and tried again. "I know I haven't been completely honest with you." It was easy, talking to someone that couldn't answer, that couldn't react. Kurt knew Blaine would be listening but he wouldn't be hearing anything and in a way it was probably better like that.

"Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel and once I had a soulmate. His name was Blaine Anderson." Kurt tightened his grip on Blaine's hand, seeking support.

"He died years ago and since that moment I haven't been really been myself. I didn't see the point anymore. And then you crashed into my life like the thunder hit the ground. "

"I didn't want to like you, because of your name. I fell in love with you because of who you are inside. I love you, Blaine. I'm in love with you and that's the best thing that ever happen to me and the most tragic at the same time. Because I'm not yours and I never will be."

Kurt's chest started to hurt even more with every second that passed, what had been a lulling pain for the past hours was now growing to a throbbing and intense pain and once again his mark was burning hot against his icy body.

"I wanted you to be him and him to be you. I'm Kurt Hummel and I'm in love with, Blaine Anderson. So don't you dare die."

The designer finished, words choked out. Blaine didn't answer, of course. He didn't move either, not his fingers nor his eyelashes. Kurt's speech was greeted by the echoing bip of the machine inside the room.

He lower his gaze to their intertwined fingers, gently caressing Blaine's hand with his thumb. Then he remembered Suzie's words and how he was supposed to look at his finger on his left hand. Where Blaine's mark was.

Kurt bought a hand to his former mark, touching it though the fabric of his shirt, feeling it beating and burning under his finger. It was not common but then again he had been in such a state over the past hours that nothing really made sense to him.

With a shaky hand Kurt circled Blaine's body to take his left hand and brought it closer to him. He closed his eyes, afraid of seeing the mark before he was ready.

Who am I kidding, I'll never be ready, Kurt thought bitterly. The designer stood up and took a deep breath, looking one more time at Blaine, like the little piece of information he was going to get would completely change the man he knew.

He slowly and carefully brought the hand closer, making sure not to hurt Blaine with all the tubes and finally, after months of fighting, looked at the name on the finger.

Kurt Hummel

"No," Kurt breathed, tightly gripping the hand, his eyes filling with tears.

Suddenly his chest started to burn and hitch even more, painfully so. Kurt barely had time to register what was happening to his body, eyes still on Blaine's hand when the dark mark on Blaine's finger started to slowly disappear in front of him, letters erasing one by one.

"No, no, no. NO!" Kurt frantically screamed, looking for a button to hit to call the nurse. This couldn't happen; it was his name on Blaine's body, his name! And now it was disappearing.

"Stop, please make it stop. This is my name, it's me! Blaine please! Make it stop!" Kurt choked on his tears, looking panicked between the door and the words that were vanishing.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I've ever doubted what it said, please! Please don't go. I'm right here, please!" Kurt begged, implored and prayed to the god he didn't believe in, to whatever force was around to do something. But nothing happened, his name was dying out.

Kurt sobbed, tears rolling down his cheeks as he brought the hand to his lips, kissing it and bringing it to his forehead before resuming it's place in front of his eyes to see the last letter fading away.

Blaine's mark had completely vanished.

And so was Kurt's crossed mark underneath his shirt.


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