May 12, 2013, 4:19 a.m.
May 12, 2013, 4:19 a.m.
Chapter 28
It was still embarrassing to talk about, even though it had been weeks of deep kisses, roaming hands and hormones almost wrenching control from their grasp. Their resolve not to jump to anything they weren’t ready for was strong, but weakening with every single touch from one another. That couldn’t make them feel guilty, though, because the longer they were truly together – not just as best friends, but finally boyfriends – the surer they grew about what they had.
In the middle of August, when Kurt and Finn’s time at the shop had just ended, their parents announced the two of them were going to visit Carole’s family in Toledo for a few days, leaving the boys in charge of the house. Burt made a not-very-subtle suggestion that his step-son should have an eye on the shop during their absence, but Kurt spelled it out for Finn to make the message sink in anyway.
Kurt welcomed the news of having the house almost exclusively to himself with a mixture of excitement and dread. It was as if Burt and Carole knew he was hoping for an opportunity to invite Blaine to a sleepover that wouldn’t really consist of sleeping. At the same time, the thought of actually doing it filled him with more embarrassment than he’d ever felt in his life. He wasn’t really worried about not enjoying himself or being disappointed with Blaine. What terrified him was that Blaine could be disappointed with him.
And after weeks of utter bliss, he wouldn’t bear losing it.
‘My Dad and Carole are going to Toledo on Saturday,’ he told Blaine on Thursday, when they were throwing sticks for Goldie in Aileen’s tiny back yard.
‘You and Finn are staying?,’ Blaine asked, caught between surprise and excitement.
‘Taking care of the house, I guess.’ Kurt shrugged his shoulders and patted Goldie on the head, as she trotted up to him with a thin branch in her teeth. ‘Good girl. And Dad wants him to take care of the shop, too.’
They fell silent, consumed by near identical thoughts, yet too shy to voice them. Watching as the dog pranced around the square of grass gave them an excuse to avert their gazes from each other for long enough for Kurt to muster the courage to speak.
‘So- I was thinking- You know, my parents will be gone, and- I thought maybe we could have a sleepover,’ he said, feeling heat seeping into his face as he blushed fiercely.
That was enough for Blaine to grasp what he meant.
‘Oh. That kind of a sleepover.’
‘If you want. Only if you’d like that,’ Kurt hurried to add.
Blaine’s jaw dropped slightly, his mind temporarily overwhelmed by all of his Kurt-filled fantasies flooding back in.
‘I would like that,’ he answered eventually, his throat clenching when he realised reality could fall short of his fantasies. He was mostly worried he’d fail to satisfy Kurt, not the other way around. ‘So you’re saying we’re- we’re gonna have sex.’
‘That’s what I’m saying,’ Kurt confirmed. ‘If you’re ready.’
‘I’m ready.’
Kurt took a breath to get rid of the threat his voice would tremble when he spoke again.
‘Me too.’
Saturday was the day. The day Burt and Carole left for Toledo, warning their sons to behave one last time and waving goodbye. It was also the day Finn was spending the evening of with Puck and Mike on a tournament in some stupid game.
And it was finally the day Blaine was coming over. There would be nothing special in it, if not for the fact that – for the first time ever – Kurt’s greatest concerns before a sleepover weren’t food and drinks, but condoms and lube.
He’d been fidgeting ever since his dad and step-mom left. Having them out of the house was crucial; he’d hate to have his first time ruined by somebody – especially a parent – walking in on them. It was bound to be awkward without that anyway. Finn wasn’t supposed to be back before at least eleven, giving his brother and Blaine plenty of alone time. Kurt had given him explicit instructions to warn him if he was coming back early for whatever reason.
Eventually, six p.m. struck and Kurt could barely contain his nerves when the bell rang. He opened the door widely before Blaine with an anxious smile. His boyfriend seemed almost as agitated as himself, but it didn’t stop him from going for Kurt’s lips in greeting.
‘Hi,’ he said when his mouth was free again.
‘Hi,’ Kurt choked out in response. With his hand trembling, he laced his fingers with Blaine’s to hold himself steady. ‘Shall we go upstairs?’
Blaine swallowed and nodded.
Kurt led him by the hand all the way up to his bedroom. The curtain in the windows were drawn, basking the room in a delicate warm light. A few candles on the desk and chest of drawers added to the romantic atmosphere. The bedspread had been removed, the clean cream-coloured sheets inviting.
The boys stopped on the doorstep for a moment, hesitant, waiting for the other to make the next move. They knew it was what they wanted, neither felt pressured or unready. Deep down they were also sure this could never really harm their relationship, because in the end, this wasn’t as important as everything else they shared. It was still important enough to feel anxious about.
Determined to break the awkwardness, Kurt tugged Blaine to the bed. They laid down, facing each other, only their hands touching, their noses almost brushing against one another.
‘This is really confusing,’ Kurt breathed. ‘It’s like I know what to do, but I’m not sure I know how to do it.’
‘Let’s just do whatever feels right,’ Blaine whispered back.
Kurt swiped him with his eyes, taking in the beauty that was before him, and pushed his nervousness as far into the back of his mind as he could. He stopped thinking and pressed his mouth to Blaine’s, forcing him onto his back. Every kiss elicited an immediate reaction, every time they broke apart their eyes shone brighter, every smile they exchanged was wider. Their hands started sliding lower and lower, grabbing at shirts and finally pulling them off, just to discard them messily on the floor.
Blaine’s bare chest under his fingers distracted Kurt for a minute. He placed a series of kisses down his boyfriend’s sternum and stomach, making Blaine groan in frustration, when he stopped just below his belly button. Kurt smirked with satisfaction, perfectly aware of the state Blaine was already in.
‘Can I?,’ he asked, beginning to unbutton Blaine’s pants.
His fingers shaking, Kurt fumbled at the zipper, but eventually succeeded, leaving his boyfriend in his underwear. At the same time, Blaine reached to start removing Kurt’s pants. He wasn’t in the best position to do so, though, and after an awkward moment, Kurt finished the job himself.
‘Oh my god,’ Blaine sighed, barely able to keep his eyes of Kurt’s visibly stretched underwear.
‘How about we lose those, too?,’ Kurt murmured, leaning to Blaine’s ear and slipping a finger under the waist of his briefs, making him gasp.
‘Yes, please,’ Blaine answered in a miserably failed attempt at not showing just how close he was.
Before proceeding to removing their underwear, Kurt reached to the bedside table to get a condom and lube. Blaine eyed the objects with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Ultimately, though, he just wanted Kurt, and no amount of anxiety could ever overshadow that.
Taking off the last pieces of clothing made them stop for a moment. They had never seen each other naked, and as much as seeing each other’s boners on multiple occasions gave them an inkling what to expect, the view was fascinating nonetheless. Like the idea that they were able to have this effect on one another.
With just a tiny element of hesitation, Kurt took another glance at Blaine, and then he grabbed his boyfriend’s ankles and hooked them on his shoulders.
‘Does this feel right?,’ he asked.
They were lying in the tangled sheets sweaty and sleepy. It had been long since the last rays of sunshine were swallowed by the horizon, and the candles were dying one by one, leaving them in an almost complete darkness. Kurt had propped himself on his elbow and was running his fingers in gentle brushes along Blaine’s chest. They had exchanged few words in the last hour, both tired and consumed by a post-sex bliss. Their tiny contended smiles and timid, though joyous gazes said it all.
‘So-,’ Kurt finally breaking the silence, his hand reaching a little further down than earlier, sending chills down Blaine’s spine. ‘I guess this is what people call good sex.’
‘No, this is probably what they call amazing sex,’ Blaine corrected him.
Kurt couldn’t hold back a wide, satisfied grin.
‘How about we call it amazing love-making?,’ he suggested. ‘I guess sex is- you know- It’s just sex, and that was-‘
‘More,’ Blaine finished for him.
‘So much more,’ Kurt agreed, and kissed Blaine’s red lips again.
‘If our first time was this good, though,’ Blaine said as they parted, ‘do you think it’s going to still get better? I’m not even sure there is any better.’
‘We’ll see, I suppose. Maybe there is something better.’
They fell silent again for a spell, and Kurt’s eyes wondered down to his chest. A bright pink spot under his right collarbone caught his attention.
‘Hey, you marked me!,’ he said in surprise.
‘I guess I did,’ Blaine replied smugly. ‘That’s because you’re mine.’
‘Am I?’ Kurt sent him a sideways glance.
‘And I’m yours.’
This addition appeased Kurt.
‘How about I mark you now?’
Blaine squinted, considering the proposition, but eventually shook his head.
‘How about we do something else first?,’ he asked.
Before Kurt had time to answer, Blaine was pushing him back onto the bed and beginning to kiss his way down his boyfriend’s stomach.
‘Oh my god, yes,’ Kurt gasped, closing his eyes.
Kurt snuck out to the kitchen early enough to hope Blaine wouldn’t wake up for at least another hour. The probability for Finn to show up downstairs at this time on a Sunday, especially after a night out, was also quite slim. The aim was to prepare breakfast and wake Blaine with the scent of coffee.
What Kurt had not foreseen, though, was that Blaine would hear him tiptoeing out of the room and follow him downstairs when he didn't get back for several minutes.
‘What are you doing?,’ Blaine asked from the kitchen doorstep.
Kurt flinched startled, and scowled at his boyfriend.
‘You ruined it!,’ he said indignantly.
‘Ruined what?’ Blaine walked up to Kurt at the counter, putting his arms around the other boy's waist and pressing his lips to his bare shoulder.
‘Our romantic breakfast in bed.’
‘I don’t have to eat in bed,’ Blaine said, nuzzling his nose in the crook of Kurt's neck. ‘Actually, I'm kinda happy I ruined it, ‘cause now you won’t be able to blame me for getting crumbs on your sheets.’
‘Oh, I’d blame myself, don’t you worry.’
Kurt poured Blaine a cup of coffee, ordering him to sit and wait for the food. His boyfriend obeyed, watching him with a soft smile on his face. Somehow all the awkwardness from last afternoon had entirely vanished. Their morning after was as natural as it would have been if they hadn’t had sex the previous night.
‘Do you know what I kinda wish I could do right now?,’ Kurt asked unexpectedly.
‘No. What is it?’
Kurt turned to face him with an expression of uncertainty.
‘I wish I could talk to my best friend about the amazing night I had.’
He bit his lip, anxious he’d anger Blaine.
‘Why don’t you, then?,’ Blaine asked, adding one more spoon of sugar to his coffee and smiling crookedly.
‘Because he was kinda with me the whole time.’ Kurt's voice trailed off for a moment. ‘I can tell him one thing, though.’
Blaine raised his eyebrows, as Kurt sent him the most seductive look of all he’d ever gotten.
‘He’s listening.’
‘It wouldn’t have been half as amazing if I had been with anyone else.’
Blaine’s grin widened.
‘I’m pretty sure he feels the same way.’