May 12, 2013, 4:19 a.m.
May 12, 2013, 4:19 a.m.
Chapter 16
‘You’re not mad, right?,’ Kurt asked, when the rest of their friends were already discussing which attraction to check off their list first.
‘No, I’m glad they know.’ Blaine smiled, squeezing Kurt’s hand lightly.
It was still strange to be holding hands with anyone in public like that, but neither of the boys could deny it felt wonderful. After months of keeping their hands carefully to themselves, they were free to do exactly what they’d been dreaming of all this time. A few disapproving looks were sent their way by some parents with bunches of children, but Kurt and Blaine didn’t even notice it. There was close to nothing that could kill their persisting new relationship high.
‘I told my Dad,’ Kurt admitted sheepishly. ‘I kinda promised him I would, so...’
Blaine froze for a split second. Obviously, Burt liked him as his son’s best friend, but he couldn’t know, if that would stay the same now that he was Kurt’s boyfriend.
‘And?,’ he asked, tension straining his voice.
‘Relax, he said he’s happy for us,’ Kurt said. ‘And don’t worry, he already adores you, so it won’t change a thing.’
‘Guess you’re right. I probably should call Aileen, though.’
‘Yes, you should, but first we’ve got more pressing matters to take care of.’ At that Kurt tugged him forward through Main Street, U.S.A. to catch up with the others.
Disneyland was fun, just as amazing they’d hoped it to be. The rides and the attractions kept them busy until early evening, when their phones and cameras were bursting with photos, and everyone was grinning like a five-year-old in their Mickey Mouse ears.
Brittany kept addressing the characters as if they were real, to their confusion and a kind-hearted amusement of the group of her friends. Santana kept a straight face, never leaving her girlfriend’s side and holding her hand gently.
‘I was you for Halloween last year,’ Brittany confessed solemnly to Tinker Bell. ‘You’re like my hero. And you’re a fairy, and that’s just so cool.’
Tinker Bell didn’t know how to respond, but finally checked herself and smiled as politely as she could. Hiding that she thought Brittany must have been crazy was a tough task, and she was failing.
‘Well, thank you. What’s your name?,’ the fairy asked, sweetening her voice as if she was talking to a child.
‘It’s an honour to be your hero, Brittany.’
The exchange made Brittany’s day and nobody felt inclined to explain to her that none of the characters were real-life inspirations for their cartoon counterparts. There was no harm in Brittany thinking there were fairies living in Disneyland, after all.
And for Kurt and Blaine few things were now anything but magical.
Blaine decided Aileen really had to know about him and Kurt, and he realised he couldn’t wait to tell her. In the last months, she’s become not only a guardian, but also a friend to him, taking up a special place in his heart. Even though not quite as big as Kurt’s, big enough to truly matter.
He walked out of the room to make the call, using the moment when Kurt left for the shower.
‘Blaine! How’s California?,’ Aileen asked joyfully as soon as she picked up his call.
‘Hot and sunny, 90210-esque, I guess,’ Blaine replied, suddenly nervous of her reaction. ‘Aunt, I’ve got something to tell you.’
Several seconds passed before she spoke again.
‘What is it?,’ she asked strangely calmly.
‘Um, it’s about me and Kurt-‘ His voice trailed off, as he began searching for the best way to put it. ‘Um- I guess we kinda- got together.’
‘And?,’ Aileen prompted, still not revealing any emotion.
Blaine’s anxiety was skyrocketing by now, his palms sweaty, half from the heat, half from his nerves.
‘You’re not going to tell me we can’t share a motel room anymore, are you?,’ he asked shakily, just as her joyous laughter filled his ear.
‘Of course not, honey! Thanks for telling me,’ she said. ‘Even though I have to admit a little birdie has already shared that piece of news with me.’
Blaine was almost asking who that was, when it hit him.
‘Burt,’ he groaned.
‘Yup, but there’s no need to panic, he’s just as happy as I am,’ Aileen assured him. ‘Now go back to Kurt before he starts missing you. I still require regular reports from you, though.’
‘Okay,’ Blaine mumbled. ‘Thanks, Aunt. I’ll text you tomorrow.’
‘Be safe, honey. Take it as you will.’
With a chuckle, Blaine ended the call.
He was just about to go back into the room, when a thought crossed his mind. Having unlocked his phone one more time, he typed U were right. Kurt & I got together. His finger hesitated over the send button for no more than a second, and before he had time to push the room door open, his cell chimed with a new text.
That’s awesome, squirt.
That night they fell asleep snuggled to each other again. After months of not letting themselves as much physical closeness as they’d wished to have, they couldn’t mind less that the bed was narrow. Having each other in a tight embrace made them feel safe, closed off from the rest of the world, blissful.
Blaine was the first one to wake up in the morning, which gave him the opportunity to watch Kurt sleep, brush away the strands of hair that fell onto his forehead, trace those wonderfully chiselled features that were nothing short of perfect. There was still an element of disbelief in Blaine, whenever he reminded himself that Kurt was his, that this was real, that his feelings were truly reciprocated.
Kurt stirred awake, his eyes immediately rising to his boyfriend. It felt like a miracle to wake up to Blaine’s adoring stare and that tiny smile that flickered unconsciously on his lips.
‘Hi,’ Kurt whispered.
‘Hi,’ Blaine replied, leaning down to kiss Kurt lightly.
‘Oh, no, no, morning breath,’ Kurt stopped him a couple inches from his face.
‘I don’t care,’ his boyfriend insisted. ‘I want a good morning kiss.’
Kurt eyed him doubtfully. ‘Really?’
This time Blaine wasn’t denied his kiss, and soon it wasn’t one, but a hundred kisses exchanged surprisingly lively, considering the early hour. Kurt shifted to his side to pull Blaine closer, completely ignoring the morning tightness in his pants. It was difficult to be ignored, though, the moment their bodies were flush against each other, creating just the amount of friction to make Kurt back out with a squeal as he realised what his body’s reaction was.
A quick glance down proved to him what he’d already known; his pyjama pants were ruined and he had to somehow face his boyfriend about it. This was probably one of the most mortifying morning make out sessions in the history of the world, and he couldn’t be convinced he was wrong.
It didn’t take long for Blaine to figure out what had happened.
‘Oh my god, this is so embarrassing,’ Kurt mumbled, his eyes still carefully averted from Blaine’s.
‘Hey, come on.’ Blaine pushed his boyfriend’s chin up. ‘It’s not. It’s hot. And flattering.’
Kurt bit his lip, trying to fight off the stupid blush that made his face beetroot red. How was he ever supposed to overcome his shyness and actually have sex, if that was enough to embarrass him like this?
‘Is it? Don’t just tell me things like that to make me feel better,’ he muttered.
‘Do you really think I don’t mean it?,’ Blaine asked. ‘I mean it. I really, really do.’
Only half-convinced, Kurt nodded infinitesimally. His cheeks were still burning and he wouldn’t dare look at Blaine yet.
‘So have you-’ Kurt took in a sharp breath to muster some courage before blurting out his question. ‘Have you considered us having sex?’
He finally glanced up at Blaine.
‘Of course I have.’ Blaine ran his fingers along Kurt’s jaw line, tender and soothing against his flushed skin. ‘What do you think I was thinking of when I was taking care of my own morning situation before you woke up today?’
Kurt’s breath hitched, partly because it was astonishing to have anyone jerk off while thinking about him, and partly because he had no idea how to respond to a confession like that.
‘Se-seriously?,’ he choked out finally, staring blatantly at Blaine.
And just to back his words up, Blaine pressed his lips to his boyfriend’s, running his hand down Kurt’s spine, and making him shiver. A gasp escaped Kurt’s mouth when Blaine’s fingers slipped under his shirt, tracing all the way up his back, pulling them as close as they could be.
Only this time, it wasn’t Kurt who suddenly felt like his pants were too tight.