Bee Sting
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 5, 2013, 8:34 p.m.

Bee Sting: Chapter 3

E - Words: 1,635 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 5/5 - Created: Aug 01, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
126 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: thank you all so much for reading this and reviewing. It means so much to me.You guys are the best!

The next day at 10am sharp Kurt was outside of his building waiting for Blaine. He had decided to wear blue shorts with a light white Henley, nothing too fancy but still elegant to go grocery shopping. He hadn't dressed up for Blaine, not at all.

Oh hell, who was he trying to fool? He totally dressed up for Blaine. The man had this natural incandescent aura that made him stand out without breaking a sweat. That was probably why Kurt was so fascinated by him. It was not just his looks Kurt was attracted to, it was what the man emitted.

Kurt was lost in his thoughts when a gentle hand shook him out of it. "Well, bonjour stranger. Ready to be wowed by a chicken?" Blaine asked as he trotted away with a lilt walk. Kurt's brows furrowed in confusion, wondering what the hell the man had planned for him this time.

"A chicken? You look more puppy than poultry. But who am I to tell you what you are, right?" Kurt joked when he finally caught up with Blaine who had just turned right at the end of their street.

"If I'm a bird, you're a bird, right?"

"I'm quite sure you got it wrong, Blaine." They turned again before stepping to a little plaza with numerous stands selling fresh fruits or vegetable with beautiful colors. Another one was selling spices, neatly placed in jars, coloring the stands with brown hot color or burning orange and perfuming the place with strong and foreign scents. And then at the end of the market Blaine stopped in front of a big red shop, opened on the street. Several people were already lining up in front of it, obviously waiting to be served.

They waited a few minutes before it was their turn to be served. Blaine asked for what he wanted in a perfect French, without a hint of an American accent.

"Francis, un poulet!"

"C'est 3€50 pour le poulet!" The woman shouted from across the shop, while the chicken made its way from the back of the shop to the front on a conveyer belt that was moving automatically. Kurt started to laugh a little and try to hide it as well as he could, hiding his face against Blaine's shoulder. Kurt saw the musician's shoulder shake a little and the moment they stepped away from the shop one glance at each other was all it took before they burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, what was that?" Kurt wondered between fits of giggles.

"That was 'Chez Francis' and their lovely butcher. She is quite a lady, you know." Blaine tried to answer, clutching at his belly which was hurting with how much he was laughing.

"I have no idea how I could trust you with that." Kurt took a deep breath, trying to calm himself only to laugh some more every time he glimpsed at Blaine who was still giggling and laughing all he could. After few minutes the two men still had full grins on their faces but were able to look at each other without losing it.

"Okay, so you were talking about a real chicken. What do you plan on doing with it?"

"Well, Kurt, you see this is a dead chicken so we could either bury it, god bless that chicken's soul, or cook it. And I'm rather hungry."

Kurt openly glared at the musician and pinched his arm.

"You dick. It could've been the dalai lama of the chickens for all we know. Show some respect."

"Oh right. Nothing less than the dalai lama of chickens. Well then in that case how about we erect an altar for the chicken instead of eating it? Did I mention that I was hungry? Because I really really am."

"Yeah, yeah right, you're hungry and I can think about something else that you could erect... Oh my god." Kurt yelped while burying his face in his hands, mortified by the implication of what he just said. "I didn't... I mean. It's not... Oh god. Can you just forget that?"

Blaine crooked an eyebrow at Kurt, the musician obviously curious and amused by the situation, and smirked at the man who was blushing from the humiliation.

"I could, but I won't. Now we're going to cook that oh-so-important chicken because I'm hungry." Kurt followed Blaine into his building, and into the elevator.

"You mentioned that earlier, yeah." The young man muttered.

Blaine circled Kurt's wrist with his fingers and squeezed gently. Kurt looked up at the touch and realized how small the elevator was and how flushed against each other they were, their bodies pressed together at their thighs, waist, chest. Kurt took a deep breath and inhaled some of Blaine's cologne, strong but sweet. They locked eyes and for a second Kurt thought that was it, that they were going to kiss. But the 'ding' of the old elevator interrupted them and they stepped out.

Blaine opened his door and let Kurt come in before him before leading him to the kitchen. Instead of a small room like Kurt's place, Blaine had a real flat and a big one at that. At least big enough to have a separate kitchen and a dining room, and Kurt guessed that the corridor in front of him lead to bedrooms and a bathroom.

Kurt entered the kitchen to find Blaine preparing the chicken, wearing an apron that said 'don't forget to kiss the cook'.

The young man looked at Blaine and then again at the apron. Blaine was facing him, talking about chicken and how to cook it best and some others things that Kurt wasn't listening to. The man stepped closer to Blaine and kissed him quickly on the cheek before flopping down on one of the chairs of the kitchen. Kurt dared a look at Blaine who looked frozen.

Kurt tilted his head questioningly and smiling a little at the look on Blaine's face.

"You're not the only one who can tease." Kurt provided, earning a snort from the cook in chief. "So what can I do to help you?"

They cooked next to each other for a while after putting the chicken in the oven with an amount of butter that would probably obstruct their arteries and make them die. But according to the musician, it was worth it. They also cooked numerous vegetables and some potatoes to goes with it and once everything was cooked perfectly they sat down at the dining table.

"So, Blaine. I guess that you're not just a tourist like me?"

"Nope, I live here. This is my flat."

"It's really nice. I can see why your brother would want to come here often." Blaine smiled a little at the mention of Cooper and nodded.

"Yeah, he loves coming here to bother me a little bit too much. I should probably change the lock but he would just charm the concierge and get the key anyway."

"Do you have more siblings?"

"Oh, thank god, no. Cooper is my only brother but he requires so much work that it's a full time occupation. The guy is sweet but it's like he forgot to grow up," Blaine said with a fond tone in his voice that made Kurt's heart flutter. It was nice to see how important his brother was to Blaine.

"I understand completely. I have one of these specimens at home too. Finn, my brother, is a giant teddy bear, but a full grown up? Not sure about that."

"And where's home?" Blaine wondered between two bites.

"The US, Ohio or New York to be more specific."

"Seriously? My parents have a house in Ohio! Westerville, do you know it?" Kurt's face lit up, a smile appearing on his face.

"Of course I know Westerville. It's not really far from where I lived. I competed against the glee club from the all boys private school. We won, obviously." Kurt added with a playful smirk, shrugging like it was old news.

"Really? So maybe you know Jeff, Wes or Nick? Trent maybe? They were part of the Warblers too and they competed."

"Probably then. It's scary how small the world his. So, uh, where are you from? Because I heard you speaking French and it sounded like you didn't even have an accent."

"Ah. Well my father is American, hence the house in Westerville, and my mother is half French, half Italian. So I actually speak French and Italian... well Spanish too but..." Blaine lingered a little, not sure what to say next.

"That's impressive. And are you living here or are you traveling? Huh, I'm sorry. You don't have to answer if it's too personal."

"No, it's alright but I'd rather not talk about it this afternoon. What do you want to do?" Blaine asked once they ended lunch. "We could go to the beach or visit something? I mean if you have nothing else planned of course."

Kurt could've sworn that for a minute Blaine seemed unsure and maybe a little scared. He kept himself busy by putting the dishing in the dishwasher so Kurt couldn't be sure.

"I was actually planning to go visit something."

"Oh, right." Blaine said, a small smile on his face and, yep, Kurt was sure it was also disappointment on the man's face.

"Wanna come with me?" At the proposition Blaine's face radiated with a big toothy grin and a jerky nod.

"Definitely. Where are we heading?"

"Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild?"


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