June 19, 2012, 5:07 p.m.
June 19, 2012, 5:07 p.m.
In Chemistry class the next day, Kurt leaned back in his chair, not paying attention to the lesson, mostly because he knew what they were learning like the back of his hand. He let himself daydream; answering the question the teacher asked him without looking at them. Kurt snapped his head to the side as the chair next to him was suddenly inhabited. Sitting there was none other than Blaine, grinning at him darkly.
“Hey,” he said, putting his feet on the table, chuckling as Kurt stared. “What?” he asked, as if he was mocking Kurt. Leaning towards him, he added, “You want me to move?” The snide look on his face made Kurt’s stomach churn because either he was really turned on or really pissed off. He just assumed it was both.
“If you wouldn’t mind,” Kurt snapped back quietly.
“Actually, I would mind terribly, because then I would have to sit on the floor,” Blaine whispered, gesturing around the room with his hand. Kurt looked around and damn it. All of the other seats in the classroom were already taken. He huffed and crossed his legs.
Blaine raised an eyebrow, glancing down at his legs suggestively. When Kurt looked away, he scooted his chair closer towards him and hooked their arms together.
Silently chuckling, Blaine watched as Kurt tried to untangle his arm, a frustrated look on his face. “Problem, Hummel?”
Shocked, Kurt looked at him. “How’d you-“
“How did I know your last name?” Blaine finished for him, leaning his head on his hand. “It really wasn’t hard. It’s something called the yearbooks in the library. Nice freshman picture, by the way.” He leaned forward, smirking at him and added, “Totally hot.”
Kurt narrowed his eyes and scoffed, “Are you like a new student or something?”
“Well, well, looks like you missed the whole speech by the teacher just now,” he nodded his head to the front of the class. When Kurt didn’t respond, he just said, “Yeah, just transferred here yesterday.”
“It’s not important.”
Kurt sighed and looked towards the front of his class. When Blaine started playing with his fingers, he snatched his hand away and clutched them together on his lap. He could see Blaine roll his eyes, and then smirk.
It’s going to be a long year.
Walking out of the locker rooms, having to shower after being thrown into the garbage can again, Kurt started towards the glee club room. He was reaching into his bag when he felt an arm slither around his waist. He snapped his head up. “Hey babe,” Blaine said, smirking playfully, still holding them together.
Kurt looked at him angrily. Great, he’s like a sexual predator. He tried to wiggle out of Blaine’s tight grasp, but he had a firm grip, and Kurt gave up after a moment. “What do you want?” Kurt asked, starting to get annoyed when Blaine chuckled.
Leaning close, right into Kurt’s face, Blaine said “Well first off, I want that sweet ass of yours.” Kurt gasped. “Second,” he paused for a little bit, clicking his tongue ring against his teeth softly. Kurt tried not to focus too much on it, but it was a tongue ring. And he had always found piercings kind of hot, when they weren’t overdone. “No, that’s pretty much it,” Blaine finished off, and Kurt rolled his eyes.
Quickly, Kurt grabbed Blaine’s wrist and pulled his arm away, while spinning away from him. He dodged away when Blaine tried to grab him again. “What is your problem?” he nearly shrieked.
Blaine grinned darkly at him before running his pointer finger down his chest, slowly, letting out a laugh when Kurt shivered slightly at the contact. “My problem is you.” He grabbed onto Kurt’s tie, and pulled him until they were close, faces not even two inches from each other’s. Blaine stood up on his toes so he could reach Kurt’s ear. “You being so damn sexy is a huge problem for me,” he whispered, silently enjoying how Kurt practically melted when he spoke.
Kurt closed his eyes, and let himself feel Blaine’s breath against his ear and neck. He felt a hand starting to slide up the front of his leg, and they snapped open again right away. Realizing what he was actually doing, he pushed Blaine back gently, but also firm enough for Blaine to get the point. “You should try to see how to deal with that,” Kurt said, trying to keep his voice even and slightly taunting.
He left Blaine standing there, mouth slightly agape. He straightened his tie before stepping into the room, sparing one last glance. Blaine was gone. He chuckled, rolled his eyes, and decided to forget that ever happened.