Sept. 5, 2013, 8:34 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 8:34 p.m.
Kurt had retreated quickly to his building, blushing to the roots of his hair and with a shy smile closed the door, glancing one last time to Blaine who was leaning against his own door, arms crossed and smirking a little. A smirk that Kurt still wanted to knock off Blaine's face, forcefully. With his mouth.
It wasn't until later that night that Kurt remembered that they just had agreed to go out on a date but didn't settle anything or talk about where and when. The young man groaned loudly and kicked his feet a little in his bed.
"Well done, Hummel. You moron." He told himself, as he felt like he was being judged by the walls of his room.
The next morning though he found a new note in his mailbox.
Meet me at Place Massena at 7pm. I'll be the one playing the violin.
Kurt tried not to smile too much at that, but against his will, his lips twisted into a full toothy grin that painted his face the whole day.
It might have taken him more than an hour to decide what to wear, but there was no witness to testify that. Kurt walked out of his building and slowly made his way to the place where they were supposed to meet. It wasn't really hard to find since it was the biggest area in the city. Kurt knew it well, it was the beginning of numerous streets where he had been shopping and he also loved the big fountain and the plastic men that were sitting up in the air and changing color at night.
When Kurt finally get to the meeting point though, he didn't see Blaine right away. There were lots of people playing different instruments, some of them were dancing or just standing there pretending to be marble statues.
"So you see, I have this neighbor. According to him I can't play. He is a little obnoxious and also arrogant. But hey, you can't choose your neighbor, right?"
Kurt recognized Blaine's voice through a mic and walked to him. He already had quite a crowd waiting for him to start playing.
"So I just invited him here tonight and show him how I can't play. I hope you guys are ready for a show!"
A few people shouted a little in anticipation and turned their cameras on.
That prick, Kurt thought, catching Blaine's glance and his barely-there smirk. The young man eyed him, irritated, and tilted his head a little to the side, showing that he was waiting for Blaine to show him, indeed.
Blaine nodded and brought his violin to his shoulder and settled it against his chin before starting to play. It wasn't anything classical or a remix of a slow song. It was joyful and carefree. Blaine was smiling throughout it instead of having a dark and closed face like so many people would in concentration while playing. He danced across the little area he had to himself, laughing and kicking the air.
A little boy came closer to the musician and without stopping Blaine twirled around him, playing even faster and always so cheerful and energetic.
People around him were clapping and cheering when they weren't too shocked by how talented the man was. There were catcalls and Kurt heard some women fawning over how talented and handsome he was.
The musician stopped suddenly and fell slowly on his knees to be at the same height as the child and started to play slowly and then faster and faster, making the little boy giggle and shake his little body even more. Blaine stood up and with a last note ended his performance, a little out of breath.
The crowd erupted quickly, clapping and asking for more. Blaine blushed and bowed before the crowd.
"It was my pleasure playing for you tonight. I'll be here again tomorrow. Have a good night. Au revoir!" Some people stayed a little behind, talking to the musician and asking him if he had an album they could buy. The curly haired man answered all the question while putting his violin in its case and after a while excused himself and went over to Kurt.
"Did you like it?" Kurt laughed a little at the question and nodded.
"I did. Though I'm always going to wonder why you butchered all those songs for weeks." They walked to a parking lot and found Blaine's car where he put his violin in and locked it again.
"I didn't. Well I did, one or two nights. But most of the time it wasn't me." Kurt glared over to the musician with a confused and betrayed look.
"You are saying that all this time I thought it was you when in reality another person was playing for me. I'm wounded, such a betrayal so early in this relationship." Kurt put a hand on his heart dramatically before being caught by Blaine's who took it eagerly and make Kurt twirl before catching him and pulling them close.
"Mon ami, you're talking about relationship already?" Blaine asked smugly before walking down the street, a little skip in his walk. Kurt blushed and then shook his head in disbelief, who was this man? The young man walked quickly to catch up with the musician and they walked in silence for a while.
"So who was playing if it wasn't you?" Blaine lead them to a little street, where only pedestrians could walk. All the shops were lightened and selling lavender scented soap, blue and red espadrilles, colorful bracelets and ice cream.
"My brother. He's a prick and loves borrowing my violin even if he can't play to save his life. You must have heard him several times. He comes over sometimes and then tries to show me how much he's improved. I was almost impressed with his rendition of California Gurl."
"It wasn't you?" Kurt asked, a little upset. "It was one of my favorite things through the weeks!" He exclaimed, making Blaine stop abruptly.
"Well it's pretty badass to play Katy Perry on a violin. I was almost impressed." Kurt watched Blaine's face go from puzzled to determined at the admission.
"I'm more a Teenage Dream kind of guy. But I can learn California Gurl if you'd like." Kurt smiled to himself at that and if his heart made a loop in his chest, well, it wasn't his fault if the guy was charming and willingly learning something for him.
"So, this is Fenoccio. The best ice cream you're ever gonna get." Blaine stated when he stopped in front of a light purple shop that was completely opened on the street. Several boards were listing all the flavors that they had and some of them were a little alarming to say the least.
"The best, huh?" Kurt challenged, because apparently it was something that he did now, pushing Blaine a little just to see his reaction. The musician crooked an eyebrow at him and smirked a little.
"Well, let me see. From the way you're dressing and your reclamation in terms of song you're apparently someone sophisticated. But you also have something sweet about you that comes with your eyes and the way you smile. Finally, Monsieur Hummel, you're an enigma and a big question mark. So I'd say that you should try hazelnut ice cream. It suits you." Blaine announced, very proud of his choice and his deduction made on a somehow not too wrong personality analysis.
"Hazelnut? It sounds more like you're trying to get rid of me." Kurt joked a little. Blaine ordered for him and paid for Kurt's ice cream before handing it to the man and waiting patiently for the man to taste it.
"I worked too hard to get a date with you to get rid of you so early in the evening. Now tell me, how is it?" Blaine asked again, this time almost grabbing kurt's hand and bringing the ice cream to his nose first and then his mouth. Kurt giggled a little. Giggled! And then cautiously licked the ice cream.
The moan that escaped his mouth wasn't planned at all and Kurt's eyes rolled a little when he finally got a taste of the ice cream. The flavor was indeed exceptional and the ice cream was the best he'd ever had, he was also pretty sure that no ice cream could ever top that.
When he opened his eyes he found Blaine staring at him, his lips slightly parted to let his tongue brush them. The musician gulped with difficulty and tried to regain his composure.
"So I take it as you like it. Wanna try to guess my flavor?" Kurt could see that the man was hiding something behind his sudden coy attitude but he didn't really care. He actually wanted to play the game.
"Alright, let me try that. You come out strong with this little attitude of yours at first, but you're somehow shy and revealed yourself more and more with time. You're different and a little fierce. Soooo." Kurt scanned the board and smiled wickedly when he finally found the perfect flavor.
"Chestnut ice cream for you!" Blaine nodded and laughed a little, ordering for himself this time and before stepping away whispered into Kurt's ear:
"I guess we're both pretty fond of nuts, huh." Kurt rolled his eyes and followed, not wanting to lose the guy in the pool of tourists that were out that night. They ate in silence, walking into the little street of the old town, stopping here and there to look at the postcards or the bracelets that shops were selling. They arrived at a big plaza where lots of restaurant had laid out their tables for the night. They walked between the tables, sometimes commenting on what was on the people's plates and most of the time pointing out the people that were the most sunburnt.
"You didn't answer my question, why did you murdered all those songs on purpose when you can play like that?" Kurt wondered hours later, when they were on their walk home.
"The first note I got from you was because of my brother. He had spotted you putting the note and Instragrammed so many pictures of you that I can probably re-create you in 3D. Anyway, I kind of decided to continue because I hoped to get more notes?" Blaine finished with a hint of insecurity in his voice.
"You could've come and talked to me instead of keeping me from sleep."
"Naw, but were would have been the charm in that? We taunted each other, got on each other's nerves and now we're out on a date. It worked out perfectly for me, if I say so myself."
"You could've have just had a date quicker, that's all."
"Yeah but the courting, the wooing and the waiting. The wait until you finally get what you want is worth it and much needed. You appreciate what you have even more after that." Blaine wiggled his eyebrows and leaned closely to Kurt. They had managed to find themselves in front of Kurt's building and it wasn't thanks to him. He had been too caught up in Blaine's voice and flirting to even register where they were going.
Kurt saw Blaine leaning close to him and with every second he could feel the warmth of Blaine's breath growing against his skin, he could almost taste the chestnut ice cream against Blaine's lips. They were so close that Kurt couldn't hold Blaine's gaze and closed his eyes, overwhelmed by the musician's scent around him. Kurt waited, to feel Blaine's lips against his, to feel the press of their bodies together and to finally taste and get to hold the man against him, to run his fingers through his curls and... Instead he got a sweet and quick kiss on his cheek followed by a: "Goodnight, Kurt" murmured against his cheek.
Kurt opened his eyes only to see Blaine disappearing into his building behind his green door. In all honesty Kurt had started to hate that green door. And the whole building just to be sure. He turned around and made his way to his room, plopping down on his bed and lightly caressing his skin where Blaine's lips had been minutes ago. It wasn't exactly what he had expected, but somehow maybe it was for the best.
"The wait will be worth it." Kurt repeated to himself, mimicking Blaine's words.