Sept. 12, 2012, 10:18 a.m.
Sept. 12, 2012, 10:18 a.m.
Finn agreed to play drums for the tour as soon as he was asked, and after checking that Burt would be able to manage the garage without him, he flew out to New York to join Blaine and the rest of the band for rehearsals. Finn had been playing drums since he was a kid and he was able to pick up the songs fairly quickly, which was a relief as they were only days away from leaving for Europe. Finn fitted in easily with the rest of the band and they all seemed to like him. They had been shocked to hear what George had done and though George had confessed to Seth about having a crush on Blaine back in college, he'd thought he was over it by now. None of the band had thought that George would have betrayed Blaine like that.
As a result of Finn joining the band for the tour at the last minute, Blaine was spending all his time in rehearsals and he barely got to see Kurt. He had resorted to sleeping at Kurt's apartment every night just so he could spend time with his boyfriend. Kurt's place was also closer to his rehearsal space than his own, which was a perk. Finn was staying with Kurt as well, which Kurt had worried about given the history between him and Rachel, but both were handling it more maturely than he had thought and they barely saw each other anyway, so the arrangement worked.
Blaine loved staying at Kurt's apartment. He would let himself into the apartment every night after a day rehearsing to find that Kurt had made dinner and he would get to spend the meal hearing about Kurt's day and telling Kurt how the rehearsal went. After dinner was cleared away, Finn would wander off to Skype his girlfriend and Kurt and Blaine would cuddle up on the couch and watch TV or a movie or sometimes Kurt would look over scripts or schedules for his show and Blaine would lie with his head in Kurt's lap, enjoying the closeness and the feel of Kurt's fingers trailing through his hair.
It was on one of these nights, two days before he was due to leave on tour, as Kurt's hand smoothed his forehead and his fingers carded through his hair, that he decided he wanted to spend every night like this - he wanted to live with Kurt. The only thing holding him back from asking right there and then was Rachel. She and Kurt had lived together since they had first moved from Lima and he wasn't sure if Kurt would want to move out and leave her on her own and when Blaine envisioned himself living with Kurt he did not see Rachel with them as well, practicing her singing in the living room. After mulling it over for a while, he decided to ask Rachel about it before he left and then go from there.
The last days flew by and before Blaine knew it the final night preceding his flight out to Munich had arrived. His bags were packed, Finn could confidently play all his parts, and everything was ready for the tour to begin. Now all that was left to do was to say goodbye to Kurt until the fifteenth when he would join him in Italy. Kurt would be coming to see him off at the airport tomorrow morning, but tonight was their last chance for a goodbye in private.
"It's only thirteen days," Kurt murmured, his fingers tracing the curves and planes of Blaine's chest and stomach.
Thirteen days wasn't that long and they had been separated for longer when Blaine had done that national tour back in August, but right then, lying in Kurt's bed with their legs tangled together and Kurt's face inches from his own, his blue eyes gazing into his very being, the part of him no one else saw, thirteen days felt like a very long time.
Blaine rubbed his nose against Kurt's. "I know it isn't that long, but-" He broke off, not able to put how much he'd miss seeing Kurt every day, how much he'd miss waking up next to him and being the first thing he saw each day, into words.
Kurt kissed him softly. "I know," he whispered. He exhaled softly, his breath caressing Blaine's cheek, and brushed his lips over the mark he'd made earlier on Blaine's neck.
"At least you're able to join me for longer than a weekend." He smiled down at Kurt as his boyfriend rested his forehead against his shoulder. "And I promise not to pass out this time."
Tilting his head to the side, Kurt met his gaze. "Good," he said, "because that was one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen."
"Sorry," Blaine said, running his hand over Kurt's shoulder blade.
Kurt shook his head, pressing his warm body closer to Blaine. "Don't apologise, just eat and sleep while you're away."
Blaine let his eyes fall shut and held Kurt against him, his hand still stroking the length of Kurt's back.
"Love you," Kurt mumbled into his collarbone, his lips brushing against the skin as he spoke.
Blaine held him tighter, breathing in the scent of shampoo and Kurt from his ruffled chestnut hair. "I love you," he replied softly, feeling himself hovering on the edge of sleep.
The next thing he was aware of was the shrill sound of his alarm beeping and Kurt grumbling something about shutting it up from where he was still curled against Blaine. Groaning, Blaine stretched out a hand to switch it off, Kurt clinging to him when he shifted to reach it.
He fell back against the bed and closed his eyes again, the rise and fall of Kurt's chest against his ribs lulling him back to sleep. He had just started to doze when Kurt groaned again.
"We have to get up."
"Don't want to," Blaine mumbled.
"You'll miss your flight," Kurt reminded him, not making a move to get up either.
Blaine turned his head to the side and buried his nose in Kurt's soft hair. "Don't care."
"Yes, you do," Kurt argued. When Blaine still didn't move, he sighed and started to sit up. He squeaked when Blaine lunged forward and tackled him back down onto the bed, straddling his hips so he couldn't get up again. "Blaine," he protested weakly as Blaine bent to kiss him. "Blaine, we- you-" he stammered as Blaine continued to kiss him, moving his lips from his mouth, along his jaw and down his neck to his collarbone. He gasped when Blaine rolled his hips into his. "We don't have time."
Removing his lips from Kurt's chest, Blaine gazed down at his boyfriend's flushed face. "Well, we'll just have to multitask then," he said with a mischievous smirk.
But before Kurt could finish his question, Blaine had rolled off him and grabbed his hand, pulling him off the bed and leading him through to the shower.
Kurt sighed when the car rolled to a stop outside JFK airport. No matter how much he had willed time to slow down and for this moment to be delayed, it had arrived and he had to face it. The driver and Finn were already out of the car and getting the bags out of the trunk. He knew he should probably open his door and get out too, but he couldn't raise his hand to do it.
Next to him, Blaine shifted in his seat. "Kurt," he said softly.
Kurt turned to face him and one corner of Blaine's mouth tugged up into a lopsided smile. Blaine lifted the hand that wasn't entwined with Kurt's and cupped Kurt's face, smoothing his thumb over his cheekbone. Kurt closed his eyes and leant into his hand, inhaling softly when Blaine's lips met his. He pressed back hard against Blaine's mouth, tilting his head to deepen the kiss, his free hand fisting in the front of Blaine's shirt, his other hand gripping Blaine's tightly.
There was a tap on the window. "Guys, we've got to go," Finn's voice said.
Kurt clutched Blaine against him for a moment longer, sucking Blaine's bottom lip into his mouth. They parted and Blaine pressed one last kiss to the corner of Kurt's mouth. Then Kurt opened the car door and they stepped out to join Finn who was standing by a metal cart with their bags piled on it.
"Seth just texted me saying that everyone else is already waiting inside," Finn informed them, glancing up from his phone.
Blaine just nodded and he and Kurt followed Finn into the airport, where Kurt waited patiently by Blaine's side while they checked in. Then Finn returned the luggage cart and Kurt and Blaine made their way slowly over to the seating area near the security checks where they could see Seth, the other members of the band, and some of the tour crew members sitting. Finn overtook them and dropped down into the chair next to Seth and began chatting to him excitedly about the upcoming tour. Kurt checked the time on a nearby electronic board as he and Blaine sat down; he sighed when he saw there was only about ten minutes until Blaine would have to go through security and head for his departure gate. Blaine glanced at the time as well and met Kurt's gaze with a sad smile.
Neither of them joined in much with the conversation about the tour. Finn couldn't wait to get on the plane and go since he had never left the country before and was dying to see Europe. This, plus the fact that he was going to be playing drums for thousands of people on a sold-out tour, meant that he was living the dream. Kurt knew a part of Blaine was excited about the tour - a part of him was ecstatic for Blaine - but right now that part was currently buried beneath the feelings of sadness of having to say goodbye for thirteen days. So, as everyone else around them chatted excitedly, Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder and listened to his step-brother's laughter while soaking in the feeling of Blaine's head against his and his thumb sweeping rhythmically over his hand.
Before he knew it one of the crew members was getting to his feet and announcing that they needed to go through to the gate. All the others jumped to their feet and made a beeline for the queues at the security checks. Kurt and Blaine stood slowly and just as Kurt was about to turn reluctantly to face Blaine, Finn appeared at his side and pulled him into a quick hug.
"See you when you come out to join us," he said when he let Kurt go. He grinned at him. "And don't worry; I'll take care of Blaine for you."
Kurt managed a small laugh at that. "Thanks, Finn, have a great time."
"I will," he assured, before bounding off to join the other guys.
Kurt turned to face Blaine.
"I'll call or Skype you every day," Blaine promised. "And I'll text you whenever I can, international rates be damned."
Kurt nodded and swallowed thickly, willing himself not to cry. They weren't going to be separated for long and they were still going to talk every day; he shouldn't be crying over that.
Blaine dropped his hand and wrapped his arms around him, burying his nose into the curve below Kurt's ear. "I'll miss you," he murmured.
Kurt closed his eyes and held him tighter, tangling the fingers of his left hand into the curls at Blaine's neck. He inhaled deeply, breathing in Blaine's familiar scent. "I'll miss you."
Blaine hummed softly and they held each other for a long moment, oblivious to the stares from passing passengers heading for the departure gates.
They were pressed so close together that Kurt felt the vibration from Blaine's phone when he received a text. "That will be them telling me to hurry up," Blaine sighed in Kurt's ear.
Kurt gripped Blaine a little closer to him before reluctantly starting to let go. Blaine's lips suddenly landed on his in a hard kiss and Kurt kissed back fiercely. Their mouths moved frantically against each other, both trying to memorize the taste and feel of each other's mouths. Blaine's phone buzzed again and after another few seconds they drew apart, breathing heavily.
"I love you," Blaine whispered.
Kurt smoothed his hands over Blaine's shoulders and down his arms, before linking their fingers together. "I love you, too." He squeezed Blaine's hands gently and then let them go. "I'll see you in Italy."
Smiling, Blaine picked up his carry-on bag. "I'll call you when we land." He brushed a thumb lightly over Kurt's cheek. "Bye," he whispered, turning to leave.
Gripping his elbows, Kurt forced a small smile. "Bye." He stood there and watched Blaine go through security and out of sight, and then he let his shoulders slump and walked towards the exit.
The days actually passed by fairly quickly; Kurt kept himself busy. When he wasn't at the studios filming a show he was out Christmas shopping with Rachel or on the phone or Skype with Blaine. Nights, however, were a different story.
With Rachel out doing a show most nights he was at home alone and unless it was one of Blaine's days off, he couldn't speak to him due to the time difference and Blaine's shows finishing late - he had told Blaine firmly that he wasn't to call him after a show as he didn't want him missing out on sleep. This left Kurt with very little to do during the evenings. He rarely felt like watching TV or a movie or reading a book, and there were only so many times he could read over his scripts for his shows. He packed his suitcase for going to Europe one night, but once that was done he was at a loss at what to do again. He cleaned the apartment, re-organized his closet, and baked cupcakes and cookies, but the evenings still dragged on. He tried going to bed early a few times, but that was worse than sitting in the living room and aimlessly flicking through a magazine; he just laid awake and wished Blaine was lying beside him, no matter how hard he tried to push the thought from his head. He found himself sleeping curled around the pillow Blaine had used when he slept over, wearing one of Blaine's t-shirts that he kept in a drawer in Kurt's room until Blaine's scent eventually faded from them and was replaced with his own.
He chastised himself over his behaviour; he was acting like he wasn't going to see Blaine again for years, not a little over a week. He told himself to get a grip and quit moping around the apartment wishing Blaine was there. So he went and saw Rachel's show again, went ice skating with some of his show's crew members, and decorated the apartment for Christmas. And then finally it was the fifteenth and he was finishing the taping of his last show of the year.
He all but sprinted off the stage when he was done and changed his outfit as fast as he could. He had brought his bags to the studios with him and had already said goodbye to Rachel so that he could head straight to the airport from the studios. Blaine had booked him on the earliest flight he could manage and he would have to leave the studios in record time to catch it.
After a flurry of rushed goodbyes to his producers and crew, he flew out the doors and into the waiting car.
Throughout the ride to the airport he drummed his fingers on the seat and checked the time on his phone every few minutes. Excitement bubbled up inside him the closer he got to the airport - tonight he would be in Italy with Blaine! He squirmed impatiently in his seat and was glad when Rachel called him and distracted him for the rest of the journey.
The flight was worse; it felt like he was never going to get there. He stared out the window for a while, watching the clouds and trying to imagine what Italy would be like, what it was really like, not how it was shown on TV and in movies. He watched a movie, but even the two hours it lasted didn't make much of a dent in the flight time. He was even glad for the arrival of airplane food as picking and wrinkling his nose at it passed some more time.
It was night when the plane finally descended into Milan, but that didn't stop Kurt from staring eagerly out the window at the lights sliding by underneath him. When they landed and had taxied to the gate, Kurt was one of the first on his feet to collect his carry-on bag. He bounced impatiently on the balls of his feet as he waited for the doors to open and sent Blaine a text saying that he'd landed.
He walked briskly off the plane and through the airport, overtaking all of his fellow passengers, and reached immigration first. There was another agonizing wait to collect his bags and then he was following the signs to the exit, his pace quickening with his need to see Blaine. He walked through another doorway into a busy arrivals hall and broke into a run when he spotted a familiar face.
"Blaine!" he cried and his boyfriend looked over just before Kurt dropped his bags and threw his arms around him. "Blaine, Blaine, Blaine," he chanted in a low whisper as he breathed in Blaine's familiar, comforting scent, and felt his racing heartbeat and breath on his neck.
Blaine pulled him closer and rubbed his back. "I'm so glad you're here," he whispered. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too." He pulled back a little and kissed Blaine softly, stepping back after only a moment, aware that they were in the middle of a busy airport. It was only when he finally looked away from Blaine's face that he noticed Finn standing just behind Blaine holding Kurt's abandoned bags. "Oh, hey, Finn."
"Glad you're here, Kurt," he said with a smile. "Blaine has been moaning about how much he misses you since we left New York."
Blaine just rolled his eyes and took Kurt's hand, leading him towards the exit with Finn and a bodyguard Kurt hadn't noticed earlier following along behind them. A car was waiting for them and in no time at all Kurt's bags were loaded in the trunk and they were heading off to the hotel.
Kurt let his head fall onto Blaine's shoulder and he closed his eyes with a content sigh.
"Tired?" Blaine asked softly.
Kurt just nodded, glad that it was dark outside so that he didn't feel the need to look out the window to get his first sight of Italy. A busy day, the flight, and lack of sleep the night before due to excitement had left him exhausted.
Blaine's hand came up and he gently carded his fingers through Kurt's hair. "It's not far to the hotel," he assured Kurt, "then you can sleep."
Kurt just hummed in response, too tired and comfortable with his head nestled in the familiar curve of Blaine's neck to say anything.
The arrival at the hotel and Blaine leading him out the car and up to their room was all a blur to Kurt. He had the vague impression of cold night air, Blaine's warm arm around his waist, a dazzlingly bright lobby, a long corridor, and then he was seated on a large, soft bed and Blaine was rummaging through his suitcase.
"Kurt, where are your pyjamas? I can't find them."
Kurt blinked, suddenly feeling a little more alert. "Oh." He stood up and joined Blaine by his open suitcase. "I haven't been sleeping in them lately."
Blaine glanced up at him in confusion. "Then what-?"
Kurt pulled out the t-shirt of Blaine's that he'd been wearing to bed since Blaine left New York. He flushed under his boyfriend's wide-eyed stare.
"Oh," Blaine said. He fumbled for words for a moment, then, "How long-?"
Kurt smoothed the soft fabric of the t-shirt between his thumb and forefinger. "Since the first night after you left." He kept his gaze trained on the white cotton in his hands. "I missed you and I- it smelled like you." He finally met Blaine's soft gaze. "It doesn't anymore though."
Blaine smiled gently at him. "Well, you don't need a shirt that smells like me tonight." He pressed a kiss to Kurt's forehead.
Kurt smiled and then wrinkled his nose at his creased outfit. "I'm going to shower."
"Ok." Blaine's hand brushed his lower back as he headed for the bathroom carrying Blaine's shirt and his toiletries bag.
When he emerged from the bathroom a short while later, the stale airplane smell scrubbed from his hair and skin and wearing boxer shorts and Blaine's t-shirt, he found Blaine sitting on the bed in his usual sleep ensemble of sweatpants and an old t-shirt. His expression shifted when he saw Kurt, his gaze slowly sweeping the length of Kurt's body in a way that made Kurt shiver.
"I like it," he announced.
Kurt just walked over and joined him on the bed. "If I'm changing my sleepwear then I think you should too." He eyed Blaine's outfit. "Shirt off," he told him.
"I'm sure there should have been a ‘please' in there," Blaine responded.
"Shirt off, please."
Blaine huffed and pulled his shirt over his head, dropping it onto the floor.
Kurt shuffled closer to him and lightly kissed his lips. "Better," he said. He laid back on the bed, pulling Blaine down with him, before tugging the blankets over both of them. He wriggled closer to Blaine, sighing happily when his boyfriend wrapped an arm around him and nuzzled against his neck.
"I missed this," Blaine murmured.
Kurt closed his eyes. "Me too." He thought he heard Blaine whisper an ‘I love you,' but he fell asleep before he could be sure.
It took Kurt a few seconds to remember where he was when he woke the next morning and then it hit him in a rush: he was in Italy with Blaine. Opening his eyes he was met with the sight of Blaine's face: soft and young-looking in sleep. He smiled and stretched, careful to avoid bumping Blaine and waking him. He looked around the hotel room, searching for a clock and found one on the nightstand by Blaine's side of the bed - it was almost eleven. He reclined back against the pillows again; he hadn't slept this long in ages and it felt good.
He laid there for a while, enjoying the feeling of waking up next to Blaine again, but as time passed he began shooting more and more eager glances over at the large window and the view of Italy that was hidden behind the curtains. Eventually he could stand it no longer and he slipped out of bed and padded over to the curtains, pulling them open slightly so a shaft of winter sunlight spilled into the room. He blinked.
The curtains weren't hiding a window, but a glass door which opened out onto a small, tiled balcony with a round table and a couple of chairs. He scrabbled for the key which was in the lock, turned it, and opened the door, stepping out onto the cool tiles. The air was cold and crisp and he knew he should go back inside and put on some warmer clothes, but he barely noticed the cold as he stepped over to the balcony railing, his wide eyes taking in their first view of Italy.
Several beautiful old buildings with gothic facades and multiple carved stone arches surrounded their hotel, spires of distant cathedrals pierced the sky, and he could see part of a busy square when he leaned over the railings a little.
He heard footsteps behind him and then Blaine was leaning on the railing beside him. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Kurt nodded, not taking his eyes off the street below him where people zigzagged across the road. "It's like I've stepped back in time," he commented.
"A lot of Europe is like that," Blaine agreed. "You still get the big, modern cities and everything, but some of the towns and villages and parts of the cities are like this."
They stood in silence for several minutes, both of them watching late-morning Italy. Kurt could barely believe that he had only arrived here last night; it felt like months ago that he had been in New York.
After a while, Blaine straightened up. "I'll order room service for breakfast and we can eat it out here." He ran a hand down Kurt's arm. "You should go get dressed before it arrives, you're shivering."
"Oh." Kurt hadn't even noticed that he was cold, but now that Blaine mentioned it he noticed the goosebumps on his arms and felt the cold air on his skin. He stepped away from the railing, following Blaine back inside their room, which felt almost too warm after being out in the winter air.
The food had arrived by the time they had both washed and dressed in jeans and sweaters. They carried it out onto the balcony and sat down at the small table. Kurt could barely keep his eyes off the view of Milan, so neither he nor Blaine attempted to make conversation as they ate, instead they sat in a companionable silence. When they had finished eating and were both sipping coffee, Blaine broke the silence.
"Is there anything in particular in Milan that you wanted to see?" he asked. "I have a show tonight, so I don't have all that much time today, but there's still most of tomorrow as well."
Kurt turned to look at him thoughtfully. "The Duomo, La Scala Opera House, and I wouldn't mind going shopping..." He shrugged. "But honestly, I'm happy just spending time with you, if we get to see a few tourist attractions as well, then great."
Blaine leant across the table to kiss him on the cheek. "I'll make sure you see at least one crumbling old building before we leave here. We'll try and squeeze in some touristy stuff in Dublin, London, and Paris as well."
"Paris!" Kurt echoed, his face lighting up with excitement. "I have to go shopping there."
Blaine chuckled. "We'll be there for three days, so you'll have plenty time to do that." He swallowed a mouthful of coffee. "And of course I'll take you up the Eiffel Tower and we have to see it at night as well." He grinned at Kurt. "I've heard that can be very romantic."
Kurt smiled around his coffee cup. "I thought you said you weren't very good at romance?"
"Still got to try my best at it," Blaine replied brightly. He set his cup down. "Do you remember back in July on the night we saw Rachel's musical when I promised I'd sing a duet with you?"
Kurt blinked and lowered his cup. "I'd forgotten you still owe me a duet. Is this you finally paying up?"
"It is, sorry it took so long, but I had an idea and it didn't really work until now."
"What is it?" Kurt asked.
Blaine suddenly looked a little nervous. "Maybe it was a stupid idea. I know you loved to sing on stage, but you haven't done it in years and this would be in front of a big audience and there isn't all that much time to-"
"Blaine," Kurt cut off his boyfriend's rambling, reaching across the table to take his hand, "what was your idea?"
Biting his lip, Blaine lowered his gaze to their entwined hands. "I thought we could sing ‘Baby, It's Cold Outside' at a few of my shows, maybe the Paris and London ones." He ran his thumb over one of Kurt's knuckles. "That song popped into my head when you mentioned a duet that night and I wanted to sing it with you during a show, but it only really works during the winter." He shook his head. "It was a stupid idea, don't worry about it."
"I'd love to."
Blaine's head snapped up and he gazed at Kurt with wide eyes.
"I'd need a few practice runs first," Kurt told him, "but I'd love to sing with you at some of your shows."
"Really?" Blaine breathed.
Kurt nodded. "Really," he confirmed, smiling at the wide grin that appeared on Blaine's face.
Blaine's chair scraped back and he hurried round the table and bent to kiss Kurt fiercely. "Thank you," he gasped when they parted.
"You're welcome," Kurt said, cupping Blaine's face and stroking his cheekbone with his thumb. He pressed another kiss to Blaine's lips.
"We should go if we want to get some sightseeing done before we have to go to the venue for soundcheck," Blaine said with a glance at his watch. "We can practice our duet a bit while we're there."
"Ok," Kurt replied, jumping to his feet, eager to spend a few hours exploring Italy with his boyfriend. "Come on," he said, grabbing Blaine's hand. "Let's go see some crumbling old buildings."
I'm not ready for it to end D: it's a really incredible fic, you're a very talented writer. I loved the fluff in this chapter, they're adorable and everyone is so superbly written :) x
I'm not ready for it to end either! I have loved writing and sharing it! There's a lot more fluff to come in the final chapter and by a lot I mean the entire chapter is pretty much just fluff :)Thank you! I'm glad you have enjoyed the story! Thanks again for reviewing! :)