The Next Few Weeks
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The Next Few Weeks: No one is Alone

T - Words: 2,787 - Last Updated: Jan 30, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Jan 30, 2012 - Updated: Jan 30, 2012
534 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hi guys! Still in need of a Beta!
A shrill bell signaled the end of classes, and Kurt walked down the steps from the auditorium, his heartbeats slowing with each step. Then he heard it. Applause. A few short, but loud claps of hands. He looked around the aisles until he saw the origin. Rachel Berry stood in the back of the auditorium, a sad smile on her face. She walked up to Kurt and pulled him into a tight embrace. It felt as if all the worry, sadness, and anger that Kurt had been holding onto was draining out in her arms. Tears fell down his face as he looked at a girl he knew would never fail to be there for him. She was always on his side.
“Kurt,” Rachel's eyes betrayed her worry, even if she tried to hide it with a smile, “We weren't expecting you until Monday. Why are you here so early? I thought you'd want to spend your last day at Dalton with Blaine and the Warblers.”
Kurt hadn't told her about breaking it off with Blaine, or breaking off whatever there was. He hadn't told anyone about the troubles he'd been having problems at Dalton. All he said was that he was coming back to McKinley on Monday. That was all anyone needed, or so it seemed. Everyone had just been so happy that Kurt was coming back to New Directions that nobody asked questions of it. Kurt assumed that they all thought it was because Dalton was so expensive, or that Kurt missed McKinley too much. Both of those reasons were true, but neither were the heart of the problem.
“Oh Rache, I couldn't stay away from here!” He put on his best smile, and pulled her into another tight embrace. “I missed you so much. And the rest of the glee club. It's been so awful not being able to hug you every day. I've even missed the drama. Dalton was too refined for my taste. I couldn't express myself like I could here!”
Rachel's smile increased and when she responded she sounded more convinced.
“Oh, Kurt. I'm so happy you're back. It hasn't been the same without you, and I don't now if we could win Nationals without your voice. Even stars like me need help sometimes.”
Kurt let out a laugh and grabbed her hand. He'd missed her friendship more than all the rest in this school. Rachel could always relate to him, no matter the situation. Whenever he was with her, he felt not so alone. They walked out of the auditorium hand in hand, and out to Rachel's car. She opened the door for him and he got in.
“I never even asked for a ride home, Rachel.” Kurt said with a smile.
“Oh, Kurt. Since when do stars ask for anything? They just receive.”
Rachel started the car and pulled out of the lot. There was so much to say, and Kurt didn't know how to say any of it. He looked out the window as the passed a few of the people walking home. Kurt caught a glimpse of Sam's blonde hair as they passed it. He was headed to the part of town that didn't have much on the end of residential living. There was a motel, a grocery store, and a gas station. Kurt frowned slightly at the implications and remembered his father's threadbare suit.
“Hey Rachel, don't tell anyone that I'm telling you this--”
“Of course, Kurt. I know the importance of secrets. It's in my girl-DNA.”
“Well, I met Sam's dad on the way home from Dalton. He was riding the bus, and he seemed like he'd seen better days. Do you know if Sam's family's having problems or anything? He seemed pretty down.”
“I wouldn't really know. Sam and I don't really talk much. I think it's an aftereffect of the Quinn-Finn relationship. All her ex-boyfriends end up hating me.”
“Oh. Well, I hope that he's doing alright.” Kurt ended the conversation there, but he knew he'd have to do some checking later. He wasn't one to leave well enough alone. If Sam needed help, someone had to provide it, so why not Kurt? Rachel pulled into his driveway and Kurt unloaded his luggage from the backseat. It had been a pain dragging the suitcase around from the bus stop, but Kurt was just thankful that he hadn't forgotten his clothes at Dalton. Finn pulled in the driveway next to Rachel and smiled when Kurt got out of her car. Kurt gave Rachel a kiss on the cheek and told her thanks for giving him a ride. She drove off, Barbra Streisand blaring from her vehicle.
“Hey Kurt,” Finn said, his smile broadening as he pulled his stepbrother into a hug, “I've missed you. Why are you back so early, man?”
Finn was always a bit slow, but apparently he had caught on really fast to the fact that Kurt was indeed home early, which signified that something was wrong. Of course, it had to be that day that Finn used his brain.
“I just couldn't stay away for a few more hours, Finn!” Kurt smiled brightly and walked into the house, Finn following close behind. Even though Kurt visited every weekend, the house had stopped feeling like home without the weekday live-ins.
“Burt'll be really happy you're back, dude. He's been trying to hide how glad he is that you'll be back at McKinley ever since you said you wanted to transfer back. The house hasn't been the same without fighting you for the bathroom every morning. I still don't get what you do for that long. How long can getting ready take? You're a dude.”
Finn still didn't understand the finer points of male hygiene. Kurt blamed his stepbrother for the particularly potent stench whenever it was Kurt's turn to do the laundry. That was one thing he didn't miss about being at home.
“Finn, I've told you many times. You don't get skin like mine just letting it go whichever way you like. I moisturize. In addition, my hair will always be seventy times softer than yours because I splurge on actual shampoo, not just cheap brands claiming to volumize.”
Finn rolled his eyes and wandered over to his bedroom. Kurt took the opposite way to his, and sat down on his bed, looking around the room with a feeling of warmth growing in him. He was home. That in itself was worth every bit of happiness it provided. Seeing Rachel again, correcting Finn on his hygiene. It was all so normal. So wonderfully in character. McKinley was giving him the gift of being himself again. He didn't have Blaine tugging at his sleeve every four seconds. It was liberating. Liberating and depressing.
That night Burt hugged Kurt so tight, Finn claimed he could hear a few ribs crack. When Kurt walked through the door to the living room and Burt realized he was home, there was nothing to contain the amount of love radiating from him. Burt laughed and told Kurt that the family would be going out for dinner. Then he said the magic words:
“It's your pick, Kurt!”
Kurt could've fainted with excitement. His father knew that he had rather...expensive taste when it came to food, so it was only Kurt's 'pick' whenever there was a bit of money saved up, or on especially special occasions. Kurt guessed his homecoming counted, and he didn't want to pass up this golden opportunity. “Ginzo's, Dad!”
Burt rolled his eyes, but a big smile was plastered on his face. His boy was home, and nothing, not even going out for sushi, could ruin this wonderful night.
“We already have a reservation at eight, Kurt. I had a feeling.”
Finn groaned from the couch. He was smiling too, though, when he said:
“Kurt, really? Sushi. You pick that every time you choose! What's the appeal of raw fish in sticky rice? You're hungry a half hour later, anyway!”
Carol picked that opportune moment to walk into the room and embrace Kurt. Her perfume was an instant comfort to the boy. Having a woman around the house had changed things so drastically. Little touches around the house that Kurt had been trying to implement were there in plain view, now. Flowers on the mantle, room spray permeated the room. Carol and Kurt instantly clicked.
“Hi, honey. I've missed you. We figured we'd be going to Ginzo's tonight, so we made reservations for a bunch of us. I hope you don't mind, I invited the rest of the Glee Club. We thought we'd make your homecoming dinner a bit more special than any other night. You can invite Blaine if you'd like! We know how close you guys have gotten.”
The atmosphere in the room changed drastically. Burt still was a bit uncomfortable with the idea that Blaine had slept in Kurt's bed. Blaine wasn't on Burt's top ten list of people right now. Finn maintained his cluelessness. Carol stood there with the perfect smile on her face, sure she had said the magic words. Kurt gave her a big smile and hugged her really close. When he released, he took a step back to address the entire room.
“I think tonight should just be about McKinley. I've come back here, and I think we could go a few nights without introducing another character into our soap opera!”
Carol and Burt laughed, but Finn looked even more confused than normal. Kurt maintained his dramatic smile, but deep inside he knew that Finn, however unlike him it was, had figured out something was wrong. Burt laughed and made a joke about Dalton uniforms, Carol ran upstairs to change into a dress. Kurt ran upstairs to change into something that didn't smell like bus.
The car ride to the restaurant was surprisingly fantastic. 'Kurt's Choice' was kept up when it came to the music. He lead the car in a round of Your Fault. By now, Burt, Carol and Finn all knew the entire score of Into the Woods by heart. They even could harmonize. Kurt was so proud. After a few more songs they arrived at the restaurant. It wasn't especially big, but then again, it was a sushi restaurant in Ohio.
There were a few more cars in the parking lot than normal, and Kurt recognized Rachel's, among others from New Directions. Kurt was the last to get out of the car, looking around at everything. Burt, Carol and Finn were all waiting by the door when Kurt noticed Sam walking from the parking lot. His blonde hair was shining in the moonlight, but Kurt couldn't even think about that. All he noticed was the little flecks of dirt on his clothes, how worn his shoes were. Nobody without notice to clothes would even think about these things, but Kurt had become hyper-aware of everyone's appearance over the years.
“Hi, Kurt!” Sam waved as he walked closer. Kurt realized it must look like he's waiting for Sam, but all he was doing was intently studying the boy, wondering if things were as bad as he Kurt assumed they were.
“Hello, Sam. Glad you could make it! It's such a surprise to have all these people here to welcome me back! I didn't know anyone except me in this town liked Sushi!”
Sam laughed. A full, throaty laugh that showed off his considerable mouth. He grabbed Kurt by the shoulders and pulled him in for a hug. Kurt stayed stiff, not knowing what to do with the sudden contact. Kurt was acutely aware of how nice Sam smelled, despite his slightly ragged appearance. After a few breaths, Sam released Kurt.
“We don't, Kurt. We just like you! Plus we're getting back a real talent. We're happy to stomach one night of raw fish if it means we get to be around you!”
Kurt smiled and laughed. All this affection was so foreign from the reservation that was practiced at Dalton. As the family, Sam included, walked into the restaurant, they were met with a large roar. The entire Glee club, Mr. Schue, and Ms. Pillsbury had all come out for the event. A large table was filled with Kurt's favorite sushi. It was so lavish, so unexpected, so happy. Kurt broke into tears and laughter at the same time.
Rachel walked up to him and gave him a huge hug.
“We knew you'd love it, Kurt. We just knew it.” She then ran away quickly and people started to filter into the back room. Kurt took this opportunity to turn to his father.
“Dad. How on earth are we affording this? All that sushi had to cost as much as my Dalton Tuition.” Kurt looked a bit concerned, overwhelmed, happy. It was too much. All too much.
“Don't worry about it, Kurt. Everyone in the glee club chipped in. We even got a nice group deal. Plus the chef's here know you. They gave us a great discount because...oh what was his exact words? 'That sassy little kid that has no problem telling us when our product sucks? We should give you a discount. It's not often we get someone who actually has taste buds.'”
Kurt let out a giant laugh as the glee club filtered back in the room. Rachel had a microphone. That's when Kurt knew that something was going to happen. The club lined up and Rachel had a show face on.
“Kurt. We prepared a little welcome back number for you!”
The club began to sway as Rachel let out the first few notes. Kurt instantly knew the song, and a tear started down his face.

It’s been a long time since I came around,
It’s been along time but I’m back in town,
But this time I’m not leaving without you.

You taste like whiskey when you kiss me oh,
I’ll give up anything again to be your baby doll,
Yeah this time I’m not leaving without you.

You said sit back down where you belong,
In the corner of my bar with your high heels on,

Kurt had to grin at that one.

Sit back down on the couch where we,
Made love for the first time.

Burt raised his eyes, but Carol swatted him down and muttered something about artistic liberty.

And you said to me:

There’s something, something about this place,
Something about lonely nights and my lipstick on your face,
Something something about my cool Ohio guy,
Yeah something about,
Baby you and I.

Been two years since I let you go,
I could’ve listened to a joke for rock n roll.
And muscle cars drove a truck right through my heart.

You taste like whiskey when you kiss me oh,
I’ll give up anything again to be your baby doll,
Yeah this time I’m not leaving without you.

You said sit back down where you belong,
In the corner of my bar with your high heels on,
Sit back down on the couch where we
Made love for the first time and you said to me,

There’s something, something about this place,
Something about lonely nights and my lipstick on your face.
Something something about my cool Nebraska guy,

Yeah something about, baby you and I
You and I.
You, you and I.
You, you and I.
You you and I.
You and I.
You you and I.
You you and I.

You said sit back down where you belong,
In the corner of my bar with your high heels on.
Yeah you like the red ones,
Sit back down on the couch where we Made love for the first time and you said to me,

There’s something, something about this place,
Something about lonely nights and my lipstick on your face.
Something something about my cool Nebraska guy,
Yeah something about:
Baby you and I.

You and I.
You and I.
You, you and I.
You, you and I.
You and I.

You, you and I.
You, you and I.
You, you and I.

Been along time since I came around.
Its been along time but I’m back in town.
And this time I’m not leaving without you.

Kurt smiled and clapped. Tears were rolling down his face. He missed these people so much. He missed this feeling of belonging. He was home. For the rest of the night everyone laughed, everyone smiled. They never once complained about the sushi. Kurt ate more than anyone else, but nobody complained about being hungry.
As they were leaving, Kurt noticed Sam beginning his walk.
“Hey Sam, wait up!” Kurt raced after the blonde boy to catch up.
“We can give you a ride home, if you'd like.”
“Thanks Kurt, but I'd rather walk.” Sam smiled, but there was a sadness behind the smile. Kurt knew not to press his luck. “See you on Monday, man.”
It was then that Kurt decided he was going to get to the bottom of Sam Evans.

End Notes: Please review, as always.


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