June 29, 2012, 10:29 a.m.
June 29, 2012, 10:29 a.m.
Swallowing the last mouthful of his coffee, Kurt set his mug in the sink. "I'm off," he informed Blaine, causing his boyfriend to start slightly and look up from where he had been staring down into his coffee mug whilst nibbling on his bottom lip. He bent down to give Blaine a quick kiss. "I'll stop by the grocery store on the way home and get some things to cook dinner tonight."
Blaine suddenly snapped out of whatever trance he was in – writing a song Kurt suspected – and his eyes focused fully on Kurt. "No, don't bother; I'll take care of dinner tonight."
Kurt gave a small shrug. "Ok. Have a nice day, honey," he said as he turned to leave the kitchen.
"Love you!" Blaine called after him and Kurt smiled as he scooped up his keys from the table by the door.
"Love you, too!"
He let himself out of the apartment and left the building, still smiling. Everything was going great in his life right now: he had a main role in an off-Broadway musical and was feeling more confident about it with each successive rehearsal, Blaine had just recently finished composing the score for a short film and was now working towards recording his first album, his and Blaine's relationship was still going strong after over two years, and moving in with Blaine a year ago had been one of the happiest days of his life.
The route to the subway station was familiar, one he had walked many times, one that Blaine had walked on the day they first saw each other and all those weeks afterwards when they watched each other from afar. The air was cool and crisp with the beginnings of fall and Central Park would soon be a riot of colour. He inhaled deeply and felt his smile widen, in a really good mood for no discernible reason, as he reached the station and descended the steps onto the platform.
He read over the scenes in his script that he knew he needed to work on whilst he waited for his train to arrive and when the train pulled into the station he automatically headed for the end car; he still always waited for his train down the far end of the platform and still always travelled in the end car of the train. He looked up from his script when he entered the train car, glancing around to try and find a spot to stand amongst the crowds of commuters. He found somewhere just before the train began to move and had just returned his attention to his script when someone bumped into him.
"Sorry," they said in a low voice and Kurt glanced up to respond to their apology, but only catching the briefest glimpse of bright hazel eyes before the person was gone, their hand brushing against Kurt's as they disappeared into the dense crowds further towards the front of the train car. Kurt frowned at the spot where the person had just disappeared, sure that that had been Blaine.
He suddenly realised that the person he was positive had been Blaine – no one else had eyes like that or caused his skin to tingle from a brief brush of skin – had pressed a folded piece of paper into his hand. Curious, he unfolded the sheet of notebook paper, smoothing it out to read a short note in what was instantly recognisable as Blaine's handwriting.
Because we have spent many an hour in coffee shops
You should visit our favourite NY café during your lunch break and remember all those days we
Stole time out of busy college schedules and crazy work hours to see each other
My other request is that you order your usual – grande non-fat mocha. You will be recognised by your
Kurt squinted down at note, wondering where Blaine's penchant for writing in riddles had come from. And what was all this about ordering coffee and being recognised by his eyes?
Shrugging, he folded the note back up and slid it into the pocket of his jeans. If Blaine wanted to play games with riddles then he would just have to play along; not that he could ever say no to him.
He pushed open the door of the coffee shop, a flood of memories hitting him along with the smell of coffee and cinnamon; grabbing coffee with Blaine between classes, meetings before their classes started for the day, Blaine asking him to move in with him, telling Blaine that he got the part in the musical…
He took another step inside when The Cab's 'Vegas Skies' started playing through the speakers the café must have somewhere. Kurt froze, wondering if it was a coincidence that they were playing the song that had caused him to approach Blaine and talk to him for the first time, or if it was Blaine's doing. He could feel the barista's eyes on him as he stood there, a few feet inside the café, with wide eyes and memories of a night at Bar4 a little over two years ago hitting him hard and fast. Giving his head a little shake, he approached the counter, smiling tentatively at the barista who had pretended to be absorbed in tidying a stack of waxed paper coffee cups when Kurt had snapped out of his trance.
"Hi, what can I get you?" she asked, smiling brightly at him.
"A grande non-fat mocha, please," he replied a little hesitantly.
She smiled wider and nodded, reaching behind the neatly stacked cups and handing him a cup with writing in black marker on the outside.
"Thanks," Kurt said with a smile, taking the cup and once again recognising the handwriting as being Blaine's.
'Vegas Skies' was still playing as he went to sit down at a table, his feet automatically taking him to the table he always sat at with Blaine. Setting down his bag by the leg of his chair, he read Blaine's instruction written on the outside of the coffee cup and popped the lid off to find another folded note wedged inside the otherwise empty cup.
And now I know you are remembering our first conversation,
I've not forgotten a word of it, and I
Never will. I'll also never forget the day you told me you loved me; not the way you
Looked or the way I felt. And now I want to create another unforgettable day, so come
Back to the apartment to spend your afternoon off with me.
Love always, Blaine x
Kurt blinked down at the note, feeling his heart rate accelerate for some reason he couldn't quite fathom. At least now he knew why he had inexplicably been given the afternoon off from rehearsals. He was impressed that Blaine had managed to convince the production team to let him have the rest of the day off.
Grabbing his bag, he left the café, smiling at the barista – who was watching him closely again – on the way out. He headed towards the nearest subway station – along another familiar route from years of visiting the coffee shop – and re-read Blaine's notes as he walked, trying to piece it all together. He combed his brains to make sure he wasn't forgetting an important date in his and Blaine's relationship, but he was positive he wasn't; he was always good with remembering significant dates as he liked to plan something special for his boyfriend.
He read the notes over and over again during the subway ride home, even though the handwritten words were now imprinted in his mind. He still couldn't get any more out of them than he had during the first reading and all he could think of was that Blaine just wanted to do something sweet and a bit different for him. But he had a persistent, nagging feeling that these notes and the bumping into him on the subway this morning were hinting at something else.
He walked from the subway station back to the apartment still deep in thought, his head turning over the notes, the subway, the coffee shop, their first conversation, the first time that they said they loved each other…
Sliding his key into the lock and opening the apartment door, he was so pre-occupied with his own thoughts that he didn't notice Blaine sliding onto the piano bench and resting his trembling hands over the keys, but he did notice when familiar notes filled the air. He came to a halt near the table where he always dumped his keys and stared across the room at the piano where Blaine was playing the song he had written for Kurt a little over two years ago.
Little Bit Of Truth.
He watched Blaine as he played, entranced as he always was when his boyfriend played a song or just absentmindedly played different chords and notes on the piano or guitar. When the song ended, Blaine continued to stare ahead of him, like he had done on the day when he played the song for Kurt for the first time. It was difficult to tell from this distance, but it looked like Blaine's arms were shaking slightly.
Blaine spun round on the bench, got to his feet and crossed the room silently before taking hold of Kurt's hands and leading him further into the room until they were standing near the piano.
Blaine let out a shuddering breath. "I wanted to play the song that I wrote for you, the song that helped me realise that I was in love with you and that will always remind me of the day we became a couple. I also wanted you to hear 'Vegas Skies' and to, in a way, relive memories of us."
Kurt could do nothing but stare at his boyfriend. He was frozen on the spot, his mind trying to understand what Blaine was saying to him, but drawing a blank.
"I-" Blaine opened and closed his mouth several times as he searched for the right words and then he shook his head slightly. "I tried to make it romantic by reminding you of all our best memories together and getting you to visit places that were significant to our relationship." He paused. "Well, I didn't get you to go on the subway, exactly as you were taking it today anyway, but…" He trailed off with another small shake of his head and the look on his face as he gazed at Kurt was suddenly intense. "I'm not very good with romance, Kurt, but I tried because I know you love it – and I can't remember most of the speech I planned, so I'm just going to get to the point."
Kurt's heart was racing again and when Blaine dropped down onto one knee in front of him, now holding only one of Kurt's hands with both of his own, he didn't know whether to burst into tears, start squealing 'oh my god', or to clap his hands over his mouth and start hyperventilating. He settled for staring down at his boyfriend with wide eyes and with his breath caught in his throat.
"Kurt, you entered my life in a way that I never would have expected. I never expected someone like you to exist. You are the love of my life and there is no one else I could ever imagine being with and no one else I want to spend the rest of my life with." Dropping one of his hands from Kurt's and without breaking his gaze on him, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box, holding it out and flipping it open with his thumb to reveal a white gold ring nestled inside. "Kurt Hummel, will you marry me?"
He was no longer frozen in place. "Yes," he whispered, and then stronger, louder, "yes." He dropped to his knees in front of Blaine and threw his arms around him, almost knocking the smaller man to the ground, and began kissing every inch of his face his lips encountered. "Yes, yes, yes, yes."
Blaine tilted his head up and pressed his lips against Kurt's, kissing him with all his heart, all the love he felt for the man who was now his fiancé. Tears dampened his eyelashes and his heart soared.
When they finally broke apart, Blaine lifted the ring out of the box with trembling fingers and reached for Kurt's left hand, sliding the ring onto his ring finger. He lightly traced over the metal band with the tip of his finger as if he needed further confirmation that the engagement ring that he had bought was now on Kurt's finger. Kurt had said yes. They were engaged. They were getting married.
Kurt was gazing down at the ring on his finger as well. "We're getting married," he said in awe.
"We're getting married," Blaine repeated, a huge smile on his face.
Kurt bent to kiss Blaine again, murmuring 'I love you' against his lips. After a moment or two, Blaine pulled back suddenly as if something had just occurred to him.
"Did you figure out my notes?"
Kurt gazed at him, a little puzzled. He was finding it hard to concentrate at the moment, still in awe over the fact that he and Blaine were now engaged. He kept fiddling with his ring, smoothing his thumb over it and twisting it on his finger.
Blaine noticed his distraction and laughed softly. "I didn't spend hours writing them for nothing."
Kurt pulled the notes out of the pocket of his jeans and handed them to Blaine. "I spent ages trying to work out why you wrote them like that, but I couldn't, so you'll have to tell me."
Blaine laid the notes down on the floor beside them and said, "Read the first word from each line except for where I signed off."
Tilting his head slightly to the side so he could see the notes properly, Kurt read the words aloud. "Kurt, because you stole my eyes and I've never looked back."
"It's a line from 'Vegas Skies', one that I stumbled over a little when I performed it that night at Bar4 because when I was singing it and our gazes were locked in that crowded bar, I realised that that line applied to me about you. Ever since I first saw you that day on the subway I was never able to forget you. I wanted to see you on the subway each day, and then when we finally met I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible. A part of me has belonged to you since I bumped into you that day and I could never take it back – or want it back."
Kurt bit down on his bottom lip, feeling tears starting to well up again. "And you said you weren't good at romance," he said in a choked voice, swiping at a single tear that escaped. He smiled at Blaine. "I can't believe I never figured those notes out, it's easy to see now that you've pointed it out."
Blaine smiled teasingly at him. "Well, you always were a bit oblivious."
Kurt snorted a little at that. "And you weren't?"
"Hey, I made the first move!" Blaine protested.
Kurt shook his head at him. "Technically, I did as I was the one who initiated our first conversation."
"Well, if we're going that far back then I made the first move as I was the one who bumped into you on the subway and if it wasn't for that then we may not have ever noticed each other." Blaine's tone had started out teasing, but changed as he finished talking and the possibility of never having met Kurt hit him.
Kurt raised a hand and brushed a stray curl back off Blaine's forehead. "We would have met eventually," he said assuredly. "You would have noticed me at the subway by my outfits, or at that NYADA performance you came to, and I would have definitely noticed you at your performance at Bar4." He pressed a light kiss to the tip of Blaine's nose. "It would have taken us even longer to get together, but I think it would have happened eventually."
He sat back and gazed down at his fiancé musingly. "You know, I once told Rachel that I didn't believe in love at first sight and maybe it wasn't exactly love, but, like you said, something definitely passed between us that day on the subway, something more than just a glance and an apology."
"Something," Blaine agreed. "And something always leads to something more."
Kurt just let out a small happy sigh and kissed Blaine again. "Hey, Blaine," he said against his lips and felt Blaine smile in response. "We're getting married."
Such a beautiful story. Loved every second of it!! xx
awe. that was the cutest ending. i loved it. great job.
what a nice story :-)
This story was adorable. I loved it, especially the lack of cheating and how natural their relationship was at the end :) cute cute cute.