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Matched: The Meeting

T - Words: 2,859 - Last Updated: Aug 21, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jul 13, 2015 - Updated: Jul 13, 2015
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Blaine walked down the streets of New York city at a rapid pace. He was very anxious. He had just left the recording studio, and he was going to the coffee shop to meet his future husband. And he didn't even know his future husband's name.

“Wait up! Stop walking so fast!” Santana yelled after him. Santana volunteered to go with him and Blaine agreed, since she at least knew who his mystery man was. Blaine slowed his steps a little. The coffee shop was on a slightly crowded street, but it didn't look overly busy. It was a cute place, with wooden tables and lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling on cords. Santana and Blaine walked in. Then Blaine paused to look around. There were several young, attractive men in the coffee shop.

“So,” he asked Santana, “which one is he?” She grabbed his arm and started pulling him in the opposite direction that he was looking.

“Just come with me.” Blaine lost himself in his thoughts for a second.

Oh God, this is happening. What if he's old? What if he's ugly? What if he's hot, like way hotter than I am? Oh God, what if he doesn't like me? What if he has a weird foot fetish, or worse, what if it's a girl?! Or what if he's allergic to hair gel and I can never wear it again?!

A voice snapped him out of his musings.

“Well, I see that some people never change. You still put a gallon of gel in your hair every morning, Anderson?”

Blaine gasped and opened his eyes.

“Kurt Hummel,” he whispered aloud.

“The one and only,” Kurt said with a smirk. Rachel Berry was sitting next to him. Blaine hadn't seen either of them since high school. After graduation they had both moved to New York and had never looked back.

“Come on Berry, let's go, leave the happy couple to talk and whatnot,” Santana said. Rachel stood up.

“Okay, I haven't seen you in a while Santana, I guess we can catch up.” Rachel looked at Kurt.

“Will you be okay, Kurt?” He looked up at her and nodded hesitantly. Santana dragged Rachel away. After they were gone, Blaine sat down in the chair across from Kurt.

“So,” Blaine began awkwardly.

“Let me stop you right there,” Kurt interrupted. “Yes, I am going to be your husband. God knows why a computer algorithm thought that this,” he pointed between the two of them, “was a good idea. But it's happening. I don't want to be married to you, but that's what we're stuck with, alright? So let's lay down some ground rules.” Kurt folded his hands and placed them on the table. He focused his cold gaze at Blaine. It chilled him to the bone.

“I have a career, on Broadway. I'm going places, and I'm about to get my big break. I'm not going to let anyone come between that. I'll be your husband, so we won't break the law and get arrested. But I'm not going to cook for you, or clean for you, or be some sort of stay at home daddy for your kids. I'm not going to bring you roses or sing songs for you or tuck you in at night and tell you how much I love you. We will be civil to each other, and you will not get in my way. Capiche?” He said that last sentence with an especially icy tone.

Blaine almost felt like crying.

“Okay,” he whispered.

“Good,” Kurt said and folded his arms.

“Um,” Blaine stood up. He had to step away. “I'm gonna get some coffee. Do you want anything to drink?”

Kurt seemed to soften a bit when he saw that Blaine was being nice to him.

“Uh, sure. Non-fat mocha?”

“Coming right up.” Blaine walked quickly to the cash register which is right around the corner. He and Kurt had been sitting at a table close to a window. He walked up to the barista and placed the order. As he waited, he couldn't help but let a tear slip from his eye. He felt completely blindsided. Why hadn't Santana at least warned him that his match was Kurt? His words had stung so badly.

Blaine had met Kurt when he met all the other New Directions, when he transferred to McKinley his Junior year of high school. He joined Glee club and was delighted to find another gay guy in the school, especially one that was so attractive. But Kurt hadn't felt the same way. Blaine wasn't sure why, but Kurt had never liked him. That much was fairly obvious. Every time Blaine had tried to talk to Kurt before, it had led to some kind of snarky retort in response, instead of the nice, warm comments Kurt always gave everyone else.

He had been especially embarrassed at the end of his Junior year, when he made the biggest mistake of all. See, he had always had a little crush on Kurt. Okay, a big crush, really. Who wouldn't? He was tall, lean, and had soft looking, smooth skin that was perfectly pale and blemish free. His beautiful, soft, sweet smelling chestnut hair was always styled in a perfect coiffe. Kurt had this perfect scent, it smelled like cologne and sexiness and love. He always dressed himself impeccably, and today had been no exception. Kurt had worn tight black pants, a printed button up shirt, a gray vest, a blue scarf that brought out his eyes, and black loafers. Blaine couldn't keep his eyes off of him. He had never been able to.

And at the end of Junior year, Blaine finally decided to man up and ask Kurt to go to prom with him. But of course, he had to do it the Glee club way, and sing him a song. He sat down at the piano and sang Teenage Dream for him. After, he asked Kurt if he would go to the prom with him. Kurt just laughed. He laughed and then he said “I'm sorry, but no.” And then he stalked out of the choir room. The dumbest part was that even then, Blaine had never stopped liking Kurt. Blaine couldn't help but find Kurt this perfect angel, so beautiful and enchanting. He just didn't understand! Kurt was nice to everyone else except for him! Even Santana and Kurt got along! What was it about him that Kurt didn't like?

And now Junior year was happening all over again. Blaine hadn't even been able to get a proper sentence out before Kurt rejected him. He was going to have to marry Kurt. Blaine was secretly delighted and frustrated as hell. He was glad to get the chance to spend all this time with Kurt, but he knew Kurt would never feel that way about him.

Back at the table, Kurt sighed in frustration. He could not believe his luck. Blaine Anderson! How dare they! What were they thinking?! Matching Kurt Hummel up with someone like Blaine Anderson. He was quite possibly the worst person to ever be matched with. Kurt had never liked Blaine, ever since he met him, when Blaine had transferred his Junior year. Everybody loved him automatically. If you asked anyone at McKinley about Blaine, they'd all tell you the same thing. He had “good looks, old-fashioned values, and a voice made of gold.” But Kurt could see through all that.

Blaine had swooped in out of nowhere and took everything from Kurt. He won over the entire glee club instantly, and everyone loved him. The members of the glee club were Kurt's only friends, and all of a sudden they were too busy fawning over the new kid to talk to him. Then, Mr. Schue proceeded to give all the solo's to Blaine that year. So instead of Kurt having to fight against Rachel and Mercedes, he had to fight against Rachel, Mercedes, and Blaine.

Blaine was the perfect child, the favorite child, and Kurt was that neglected kid in the corner that no one paid attention to anymore. Even his dad liked Blaine! Finn and Blaine became great friends, and Blaine was always coming over to the house and watching football games with Finn and his dad. Then his dad would go on and on about how great Blaine was, and Carol threw in a couple times how nice it would be if Blaine and Kurt went on a date! Then they could have a third son if they got married! Well, Carol was now getting her wish. So yes, basically Kurt hated Blaine out of jealousy. And as petty and childish as that was, it was the truth. And Kurt didn't see how marriage was going to change those feelings. His phone buzzed.

It was Rachel.

So how's it going?

Awful, he just as annoying as he was in high school.

Aww, come on Kurt. Did you even give him a chance?

No, not really. I don't have to to know that he's exactly the same.

Come on, Kurt. He's going to be your husband. Your HUSBAND. At least hear him out, and try to get along. You could at least try and be friends. It would make the experience less miserable for the both of you.

Kurt sighed. Why was Rachel always right about this kind of stuff?

Fine. You're right. I'll give him a chance.

Blaine returned to the table with the drinks. He had a cup in each hand, and on top of one cup, there was a tiny plate with a small piece of cake on top. He sat down and handed Kurt his cup.

“I got a piece of their coconut cake for us to share. It's really good here.” Damn, now Kurt felt like a jerk.

“Oh, um, thank you.”

“Of course.”

“Listen,” Kurt cleared his throat, “I'm sorry, perhaps I was a bit, um, harsh earlier. I don't mean to come across as so cold.” He said his next words slowly. “I would really like for us to try and be...friends? It would make this whole situation a little easier if we liked each other at least a little bit.”

Blaine perked up at hearing this.

“Listen, Kurt, I'm not here to ruin your life. I'm just as upset about this as you are.” That was a lie. “I am required to get married just like you are.” At least that was the truth. “And I don't want you to cook me dinner or clean for me. And I don't expect us to fall in love or anything.” But he could hope for it.

“I just want us to be happy. For all I care, we can act like two roommates who just so happen to have signed a special piece of paper. I promise I won't get in the way of your Broadway career. In fact, I'm really proud of what you've accomplished. I always thought you were a really good singer, and I always knew you would make it big someday. I would never dream of getting in the way of that.” Blaine looked Kurt in the eyes. “And I hope that we can be friends too.”

Kurt didn't know what to say. He blushed at the compliment. He had been so cold, and now Blaine was being so sweet and considerate. Maybe he was just as good of a person as everyone always said he was. No! Come on Hummel, remember the goal. Broadway! I don't have time for relationships. Then Kurt remembered Rachel's words. Come on Kurt, give him a chance, at least try and be friends. Kurt sighed. He could do that. He could be friends with Blaine. After all, they weren't competing anymore. Kurt was on Broadway, Blaine was doing...whatever he did. Maybe they could get along when Blaine wasn't trying to steal everything away from him.

“Great!” Kurt said with mock enthusiasm. “So we can be friends. So, let's talk and get to know each other a little better. After all, you are going to be my husband.” Kurt batted his eyelashes flirtatiously and lowered his voice when he said the last sentence. Blaine swallowed his coffee hard.

“Right, husband.” Blaine reached down to one of Kurt's hands and held it. Kurt didn't move it or flinch or anything, so Blaine figured this was a good sign.
“So, where are we going to live once we're married?” Kurt asked.

“Well,” Blaine said, “right now I live with Sam. He and Mercedes are going to take over the apartment once they get married.”
“Right now I live with Rachel, but she's moving in with Jesse in just a few months. You could move into the loft. It's not to far from where you live now, right?”

“Right, okay, that sounds good.”

“You could just move into her room, so we could even have separate bedrooms,” said Kurt.

“Oh, yeah, that'd probably be for the best.”

“Blaine,” Kurt said looking at him intently, “we're not having sex.”

Blaine swallowed hard.

“Yeah, I know.” This meant that Blaine was going to be a virgin for life. He had never had sex before, and once he was married to Kurt, he couldn't have sex with anyone else. First, because he wasn't the kind of person to cheat, even if it was an arranged marriage, but second, because it was also illegal. If you were found cheating on your spouse, and it was proven, you could get thrown in jail.

“Great, just so we're clear. And we can both do all of our own personal cooking, and I'll make up a cleaning schedule.”

“Uh, okay, I guess that sounds good.” Geez, Kurt was controlling.

“Awesome,” Kurt said. “And as for the actual wedding, which we should probably have soon, like within the next three months, we can just go down to the courthouse and sign the papers. There's no point in having a ceremony, seeing as this isn't really real, and we can't plan one in such a short amount of time anyways. And obviously we're not going on a honeymoon since I can't take the time off from work, and I'm assuming you can't either.” Kurt narrowed his eyes.

“What exactly is it that you do, again?”

“Uh, well I was a music teacher, but recently I quit to be in my band. We just recorded our first single. Tina, Santana, and Sam are all in it too. That's why we moved to New York. We were in Ohio before. Mercedes is our producer. The company she works for is our record label. That's how we got discovered.”

“Oh,” Kurt said. “I guess that sounds cool. I should probably hear you guys play sometime.”

“Yeah, totally!” Blaine was getting excited. “We're doing a show on Saturday night at this club. I can get you on the list, and you can come hear us!”

“Well, let me check my schedule and see if I'm actually free on Saturday or not, but if I am, I'll go. Just don't get your hopes up too much.”

“Okay,” Blaine said, keeping his excitement in check. “I can do that.”

“Alright,” Kurt began to get up. “Well this has been great, thanks for meeting me…”

“Wait!” Blaine shouts out.

“What?” Kurt snaps frustratedly. What more could he possibly want? Kurt had been somewhat nice for at least the second part of their meeting, but now Blaine was just getting annoying again.

“Well, I don't have your number, for one. And also, I don't know, do you wanna meet again, and at least talk once more before we get married?”
“Like a date?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Kurt rolled his eyes. Did he have another option? He was gonna be marrying this guy. Might as well get used to his presence.

“Okay, sure.”

They exchanged phones and gave each other their numbers.

“How about Saturday afternoon, before our concert, we go and have dinner somewhere?” Blaine asked.

Kurt sighed. He really didn't want to have dinner with Blaine. But what choice did he have? He was marrying him. He had to get to know him sometime or other.

“Okay, sounds good.”

“Great! Pick you up at five oclock.”


They headed their separate ways. On his way home, Kurt couldn't help but think what a disaster this was going to be. Blaine couldn't have been happier.


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