June 29, 2012, 10:29 a.m.
June 29, 2012, 10:29 a.m.
Blaine picked up a small pile of sheet music and practically skipped across the room to the coffee table where he began to organise the sheet music scattered across its surface into stacks according to genre. Since Kurt had left around half an hour ago he hadn't been able to wipe the smile off his face – not that he wanted to, he couldn't remember the last time he had ever felt this happy, if he ever had.
"I'm guessing it went well," a voice said from over near the front door.
Blaine's head shot up and he looked over in the direction of the voice, startled. Nick was leaning against the wall with a lopsided smirk on his face as he watched Blaine fall back onto the couch sighing happily.
Blaine stared off into space, the huge smile still present on his face as the memory of Kurt's lips on his filled his head until Nick cleared his throat and he was jolted back to reality.
"Am I really going to have to pry the details from you?" Nick asked, walking further into the room. "What happened?"
"We kissed," Blaine told him, his grin now almost impossibly large as he only barely managed to hold back the squeal threatening to escape.
A smile almost as big as Blaine's spread across Nick's face and he laughed in delight.
"He told me he loves me," Blaine added, his heart leaping at the memory.
His roommate bounced down next to him on the couch. "Aww, I'm happy for you, Blainers." He attempted to ruffle Blaine's hair affectionately, but the gesture was ineffective due to the large amounts of gel in Blaine's hair. He smiled fondly at his friend. "I don't think I've ever seen you this happy before, it's adorable." He patted Blaine's arm and stood up, heading over to the kitchen. "So when do I get to meet the beautiful, intelligent, funny, and angelic-voiced Kurt?"
Blaine blushed as he followed Nick into the kitchen – he knew he shouldn't have gushed to him about Kurt, but he hadn't been able to help himself. "I don't know, maybe we could all go out for coffee or dinner sometime. Kurt warned me that his roommate was desperate to meet me, so we can invite her as well."
Nick began rooting through the cupboards and fridge for something to have for dinner. "I'm glad Kurt has a friend like that so we can spread the workload of helping plan your wedding between us."
Blaine felt his face redden even more, Nick could probably feel the heat radiating off it. "We've only been together for a few hours!"
Nick ignored this. "Seeing as we are celebrating you and loverboy finally getting your acts together, I think we should go out for dinner," he announced, kicking the fridge door shut.
"Fine by me as long as you don't try and chat-up any waitresses this time."
Nick scowled at him as he walked past him on his way out of the kitchen. "That was one time, Blaine, one time!"
Kurt's phone rang just as he was shutting down his laptop after a long Skype call with his Dad and Carole. They had both been concerned over his break-up with Tim (though he played down what all happened between them so that they wouldn't be too worried and his Dad wouldn't try to hunt Tim down with a shotgun), happy that he was with Blaine and that they were happy together, as well as a bit shocked that he was in-love with Blaine already as they hadn't even heard his name before. So Kurt had to tell them the whole story of how he and Blaine had met. When they found out Blaine was from Westerville his Dad practically demanded that he invite Blaine over the next time they were both in Ohio so they could meet him.
He shut the lid of his laptop and picked up his phone, smiling when he saw the caller I.D. "Hey, Blaine."
"Hey, Kurt how's things?"
"Good, I survived the interrogation from Rachel."
Blaine chuckled and Kurt's heart skipped at the sound. "I think I got off lightly with Nick, though he does want to meet you."
Kurt sank down onto his bed, pulling his legs up and crossing them. "Yeah, Rachel was going on again about how she needs to meet you. We should all go out for dinner together sometime."
"That's what I was thinking. We could do it next week sometime."
"Sounds good to me. I'll look over both our schedules and let you know which evenings are good for both of us and we can work something out."
Blaine agreed that this would be best and then paused for a beat before speaking again, his voice taking on a different tone. "Kurt?" He hesitated and Kurt's heart contracted and sped up with worry.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
"I was just thinking about earlier when you told me about Tim and-" He paused. "Are you sure you are ok with being in another relationship so soon? I know my relationship with Jeremy technically only ended a week ago, but for weeks before that we felt like just friends and our relationship ended on much better terms than yours and Tim's did."
He paused again and Kurt sat in silence knowing he hadn't finished saying what he wanted to.
"I'm just worried about you, Kurt, that's all. I don't want you to rush into this. If you need some time to get over everything that happened with Tim and put it all behind you then I'm more than happy to wait. I just want you to be happy."
"I am happy," Kurt assured him. "Being with you is what I have wanted for months, I just didn't realise that until recently. Things really ended with Tim when we started arguing just before Spring Break. Although we still had the label of 'boyfriends' until Wednesday, I didn't feel romantically attached to him at all, especially this last week after I gave him a second chance. I felt nothing towards him and I barely spoke to him the whole week until he showed up at my apartment on Wednesday evening and I ended it." He paused, pressing the phone closer to his ear as if he could be nearer Blaine by doing so. "All I want is to be with you, that's what makes me happy. I've never been as happy as I am when I'm around you. I just want to put everything that happened with Tim behind me and be with you."
There was another short pause on the other end of the line. Kurt pulled his legs up and hugged them to his chest as he listened to the hum of the phone connection.
"I love you, Kurt," Blaine said in a slightly choked voice.
Kurt smiled, resting his chin on his knees. "I love you, too," he said softly.
From the living room he heard the sound of Rachel calling his name and he bit back a sigh. "I have to go," he told Blaine reluctantly, "Rachel wants me. Probably wants an audience for the song I heard her practicing earlier."
"Ok, I'll talk to you later. Love you."
Kurt's smile widened, he would never tire of hearing Blaine say those words. "Love you, too, bye!"
He smiled fondly down at the phone as Blaine's name disappeared from the screen after he hung up. Rachel shouted on him again and he stood up, tossing his phone down on his bed before padding through to the living room to see what she wanted.
When he entered the lamp-lit room he found Rachel sitting on the couch looking through some sheet music. She looked up at the sound of Kurt's approach.
"About ti- oh, I didn't interrupt a conversation with Blaine, did I?"
Kurt rested his forearms on the back of the couch. "How did you know I was talking to Blaine?"
Rachel smirked. "You have that lovesick puppy expression on your face."
He blushed and avoided Rachel's teasing gaze. "I was just finishing talking to him when you shouted for me. We decided we should all go out for dinner next week: you, me, Blaine, and Blaine's roommate Nick."
"Oh good, maybe I could invite Finn as well," she mused.
"If you want to invite him along to eat an embarrassing amount of food in a short period of time then be my guest."
Rachel sat in contemplative silence for a moment. "Anyway," she said, jumping to her feet, "I've been practicing this song and have it mastered now, but I would like your opinion."
As she prepared to start, Kurt moved around to sit on the couch. He settled back as Rachel smiled brightly at him and then began to sing.
It felt like something straight out of one of his wistful fantasies as he wove through the waiting crowds on the subway platform until he reached his boyfriend's side. Kurt smiled when he saw him approaching and turned to greet him with a kiss.
"Good morning," Blaine smiled at him when they broke apart, reaching over to entwine their fingers together.
Kurt let out a small laugh. "Good morning to you, too." He chuckled again as Blaine continued to smile up at him. "You're always so formal, like a gentleman." He straightened Blaine's bowtie with his free hand. "I guess that's how they teach you to behave at Dalton."
"We were taught a bit of manners, I guess," Blaine shrugged.
Kurt just smiled at him. "I think it's adorable." His hand moved from Blaine's bowtie to smooth a small curl that had escaped from the gel back into place. "Though you could cut down on the gel a bit, you're not in a fifties movie."
Their train arrived and they walked slowly towards the end car still hand-in-hand.
"You haven't seen my hair without gel. If there is the slightest hint of static in the room it explodes up into a big, fluffy mess."
Kurt patted his head. "I have to see that sometime, it sounds cute."
Blaine wrinkled his nose as they stepped onto the train. "It is anything but cute, trust me."
They found a spot to stand on the train and Blaine had to stop himself from pinching his arm to check that this wasn't all a dream; Kurt on the subway with him holding his hand. But he knew that not even his wildest dreams could have conjured up the fluttering in his stomach every time Kurt smiled at him or the tingling of his skin wherever Kurt touched it, nor could any dream give him the same feelings of euphoria and adoration he currently felt.
"Rachel and I can manage Wednesday or Friday evenings for dinner," Kurt said as the train stopped at a station and people began to crowd in and out of their subway car.
"I think Friday would be best for Nick and I. Do you have any preferences for where you want to go? Because I'm ok with anywhere and Nick will be as well." Blaine shuffled closer to Kurt to avoid getting hit by a briefcase being carelessly swung by a tall business man in a stiff suit who was too engrossed in a conversation with a couple of other similarly dressed men to notice him. The man carefully walked around Kurt as he moved further down the train car and Blaine let out a small sigh. "The disadvantage of being short in a crowd is everybody looks over the top of you and don't seem to notice you're there."
Kurt smiled at the disgruntled expression on his face. "You could always wear platform boots to give you another few inches of height." At Blaine's scandalised expression, he chuckled. "I'm kidding. To answer your question about dinner location, I don't mind either, but Rachel was going on about how she has wanted to try out this place just off Broadway that apparently serves really good vegan food – Rachel is vegan," he added, seeing Blaine's curious look.
Blaine shrugged. "Well, if Rachel wants to go there then we can as long as they have non-vegan options as well, I can't see Nick being too happy with vegan food."
"They do according to Rachel." Kurt glanced up as the train slowed again and his station came into view. "I'll ask Rachel more about the restaurant and text you the details later." The doors of the train opened and he reluctantly let go of Blaine's hand, hitching his bag further up his shoulder.
"Have a good day," Blaine said.
"You too," Kurt bent down to kiss him lightly on the lips. "See you later." He turned and left the train and Blaine watched him until he disappeared from sight, the crowds on the platform swallowing him up.
I just read this entire thing so far. Wow, that was amazing. I completely loved it. (: