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Matched: Divorce?

T - Words: 7,481 - Last Updated: Aug 21, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Jul 13, 2015 - Updated: Jul 13, 2015
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Author's Notes:

I hope you guys liked this chapter! There will be one or two more coming to cap things up, hopefully by the end of this week or next. Thanks so much for reading!

Kurt didn't know why he was surprised when Blaine was waiting for him in his dressing room after the night's show ended.

“Blaine, you don't have to come to my show every night. You know that, right?” Kurt asked as he closed the door and began to remove his makeup.

Blaine was sitting on the small, orange couch in the room, and he was holding a bouquet of red roses, just like the way he had been greeting Kurt every night for the past three and a half months. He stands up and walks towards Kurt.

“I know, but what can I say? You're just so good at what you do, and I love seeing you up there. You have no idea how much I love it. How much I love you,” Blaine said, sneaking up behind Kurt and wrapping his arms around his waist in a tight hug and resting his chin on Kurt's shoulder. Kurt didn't back away.

Lately, he had been trusting Blaine a little more. True to his word, he had given up the anti-Match meetings, even though Kurt had never asked him to. In fact, Kurt had encouraged him to go, at one point, but Blaine said no. It had been several months since the incident, and Kurt was starting to believe that he was really getting over it. They looked at themselves in the mirror for a few moments.

“Plus, in a few more weeks, I'll be gone on tour promoting the album, along with the rest of the band, and I don't want to miss a single moment with you.”

“Ugh, don't remind me. Who's gonna make breakfast for me for the three months that you'll be gone?”

Blaine chuckles.

“Well you could hire a cook. We make enough money now.”

It was true. Kurt, being a lead in a show on Broadway was making decent money. And Blaine's band had released their album, and it was an instant success. Their song had been playing on the radio for weeks. Kurt was almost sick of it. Well, he would be, except for the fact that he knew the song was a love ballad about him, written by Blaine.

Also, a lot of women, for whatever reason, assumed that Blaine was straight. It was impossible to count the number of times they had gone to a mall, or a Subway, and experienced women throwing themselves at Blaine. Then again, Blaine endured the same kind of torture with Kurt, except it was men throwing themselves at him. Needless to say, they had to get over a few petty jealousy issues for a while.

They walked back home enjoying comfortable conversation.

“You looked really good up there tonight,” Blaine said. Kurt rolled his eyes. Blaine told him this every single night, without fail. But tonight he decided to play along. He felt particularly loose tonight, mainly due to the splash of vodka that Elliott had snuck into his post-performance shake. But Kurt didn't know that.

“Well, what can I say?” He grabbed one of Blaine's hands, and held the roses with the other. He walked with a slight skip in his step and swung his arms a little.

“It's just that, gosh, there was this hot little piece watching me in the audience, and I just wanted to give him a good show.” Kurt gave his husband a smirk and winked. It took a few seconds for Blaine's expression to go from shocked, to confused, to pensive, to finally, realization.

“O-oh,” was all he could manage.

“Yeah, I know. I was hoping to get his number, but turns out, like all the other good ones, he's married.”

“Well,” Blaine said. “Maybe you'll get lucky tonight and find another… hot piece.”

Kurt's smile got a little brighter. He wasn't sure if Blaine understood what he was insinuating or not, but he kept it going.

“Yeah, I hope I'll get lucky tonight too.”

Alright, so maybe the vodka was making Kurt a little more than loose. It was making him insanely cheesy, and downright horny. Let's face it, Kurt was a complete lightweight.

When they arrive at the apartment, Kurt shocked Blaine further by pinning him against a wall as soon as the door was closed. He grabbed Blaine's waist and held him tightly. Blaine squirmed and laughed a little, still not fully understanding what was going on.

“Kurt, what are you doing?”

“Shh,” he replied, pressing himself against Blaine and kissing him firmly on the lips. “You're ruining it.”

“Ruining what?”
“The moment, Blaine.” He kissed sloppily along his jaw, and when he got to Blaine's ear, he whispered, “I want you.”

“Wha-?” Blaine was interrupted with another fierce kiss from Kurt. He struggled to catch

his breath. This was definitely not at all how he saw this scenario happening.

“Are, um… oh!” he says, temporarily distracted by Kurt, who is moving his lips along his neck.

“Are what?” Kurt mumbles against Blaine's skin.

“A-are you sure about this? Right now? You're not still too mad?”

Kurt breaks away and allows Blaine to catch his breath.

“Honestly? I was mad at you, for awhile. And I'm still not over it completely, but I love you. And you're going to be gone soon, and I'm not going to see you again for awhile. I just want to enjoy the time that we have left together.”

“Aw, Kurt. That's so sweet, I-”

He doesn't wait for Blaine to finish his sentence, just pushes forward and kisses him again. Blaine is getting lost in the hypnotizing duet that Kurt's tongue and hips are performing. His lips are relentlessly moving against Blaine's, and his hips- oh gosh… wait-

Blaine realizes his cell phone is vibrating. Kurt tears away from him and looks at Blaine's pocket.

“Are you going to answer that?”

“Uh, well… I mean, I can just ignore it, probably just Sam…”

“No, answer it! Blaine, what if it's something important?” He digs into Blaine's front pocket and slips his phone out before Blaine can stop him.

“Hello?” Kurt answers. “Oh hi Sam! What are you doing right now?”

“Kurt!” Blaine protests, but just as he reaches for his phone, Kurt twists away, keeping it out of his reach. He takes a few steps away from him.

“Uh huh, that's so interesting. You know, Blaine and I were about to do something interesting too!” Sam says something and Kurt giggles.

Oh my gosh, Blaine groans inwardly. He's drunk. Blaine feels stupid for not realizing this before. He turns his attention back towards Kurt.

“Yeah Sam! We should totally go on vacation together! The three of us! It's interesting that you say you want to experiment, because I've always thought that you were pretty attractive too, and… oof!” Blaine tackles Kurt onto the sofa.

“Kurt, give me the phone!” Blaine says, reaching for Kurt's outstretched arm.

“Nope!” Kurt yells in response. But then Blaine starts to tickle him. He didn't think it would have very much affect. Apparently, Kurt is extremely ticklish.

“Stop!” He screamed in a shrill voice, laughing infectiously. When Blaine had weakened him enough, Kurt rolled off the couch. Blaine succeeded in pulling the phone out of his limp hand.

“That was so unfair Blaine!”

“Hello, Sam?” Blaine said into the phone.

“Hey dude! So, the whole vacation idea? Totally won't go through with it if you're uncomfortable. And oh, I'm sorry if I interrupted anything between the two of you.”

“Please don't tell me this is why you called, Sam.”

“No dude! Of course not! I've got a way better reason than that! It's about Sebastian Smythe!”

“Um, how is that better, exactly?”

“Dude, because he won the election! He's going to try and get the Match law revoked! But in the meantime, he asked us to come and play for his victory party!”

“Oh, uh, that's great news, I guess.”

“Yeah! Look, I know that this is kind of a hard place for you and Kurt, and for me and Mercedes. I asked her, and she said it was alright, but why don't you ask Kurt and see what he thinks? You know, before we accept and ruin our marriages again.”

“Well, I would, but I don't think he's fully capable of answering right now. He's a little… d-r-u-n-k,” Blaine says, spelling it out.

“I can understand what you're spelling!” Kurt yells from his place on the floor, raising a finger indignantly. “And I am not drunk! I didn't even have anything to drink tonight, except for my post-performance juice!”

Elliott, thought Blaine.

“Look Sam, why don't I just ask him tomorrow morning when he's sober? I'll call you back then?”

“Alright, but not a moment after. The guy wants me to give him a reply pretty soon.”

“Okay,” said Blaine. “Goodnight Sam.” Blaine hangs up the phone. He grabs one of Kurt's hands and pulls him up.

“Come on, Kurtsie. We are going to bed.” Kurt drapes one of his arms around Blaine's shoulders.

“But I don't wanna go to bed.”

“Oh, sure you do. You just don't know it yet.”

The next morning, Kurt found himself lying in Blaine's bed, legs tangled around his husband's. He had the slightest headache, although he couldn't remember drinking any alcohol last night.

“Blaine?” he asked groggily.

His husband stirred in his sleep and murmured, “hmm?”

“What happened last night?”

Blaine sat up slowly, opening his mouth to give a big yawn.

“Well, you gave a great performance, as usual. Then, I think Elliott slipped a little something in your juice, and you got kinda silly.”

Kurt's eyes were wide in horror.


Blaine gave a light, breathy chuckle, still not having fully come out of his sleep.

“What exactly did I do last night?” Kurt asks his husband, an adorably worried expression on his face.

Blaine decides that it's better for Kurt not to know everything that happened last night.

“Oh, you know, just silly stuff, but nothing too stupid.”

Kurt eyes Blaine suspiciously.

“Okay… wait!”

Crap, he remembers, thinks Blaine.

“Didn't Sam ask about performing somewhere?”

“Oh, right.” Right. “Yeah, so apparently, that Smythe guy won the election.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“You do?” Blaine asked, surprised.

“Well of course. I was following his campaign. I mean, I've always been against this Match law from the start, too.”

“Right,” says Blaine. “Well, apparently he's throwing a victory party, and he wants us to play.”

“Oh, well that's great!”

“Yeah, well it would be, but Sam hasn't accepted yet.”

“Well why not?”

“Because he wanted me to make sure if it was okay with you first.”

“Why would I have to approve…”

Kurt furrows his eyebrows as he's thinking, then raises them in realization when he understands what Blaine is saying. He hesitantly reaches forward and grabs one of Blaine's hands. They are both sitting at this point, Kurt with his legs folded criss cross, and Blaine with his folded under his himself. It's around 11 oclock in the morning, but it's overcast, so there's just enough grey light filtering in, and not an obscene amount pouring through their curtains.

“I want you to go.”  

Blaine pauses before answering, just to make sure that he actually heard right.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes Blaine. I think that this is a good opportunity for you band. And Smythe had nothing to do with what happened. Honestly, what happened doesn't even bother me anymore.”

“Seriously?” Blaine asked incredulously. “It doesn't? Not at all?”

“Well,” Kurt huffed out a laugh. “Maybe it bothers me a little from time to time, but I'm mostly over it. It's hard to keep thinking about the one bad thing you did for a little while, when for the past three months you've been coming to my every show, making me breakfast every morning, and always letting me pick the movie for movie night.”

“That last one is a pretty huge deal.”

“It is!” Kurt exclaimed. “And I know that this is still important to you. You guys should play.”

“But Kurt, I… I just don't wanna make you upset.”

“You won't, you have my word. I'll be fine.”

Blaine sighed.

“Okay, let me call Sam.”

In the end, the performance at Congressman Smythe's party went very well. Kitty was there, and she talked to Blaine, but she knew better than to ask if he wanted to get involved or not. Kurt enjoyed himself talking to Mercedes, who was glad to see that he and Blaine had mainly made up.

“Are you going to miss Sam when he's away?” Kurt asked Mercedes.

“Yeah,” she said, “but I've got more than enough going on to keep me busy. Are you going to miss Blaine?”

“Yeah, I will. You know, we were going slow for a while, just acting like friends, but I feel ready to try and be close to him again. Which is ironic because I'm finally ready for that now that he's leaving for three months.”

“Well you know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

“Yeah,” Kurt sighed, “I'm sure it will.”

At that moment, Sebastian came up to the two of them.

“Why hello Kurt, Mercedes.” He nodded to the both of them. “I'm so glad you could make it to my party.”

“Well, we're glad to be here, Sebastian,” Mercedes said.

“Don't worry about anything, I intend to keep my word about everything I promised during my campaign. We will get rid of this match law.”

“That's awesome, Sebastian. Really looking forward to the day when we can actually be a free country again.”

“Of course. And when we do get this law abolished, and it's legal to get divorced again,” Sebastian said, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a small piece of paper resembling a business card. He slipped it into Kurt's jacket pocket and continued,  “...feel free to give me a call, honey.”

Sebastian gave him a smirk with a wink and walked away.

Mercedes cackled as Kurt watched him walk away in horror, mouth agape. He could feel the bile rising up in his throat.

“Gotta give him props, the man doesn't waste any time,” Mercedes said.

“Can you believe the nerve!” Kurt replied.

“So are you gonna use that number?”

Kurt reached into his pocket and ripped up the card.

“Most definitely not.”

A few weeks later, mere days before the tour, Kurt and Blaine were cleaning the apartment together. It was Sunday, and they had the radio on loud, blasting 70's music. The song playing right now was “Bennie and the Jets,” an old favorite of theirs. Kurt was singing while washing the windows and swirling his hips in time, while Blaine was twirling on the wooden floors and using the mop as a dance partner.

When the chorus played the second time around, they both yelled “Bennie and the Jets!” particularly loudly. Kurt was so distracted that he didn't notice the pigeon flying towards him, and screamed when it hit the window with a loud smack! and fell to the ground. Blaine, startled, slipped on some soapy mop water and fell on his bum.

“Oh my gosh!” Kurt ran over to Blaine, extending a hand to help. “Are you okay?”

Blaine groaned.

“Yeah, just hurt my pride,” he said as Kurt pulled him up. “Well, that and this mop handle.”

Kurt holds up one half of the mop handle that was now broken in two.

“Well, I guess we're done with mopping for the day.”

“Yeah,” Blaine chuckled as he took a step forward to pick up the other half of the handle. He slips again, and Kurt moves quickly to grab him around his waist to prevent him from falling again.

“Woah! Are you okay?” he asks.

“Yeah,” Blaine replies and turns around in Kurt's arms. “Better now that I've got you right where I want you,” he says flirtatiously.

Kurt opens his mouth in surprise. Blaine ran his hands up the sides of Kurt's arms and lowered his voice.

“You know Kurt, in a week and a half, I'm going to be leaving for a whole three months, and I'm really gonna miss you a lot.

Kurt found that his voice was suddenly dry.

“I… I'll miss you too.”  

Blaine smiles.  

“Really?” he asks.

“Um, I mean, yeah, but I'm sure you won't miss me too much; you'll have Sam, and Santana, and Tina, and all of your adoring fans. I'll just be an afterthought.”

“Oh Kurt, you know that's not true. And while those fans are nice, you and I both know they no one can compete with you.”

Kurt blushed.

“You really… Blaine, I… I don't know what to say.”

“You don't have to say anything, Kurt. Why don't you let me be the one to talk right now?”

Blaine's was intensely looking into Kurt's eyes, and Kurt still had his arms wrapped around Blaine's torso, supporting him from the almost fall.

“I know that the past few months have been pretty hard for us, and I'm so happy that you actually gave me another chance. But I just want you to know, that I never stop thinking about you. Yeah, for awhile, I was foolish, and let my support for a cause get in the way of our relationship. But I will never let that happen again.”

Blaine puts one hand on Kurt's chest. Kurt can feel his heart beat a little faster.

“Nothing will ever get between us again. Not even this tour, because when I'm up on stage, all I ever think about is you. With every lyric that I sing- in all of my songs, you're that beautiful lover, or the pair of haunting, soulful blue eyes, or face that I just can't get enough of. You inspire me, Kurt. You make me want to be better, you make me happy, you make me want to try. And now that I have you,” Blaine says, taking Kurt's hands in his, “I don't think that I can live without you.”

Kurt is tearing up at this point. He can barely speak.

“I… I”

“Kurt, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to,” Blaine says. Kurt nods furiously and wraps his arms around Blaine's neck, pulling him in for a close hug. They stay like that for a few moments, standing in their living room in a puddle of soapy mop water, afternoon sunlight streaming in.

“Thank you, for saying those things,” Kurt said.

It wasn't I love you, or a confession of his deepest feelings, but it was a start. Blaine would take anything he could get.

“You don't have to thank me for that, Kurt. I'm just being honest, something I should've done a long time ago. Hopefully we can always be like this.”

“I hope so too,” Kurt whispered.

Blaine and the rest of the band were almost done with their tour when they heard the news. They were currently in LA, and Sam and Blaine were sitting in their beds in their hotel room, talking about song selection when Tina burst in yelling.

“Oh my gosh guys! Did you hear the news!”

The boys both looked at her quizzically.

“No, we have no idea what you're talking about,” Sam said.

Santana walked in behind her.

“They did it! They finally repealed the Match law!”

“Are you serious?!” Sam yells, getting up and jumping on the bed.

“You bet,” Santana says, walking in behind Tina. “Now you can finally dump the Keebler elf, Blaine. They're letting everyone who was married because of the law get divorced with no questions asked.”

“Guys, I'm not getting divorced. Just like I know that none of of you are. I love Kurt.” Blaine said, raising an eyebrow in Santana's direction.

“He's right, I'm not getting rid of Mike,” said Tina.

“Yeah, and Mercedes and I are staying together no matter what. We've talked about it,” Sam said.

“Okay, well I'm staying with Brittney too, but I think Blaine might want to reconsider,” Santana said.

“And why is that?” he asked.

“Hmm,” Santana said, crossing her arms. “I don't know. Why don't you call your hubby right now and ask him? He'll probably be too busy humping Sebastian to answer. Oh wait, well actually, you can look right here.” She held up an issue of People magazine, turned to a page about Sebastian. The article's title read “Congressman Smythe divorces husband, has a new fling after abolishing law. The picture was of Sebastian and Kurt. Kurt had his arms wrapped around Sebastian, and it looked like they were exiting a party. Kurt looked like he was laughing, and Sebastian's face was twisted in a smarmy smile.

“Oh come on, Santana,” Sam said. “They're just… I don't know, hanging out. It's probably not even anything serious, right Blaine?” Sam looked at him, but Blaine's facial expression was still, looking at the magazine. Suddenly, he broke forward and ran out the door. Santana turned towards the others and shrugged.

Blaine kept running until he was out of the hotel and several streets away. He ran until he was panting heavily. Taking out his phone, Blaine dialed Kurt's number, which was on speed dial. They had been talking practically every other night. But today, the phone rung, and rung, and rung.

“Come on Kurt, pick up,” Blaine sighed exasperatedly. He got Kurt's voicemail, so he decided to leave a message.

“Hey honey, so I just saw something in a magazine about you and Sebastian. Do you care to explain what it's about? I love you, call me when you get a chance.”

He hung up the phone and dialed Rachel, who picked up immediately.

“Blaine!” she yelled into the phone. “How are you? How's the tour going?”

“Rachel! Have you seen Kurt lately?”

“Hmm, not since last weekend, no. Why?”

“Have you seen the latest issue of People magazine?”

“No, why? Ugh, did Andrew Rannell's say I was bossy again? Because I was just being helpful! And he totally deserved every word I said-”

“No Rachel! Just google Sebastian Smythe's name.”

“Sebastian Smythe? What's he got to do with anything?”

“Just do it Rachel.”

“Okay,” she says skeptically. He can hear her typing on a keyboard. She gasps.

“Blaine, oh my gosh, I had no idea. I'm so sorry. W-what happened? I thought you guys were good?”

“We were! I don't know what happened. And he won't answer his calls, and I…” Blaine starts choking up.

“Blaine! Calm down, okay? Don't worry about a thing. I'm gonna talk to him. I'll see what's going on for you. Gosh, this is so unlike Kurt. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you. And you're coming back in five days, right? So you'll see him then, and then I'm sure he'll be able to explain everything.”

“Oh gosh, I hope you're right, Rachel.”

It turned out that Kurt never called him back. He had sent Kurt several texts everyday, but Kurt didn't respond. He texted Rachel.

Kurt's not responding to any of my texts!

I know, he hasn't texted me back at all either! she replied.

Blaine was starting to worry at this point. When they arrived at La Guardia a few days later, Blaine said goodbye to the others and rushed into a taxi cab as fast as he could , giving the driver his address.

He rushed up the stairs to their apartment. When he swung open the door, he yelled as loudly as he could.

“Kurt? Honey, are you home?” He drops his suitcase and runs into the bedroom, then the kitchen. He's not home. Blaine sits down at the couch and drops his head in his hands. He'll have to come home eventually, right? Something on the coffee table catches his gaze. A manila envelope is resting there, the only thing on the wooden table besides the small potted cactus. Blaine picks it up and unwinds the string latch, turning it upside down and opening the mouth to let the papers slip out. He extends one hand with the intention of catching them, but as soon as he reads the first words, his shock freezes him, and the documents  slip through his fingers and onto the ground.

Divorce papers.

When Sam came over to the apartment later, he found Blaine sitting on the couch in fetal position. He was sobbing in a choked up manner, and he wouldn't look up at Sam. The door was unlocked, so he had been able to just walk in.

“Blaine, hey buddy, are you alright?” Sam asked.

Blaine didn't look up or say anything. He just sobbed harder.

“Hey, it's alright. What happened? Do you wanna tell me why you're so upset?”

Blaine dares himself to look up at Sam, knowing he must be a wreck. Sam gasps. Blaine must've been crying for hours. His face was all red, and his eyes were burnt with tears. When he spoke, his voice was raw. He leaned over and picked up a piece of paper and handed it to Sam. He barely held onto it, grasping it between two fingers as if it were some sort of poison. Sam grabbed it and read.

“I came home, expecting to find him here, but the only thing I found were those,” Blaine said, voice cracking.

“Divorce papers?” Sam asked, bending to the ground and picking the rest up in confusion. “But Kurt loves you! Why would he divorce you?”

“I don't know,” Blaine croaked. “I mean you saw those pictures from the magazine. What if he really is over me? What if he is dumping me for Sebastian?”

“Blaine, there is no way that's possible. Did you try calling him?”

“Of course I did Sam! That was like the first thing I tried. He hasn't been answering any of my calls, or Rachel's! It's like he's dropped off the planet of the earth.”

Sam gasped.

“You don't think that he's been kidnapped or anything?!”

Blaine rolls his eyes.

“No Sam, I don't.”

“There's gotta be some kind of clue around here!” Sam starts slowly walking through the apartment.

“Sam, what if he left me? What am I going to do with myself? I-”

“Well you can stop the pity party, because I have found our first clue!” Sam yells from the kitchen. He walks back over to the couch and hands a small, white square of stationary to Blaine.

Dear Blaine,

I'm sorry I wasn't home to greet you, but I was busy preparing some things. I hope that I will be able to make up for it tonight. Please meet me at the address below at 7:30. Wear something cute.

Love, Kurt


472 E. 32 Street

Blaine stared at the note.

“Obviously, this is a cleverly written note from Kurt telling you where his kidnappers have taken him. You have to go meet him there tonight. I'll come too, as backup obviously. Do you think that we should call the police?” Sam asked.

Blaine shook his head.

“Sam, I really don't think that he's been kidnapped. I'm sure he just wants to talk, probably get me to sign the…” Blaine sighed and closed his eyes. “The divorce papers,” he choked out with a sob. He flopped back on the couch and covered his eyes with his arm.

“Oh, come on now Blaine. I don't think that's…”

“Sam, you really think that it's more likely that Kurt got kidnapped then he wants to divorce me?”

“Absolutely! Come on Blaine! There's no way.”

Blaine just sighed and closed his eyes again.

“I hope you're right.”

Several hours later, Blaine, Sam, Mercedes, Tina, and Rachel were all at the address written on Kurt's note. Sam had convinced Blaine to bring them all as backup, just in case Kurt actually was kidnapped.

“And I brought my mace just in case,” Mercedes said.

“Yeah, and recently I've been taking karate classes,” Tina added. “So if the situation gets hairy, just let me take care of it guys.”

“Come on guys, we all know what's going to happen when we go in there. Kurt is going to be sitting at a little table with Sebastian, and they're going to be there, in love, and Kurt is going to ask me to sign the divorce papers.” Blaine's face was stony, and his eyes were still red from crying earlier. He still looked handsome, per Kurt's request, in a pair of navy pants and red button up shirt with a white cardigan.

The address on the paper turned out to be a restaurant, and a fancy one at that. Why Kurt would choose to break his heart here of all places, Blaine had no idea. If Blaine had to choose his ideal spot to break up, he would pick near a dumpster. That way, the place wouldn't be ruined because it already sucked. When people break up in nice places, then that just ruins that place forever.

“Alright, well we're ready whenever you are Blaine,” Rachel says, giving him a comforting pat on the back. Blaine gives her a weak smile.

“Yeah, I'm ready. Thank for being here with me, guys. I don't think I could be alone after this.”

“It's no problem, Blaine,” Mercedes said.

“Yeah, we've got your back,” Sam put his hand up for a high five, which Blaine weakly returned.

“Well, let's go in.”

They walked up the stairs into the doors of the restaurant. The whole place was on a hill, overlooking the Hudson River. The building looked post-modern, and when they stepped inside, Sam gasped.

“Woah, Blaine! Kurt picked the nicest restaurant ever to get divorced/kidnapped in.”

And he was right. The interior was whimsical, yet ethereal, just like Kurt. There were low hanging lights throughout the entire restaurant, and large, floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the Hudson river. The floor was a beautiful wood paneling stained a deep brown. There was an abundance of plants in the restaurant, and even though they were dead, it gave the place a sense of life. There senses were bombarded with white, green, and brown. It almost felt like a forest, contained inside of a box in Manhattan. They walked up to the maitre'd, a short, brown haired, olive skinned woman, who was giving them a pleasant smile.

“Do you have a reservation?” she asked them.

“Uh, I don't know,” Blaine stammered. “See, I think I'm supposed to be meeting my husband here, and-”

“Ah!” the woman said, a look of enlightenment crossing her face. “Is your husband Kurt Anderson-Hummel?”

Blaine blushed, still not used to the name.

“Yes, that's him.”

“Right this way,” she replied. “I'll tell you, I don't think he was expecting this many people, but I'm gonna take you all anyways. And if you decide you want to spend some alone time with your husband,” she said, winking at Blaine, “then I'd be happy to give your friends some different seats for the night.”

“Wait,” Tina whispered, grabbing Blaine's arm. “Kurt changed his last name?”

“Uh, yeah, he did. I didn't ask him to or anything, but he just did it.”

“Did you change yours?” she asked.

“No,” Blaine replied, a little guiltily.

“Well, it doesn't really matter much anymore, if you're getting divorced. Or if Kurt's kidnapped,” Sam said.

The maitre'd, who introduced herself as Kendra, led them down a wide hallway. Half of the hall was an elevated platform with more tables on it, next to large windows overlooking the city. When they turned a corner, Blaine saw that there were tiny balconies, with tables for two. They looked over a garden, full of bright, happy flowers and the scent of spring. They all were decorated slightly differently, and the one Kendra paused in front of was done up with hanging Chinese lanterns. She waited for them to catch up and motioned to the door.

“Well, this is your stop, tiger. Have fun.” She turned around and left the group there.

“Blaine, I think you should open that door,” Rachel said, a few feet away from it. They could see Kurt through the glass door. He had his back turned to them, and was leaning on the railing, looking at the large fountain in the middle of the garden.

“Okay,” Blaine sighed. He pulled the door open and walked through. Rachel, Tina, Sam, and Mercedes followed him. They all fit on the balcony that was surprisingly large. Blaine assumed that it was built that way for dancing, because when he stepped out he could hear the cool jazz that was playing.

Kurt turned around when he heard their footsteps.

“Blaine,” he says, eyes glimmering, and mouth turned up in the twinkling smile of a lover who's been separated from his partner for much too long. He walks over and instantly wraps his arms around Blaine.

“I... missed you so much,” Kurt whispers into his ear.

Blaine lets Kurt hold him for a moment, not bothering to think about the divorce papers, or Sebastian, or the fact that all their friends are gawking at them right now. He just let himself enjoy it. But then he pulled back.

“Kurt,” Blaine says, “what's going on here?”

“What do you mean?” Kurt asks, confused. “Didn't you get my note?”

“Well, yeah, I did, but that doesn't explain…”

“Blaine, I got this, let me take care of this,” Tina said marching forward and pushing Blaine over to the side. “How dare you do this to Blaine?!” she yells at Kurt.

“Uh… I'm confused, do what exactly?” he looks from Blaine to the other.

“Oh, don't play dumb!” Sam added, marching up to join Tina from his place on the wall where he had been lurking. Rachel and Mercedes raised their hands in disassociation and took a step backwards.

“Come on, Kurt!” Sam yelled, shoving Kurt's shoulder. You know exactly what we're talking about.

“Not answering your phone calls!” Tina begins.  

“The divorce papers,” Sam adds.

“Sebastian,” Tina comments again.

“And the kidnapping!” Sam yells.

“Okay,” Kurt exhales, still confused but deciding to cooperate. “I think I understand one of the things that you're talking about. The rest I'm not sure.” Kurt looks at Blaine. “I lost my phone, so if you were trying to call me, that's why I wasn't answering. I did leave you a couple messages on Facebook, to which you didn't respond.”

“Oh, that's why! Blaine never checks Facebook! He hasn't even accepted my friend request yet, and that was from like two years ago!” Sam exclaimed.

Blaine shakes his head.

“H-how did you lose your phone?” he asks.

“Well, lose is putting it nicely. Elliott got a little upset one night after the show and decided to throw things around. You know how he gets. My phone just so happened to be on one of the tables that he flipped over. It was crushed beyond repair, and I decided to wait to get a new one so that we could get a new plan together because I knew your contract was almost up.”

“Well, that kind of all makes sense,” Blaine said.

“Hold on just a minute. What about Sebastian?” Sam asked pointedly.

“What about Sebastian?” Kurt repeated, looking clueless as ever.

Tina reached into her purse and pulled out the magazine with the picture of Kurt and Sebastian. She angrily flipped through it to the picture and handed it to Kurt. He took it and when he read the headline, he laughed.

“Oh come on, you guys, of all people should know that you can't believe everything you read in a tabloid magazine. I was at some stupid birthday party for someone in the company. Sebastian happened to be there too. He got drunk beyond belief, and was stumbling all over the place, so I helped him get a taxi and get home safely. That's it. I was laughing because he was embarrassing himself.”

“Oh please,” Sam said. “It's just so convenient that you have an excuse for everything. What about the divorce papers. How are you going to explain that, huh?”

Kurt looked between the five of them, again, clueless.

“What divorce papers?”

“T-the envelope on the coffee table,” Blaine stammered out. “They were divorce papers. I thought you wanted me to sign them.”

“What?! No! Blaine, I got the mail this morning and that came from the government. I had no idea what it was; I didn't even open it. I had to leave in a hurry this morning to help Marley move from her apartment, so I just threw it on the table.”

“Wait,” Blaine said. “You were helping Marley?”

“Yes,” Kurt said. “She was finally able to divorce her husband, Jake, and she came to see me a few days ago. You gave her our address, remember? Anyways, she wanted to thank you, but I told her you were gone. We talked, and I asked if she needed help moving. That's why I wasn't at home to greet you. Which is why I left the note.” Kurt laughed weakly. “D-did you really think I wanted a divorce?” he asked, a hint of sadness to his tone.

Blaine blanched.

“Y-yeah, for a little while, I kinda thought you did.”

“Kinda?” Sam interrupted. “Kurt, Blaine was crying on the sofa for hours. Literally. He had to call me and I had to come piece his life back together. You should've seen him! He was a trainwreck-”

“Okay, Sam. I think he gets it,” Blaine says.

“Aw, Blaine.” Kurt moves forward again to give him another hug. “Wait,” he says, pulling back. “What did Sam mean about kidnapping, then?”

“Oh, Sam thought the note was fake and that you had been kidnapped, and that's why you weren't answering your phone. He thought we were going to meet your kidnappers tonight, and they were going to ask for ransom. That's why Sam insisted on coming, and bringing everyone else.”

Kurt laughed again. He looked between them all.

“Are you serious?”

Blaine nodded.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Wait, that means you really don't know why I planned this, do you?” Kurt asked.

“No, I actually have no idea why we're here,” Blaine replied, looking earnestly into Kurt's eyes.

“Okay,” Kurt said, pulling back from Blaine again and walking over to a chair. He pulled it out, and picked up a blue package from the seat. It was a gift box, wrapped in blue paper, and tied with a white ribbon. He walked back over to Blaine and handed it to him.

“Happy anniversary,” Kurt said, eyes twinkling.

Blaine looked up at Kurt, wide eyed and shocked.

“N-no. There's no way. I…” He turned to look at Sam, Tina, Mercedes, and Rachel, then back to Kurt. “I forgot our anniversary.”

“Yes, apparently,” Kurt said. “But I don't hold it against you, considering you just spent all day worrying that I was going to divorce you, which I would never do, by the way.”

“Alright,” Rachel said, interrupting. “I think that we should all just probably go right now, leave you two alone for some privacy.”

“But it was just getting good!” Sam said.

“Come on Sam,” Mercedes said, taking his arm and pulling him out. The two boys watched them all leave. When they were gone, Blaine looked up at Kurt.

“I can't believe you did this all,” he said.

Kurt took both of Blaine's hands in his.

“Well believe it mister. I love you, and there's nothing you can do about it.” Blaine's heart stuttered in surprise. It was the first time Kurt said “I love you” since Blaine had lied to him.


“Yes!” Kurt exclaims. “I don't know, I just missed you so much over the past couple months, when you were gone on tour. And especially the last few days, when I couldn't even talk to you. It drove me crazy, being apart. And that's when I realized, I really do love you. And before you ask whether I've forgiven you for the thing, I just want to say that I know you're not perfect, Blaine. But neither am I. I mean, I held a grudge against you for seven years, for no good reason. And you lied to me. So we both have things that we could work on, but I'm willing to work on them together if you are.”

Blaine nods vigorously, tears pooling at the corners of his eyes.

“I am, I definately am.”

Kurt chuckles in relief.

“Blaine?” Kurt asked.


“You didn't… you weren't thinking about getting divorced right? Just so we're on the same page, neither of us wants that, right?”

Blaine pulls Kurt in for a tight embrace.

“No, I could never… as long as you'll keep me around, I'm yours.”

“Well,” Kurt whispered, “I guess we're in this together, for life, huh?”

Blaine smiles against Kurt's neck.

“I guess so.”

“Say,” Kurt whispers. “This music is really getting to me. What would you say to a dance?”

Blaine pulls away and laughs in delight.

“For you, my love? Any day.”

They wrap their arms around each other and sway slowly to the music playing.

“I love you,” Kurt says.

Blaine smiles.

“I love you too.”


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