Invidia in E-Minor
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Nov. 20, 2012, 3:45 a.m.

Invidia in E-Minor: Chapter 8

E - Words: 7,236 - Last Updated: Nov 20, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Nov 20, 2012 - Updated: Nov 20, 2012
732 0 0 1 0


To say that Santana's car was a barrel was to be an understatement.

During the drive Kurt was going insane at hearing the screeching noises and got close to asking Santana to pull over so he could check under the hood - but Santana claimed everything was just fine and they would arrive in Lima in one piece.

By the way they were driving now, they wouldn't arrive in Lima until midday and Kurt couldn't wait to get out of the stinky car. But he knew it wasn't his place to complain; Santana did say she had been living in her car for two weeks now.

"So where is your human Ken doll?" Santana asked with actual interest. "You keep checkin' your phone, so I get that he isn't nearby."

Kurt sighed and put his phone away. "He's in L.A."

"What's he doing there?" Santana frowned.

"He has an audition, I don't want to talk about it, if you don't mind." He started to stare at the endless road outside passing him by. "He's trying to be in Lima by New Year's Eve, maybe you'll meet him."

"Hell yeah, you two should come to Sugar's party. I mean, if I were you I would force him to strip or something - show him off."

"I'm not letting Cooper strip." Although the thought was tempting. "But I will definitely flaunt." They shared a secret smile that spoke book collections. "So are you and Brit still together?"

Santana huffed loudly. "Wow, you've really been living under a rock, haven't you? Or more likely under a hot body -"

"San." Kurt snapped. He knew when she tried to change the subject by using obscene thoughts and he wasn't going to let it happen.

"No." she whispered. "I - uhm, we didn't know, well, Brit didn't understand the concept of long distance. I'm not even sure if she understands the general concept of relationship if I'm not there to constantly remind her."

"Oh, San." Kurt said apologetic.

"It's fine, I'm going back to Lima for two months and - try." Santana shrugged and stepped harder on the gas, letting the car make even more protesting noises.

"So what were you doing in New York anyway?"

Again a shrug. "Stuff. Not important anymore, ‘cause it didn't work out. Going to try and sign into some colleges next spring."

"Good for you." Kurt commented, giving a encouraging smile.

"Thanks, now enough about me - talk about that hot chick I saw on your wall."

They continued the drive talking about Kurt's college life, Cooper and Santana had more knowledge about the ins and outs about the New and Old Directions than Kurt had expected. He always thought Santana couldn't wait to get out of Lima like he did - but apparently she was really missing it. So now and then they burst out in the current song that was on the radio.

Before Kurt could realize it, he was being driven into Lima and told Santana to drop him off at his dad's shop. He was pretty certain his dad was working today, plus he needed him to look into Santana's car because the noises only had become worse.

He arrived dead tired at the all familiar shop. The roars coming from the barrel drew so much attention that Burt already came out to see which car was suffering. His dad's face broke into a huge smile when he saw his son step out and they both ran to each other to crash into a hug.

"Wha- what are you doing in that piece of junk on wheels?" he asked Kurt. Santana made an offending sound and Burt greeted her just as warm, forcing her into a hug. For a moment Santana stared dead frightened at Kurt, but he just shrugged. "Sorry, I'm not used on seeing Kurt's old friends - get that thing inside, I'll have a look. Free of charge."

"Thanks dad." Kurt smiled and tugged his father's arm to go inside.

"You just missed the new guy, though." Burt opened the garage so Santana could drive the car inside.

"New guy?" Kurt repeated, but he was too busy with his phone to see if Cooper called or texted yet.

"Uhu, kid from McKinley."

"I thought you weren't hiring?" he asked absently.

"A man can change his mind, can't he? Just over here, Santana." Burt gestured to an empty spot. "Anyway, what are your plans? Kurt? Kurt!"

Kurt snapped up from his phone, guilty trying to hide the fact he was absorbed by it. "Hm?"

"What are your plans? I thought you weren't coming until tonight, so I'm busy here -"

"It's okay." Kurt assured. "Do you have a car for me? I am in need of coffee."

"I have a coffee machine right here!" Burt exclaimed, pointing at the greasy appliance and Kurt couldn't hide his disgust.

"Dad, that thing belonged on the junk yard decades ago. Besides, I haven't been in the Lima Bean since forever. Please? I'll make dinner somewhere this week?" He tried his best teenage pout. If he remembered well, his dad always had a weak spot for it and sure enough Burt smirked, turned around and found some car keys.

"Fine, but you'll have to tell Carole why you're cooking then." He handed the keys and Kurt took them with a smile.

"San, you want to join?" He turned to the girl who was eyeing the little father and son moment.

"Nah, this thing is my house, need to make sure it'll be okay." She petted the hood. "Just give me your number so I can force you to come to Sugar's party."

"That rich girl?" Burt asked while gathering tools. "That'll be fun."

"Exactly, so Kurt must come."

Kurt mumbled a fine, gave Santana his phone number and with a final kiss on his dad's cheek, he left to find the car.

He almost drove the way to the Lima Bean on auto pilot. The coffee hotspot hadn't changed a bit when he stepped inside, getting overwhelmed by the warm scents.

Kurt was about to indulge himself on the hot coffee when he noticed the all familiar head of frizz, bended over what seemed a notebook. Slowly he approached Blaine, eager to just talk to him, but also restraint, because he didn't want to disturb Blaine's obvious important work.

Eventually he just goes for it.

"Hey Blaine." he said chipper, but regretted it immediately as the younger boy shot out with his scribbling  - leaving an actual mark on the Lima Bean table. Startled, the hazel eyes pointed up and his lips slightly parted.

"Kurt." he stated, looking a bit god smacked.

"Bad timing?" Kurt winced. Damn his urge to talk with his boyfriend's little brother.

"N-no! No, of course - hey." Blaine gestured that he could sit down and Kurt took the opposite seat. He noticed an empty coffee cup on Blaine's side, meaning he had been in the Lima Bean for a while.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Kurt dared to ask and watched the triangular eyebrows shot up.

"No, no - I just got from wo- I needed to get out of the house. Usually holidays are bearable, with Cooper and all," he bit his lip and closed the notebook. Kurt didn't miss the look of disappointment on his face and he felt guilty for interrupting whatever he was doing. "But now sometimes I just need to get out, you know?" Finally Blaine let out some kind of crooked grin.

"I'm sorry if you were busy, I just saw you -" Kurt couldn't handle the guilt and started to grab his coffee, but a hand refrained him from doing so.

"Kurt, it's fine. I needed a break anyway, a social one is even better." He sounded like he didn't have a social moment with anyone in a long time. "So, how's Tisch?" He let go of his hand as soon he was sure Kurt wasn't leaving.

There was something about Blaine that Kurt found utterly endearing. He always seemed enthusiastic and actually interested what was said. Maybe he had a little nervous tick of stuttering and blurting, but that made him even more adorable. Plus he really, really, had pretty eyes.

Kurt was talking about his upcoming audition when a lanky voice entered their private conversation.

"Well, well, well," a tall boy with even taller light brown hair was staring down at Blaine with his arms crossed, "If it isn't the Warbler who flew away."

Kurt flickered from the new boy to Blaine, whom visibly was uncomfortable with the unknown guest.

"What do you want, Sebastian?" Blaine muttered, twisting the empty coffee cup in his hands.

The boy - Sebastian - raised an eyebrow and graced Kurt with one glance before he returned to Blaine. Kurt realized that these obviously weren't friends, not even close and with the Warbler comment they definitely went to Dalton together.

"I was just wondering if you still went here, and indeed I was right." Sebastian gave Blaine a smirk. "Was expecting you to be alone though, who's this?" Kurt squinted his eyes in an insincere smile. He didn't like Sebastian - at all.

"I'm Kurt." He held out his hand for Sebastian to shake. "Blaine's bro- boyfriend." Two pairs of eyebrows were raised and if Kurt didn't have the acting ability he had now, he would have done the same. The word boyfriend just blurted out. This Sebastian meerkat face needed to be put on his spot with his condescending smile.

"Boyfriend?" Sebastian asked in disbelief whilst shaking Kurt's hand. His eyes went back to Blaine. "Must have missed that memo, because I remember that you weren't in for a relationship."

"What you wanted was far off a relationship." Blaine snapped back.

"Ugh, still the cuddle-whore. Was hoping public school would have kicked that out of you, but apparently you've just become softer."

"Excuse me." Kurt didn't know what he was hearing, but no one deserved that kind of remarks. Especially not Blaine. "I believe you are invading a very private coffee date over here, so you better get out before the zoo finds out something is missing from the Africa section and trust me when I say I would love to put you back behind the bars."

"Ha!" Sebastian let out. "Got yourself a snarky one, Blaine? You don't need him for that, you know - I can be particularly-"

Blaine's eyes shot wide open and Kurt considered Sebastian lucky he wasn't punched in the face right there at that moment. "That's enough, Sebastian. Now fuck off, I'm trying to talk to my b-boyfriend." He said the last word with a weird tick of his lips, as if he was trying the word - how it felt like. Kurt scrunched a bit, but realized Blaine probably never had a boyfriend  - apart from douchebag level 9000 - and that it was just unusual to say.

"I see," Sebastian whispered, "strange, I have never seen you before - what elementary school do you go to?"

Kurt squinted again.

"Kurt goes to New York, he's a musical theatre major." Blaine actually gushed about him like a boyfriend should. Maybe he should come to Tisch too with this kind of acting. A weird scenario of him, Nancy and Blaine having coffee in New York popped up with Cooper barging in - late as usual. He shook his head: he didn't even know Blaine's plans. Although he was pretty sure New York would love him and vice versa.

"Well, that does mean he isn't always around." Sebastian said. "So I guess we can still go to Scandals?"

"In your dreams, chipmunk." Kurt knew about the gaybar Scandals and he didn't want Blaine near it. Cooper had told some horrifying stories, afterwards he assured Kurt he would never set foot in that place again. "And I am still sitting here, so why don't you take your God awful cologne and take it somewhere else while me and my boyfriend are going to catch up on some things." His facial expression turned dark to make sure the innuendo came across and Sebastian finally backed off.

"Guess I'll see you around, Blaine." He gave Kurt one last glare before vanishing. It was like Kurt could finally breathe again. Same was for Blaine, because his voice sounded a bit husky.

"You didn't have to do that." He seemed flustered. "Sebastian is a tool, one of the factors I wanted to leave Dalton, not that I was running away!" He assured. "Not again, it was just nice not to have him around every day anymore since I went to McKinley. Can't wait to kick his ass at regionals."

"Give him a kick on my behalf." Kurt added and Blaine smiled. For a moment they remained silent, sucking in the events that just passed. Kurt still couldn't believe he stepped in for his boyfriend's little brother and hoped Cooper didn't mind he was Blaine's fake one for five minutes. But Cooper was just as protective over Blaine, so he didn't foresee any trouble.

He smiled at the curly head. "Let me get you another coffee." he said on impulse, not wanting for Blaine to leave just yet.

"You, don't - have to." Blaine stuttered, but Kurt insisted and asked for his order. He watched him stroll back to the counter to order his medium drip and Blaine forced himself to take deep breaths.

This was everything he didn't want to happen. Day one of his winter break and he had already run into Kurt after work. He had heard Burt talk about his son coming back, but he remembered him saying tomorrow - not today.

Blaine ruffled his hair in panic; he looked like absolute crap. Why was he always meeting Kurt in his worst states of fashion? He swallowed loudly, pulling himself together as he saw Kurt return from the corner of his eye.

"Here you go." He avoided any kind of eye contact with Kurt and simply focused on his new carton cup of coffee. Kurt returned to his seat, practically staring through Blaine to make him react in some sort of way.

"T-thanks." Blaine said and reached for the cup immediately for a sip to avoid any conversation.

"No, silly! It's still hot. Don't burn your tongue." Kurt snorted. Blaine felt the blush creep up his throat and face, but tried to suppress it. "What were you doing anyway before I marched through your things and that snake went all creepy?"

Blaine's hand crept back to his musical notebook, clenching it to make sure it was safe.

"I was, you know, uhm, college stuff." He really needed to stop swallowing words, it was really annoying. Last time he talked to Kurt he was giddy because of Cooper's morning stumbles, but now he was sitting across the boy he was in love with and all that escaped his mouth were useless words.

"Oh!" Kurt beamed interested. "What are you applying for? Something with music right, come on!"

Say OSU, Cleveland, Cincinnati anything but - "Juilliard." Oh my God, oh no.

Kurt's entire face opened up wide in excitement. "Yes! Oh, yes! What direction?" He shuffled in his seat and leaned forward to Blaine. "Instrument direction or -?"

Say general music history. "Composing." Fuck.

Kurt made even more thrilling noises. "Perfect! Oh my God, I'm sorry - it's just, yay! Is your audition piece in there?" He made small grabby hands to the book, too curious for his own good and Blaine immediately snatched it to his chest. "Oh." Kurt's face fell.

"It's not - n-not ready, I mean finished yet." Blaine stuttered. This conversation just went from awkward to tomato blush in ten minutes.

"Oh, well - I would love to hear it when it's done." Kurt said soothingly. "If you need a volunteer." The smile he gave Blaine went straight to his heart, making it beat even faster than it did and it was a miracle Blaine didn't just confess his love there and then.

"Okay, different subject!" Kurt flailed his hands. "Do you -" he rolled his eyes in search of something to talk about, "- read Vogue?" And stared at Blaine in expectation.

Blaine let out a chuckle. "I'm insulted if you'd thought I didn't." he answered in a quite normal voice.

"Okay! Okay!" Kurt laughed again and Blaine sighed at it. "Then we must do a test." He leaned in even more, keeping eye contact before opening his mouth: "Favorite 2012 cover on three." Blaine started to protest. "One -" As fast as he could he tried to find his favorite one. "Two-" Kurt had a conspiring grin. "THREE - Meryl Streep!"

"Meryl Streep!" Blaine practically yelled at the same time as Kurt. The other boy pointed at Blaine in victory.

"HA! I knew it!"

"But she was amazing." Blaine gushed.

 "Amazing!" Kurt agreed. "Iron Lady is like the best movie of the year, apart from Magic Mike then - but who can blame me -" He rolled his eyes playfully

Blaine grinned, biting his lip and looking down at the table. Why are you so perfect?

"Okay, next -" Kurt continued and started to talk about reality television. Blaine just went with it, unable not to join the enthusiasm. They went for refills twice, Blaine insisting on buying the second time and even got some biscotti.

It was Kurt that prowled he had to leave to greet his family. Blaine's feelings was a mixture of relief and sadness, he hadn't enjoyed a conversation this much - as awkward as it started - since ages.

"Can we swap numbers?" Kurt asked while putting on his winter coat. "I get bored easily in Lima, maybe we can do this again?" Who was Blaine to say no to such a beautiful smile? He shyly took Kurt's phone, but the amused feeling disappeared ice cold when he was confronted by the screensaver - which was a picture of Kurt and Cooper. Kissing.

Blaine was moping and he hated himself for doing so. He excused himself from his parents early, claiming was tired - but now it was 1 AM and he was still uncontrollably grabbing his phone, scrolling to the text Kurt had sent him to make sure they had each other's number.

It was a plain text of ‘Hi Blaine!' with a smiley face. A happy sigh escaped his lips as he flickered on the mobile phone again, restraining himself from texting - or at least actually sending a text, but then he remembered that it was one in the morning and he was Cooper's boyfriend. He just wanted to be friends because he said he got bored easily.

"I'm pathetic." he murmured to himself, flipping the device down - only to jump up a few feet when his phone actually started to ring.

He grabbed it before he woke anyone in the house and grunted when he saw it was Cooper calling.

"Hello?" Blaine said with a sleepy voice - no one needed to know he was still awake at this hour.

"Blainey!" Cooper yelled on the other side.

"Gjeez, Cooper! Timezones, you idiot."

"Hey! You're awake, so whatever? Anyway, Blainey..."

Blaine squinted his eyes closed and grunted; he knew that tone.

"Blainey, sweetest little brother in the whole wide world-d-d?"

"I'm your only -"

"Doesn't matter, Blaineyy -"

Blaine sighed. "What do you want?"

"Okay, I need you to buy Kurt a Christmas present -" Cooper said in all seriousness.

"What do you mean? Cooper!" Blaine shot up in his bed.

"I forgot! Okay, I'm an idiot and I don't do Christmas things - you know that," Oh Blaine did, and years of receiving socks was all the evidence there was, "But Kurt actually hid is present in my suitcase and I have nothing -"

"Just by something in L.A. and give it when you're here." Blaine threw his blankets off and started to pace around his room.

"No, no, then Kurt'll think I bought it because I found his and well, that won't do well for my perfect boyfriend resume. So please, baby brother, please buy something and make sure Kurt gets it before Tuesday?" Cooper pleaded.

Blaine was seriously tempted to say no, letting his brother fall flat on his face, but he was afraid his karma would kick his ass for that. Plus he would have an excuse to see Kurt before Christmas. "Why am I so nice?" he said inaudible so Cooper didn't hear him. "Fine, fine - but you'll owe me like for years, you hear me?"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you - now for a present, make sure it's not a ring or a necklace, because - well, you know, anyway - Kurt likes scarves, so maybe something like that? And take a picture before you wrap it so I know what I gave, okay? I'll give you the money -"

Blaine zoned out. He could go to the mall tomorrow and meet Kurt on Monday - if he would build up the courage to ask him for coffee again. Their talk today felt so natural, apart from the blushing and stuttering, but it was almost like they were friends for years.

"So, you'll do that for me?"

Blaine almost dropped the phone. "Wha- yes, I mean yes. I'll go the mall and buy Kurt a gift and sign it with your name, you idiotic Anderson loser." He said the latter with a teasing voice.

"Luckily we share that loser part so now and then."

He smiled a little. His brother might be a douchebag so now and then, but he was still his brother.

"How's the audition going? And L.A. in general?"

"Oh, Blaine - it's amazing, seriously, palm trees, Blainey! Palm. Trees." With Cooper talking enthusiastically on the phone Blaine dozed off until he fell asleep.

Buying Kurt a gift seemed harder than the general concept of it. Blaine could just buy the most random scarf he could find, sign it with his brother's name and done - but he wanted to buy Kurt something special.

Kurt seemed very conscious what he wore and well, Blaine wanted see Kurt's face when he got something carefully picked for him - if he got the chance to see Kurt's face. Cooper had advised to let someone drop it off at the Hummel's, texting him the all known address even.

He tried to remember why he agreed on helping his brother and not just declined him to see him suffer, but he kept on returning on the thought of Kurt being happy with something and suddenly that seemed more than enough.

After three stores with no luck, he decided to go against his brother's prays and entered a jewelry shop. Not all trinkets were necklaces and rings, right?

"Can I help you?" a bored voiced said. A teenage girl with an eyebrow piercing was slouched over the counter and definitely not supporting her question body language wise.

"No, I'm fine - do you have men jewelry?"

"In the back." She pointed two fingers to a corner. Blaine thanked her and made way to the gestured area - only to sigh disappointed because it was all rough and manly stuff with cuffs and leather. He was about to give up another store when he got distracted by a display of brooches.

All different kind of colors, sizes and shapes were pinned against black velvet and they were absolutely stunning.

"They're handmade." the cashier yelled from her side of the store, catching Blaine's attention. He actually got startled by her sudden interest in her only customer. "In case you were wondering." She added a grin.

"You made them?" Blaine asked and the girl nodded, definitely more enthusiastic by his curiosity.

"I make them during slow hours, I have more right here -" She pointed underneath the counter. "Want to see?"

Blaine eyed the displayed brooches once more before nodding and heading to the girl. A small box was already placed on the desk, opened and showing some unfinished ones.

"Is it for anyone in particularly? Or for yourself - you said men jewelry -?" The girl raised a questioning eyebrow, skimming her fingers to make her jewels rinkle.

"It's for - someone," Blaine licked his lips, this girl didn't know him - he could say whatever he'd like, "special."

A grin broke across the girl's face. "Someone you love?" she asked teasingly and squealed when Blaine nodded once with a shy smile. "Awesome, I have been working on some things -" She started to pull out a few brooches, hearts; stars; a few animal shapes. "Or maybe this one?" Blaine gasped at the pin in her hand. It was a black bird with one feather as a tail and a few shining beads to create the head.

"That is actually perfect." Blaine managed to say. The girl clapped in excitement, putting the denied ones back into the box. She muttered a price and winked - so Blaine had the feeling it wasn't the real value.

"You're the first one to buy a Tiana original! I'm thrilled, sorry if I seem - weird, it's just, people buy stupid factory stuff and just - yay!" Tiana placed a gift box next to the bird brooche. "You want to sign a little card for it?"

"Uhm yes please," Blaine took the small giftcard and scribbled Cooper's name under it. They exchanged money for the wrapped box and it was until Blaine was outside he remembered he forgot to take a picture of it.

Oh well. It might be good for Cooper to sweat a little and with a smug grin Blaine headed back home with his perfect present for Kurt. Now only a moment to give it to him.


Kurt had missed his TV. There was something simply wrong about watching series on his laptop and therefore he took his blissful two weeks off of watching as many Christmas specials as he could on a normal television.

He was sprayed across his bed, legs dangling whatever way they wanted and with his hand he simply switched from channel to channel, hoping to stumble on something fun.

Finn was downstairs measuring up gifts under the tree, making a list which one belongs to whom. To Kurt's surprise they had another lady chat Saturday night, discussing what to do with New Years Eve ("Seriously Kurt, everyone's going to Sugar and well - imagine the goodie bags!") and Kurt was very close on texting Cooper that he was going.

He laid down the remote to grab his phone and found the picture he thought of - one of Cooper with sunglasses on (in freaking December) and the beach behind him. The text going along with it was a simple ‘miss you' and Kurt shared that feeling.

With a roll of his fingers the screen turned into the text from Blaine and he smiled at it as well. Coffee with Blaine, talking with Blaine - it had felt so natural and fun. They should be friends, Kurt decided and turned back to the television. He grunted at seeing it switch to a commercial.

"Tomorrow on TLC - Say Yes to the Dress Marathon -" Kurt surged up, squealing at seeing Randy bicker around a bridezilla. "From eleven ‘till three, only on TLC!" The bed started to squeak under his jumping up and down and he heard Finn yell if he was alright, but it didn't matter. The coincidence was there that he'd actually talked about the show to Blaine and he had been just as excited about it.

Before he could even manage his control, he was dialing Blaine's number.

"Kurt? Hello?" Blaine sounded flustered but Kurt didn't care.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Kurt said in a rush.

"Uhm, staring at my ceiling doing nothing waiting for my parents to come home for Christmas eve?" He seemed serious.

"Okay, so - so," Kurt made another exciting noise and he was told to slow down on the other end of the line. "Okay, sorry - uhm, do you want to have a TV marathon with me? Say Yes to the Dress, Blaine! Four glorious hours!"

"Wait what?" He heard Blaine shuffle around, making typing noises and Kurt frowned. "Oh my God, you're right!"

"Seriously? You opened a TV guide website?" Kurt sat back down on his bed.

"Sorry," Blaine muttered apologetic, "but that's amazing, guess I'll be doing that tomorrow!"

A silence fell and Kurt snapped back when he heard Blaine say his name. "I was actually wondering, my dad and stepmom are both working tomorrow and won't be back until the evening and Finn is reconciling with his ex Quinn, which ain't gonna be pretty - so maybe you can come over and we watch it together?" Please? Kurt added in his head; he needed someone to share his thoughts on the dresses.

"Oh, oh." Blaine huffed unsure. "Well uhm, okay?"

"Yay! I'll text you my address, if that's no problem to come here - I mean Lima and all -"

"I go to school in Lima, I'm used to it."

"Okay, good. So, do you like popcorn?"

Blaine made an obscene huffing noise. "Do I like popcorn?"

With a smile Kurt settled back on his bed against the soft pillows. Yes, they should definitely be friends.

At half past ten exactly - Kurt asked him to come an half hour before so they could set up things for their marathon - Blaine rang the bell at the all familiar Hummel-Hudson household.

He clenched his shoulder-bag even closer and felt the bump of the present, which he hid deep down the bag underneath his notebook. Now only a way to give it to Kurt without him stuttering and blushing - anything that would give away that he actually picked it out. The previous evening he had been staring at the box - finding a Tiana business card attached to it and was able to remove it before Kurt would find out it was bought in Westerville and not New York.

"Coming!" a muffled voice yelled from the other end of the door.

Blaine took a step back to admire the Christmas decorations on the door. Mr. Hummel - Burt - had outdone himself with the lights and for some reason Blaine hoped it was dark when he left so he could see it even better.

The door shrieked, cracking because of the frost and a flustered Kurt appeared in the doorway.

"Sorry, I had a kitchen disaster -" Kurt started, but Blaine was completely stunned by the sight of him. His hair was casually done, moving enthusiastically with Kurt's animate hand gestures and his clothes were simple but chosen with the obvious care he always had. So this was Kurt in his natural habitant - and still he looked ten times better than Blaine in his vacation mood. "- and Finn ate all the croutons like they're Doritos - oh my God, it's freezing! Come in, why didn't you say anything?" Kurt rambled on and grabbed Blaine's arm to pull him in.

Blaine tried his best to pretend he'd never been into the house, but Kurt was too busy to even notice.

"And I already made some sandwiches for lunch, so we don't have to miss anything -" Kurt walked into the living room, "Oh and you can just leave your coat and shoes in the hall, it's fine - Finn likes to dump them in the middle of the doorway and trust me when I say I have bruises because of it and so does Finn after I found him." He chuckled and disappeared into the room while Blaine simultaneously took off his thick winter coat and shoes.

"You like cucumber sandwiches, right?" Kurt was back in the doorway to the hall with big awaiting eyes. He sighed in relief when Blaine confirmed he indeed likes cucumber sandwiches - but to be honest; he would like anything Kurt would serve him. "Good, good - I'll get the things from the kitchen, make yourself comfortable in the living room." And gone he was again.

Blaine realized he hadn't said a thing since entering the house or even before, and walked into the cozy living room. "Nice -" he started, but as soon as he was once again confronted with the big piano against the wall, words died in his mouth.

"Did you say something?" Kurt asked and returned with a scale of various bowls. "Oh," he saw Blaine eye the instrument, "it's gorgeous, isn't it?" He smiled and passed Blaine to place the scale onto the coffee table.

Blaine hadn't moved a muscle, eyes still fixating on the instrument, remembering how beautiful it sounded when he played. He didn't even notice Kurt standing next to him.

"Will you play me your Juilliard composition?" Kurt tried to ask casually, but curiosity was heard in his voice. Blaine blushed to his roots and shook his head quickly. "Oh, ah well - you want some coffee? It's way too early for a vacation day."

"Yes, please." Blaine said and gave Kurt a shy smile.

"You can play if you want?" Kurt encouraged. "Maybe a Christmas carol?" He meant it to be a joke, but Blaine sat down on the bench and searched in his head for a carol. Kurt vanished into the kitchen again, still laughing.

The laughing grew even bigger when Blaine played the first notes of Baby it's cold outside.

"Is that a hint for a duet?" Kurt yelled.

"If you don't mind!" Blaine yelled back playfully. He pressed in the final accords from the intro and Kurt started to sing from the kitchen, voice clear as a bell.

Blaine joined him overly excited. This was definitely his Christmas gift - even if it wasn't officially presented as one.

They sang together in the living room after Kurt placed the steaming mugs of coffee next to the bowls. The song ended in a fit of giggles and Kurt gave Blaine a friendly push.

"Your voice is amazing." he commented, surging to the couch to settle in.

"Look who's talking." Blaine said and joined him on the couch, closer than he imagined because Kurt patted right next to him.

"Only because I sang the female parts," Kurt rolled his eyes, grabbing the remote to switch to the channel.

"I think it's amazing, no matter what part you sing." Blaine said under his breath and Kurt snapped his head to the younger boy. Blaine forced himself to stare back straight into the other boy's blue eyes, ignoring the flush creeping up his neck.

Kurt swallowed, his lips slightly parted and on a whim he licked them. Blaine's eyes flickered down to the rosy mouth and couldn't help wonder what it's like to kiss them - to kiss Kurt.

"Now on TLC - Say Yes to the Dress!" the TV chimed and Kurt broke the spell by turning to the source of the noise.

Blaine hadn't even realized he'd stopped breathing for a minute, inhaling deeply as quiet as possible and gave the TV his full attention as well. He tried to remember why he agreed on coming, oh right - because he wanted to be friends with Kurt and Kurt wanted to same. But this entire TV-date as friends was turning out to be nothing more than torture for Blaine.

Kurt hadn't lied when he said he loved shows like Say Yes to the Dress. Throughout the first two episodes, he enthusiastically commented, ranted and gave pieces of advice to the upcoming brides.

"Oh, no! No! Why do they always go with strapless - honestly." he said, snatching the bowl of popcorn from the table and placed it between them. Blindly he started to eat and Blaine started to wander off to focus on the room. He had been here before - by all means, Carole fixed his forehead in the kitchen (and it left no scar whatsoever, so bless the woman). Everything was still the same - except for the giant Christmas tree in one of the corners. Underneath, it was packed with wrapped gifts and cards. Blaine eyed his shoulder bag - discarded on Burt's chair - and knew he had to do something with Cooper's gift, because this was his only chance to actually give it before Christmas.

Blaine sighed and returned to the TV where the mother of bride disapproved of the dress.

"Can't blame her, " he said, "that dress is a grand over budget."

"I know right!" Kurt exclaimed and together they both reached down the bowl, fingers suddenly touching each other. Blaine wanted to apologize, but Kurt just grabbed  a handful and didn't even blink an eye. He also grabbed a few, swallowing away a lump in his throat and still felt the phantom feeling of Kurt touching his hand.

When the third episode was cut off by a long commercial break, Kurt took the opportunity to get the sandwiches.

"I just need to cut them, so I'll be right back." he said and got up. As soon as he was out of sight, Blaine practically ran to his bag and retrieved the small box with the brooche. He walked across the room to the Christmas tree. All he needed now was a good spot so Kurt didn't notice it until they were unwrapping gifts.

With super spy powers, Blaine reached out between the presents without moving them and placed the box subtly behind a book-shaped gift. That should do it, he thought and returned to his spot on the couch. He tried to control his breathing and when Kurt returned with the sandwiches, Blaine was staring at the TV with a bored expression. His face lit up as Kurt plopped back down next to him, accepting one of the many sandwiches with a smile.

"You okay?" Kurt eyed him suspiciously. Why do I suck at acting normal? It's the blushing, it's the blushing... I need to work on my blushing.

"I'm great." Blaine gave him his brightest smile. Don't look at the Christmas tree, don't look at the Christmas tree, if you do - he will. "So, next one!" he cheered and Kurt went along with it, albeit a bit cautious on what happened while he was gone.

For another four episodes Kurt and Blaine shared opinions, had a small disagreement on one of the dresses ("No, it's better when it's off-white." "But this is classic!") and shed tears over one of the bride's stories.

"We're both saps." Kurt had said while overly dramatic wiping his tears away.

"I like being sappy with someone!" Blaine's voice was choked up.

"Me too!" Kurt gave his boyfriend's brother a pout slash smile. "My stepbrother always gets uncomfortable, so this is so much better -" They stared at each other for a minute and burst out in giggles. "We should definitely never watch Moulin Rouge together!"

"The house will flood!"

Without noticing they had come closer, thighs touching and shoulders bumping. It was almost too intimate and Blaine felt chills running over his body.

"I'm so happy we get along." Kurt suddenly said, reaching out for the remote again to turn off the volume of the commercial.

"Y-yeah, me too." Blaine answered. "So, one more episode."

Kurt nodded. "Then I need to get started on Christmas Eve dinner, you can hang out more if you'd like." He looked at Blaine hopefully.

"Nah, sorry, I should head home after - after this one, I don't want to intrude your master cooking skills." or run into your dad and stepmom and you'll freak out because I know them. Blaine had found it odd that Kurt didn't know he worked for his dad, but Blaine had decided to keep it a secret.

"Oh, that's too bad." Kurt shoulder bumped him. "Boo."

Blaine looked down guilty and was happy to see the TLC logo from the corner of his eye. Kurt turned the volume back and secretly Blaine hoped this was going to be a long one.

"Thanks for hanging out." Kurt said as Blaine was tying his shoes.

"Thanks for having me!" he replied happily from his spot on the floor. "It was fun." Blaine stood back up with a grin on his face and grabbed his coat.

"It really was." Kurt agreed, opening the door for him. "Have a nice Christmas."

"You too, Kurt." Blaine was standing awkwardly in the doorway and Kurt decided just to go for it. He grabbed the boy's shoulders and crushed into a hug. He felt Blaine's breath hitch, but the strong arms soon wrapped around him as well and he hugged back.

"So," Kurt said after backing up, a bit flustered after the sudden show of kindness, "I'll see you around, text me when you're bored during your dinner." He chuckled, but Blaine seemed out of this world.

"What? Y-yeah, yeah totally. Totally, I will. I am going now - yes, thanks again, K-Kurt."

Without another glare, Blaine swiftly turned around and walked to his car. Kurt watched him slip several times - and not only because of the ice, but mostly his own feet - and he wondered if he had been too forward to hug him.

Blaine drove away without trouble and Kurt was about to close the door when Finn appeared in the driveway, taking Blaine's spot.

"What's up, bro?" he asked while passing by Kurt, relishing into the warmth of the house.

"Nothing." Kurt shrugged, shut the door and turned around to follow his stepbrother - only to trip over the gigantic snow boots that were lying in the middle of the hall. "UGH! FINN!"

"Alright everyone," Burt shushed his family that night after dinner, "One present each. Finn! Patience." Finn grumbled and fell back into his seat. Kurt chuckled a bit from his spot on the couch - the same spot he had been sitting when Blaine was here.

"You already know exactly which ones are yours, Finn." he said and snuck up his knees to cradle himself.

"I just like presents!"

"We know that, honey." Carole said with a warm smile, scooting closer to her husband and waited for him to give the go.

"Okay, first - Finn, no!" Burt sent his stepson back into his seat again because he misunderstood the words. "First we thank Kurt and Carole for the wonderful dinner." Kurt shared a smile with Carole. "And -" Burt wanted to say more, but Finn was bursting out of his skin to get his one present for the night. "You know what, fine - get your damn present."

Finn rushed forward, digging through the presents he already knew by heart - every shape and who it belonged too, but halfway his search he froze.

"Finn? What's wrong?" his mother asked and Finn turned around with a small box in his hand.

"I don't know this one." he simply said.

"Neither do I." Burt said brusque, freeing his arm from his wife to lean in closer. "Kurt? Did you put it there?"

"No!" Kurt answered quickly, the surprise obvious in his voice.

"Well, it's for Kurt -" Finn said when reading the card. "Ohhh -" his entire face cracked into a smile, "It's from Cooooperrrr..."

"What?" Kurt was faster on his feet than he'd ever been. "How?" He looked at his father and stepmom, but both gave him looks that they didn't know either. Finn handed him the box and Kurt read the card, cocking an eyebrow at the fast scribbled handwriting that said ‘Merry Christmas, Kurt - from Cooper'.

He tried to connect the dots on how it got there. Nobody remembered putting there, the mail hadn't given any boxes today and it wasn't there yesterday - Finn was positive and asudden Kurt's shoulders slumped in revelation.

"Blaine." he mouthed soundless, rolling the box in his hands. His boyfriend's brother had snuck the present under the tree so Kurt would get it before Christmas. "I have an idea how it got here." he said mysteriously and returned to his seat to open it.

The box was packed neatly, with a small bow and it didn't need much destroying to open. His breath faltered upon opening and he took out the small brooche in shape of a bird.

"Oh wow, Kurt!" Carole said. "That's beautiful."

"It is." Kurt agreed and took the black and silver pin into his hand, feeling the weight of it. With a smile he secured it on his sweater - and even though it barely matched his outfit; it was perfect. He held in mind to call Cooper tomorrow and while Finn tried to convince their parents to let him open more than one present, Kurt took out his cell phone and typed a message.

To: Blaine From: Kurt    (10:28 PM)
Thanks for dropping off the present, Secret Santa - Coffee on Wednesday? ;) Kurt



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