June 29, 2012, 10:29 a.m.
June 29, 2012, 10:29 a.m.
"His name is Kurt."
Nick looked up from his phone, frowning across the room at where Blaine was slumped on the piano bench half-heartedly playing through some new sheet music. "Who?"
Blaine let his fingers slide along the keys, absently playing half of a scale before he dropped his hands onto his lap. "The guy from the train, the one I should be trying to forget about."
Nick just stared at him, the phone in his hand now forgotten.
"So much for trying to forget about him," Blaine continued dully, staring down at the piano keys. "Now that I know his name forgetting him is practically impossible and I feel so guilty and ridiculous and confused and a little creepy because I'm pretty much a stalker now, aren't I?"
Nick didn't seem to know what to say and just continued to stare at his friend, a slight frown still on his face as Blaine dropped his head into his hands muttering 'why?' over and over again with increasing desperation as if hoping if he said it aloud enough times an answer to everything in his messed-up mind would suddenly appear sharp and clear and simple in front of him.
Eventually he raised his head and met Nick's eyes. "Why?" He whispered.
Nick opened and closed his mouth several times before speaking. "I can't see what is going on inside your head, Blaine so I don't know the whole story and I don't think you do either." He paused. "I think this is something you need to try and figure out for yourself. Go somewhere quiet and think through everything: Jeremy, Kurt, yourself, what has happened these last few months – everything. You need to decide what you want to happen and where you want this to go. Do you want to talk to this Kurt guy and actually meet him or do you just want to forget about him and put this all behind you? Because it has to be one or the other, Blaine and I know you know that. It can't go on like this." He stood up after remembering the phone he was holding and glancing down at it. "I have to go; I'm meeting up with some people in one of my classes to work on my assignment." He hesitated by the front door, his bag threatening to slip off his shoulder. "Jeremy is coming over soon, isn't he?"
Blaine sat up straight so quickly he jerked a muscle in his neck. Ignoring the pain, he stared at Nick in a panic as he tried to remember the day and the date, horror flooding him as he remembered that Jeremy would be here in about twenty minutes.
Nick shook his head sympathetically at Blaine, a sad smile on his face as he watched his friend look around the room frantically. "You really need to sort this out, Blaine you can't go on like this." He adjusted his bag on his shoulder before it could fall. "I think you should consider talking to Jeremy about this as well, you can't carry on keeping this from him, and he's bound to notice you aren't acting yourself lately if he hasn't done so already."
Nick left and Blaine ran his fingers through his hair, tugging hard at the curls with his fingers, trying to clear his head with the pain. He squeezed his eyes shut; Kurt's face hovered behind his lids instead of Jeremy's. Slamming his fists down on the piano keys, he opened his eyes and strode out the room, the loud crashing of the piano notes clashing together reverberating through the apartment.
The sounds of numerous different conversations blended together into a loud buzzing which surrounded Kurt as he sat by himself in a corner of the room where his acting class was being held. Thoughts about Blaine, Tim, and himself whirled around inside his head like a tornado, everything swirling too fast for him to discern more than a quick flash of each thought before it had whipped out of reach.
The sound of footsteps approaching him rang above the buzzing of his fellow students as Rachel joined and greeted him cheerfully. Without waiting for a reply, she launched into her usual spiel about the upcoming class and everything that had happened in her last class and how everyone had once again been in awe of her voice and her performance of 'Don't Rain on My Parade'.
'At least someone is their usual cheery, confident, ambitious self,' Kurt said to himself as Rachel continued to talk, her voice getting increasingly louder the longer she spoke.
"-and she was completely off-key for the second half of the bridge which just proved my point that I'm a much better candidate for- Kurt, what's wrong?"
Looking up from the patch of slightly dusty floor that he had been staring at since he arrived at this class, Kurt met Rachel's eyes. "What?"
Rachel looked caught between exasperation and concern. "You haven't said a word to me since I sat down and I don't think you have been listening to a word I have been saying."
Normally Kurt would have replied with a snarky comment, but he wasn't in the mood and too worn out to do anything more than mutter, "I don't know."
Rachel shifted in her chair and just as she opened her mouth to speak, Kurt sighed and elaborated. "There's this guy I've been seeing on the train almost every day…"
He told Rachel the whole story, tired of being stuck with it himself and having no one to talk to about it when he was feeling so confused and uncertain and just really needed someone to give him some helpful advice, to explain to him what was happening and what he should do.
"-yesterday I found out, by complete accident whilst at a coffee shop with Tim, that his name is Blaine and I- I just- I don't know," he finished, avoiding Rachel's eyes.
"Kurt, you have to talk to him, you have to meet him!"
Kurt stared at her like she had suddenly grown an extra head. "What?"
Rachel's eyes were bright and, to Kurt's annoyance, she looked excited. "You have to find out if he works somewhere or if he is studying at one of the colleges in the city somewhere."
Kurt found himself getting more annoyed with himself and feeling more stupid as Rachel carried on talking. After a while he could stand it no longer and cut her off. "Forget it, Rachel I'm not following him off the train one day or whatever other crazy idea you just suggested. I have Tim and it's wrong for me to keep thinking about another guy all the time," he told her angrily. "I'm just going to forget about Blaine."
Kurt shook his head. "No, Rachel I shouldn't be doing this," he said firmly, trying to convince himself as much as he was convincing Rachel.
He sat in silence with his jaw clenched for a few minutes as the class started and the room fell silent as everyone listened to the teacher talking.
Rachel leaned closer to him. "You can't keep something like this from Tim, if he ever found out it could ruin your relationship, you have to tell him," she hissed.
Kurt shot her a look of disgust, his annoyance and anger at everything, especially himself, reaching boiling point. "You have hidden much worse things from Finn in the past so you can't tell me that telling Tim would be the best thing to do."
Rachel scowled at him and they spent the rest of the class in an angry silence.
There was a knock on the door and Blaine dragged himself over to answer it, standing with his hand on the handle for a few seconds as he composed himself and plastered a bright smile on his face, before pulling the door open to reveal his smiling boyfriend whose green eyes lit up when he saw Blaine.
He greeted Blaine with a quick kiss. "Feels like it's been ages since I last saw you."
Blaine stepped aside to let Jeremy into the apartment and closed the door behind him before joining his boyfriend on the couch. Jeremy was perched on the edge of the couch and looked like he was on the verge of jumping onto the coffee table and shouting ecstatically.
"I have some fantastic, amazing, wonderful, exciting news!" He told Blaine, pushing his dark blond hair out of his eyes, his voice quivering with excitement.
Blaine couldn't help but smile. "What is it? Did you save up enough money for that car you wanted?"
Jeremy shook his head. "I got you a gig at Bar4!"
Blaine's jaw dropped. "Y-you- you didn't- how?"
"A friend of mine knows the owner and I got in contact with them and showed them some of your music and he was really impressed and offered you a chance to perform there."
Blaine stared at Jeremy in shock, he couldn't believe it.
"Say something!" Jeremy beamed at him.
Blaine opened his mouth and tried to speak, but couldn't find the words so instead he threw his arms around his boyfriend, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you so much, I can't believe you did this for me!" He managed to splutter out after a few moments.
"You're welcome," Jeremy laughed.
Blaine pulled back slightly and kissed his boyfriend, smiling against his mouth.
"You're performing next Saturday night, I hope that's enough time for you to prepare. I would have told you earlier, but it was only confirmed yesterday and I wanted to wait to tell you in person." Jeremy told him a little breathlessly when they broke apart.
Blaine couldn't stop smiling. "That's fine, it's plenty time." He bounced on the couch a few times. "I can't believe this is happening!"
"Believe it. You are going to be amazing; they are bound to ask you back to play there again."
Blaine shook his head. "I doubt that."
Jeremy took his hand and squeezed it. "You're really talented, Blaine. I can't wait to see you perform, to stand in the audience feeling so proud because that's my boyfriend up there on that stage."
Jeremy smiled at him as he leant forward to kiss him again, a smile still on his face, one that was completely different to the smile he had worn when Jeremy had arrived a short time ago.