PART THREE: Chapter 18 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Unintended: PART THREE: Chapter 18

E - Words: 1,965 - Last Updated: May 12, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 87/87 - Created: Sep 28, 2012 - Updated: May 12, 2013
136 0 0 0 0

Chapter 18

The door banged close behind them, all their stuff from the beach was cast aside, and everything Blaine could feel was that Kurt’s body pressing his against the wall. Somehow their sex talk from earlier made them barely capable of keeping their hands off of each other, and making out in public was something they wouldn’t venture. Kurt’s lips placed small urgent kisses down Blaine’s neck, eliciting a sigh that was most definitely a sound of contentment. It almost drove Kurt crazy, and he groaned, pulling Blaine by the front of his shirt to the nearest of the two beds and pushing him down.

‘Wow, Kurt, wait a second,’ Blaine choked out, as Kurt straddled him and was already leaning to resume his previous activity.


Kurt looked up innocently into Blaine’s confused eyes.

‘I thought we were going to take things slowly,’ Blaine said.

‘Oh.’ Kurt straightened, but didn’t move from his place on top of his boyfriend. ‘I wasn’t going to- you know- rip all your clothes off or anything.’

‘So this is just making out?’

Kurt nodded without hesitation.

‘Just making out. Making out’s fine, right?’

Instead of answering, Blaine pulled Kurt down, catching his lips midway in a kiss. Feeling Kurt’s weight on his body, their mouths joined, the smell that was so intensely Kurt in his nostrils, made Blaine’s heart flutter more than ever before. His mind was filled with nothing but how all this felt, and his hands slid from Kurt’s chest down to his waist, unknowingly pulling his shirt halfway up.

‘Hey, I thought we were supposed to stay dressed,’ Kurt muttered, lifting his head from where he was sucking at Blaine’s neck to glance at Blaine’s face.

‘Oh, sorry,’ Blaine mumbled, realizing where his hands had wandered, and removing them quickly. ‘I didn’t mean to...’

‘And I didn’t mind.’ A playful smile crept onto Kurt’s face, as he went back to what he hope to be leaving a very prominent mark just under Blaine’s jaw.

‘You didn’t?,’ Blaine asked, barely able to stop himself from sighing embarrassingly loudly and feeling the familiar sensation of a tightening in his pants. (He was also quite sure Kurt was already hard as well, but he wouldn’t dare checking.)


In split seconds, Blaine’s hands were back under Kurt’s shirt roaming down his back and sides, and then up his chest. Kurt groaned against Blaine’s neck in response, and that was probably the sexiest sound Blaine had ever heard in his life.

‘I think- I think we should stop,’ Kurt stammered.

‘You’re probably right,’ Blaine agreed, but his boyfriend was still hovering over him. ‘It would help if you- got off me.’

Reluctantly, driven only by his reason, Kurt shifted and dropped onto the bed next to Blaine.

‘I guess that wasn’t exactly taking it slow,’ he said, wincing.

‘Guess not.’

Blaine smiled at him, reaching to brush away a strand of hair that fell onto Kurt’s forehead in the heat of the make-out session. God, Kurt looked even more beautiful like that; a little dishevelled from the passion, flushed, his lips red and delicious (now Blaine knew exactly how delicious they were, he didn’t have to imagine anymore).

‘But let’s assume that’s what happens when two hormonally unstable teenagers get together while sharing a motel room, on vacation in California without adult supervision,’ Kurt summed up.

‘That sounds accurate,’ Blaine chuckled, turning to his side so that he didn’t have to twist his neck to look at Kurt.

‘I’m glad that we did, though,’ Kurt said, lacing his fingers with Blaine’s. ‘Get together, that is.’

‘Me too. It’s been really- great so far, hasn’t it?’

Kurt’s lips twitched up at the corners.

‘Yeah, it has. But I didn’t mean all that,’ he went on. ‘It was getting tiring and terribly difficult keeping that from you. That I was... That I was in love with you.’

Even though it had become clear what Kurt felt for him, hearing it in those words instead of the three he was used to exchanging with him, somehow made it more legitimate.

‘It was hard not telling you that, either,’ Blaine said. ‘Don’t you think it was kinda silly of us to even think we should look for boyfriends somewhere else? We had each other all this time, and we ignored it for so long.’

‘We definitely weren’t the smartest,’ Kurt agreed. ‘But we’re smarter now.’

They smiled at each other, their gazes met, loving and gentle.

‘Baby steps?,’ Blaine asked.

‘Baby steps.’


The next day was spent in its entirety on nothing but doing nothing. Puck finally went to check out the more prestigious parts of the city to try and check if he could count on getting enough clients for his pool-cleaning business. Finn was forced to accompany him, just to make sure there would be no trespassing or jumping over fences involved. Brittany and Santana mostly kept to themselves, taking long walks along the edge of the ocean and escaping the waves with fits of giggles. (Kurt thought that they made a really cute couple and wondered how he’d never figured out there was something going on between the two girls for a long time).

As a result, Kurt and Blaine were stuck with Rachel. They probably wouldn’t have minded, if they weren’t still in the honeymoon phase, and didn’t wish to get every moment they could alone. Having Rachel around was a little bit like having a chaperone, exactly at the moment when they were supposed to have none.

‘This is so nice to hang out with you, guys,’ she said, settling on her back between them on the beach, before either could protest and tell her to move. ‘You’ve been running off on your own too much lately.’

She sent them a mischievous look over her sunglasses.

‘Well, Rachel,’ Kurt began tentatively, ‘it might have something to do with the fact that me and Blaine want to be on our own. I bet you and Finn want that, too.’

‘We do,’ she sighed and jumped up, sitting cross-legged on their blanket. ‘But we barely get a second alone. Puck’s always around.’

Blaine frowned. ‘Isn’t he like running around and picking girls up?’

Rachel pouted, folding her arms securely on her chest.

‘I wish. All he and Finn do is play some stupid male-bonding games I don’t get, and he won’t take a hint,’ she complained.

‘Maybe we could talk to Puck and persuade him to give you some space?,’ Blaine offered.

Kurt nodded vigorously in agreement.

‘Oh, thank you, you are the best!,’ Rachel said, grabbing them simultaneously in a hug, each with one arm.

‘Ouch! Next time you want to strangle us, warn us first,’ Kurt grumbled, pulling away from her embrace and massaging his neck.

She blushed a little, but placed her hands gingerly clasped together in her lap.

‘Sorry. I’m just happy I may finally get some alone time with my boyfriend.’

Kurt elbowed her playfully and winked at her.

‘At your service, my lady. Though I’m not sure our parents would be thrilled about what we’re enabling here.’

Rachel’s eyes bulged, as the meaning of his words sank in.

‘Oh God, Kurt, I didn’t even think of that!,’ she scolded him, her cheeks turning a deep shade of pink.

Blaine raised an eyebrow at her and exchanged a look with his boyfriend.

‘Oh. So you two haven’t...?,’ Kurt started.

‘No, of course not!,’ she hastened to clarify. ‘I mean, we got back together a month ago, and I’m not sure I’ll be ready for that at least until I get my first Tony.’

Kurt suppressed a smile that was forcing its way to his lips at her words.

‘Okay, I shouldn’t have assumed,’ he said simply.

Now it was Rachel’s turn to be curious. She glanced from one to the other a few times.

‘And what about you two?,’ she asked.

Their faces felt burning, but they couldn’t help but grin a little at the thought of yesterday’s make-out session. Blaine could feel Rachel’s gaze slip one more time to the hickey on his neck (he’d already heard enough comments about it at breakfast; somehow they made him much more pleasantly giddy than embarrassed).

‘We haven’t been a couple a week yet, Rachel,’ Kurt said firmly.

‘I know, I just thought that maybe- you know- you have a room all to yourselves, so-‘

Kurt rolled his eyes and flopped onto the blanket closing his eyes.

‘Okay, I’m done. This conversation is over.’


The following morning provided Kurt with a chance to have a talk with Puck as they were loading their suitcases into the cars before leaving LA for San Francisco. He felt a little silly doing this, but the others were checking if they hadn’t left anything in any of the rooms, so that could be the only chance to fulfil what he and Blaine promised Rachel.

‘Puck?,’ he started slightly reluctantly.

‘What’s up?,’ the other boy asked, eyeing Kurt suspiciously. ‘Just to be clear, I like threesomes with two girls plus me only.’

Kurt sent him a glare and dismissed the remark.

‘Rachel was complaining a little yesterday,’ he said slowly. ‘About you not letting her and Finn have a moment alone.’

‘Yeah,’ Puck nodded, unfazed.

Kurt took a deep breath, wondering whether Noah was playing dumb or not.

‘So she kinda wishes you would be so nice as to let them have some alone time.’

For a moment Puck seemed to be considering Kurt’s words, but then he shrugged his shoulders, and said, ‘Nah.’

‘Why? Is it so hard to occupy yourself for an hour to give them some space?’ Kurt was beginning to feel annoyed, and it wasn’t even his relationship he was intervening for. ‘Finn’s supposedly your best friend, don’t you want him to have some fun while we’re here?’

Suddenly, Puck’s face lit up in a broad, smug smile, stopping Kurt from adding anything more to his little speech.

‘Oh my god, you’re doing this on purpose!,’ he said incredulously, and Noah’s grin widened even more.

‘Sure thing,’ Puck agreed. ‘Finn really is my best friend, and that’s why I don’t wanna let him make the same mistake I did. You know we promised your dad we’d come back just the seven of us, no more, no less, right?’

‘Yeah, so you of all people became the self-appointed chaperone?,’ Kurt asked dubiously. ‘Why?’

Puck sighed, taking a step closer to Kurt. They had probably never been standing this close while talking.

‘I know people generally think I’m dumb,’ Noah said. ‘That I can’t learn from my mistakes. But I can. And I don’t want Finchel to make a mistake like I did with Quinn.’

‘Okay.’ Kurt smiled up at him and started walking back upstairs to fetch Blaine. ‘Just so you know, you don’t have anything to worry about. Rachel isn’t Quinn. And for all it’s worth, I don’t think you’re dumb.’

‘Thanks, dude,’ Puck said and bit his lip to hide a smile. ‘But you and Anderson don’t have to worry. You can’t knock each other up, so I won’t be a cockblock.’

Kurt snorted, and shaking his head, stuck out his middle finger in his friend’s direction.


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