Sept. 12, 2012, 10:18 a.m.
Sept. 12, 2012, 10:18 a.m.
Struggling to keep his heavy eyes open, Blaine dragged himself along the corridor to his hotel room. He was exhausted and could think of nothing else but the bed waiting for him in his room. The endless stream of shows and interviews he had to attend this tour were taking their toll on him; he hadn't been eating or sleeping much, but he just didn't have the time to; he was always rushing from one appointment to the next. He knew he was losing weight, he was living off the snacks he got whilst travelling or at show venues or in the dressing rooms of wherever he was doing an interview. When he finally got back to the tour bus or his hotel room he was always too exhausted to consider eating and would just collapse into bed and the small amount of free time he got he spent on the phone or Skype with Kurt. He knew he was worrying Kurt, but his tours weren't normally this strenuous and as it was only a short one he figured he could get away with it.
He thought he had been managing to keep Kurt from worrying too much, but apparently he hadn't and last night he had been forced to admit the truth of his well-being to him. He had kept exactly how bad it was from him though, how bone weary he was and how little he was eating, not wanting him to fret too much. He would be back in New York in less than a week; he could survive until then.
It took him several attempts to unlock the door with his card key, his stinging eyes making it difficult to work the lock. When he eventually got it unlocked he pushed the door open with a little difficulty, his muscles weak from lack of food and sleep. Letting the door swing shut behind him with a click of the automatic lock, he leant against the wall and closed his eyes.
"Blaine?" a voice said softly.
His eyes snapped open; sure he had imagined the voice.
Kurt was a few feet away, just getting up from where he had been sitting on the bed, his blue eyes wide and shining. Blaine blinked, sure he must be hallucinating in his exhaustion, or maybe he fell asleep against the wall, because there was no way Kurt was here in his hotel room; he was in New York.
Kurt took a hesitant step towards him, obviously a bit unsure with his reaction. Blaine raised a hand and pinched the inside of his left forearm, hard. A small burst of pain shot up his arm - he wasn't dreaming.
"Kurt?" he whispered, his voice full of wonder. He moved slowly away from the wall towards his boyfriend.
Kurt rushed at him, throwing his arms around him and crashing their lips together, kissing him desperately, frantically. Blaine pulled him closer, gripping his hips so hard he was probably leaving bruises, but Kurt didn't seem to care.
Kurt pressed himself closer against Blaine, his fingers tugging at his curls and Blaine groaned against his mouth.
"I missed you so much," Kurt gasped as Blaine moved his mouth to kiss hungrily down his neck. "I had to come see you." He let his head fall forward onto Blaine's shoulder as Blaine continued to suck at the sensitive skin of his throat.
Kurt raised his head and captured Blaine's mouth again.
"How long are you here for?" Blaine asked between kisses; desperate clashes of lips, tongue, and teeth.
"Until Sunday evening."
They made out for a little while longer, their kisses becoming less needy until Kurt eventually pulled away, smiling when Blaine whined and tried to follow his mouth. "As much as I'd love to do this for hours, you need to get some sleep, you look exhausted." He brushed curls back from Blaine's forehead, his eyes full of concern as he took in Blaine's appearance. "And don't you have to be up early tomorrow to go to Teen Vogue?"
Blaine sighed and rested his head against his boyfriend's shoulder, closing his eyes and nuzzling against his neck and breathing in Kurt's scent. Kurt's steady breathing and the feel of his fingers in his hair as he played with his curls, letting them slide through his fingers, began to lull him to sleep.
"Come on," Kurt murmured some time later, Blaine wasn't sure how long it had been, "let's get you to bed."
He was forced to lift his head when Kurt took his hand, tugging him over to the bed and tossing him the pair of sweatpants and the old Dalton t-shirt that were lying on it. He shuffled through to the bathroom to get changed and brush his teeth, coming out when he was done to find that Kurt had pulled back the covers on the bed. He crawled into bed gratefully, flopping down with a contented sigh.
With his eyes closed he held out a hand in the direction he knew Kurt was standing. "C'mere."
When Kurt's hand slid into his, he tugged him down onto the bed beside him, smiling at Kurt's squeak of surprise. He snuggled up beside him.
"I can't stay here, Blaine, you have to be up early and I have a room on the floor above."
"Just stay a little while," Blaine mumbled into Kurt's chest. He sighed happily when Kurt put an arm around his waist and held him close. "How did you get into my room?" he asked sleepily, a few minutes later.
"Charlie let me in." Kurt pressed a kiss to his temple. "Go to sleep, Blaine."
The last thing Blaine was aware of before he drifted off to sleep was Kurt's thumb softly caressing his jawline.
Once Blaine's breathing steadied into the slow, deep rhythm of sleep, Kurt brushed a kiss across his cheek and untangled himself from him carefully. He left the room silently and headed up to his own room, feeling pretty tired himself.
He hurried through his moisturising routine and then got into bed, curling up under the blankets and shivering a little, wishing he was still lying next to Blaine. But at least he was here instead of in New York and would get to see Blaine tomorrow. Smiling at the thought, he soon fell asleep.
Kurt didn't get to see Blaine until the afternoon the next day. His boyfriend had long since left for his photoshoot and interview with Teen Vogue when he woke up and he wasn't going to be finished until around two that afternoon.
Kurt spent the morning having breakfast at one of his favourite restaurants in LA before doing a bit of shopping. He was just heading back to the hotel with his purchases when he received a text from Blaine asking him where he was and that he had just arrived back at the hotel. After sending him a quick reply saying he would join him in his room in five minutes, Kurt dashed upstairs and dumped his shopping in his room before hurrying down to Blaine's room on the floor below. He knocked on the door and Blaine pulled it open almost immediately, his eyes lighting up when he saw Kurt.
He was still all done up from his photoshoot: hair styled with less gel than he would normally use so that his curls were merely tamed instead of plastered to his head, and he was wearing make-up. The downside of this was that Kurt couldn't tell how tired Blaine was, but as Blaine's eyes were bright and he seemed cheerful and full of energy as he invited Kurt along to his show that night, Kurt guessed the sleep last night had done Blaine good and he stopped worrying and scrutinizing him like a doctor examining a patient.
They talked about their mornings for a little while, Kurt describing the clothes he had bought and Blaine telling him about his interview, until it was time to leave for the venue of the night's show. Kurt understood why Blaine was so tired; he was hardly getting any time to relax.
Blaine was playing at the Hollywood Palladium that night. Kurt had been to a concert there last year when he had been in LA attending a benefit dinner and standing in the centre of the floor of the venue, looking up at the rows of seats rising around him while Blaine and his band did their sound check behind him, he couldn't believe how different the place looked to how it did when it was packed with thousands of screaming fans, as it would be in a few hours' time.
They had seen the long line already queuing up outside the venue behind metal barriers when they had driven up to the venue. It snaked down the length of the venue before twisting out of sight. Most of the fans appeared to be teenage girls and Kurt couldn't help but smirk as he thought about how jealous they would be if they knew about him and Blaine. It was a pretty childish thought, but Kurt couldn't help himself, he had been in their position just a few months ago, sighing wistfully as he listened to Blaine's music and drooling over pictures of him online.
The sound of Blaine calling his name snapped him out of his reverie and he spun around to face the stage, realising as he did so that the sound of instruments and Blaine singing small snippets of his songs had stopped.
"We're finished here," Blaine said from where he stood near the front lip of the stage, "and we're heading back to the dressing rooms. You might want to consider coming otherwise you'll get run over by a stampede."
Kurt began walking towards him. "Yeah, I don't particularly fancy being killed by a mob of screaming fangirls."
They spent the time until the show was due to start hanging out in one of the larger dressing rooms with Blaine's band, who were pleased to see Kurt again and happily told him stories from the tour so far. Kurt was glad to see Blaine eating some of the snacks laid out on a table - he was sure his boyfriend had lost a little weight, but at least he was eating.
Seth was in the middle of a story about the other night's tour family dinner when one of the assistants poked their head into the room and told them that they were due on stage in a few minutes. The band hurried out the room, Seth grumbling a little about not getting to finish his story, and Kurt and Blaine followed slowly.
When they reached where the others were gathered waiting - George attempting to twirl his drumsticks, the others adjusting the straps of their guitars - Blaine grabbed his guitar and Kurt gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before stepping aside to let his boyfriend and his band walk out onto the stage to the appreciative roars of the crowd. He then found a spot to stand and watch at the side of the stage.
He loved the show and especially enjoyed hearing a couple of songs from Blaine's latest record that he had never heard live before. Like the first time he had watched Blaine perform from side stage, Blaine regularly glanced over at him with a smile or a wink, and every time he did the memory of their first kiss - Blaine's skin hot and sweaty beneath his fingers, his curls springing free from the gel, and his lips tasting slightly of salt - came flooding back to him, making his breath catch and heat flood through him.
By the end of the show Kurt's ears were almost throbbing from all the screaming and, judging from the way locks of it fell over his forehead, his hair was a mess. Blaine bounded off the stage and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Great show," Kurt told him as they made their way back to the dressing room, "even that girl yelling at you to marry her didn't ruin the mood during ‘Human'."
Blaine pushed open the door to the dressing room and grabbed a couple of bottles of water off the table, offering one to Kurt. "Yeah, they always choose inappropriate moments to yell inappropriate things, but they're just excited and I guess they know they wouldn't be heard during the more upbeat, energetic songs." He took a long swallow of water, reaching up to brush back a lock of hair that had fallen over Kurt's eye.
"I kept remembering our first kiss while I was watching you perform."
Blaine grinned mischievously at him and set his water bottle down on the table. "Really?" he asked in a low voice. He moved towards Kurt, who shivered when his breath caressed his face.
Kurt bent to kiss him, his hands sliding up Blaine's arms. Their lips had barely touched when the door burst open and the band came flooding into the room.
"Whoops, sorry, guys!" George said as Kurt and Blaine jumped apart as though they had received an electric shock. "Seth doesn't understand the concept of knocking."
The dark-haired bass player in question shot George a glare before turning to smile apologetically at Kurt and Blaine who were gathering their things together, both pink in the face. "I am sorry, guys. I didn't realise you were back here already."
"It's fine," Kurt assured him with a friendly smile.
Blaine headed outside to sign some autographs for the dozens of fans hanging around hopefully while Kurt stayed inside to help George, Seth, and the rest of the band pack away their instruments.
Blaine retuned after half an hour and they headed back to the hotel not long afterwards, Blaine yawning every now and then during the journey.
Kurt walked Blaine to his room and tried to protest when his boyfriend pleaded with him to come inside.
"Fine," he said, giving in after a single please and a second of the puppy-dog eyes, "give me your room's card key and I'll go and grab my stuff and come back."
Blaine gave him a radiant smile and kissed his cheek before handing him the key to his room.
Kurt rushed upstairs to his room and dashed around it, snatching up his midnight blue silk pyjamas and fetching his toothbrush from the bathroom. He eyed his array of skin creams for a moment, before deciding to skip his moisturising routine - one night without it wouldn't do him any harm - and then he dashed back downstairs, almost slipping on the steps in his hurry.
He slowed to a walk when he neared Blaine's door and saw a couple of people walking further down the corridor. He let himself into Blaine's room, trying to act casual as the people stopped outside a room a few doors down and began to fumble for their card key.
The sound of running water and Blaine's soft humming filled the room and Kurt bit his lip when he realised that Blaine was in the shower. He sat down on the bed to wait for him to finish, singing Broadway songs in his head to try and stop himself from picturing what Blaine looked like at that very moment.
The shower finally switched off and Blaine padded into the room a few minutes later wearing the same t-shirt and sweatpants that he had slept in last night and with his damp curls clinging to his steam-flushed skin. Kurt couldn't control himself; he jumped to his feet and rushed over to him, covering the short distance between the bed and his boyfriend in a few strides, and kissed him, his lips ghosting over his still-warm-from-the-shower skin.
When he finally pulled away, Blaine's pupils were blown and his breathing was heavy.
"I'm just going to take a quick shower and get changed," Kurt told him, unable to resist giving him one last peck on his kiss-swollen lips before grabbing his pyjamas and toothbrush and stepping into the bathroom.
Blaine was already in bed when he came out and Kurt thought he was asleep until he opened his eyes and patted the space next to him.
Swallowing thickly, Kurt slid in next to him and Blaine rolled over to face him so their noses were inches apart. "Hi," Blaine breathed.
"Hi," he whispered back, smiling at the grin spreading across Blaine's face.
They gazed at each other for a moment, drinking in the sight and revelling in the closeness until Blaine shuffled even closer. "Cuddle me?"
Kurt moved until he was pressed against him and Blaine rolled over so his back was flush against Kurt's chest. He nuzzled against the back of Blaine's neck and wrapped an arm around his waist.
Blaine sighed in contentment. "Goodnight, Kurt," he whispered.
Kurt closed his eyes, happiness making his toes curl and his heart light. "Goodnight, Blaine."
When Blaine woke next morning, warm and comfortable and with the scent of Kurt filling his nostrils, he didn't want to move straight away. So he lay with his eyes still closed, listening to the sound of Kurt's deep, steady breathing and feeling his boyfriend's chest rising and falling with each breath.
Eventually the need to use the bathroom became too much to ignore and he opened his eyes to see Kurt lying facing him, his closed eyes fluttering slightly in his sleep. He looked so beautiful that Blaine just wanted to stay and watch him sleep, to wonder what he was dreaming and listen to his soft breathing. His bladder wasn't having it though and with a sigh he reluctantly untangled himself from Kurt's legs and arms and slid out of the warm bed before padding through to the bathroom.
He was just walking to the sink when the dizziness hit. He fought through it as he washed his hands, blinking rapidly as darkness slowly started to cloud his already fuzzy vision until he could barely see the sink anymore. Still fighting it, determined to make it pass, he exhaled deeply and stepped away from the sink to dry his hands on the fluffy, white towel hanging nearby.
He was almost blind as he walked across the bathroom towards the door through to the bedroom. He was within reaching distance of the door when the darkness consumed him.