Dance with me
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Story
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Dance with me: Chapter 4

E - Words: 1,868 - Last Updated: Aug 16, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Aug 03, 2013 - Updated: Aug 16, 2013
189 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Did you like it? Did you like it? I hope you did. Please tell me I don't suck at this, because if I do, I certainly do not want to go on embarassing myself if it is unsatisfactory. Oh yeah! I changed my name to FindingCourage. It used to be MiamiHeat so if your going on wondering why I have the same story, it's because I'm the same person just with a little bit more of Klaine Flair. Ok chao for now! Reviews are needed!

"Hey Rachel."

"Hello Finn."

They stood staring at each other. It was the moment that had them both nervous all day. It was the moment that had Finn knocking stuff over, and putting orange juice in his cereal. It was the moment that had Rachel walking out of the house without doing her vocal warm-ups, and almost missing the train. This was the moment they had been looking forward to since they had walked away from each other in the auditorium. They're not sure who kissed who first but all they know is it one minute they were looking at each others eyes and the next they were kissing each other forcefully in the middle of the airport.

Rachel knew as soon as her lips met Finn's that this was it. This was how her life was going to start and this was how it was going to end. They were destined for each other and no matter what bumps in the road they came across she knew they would be able to overcome them.

As they broke the kiss Finn held Rachel's chin and looked into her eyes. He saw the pure love and adoration and it was so intense it chilled him to the bone.

"I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you more." Rachel replied.

They gathered Finn's things without another word and intertwined their hands and got into their taxi.

"So I guess Kurt and Blaine aren't here..?" Rachel said as they walked into the apartment. To be honest she was kind of hoping Kurt would be here because she was kind of nervous to be alone with Finn.

"You can put your stuff in my room and get changed if you want?"

"Sure, I'll see you in a little while." Finn picked up his luggage and kissed Rachel on the cheek as he went to her room.

As soon as the coast was clear she ran down the hall to Santana's apartment.

She walked in the door without knocking and saw Santana laying on her couch just her bra and underwear.

"What the fuck hobbit?!?! I do not recall hearing you knock nor did I hear you alert me of your presence with your obnoxiously loud voice!" she said jumping off the couch and following Rachel into her room.

"Oh hush it Santana I'm not here for that. As much as I hate to ask I have a date tonight and I kind of need you to pull together an outfit that reveals.....?"she said blushing slightly.

"Reveals what your bad personality? You don't even have a clue how to pull my dresses off Ms.Goody two shoes." Santana said as she threw one of her long tee shirts that hung off one shoulder on and jumped on the bed.

"Umm...look I didn't want to say anything until I told Kurt, but Finn's here...."


"We're going on a date and I want to look good to let him know he's making the right choice taking me back."

Santana thought about it, and pulled out her red "I'm getting laid tonight" dress.

"Since one of you is gonna be on your knees tonight." she said handing the dress to a sputtering Rachel. "Now kindly get the fuck out my house so I can have phone sex with Brittainy."

"Thank-you Satan." Rachel said as she sped out of the room into the guest room (AKA guest curtain) of her apartment that held all her shoes and beauty supplies.

As she looked in the mirror when she was done she had one thought in mind.

'Rachel Berry is going to get her man'

They had a Reservation at 6 at Esca's. It was this Southern Italian seaside restaurant that Rachel had always wanted to try but had never been able to try. Somehow Finn had managed to get a reservation and would not give away how he did it.

"So Rachel I was won-"

Rachel was standing there in the doorway with her clutch purse in hand.

"What is their something on my face?"

"NO! You look absolutely beautiful." he said with a light blush on his face as he look her up and down.

"Well we.. Ummm should probably go I don't want us to miss our reservation." she grabbing his arm.

"Of course lead the way."

The door then opened up and a surprised looking Rachel and Finn appeared behind the door.

"Kurt? What are you doing on the floor...?" Rachel said.

A trembling and scared looking Kurt didn't even respond to the question he just stared into space. He barely registered that someone else was in the room until Finn stood beside him.

"Bro, I know you're giving me the silent treatment for not calling this week but you're scaring me and Rachel." Finn said with a concerned look on his face. Kurt was finally snapped out of his reverie when Rachel let out a scream.

"OMG! Kurt what happened in here the window is broken did someone break what's going on?!?"she yelled.

"Someone was in our apartment trying to steal our stuff when I got here....I tried to get our stuff from them but they roughed me up and through me on the floor." Kurt lied in a soft voice. When he finally looked up after it was silent for too long, Finn's face was redder than a stop light and his body was trembling with anger. Rachel on the other hand had sat down in a chair and had a hand over her mouth. Finn broke the silence.



"NO!"Kurt yelled. That was a no go. He couldn't tell his father, Burt would make sure to work himself up and he couldn't deal with another heart attack on top of everything else.

"But Ku-"

"No! I will not tell him about this! That goes for you to Rachel." He said looking at Rachel.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed and both of you will explain to me why you are here in the morning." He said looking at Finn, then walking down the hallway to his room, closing the door softly leaving a confused Finn and a blushing Rachel in the living room.

"So.....where am I sleeping?" Finn asked Rachel. She simply just grabbed his hand and took him to her room without a word. It had been a long day she was too tired for words. (A/N: Like seriously when does she stop talking?) It seemed everybody forgot they were missing someone in the apartment....until the morning came.

8:30 the following morning

Kurt and Rachel when they had moved to New York had become accustomed to an early schedule that helped them get through their days in an orderly fashion. Which was why there were already three plates of pancakes and eggs with coffee already on the table, and a tired looking Finn staring at the muted news on the tv while Kurt and Rachel finished setting the table. When they were all seated Kurt began talking.

"Ok, what's going on with the two of you?" he asked with an eyebrow as he looked between the two.

Rachel had flushed two shades of red and was picking with her food as she explained. "I called Finn the other day and I told him how I felt about him, we decided to talk things out and decide what we wanted to do about our relationship." She looked over at Finn and grabbed his hand from across the table. "We're gonna take things slow but after seeing you and Blaine together the other day, I felt that if you could work it out so could I, and I'm so happy I came to my senses."

"Blaine? I didn't know Blaine was here?" Finn said confused

" Yeah we went out yest- OMG!!!!!!!" Kurt yelled.

" What is it?!?!? Finn and Rachel said at the same time.

"Blaine and I got into a fight last night and he never came home I have to go find out where he is!" he said as he got up from the table. He happened to glance at the tv when he walked by and saw something that made him freeze.

"What is it Ku-"

"Shhh!!!" Kurt said as he jumped over the couch to turn up the tv.

"Right now we have a report that an 18 year old male, with black hair and a height of 5 feet 8 inches was found this morning in an alley badly beaten and raped. He is at the local hospital getting surgery for multiple traumas on his leg, arm, and ribs. The victim received a head injury and will be in an induced coma after he gets out of surgery. Because of the circumstances we are unable to tell if the victim will live or not."

During the broadcast they had shown a picture of the victim on a stretcher. Kurt had sat down and had silently sobbed as he looked at the face on the screen.

"Why did I leave him? What is wrong with me? I can't believe I left him there?" Kurt said as he sobbed.

Rachel had sat down and held a distraught Kurt in his arms as Finn paced the floor.

"I have to go see him. I have to go see him right now." Kurt said without further discussion he grabbed his shoes jacket keys and wallet and was out the door. Rachel and Finn grabbed their things and followed Kurt out the door.

Kurt didn't even realize he was still in his pajamas until he got in the cab. "Ok, you guys will never ever tell anyone I ran out in pajamas or I will cut both you!" he said giving Finn and Rachel the best bitch glare he could give during his moment of distress. They nodded dumbly not even caring that they were just threatened.

Once they were at the hospital Kurt through a twenty at the cab driver not even caring if he was overpaying. Totally forgetting Finn and Rachel were tagging along he ran in the hospital and crashed into the receptionist desk.

"I.Need. The room number. For the. 18 year old. male. that came in. this morning." he said gasping for air every few words.

"May I ask you how you are related to the patient?" the nurse...Susan said as he looked at her nametag.

"I'm.....the brother!" he lied.

"Ok..,"she said not completely convinced he was telling the truth. "umm..he is in room......415 he was just released from surgery. Only family members are allowed in." she said looking between the three of them.

"It's fine we'll wait out here and call his parents." said Rachel

"Yeah bro you go ahead." Finn added.

"Ok, thankyou so much for being here." Kurt said as he went to the elevator.

Kurt didn't know what to expect when he got to Blaine's room but all he knew was it wasn't going to pretty.


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