The Lucky One
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The Lucky One: They tell you that you"re lucky.

E - Words: 5,187 - Last Updated: Sep 14, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Feb 09, 2014 - Updated: Feb 09, 2014
201 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

*please don´t hate me?*

They tell you that you´re lucky but you´re so confused.


This time Kurt was faced with an unknown problem he should have been familiar with. He lied every day, pretended to be someone else to cater to the client´s wishes whenever he needed to, and yet the domesticity of having a sort of formal date had him sweating under the suit jacket.

It was this pretentious environment, this tie that cut his throat like a coiling snake and the man he had learned was named Blaine. Blaine with his doe eyes and his smile and his damn look. He believed every lie Kurt told and seemed so innocent at that.

“Have you ever been here before?”
“Once or twice.” Kurt lied.”Whenever I felt lonely in my apartment I´d come here, not that I´d want to bother you with details.”

Blaine looked crestfallen. “It´s the same with me actually. The reason I come here is in hopes of meeting someone but whenever I did, I was no more than drunk in the evening and as lonely as I had been at my arrival. Hearing I could have met you even for tonight is actually astonishing and disappointing at the same time.”

Kurt may not be the expert when it came to dating, but he sure was when it came to reading people. It came with his line of work, where he had to quickly know someone in order to be what they wanted. Blaine´s heart must have been broken recently, the way his eyes got sad and his shoulders slumped. He played with the only ring he wore as if it meant something. Heartbroken men were the worst, miserable and demanding. They always wanted him to be someone else.

Did Blaine want him to be someone else?

“But if we had met earlier, you would have had somebody else with you, isn´t that true? And where would that leave us?”
“What do you mean?” Blaine asked, voice hitched.

Kurt sipped on his new drink. “I mean, don´t get me wrong, I am not trying to overstep the boundaries.” He reminded himself of the shy act.”Forget what I said.”
“No, no. Please, tell me. I will not be offended by you being honest.”
“This is a wild guess but, uhm, you just got out of an relationship it seems and now you are on a date. If this is a date I mean, it is your call…I better shut up now and let you safe me from embarrassment.”
For a short second Blaine looked at him as if he saw through the façade, but then Kurt realized he was just trying his hardest not to let the tears fall that were rising in his eyes.

“It´s okay for you to ask, especially since you are right. He was an asshole though and speaking about him would ruin your night and mine.” Kurt simply nodded.”So Kurt, how old are you and what do you do whenever you don´t have dates with a whiny stranger?”

“So this is a date?”

“Awkward conversation started in a restroom? Check. Talking about an ex-boyfriend? Check. Asking boring questions? Double Check. Seems like we can officially call it a date.”

Kurt never laughed outside of his family. There was no reason to. It was probably the tension that let him relax for even just a second and let out a short laugh. Blaine´s grin got even wider and his eyes finally lost the solemn touch.

“I´m sorry, those really were the most boring questions ever. Why don´t we just talk about a common interest we share. Like spending lonely nights in a bar?”

“That would be great.” Kurt replied.

Despite them not asking the usual questions, Kurt had a whole folder of lies he needed to remember and things about Blaine bestowed right upon them.

Blaine was 26, Kurt told him he was 23 when he was actually 19. Blaine worked as an art critique and wrote his own music, Kurt claimed he was about to graduate Harvard Law. Blaine liked art, Kurt said he loved it too and would love for Blaine to explain some abstracts to him. Blaine´s favorite musician was Andrea Bree – a pop singer, Kurt truthfully said he loved musicals the most.

Blaine drank red wine and liked to touch Kurt´s arm while they talked and Kurt let him.

“Law student who loves art and musicals? I think you are one of the most intriguing people I have ever met.”

“Says the art critic slash song writer.”
“No I really mean it, you should meet yourself.”

The warmth spreading inside of him was unfamiliar, at least in his stomach. Blaine´s touches, his heart eyes, they made him weak. And he couldn´t afford to be weak.
“Can I ask what your parents think of you being gay?” Kurt suddenly said.

In return Blaine retreated his hand, losing a bit of his smile.

”I came out when I was fifteen and they- don´t get me wrong they were never abusive or hateful, but I felt the tension seep into my house. They spoke to me less, they stopped hugging or praising me, as if that was the reason for my sexual orientation. This one time my dad built a car with me, because you know, cars make people manlier it seems. Then one day, there was an accident-.”Blaine stopped for few seconds.”After that they must have realized that I was still their son, gay or not. I am not saying that it would be the same if I hadn´t been gay, but they have accepted me.  Without them I wouldn´t have made it to New York, gotten a great apartment and a college degree. They even supported me in some off-Broadway musicals I starred in, front row, even hugged me a little too forceful and long after that. My dad is a weirdly soft hugger for someone who builds cars.”

The last bit had obviously been meant to break the tension and it did. Blaine was ever so chipper and Kurt was reminded once again why it was okay to lead him on. Blaine was loaded, had a family that he could return to at Thanksgiving and he took it for granted. No sweet gesture could make those facts disappear.

“How about you? What are your parents like? Any siblings?”

“Just one. Finn is eleven and you should meet him. He has this huge mouth he likes to talk with the whole day, it drives you nuts and-“ Fond eyes returned him to the present. As much as he loved to gush about Finn, it could wait. He had a greater goal. ”and he has the softest heart.”

If Blaine noticed him not answering the other questions, he didn´t comment on it. Instead he said:”Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to make you smile?”

“What?” Kurt checked his face - still smiling he returned.”I´ve been smiling the whole night…because of you.”

“No you have not, but I hope that will change in time.”

Blaine was obviously past tipsy. His hand intertwined with Kurt´s on the table top and his eyes seemed to trace every line of Kurt´s face. For once, he could believe the gullible man to be judging art. Feigning to be shy and actually feeling uncomfortable at being regarded, Kurt lowered his head.

“Hey, no.” Blaine´s free hand felt soft when it tipped Kurt´s chin back up.”I like to keep looking at the most fascinating piece of art as long as I can.”
“I am not art.”

“If only you could see. People never call themselves as they are, afraid to be judged for being realistic. The world is always out to make them feel miserable on behalf of others. Kurt, you truly are art. You seem so open, like a painting with bright colors that intrigues the viewers to come closer and once they are closer, they can no longer see the picture. That is what you are. The closer I am, the better I seem to see the doors you keep closed and want to know what you hide.”

“Stop.” Kurt tried, irritation showing for once.

“It´s like the painter didn´t want anybody to actually understand the message of you and yet here you are, because he still wanted people to try.”

He gulped, throat closed with anger. Blaine was so wrong and stupid to believe he would ever get to understand him. He´d never let anybody that close. But maybe he was right. Maybe Kurt was art, a picture tainted every day by new painters that would leave and he´d never be able to wash their color off. They were the ones that had ruined the once colorful canvas and painted it black. Blaine would just be another one to color him darker and he wanted him to, to get rid of these ounces of hope he´d never thought he´d feel again. There was no more hope for him.

So he forced another smile, shook himself free of any touch.

“You, sir, are obviously drunk.”
Blaine´s face was somber. “Am not. Everything I said, every line, as cheesy as it may have seemed, was what I truly believe in.”

Kurt laughed, grabbing the half full glass of Blaine and downing it. It was the only one Blaine had ordered. Then he stood up, averting Blaine's eyes.

“This evening was lovely but maybe-“He faked fidgeting.”We´d like to continue it someplace else?”

Blaine was already up, pulling on his jacket and then helping Kurt into his like he was some sort of man from another decade. The ones where people still had manners. Of course he was quick to want to have me in bed, Kurt thought.

“What did you have in plan? Are you hungry?”

They exited the bar, out into the biting cold night nibbling at the warm skin they possessed. Greg was nowhere to be seen, which he was grateful for. When Blaine nudged his hand, Kurt took it, not thinking too much about how it warmed him.

“This is not what I normally do. It´s just that I feel this connection to you I have never felt before in my life.” Blaine kept quiet so Kurt continued in a whisper.”So maybe, if you liked we could, uhm, go to your place?”

Kurt thought he knew what to expect. A heated glance and groping in the backseat of a cab among other things. Blaine however just kept on being silent and smiling at him. It was unsettling to say the least.

“It´s not that I don´t want to –“
“But we should stay friends. I get it.” Kurt spit out. No sex meant he had no need to be nice anymore. However he had not turned around yet when Blaine gently turned him around by his shoulder.

“Friendship is important to me in a relationship as well. Be that as it may, I was actually trying to do this right.” Kurt rolled his eyes.”No, really. I value you, Kurt, and I was thinking you deserve a gentleman. Let us go out, let me convince you to let this be more than one evening.”

The convenient thing to do would be fucking him right now, so Kurt could show his assets. Instead he had to take a slightly longer road he hoped had the same outcome. Blaine was a romantic, and romantics were fools.

“I´d love to see you again.”

They exchanged numbers and called for a cab afterwards. With the chilly air as excuse, Kurt cuddled closer to Blaine until their bodies were snug. Through the thick wool of their jackets, Kurt could feel a heat he for once did not associate with sex. It was awkward, like walking into a room full of strangers, no matter how nice they appeared. Blaine´s goofy smile was what convinced him to remain like this a while longer. Son he felt an arm surround his back, hand settling unusually high.

“About you being like art, I really meant that. How about on our next date I will take you to a gallery and show you what I meant?”

The cab-driver pulled up in that moment and with no room of arguments, Kurt nodded. His eyes flickered to Blaine´s lips, wondered if they were as sweet as the stupid man they belonged to. For now, he didn´t find out, because the cheek he kissed instead was smooth and luke warm, though he could see it heat up right after.

“Bye.” Kurt whispered against Blaine´s skin.

Once inside the car he no longer thought about Blaine´s face, his mind was stuck on the way Blaine had opened and closed the door and tipped his imaginary head. Kurt didn´t understand. There were ways quicker to get him into bed.



When he returned, Kurt was surprised once again. It was way past midnight, late enough to have most grown-ups in bed while apparently; his eleven-year-old brother was wide awake. Music was playing, all the lights were on and there Finn was, plastic sword in hand and jumping on the couch. The sounds Kurt made startled him a few seconds later and while he bounced he turned around and let out a wail. Next thing he knew, Finn had crashed into the unfortunately built ford of blankets. He was smart not to reappear again, because Kurt was seething.
“What the heck are you doing up past 3 am?” With no response Kurt hurried over and untangled his brother with a sigh.”You have got three seconds to explain or your TV time is two hours shorter this week.”

“Nonono, wait.” Finn yelped. The crown he had had on his head was now crooked, covering one brow.”Sebastian came over to watch over me while you were gone and we ended up playing cards. He just went over an hour ago.”

“Sebastian did wh- no actually, I am not surprised. I should´ve expected worse to be honest. What I want you to do now is brush your teeth and go to bed. We will talk about this tomorrow, after I cleaned up the mess two children have produced in my home.”

For once, Finn actually listened and went to the bathroom. When he returned, Kurt had made the living room acceptably looking once more. Seeing Finn still with his crooked crown and a plastic sword had him soften a lot, even though he´d never dare show.

“Where have you been tonight?” Finn asked, plopping down next to Kurt on the couch.

“This is not a conversation I am having at three am with my brother on a school night.”
“You´d never tell me if it was daylight either.” Finn countered.

“That is because I am allowed a private life.”

“I always have to tell you where I am though. I tell you what girls I am in love with.”Finn pouted, crossing his arms. He had that from Kurt.”How is that fair?”

“You are my little brother and I am the grown-up. That is why I treat you differently.”

The things Finn said next made Kurt freeze, inside and out. No blood felt like pumping through frosty veins, no thought crossed his mind

“Hunter never does. He treats me like I am a grown-up! You never have time for me, we never play, we never watch shows together anymore. When Hunter comes over he always brings pizza and chocolate. You would never allow me what he does, so that means he is a better grown-up.”

As soon as he shook free of his stupor, he whipped around. Finn´s eyes got huge and a hand clasped over his mouth, as if he thought his words had been upsetting. Well, they were but that was not important right now.
“How often is Hunter here while I am gone?”
“I – I´m not sure. He was here yesterday and Monday and we catch up on games whenever they run because we know you don´t like them and you are at work either way and I thought I could let him in I can let him in right?” Finn said in a long string of words.

“Is he weird? Is there anything he does to you that seems strange.” Kurt gulped.”Did he ever  touch you where I told you it´s not appropriate?”
Finn frowned, crown slipping lower. “The places you said I should tell you if anyone touched them?”

Kurt nodded. He´d had to take those preventions in a apartment complex like this, he just had never thought it wouldn´t be filthy clients.
“No! No he has not. He just hugs me when they score or messes up my head- Kurt? You don´t look well.”

As if bitten, Kurt jumped up. A smile settled onto his lips, so fake even Finn could see through it, but Kurt held onto it like it was his lifeline.
“I´m okay. Now let´s get you to bed. We will talk about this tomorrow.”
For whatever reason, Finn didn´t put up much fuss and together they stepped into the single bedroom they had. Instead of the tasteful decoration Kurt was able to afford over the years, Finn´s room was covered in posters of Cars and Disney movies and the newest generation of Powerrangers . The floor was covered landmines posing as sharp-edged Pokémon figures and slippery Yu-Gi-Oh cards Kurt carefully avoided by walking on his tiptoes. A small blue light was still shining above the bed and with Finn settled in, he felt himself relax. His worries would have to wait, right now it felt like the one time they didn´t fight.

“You could have told me you couldn´t sleep because you were afraid. I would have understood.” Kurt said. His hand pulled the crown off of his brothers head and then proceeded to run through the slightly long brown hair.
“I was not!”
“Yes you were.”

Finn hid his face up to his nose under the blanket, glaring up at Kurt before a yawn broke all the fight he still had in himself.

“How did you know?” He then grumbled, causing Kurt to laugh.

“Well for one, you never dress up as king unless you are fighting the shadowmonsters and second of all, I may not be here that often, but I do know my baby brother.”

Finn´s eyes shifted to the lamp as if to remind Kurt that he accidentally could let it run until he was asleep. He would have done it either way. Before standing up, he leant over to press a kiss on Finn´s forehead, something his brother would never admit to liking. He then crossed the room and turned once more to bid him goodnight.
“Good night, little king.”
“Good night, Kurty. And, about what I said before-“
“It´s alright.” He replied, not willing to listen to lengthy explanation that would result in pain once more.
Finn still looked guilty until Kurt out on a huge smile. Seconds after, brown eyes closed in exhaustion. Once they had, his face got tense again, frowns lining his forehead as the dark thoughts finally crept back into his head.

He still had one thing to do tonight.


“Nice suit, who were you using it on?” “,was the first things out of Hunter´s mouth when he opened the door to the apartment he frequently used

. Of course it was the most luxurious and spacious one, floor to ceiling windows and hardwood floor that he liked to let his ´employees´ scrub. Kurt was not surprised to find him still up. Hunter never missed the chance to be Kurt´s biggest nightmare come to life.

“Karofsky, who else?”
Hunter grinned dirtily.“Well he is our best client, so you better treat him like you are worth the money he blows on you for using your filthy holes.”

In return, Kurt nodded, a metallic taste filling his mouth. Blood was seeping onto his tongue as he bit down, filling him with unwanted feelings. No misstep was allowed when Hunter was like this. When he had the remote control to Kurt´s fickle cage holding in his emotions, and he was ready to let it blow up at any given moment.

“So, I assume you are not just here to return a suit you know I won´t wear again after someone like you did.” He came closer, nose touching Kurt´s while he slowly cupped Kurt´s throat.”Were six costumers not enough for you? Are you finally coming to terms with the knowledge that I can fuck you the best? That my control over you is the only thing making you hard?”

Kurt tried to suppress any shock he may feel at what was being said, but Hunter lived for figuring people out and using it against them. His smile got wider, making his mouth appear huge enough to swallow Kurt whole.
“Yes I know about your little problem with your standing qualities. I tape every single session you have and then watch you get fucked by every single man in New York. Just because I can.”

Kurt did not reply, did nothing when his boss lead him over to the king sized bad that stood right in the middle of the entrance room. The questions he intended to ask would come later. There was no minute he thought of Finn when he was whoring himself out, like it would somehow taint his brother.

“Strip! And do it quickly, I am tired and we have more things planed once you shed the pretense you wear.”

Once stripped there was no surprise left when he felt rough rope bind his torso first, then his wrists to the headboard and feet strapped wide open next to his upper body. A ball gag covering his mouth was the next thing he was forced to wear. His eyes were only things he could move, even though Hunter would demand to be looked at. Sometimes he wanted to be begged and whenever he didn´t, he wanted to see Kurt´s eyes. Kurt wondered why for the utmost time, knowing he had no emotion left to feel. He barely noticed fingers being shoved inside of him.

“Lose and slippery, I see you came prepared.” Once more Hunter cupped his neck, squeezing roughly once until he felt Kurt´s body reacts on impulse.

Then he was entered, feeling the heated flesh of Hunter´s dick squeeze into him at a slow pace. He was familiar with it, the agonizing way Hunter fucked him, always close to pleasure and yet he felt a helplessness, similar to the one he had felt in his childhood, creep back into him.

He hated every minute of it. Hated how Hunter jerked him off against his will and how he couldn´t move, couldn´t scream if he wanted to. He was completely at Hunter´s mercy. Whenever the hands squeezed tighter around his windpipe, he knew it was close to an end and he found himself hoping that maybe he´d finally succeed in dying. It could be an accident.

“Look at me!” Kurt reopened his eyes, not having realized he had closed them in the first place.”That´s better. I want to see what I do to you.”

Kurt´s mixture of moan and scream was silenced by a gag and hands, but he felt the cum spread into him after Hunter´s cock had had its last twitch. He was halfway through with the next part remaining unknown. Hunter could be creative if wanted. It felt like not a second had passed between his boss pulling out, and fingers entering him again.
“You feel that? That is my branding, my claim on my property. You know you are my property, aren´t you? Answer me!”

Kurt nodded.

“That is right, you are my chosen one. The others bore me with the sucking up they do once they see me. They always demand, they never protest. You are lucky I keep up with the nasty tongue you sometimes possess, Kurt.”

He kept on nodding. Hunter´s free fist found Kurt´s hair then, pulling until he winced before unclasping the gag. Spit dribbled down Kurt´s skin with no one to wipe it away.

“I want you to have a taste of us, Kurt. What do you say? I even let you room for your own decision.”

He needed to say yes and he had to say no. Lucky Ones had to fight or lose. Hunter grinned first, then he untied Kurt´s hands and stood up from the bed, fingers never leaving Kurt´s hole.
“No?” Hunter cooed.”You still have some fight left in you? Then let me drive it right out of you.”

Wet fingers were shoved between his lips and they pushed and pushed until Kurt gagged and licked around them. Hunter tasted gross, but he closed his eyes and mock blew Hunter´s fingers until they finally retreated. He relaxed a second too long, since Hunter then repeated the same procedure until he felt like nothing was left and Kurt´s cheek burned with anger and shame.

Satisfied by the reaction, his boss let go of him. Leaving Kurt, he stood up, put his jeans back on and righted the button up shirt he had worn throughout their encounter. Not another glance was given Kurt until he spoke up.

“You never told me you visited Finn while I am at work.” Kurt whispered with a raw throat. His body felt spent, otherwise he wouldn´t have sagged down on a bed frequently used by Hunter.

Hunter´s whole cocky attitude shifted once again, target once more set on Kurt's back.”I was not aware we need to run through everything mommy.”
“He told me you watch games together and play games. You never did with me.”
“Do I detect jealousy?” Hunter smirked, but the crack of vulnerability had appeared nonetheless.”Shh, don´t be like that, the games I play with you are far better. I like to have the upper hand, you see?”

He nodded.”He really thinks you are the good guy.”

Hunter´s mouth was a thin line that never bode well. The only times he lost his cocky attitude were the prequel to a horror story, created by himself. Kurt felt the repercussion of fear drumming against his chest when Hunter dragged him down the bed, shoving him to Hunter´s feet. His knees felt chapped were they slid over the floor, but he kept on kneeling.

“And am I not?” Hunter strode closer slowly, coming to a halt in front of Kurt´s face.”I am no saint, but I am not a sinner. You are. I know you make me out to be a villain, the one selling you, but that is not true. You can´t force the wanting.”

Almost gently, a shoe covered foot guided Kurt´s face down until his other cheek hit the floor. Then its tip slid down until it pressed into his windpipe.
“Let us stop your denial, alright?”Hunter said softly.”I know what your innermost thoughts are, so we can try to make them come to the surface. I want you to repeat everything I say.”

“Yes.” Kurt whimpered.

There weren´t many things in life h was afraid of, but one loomed above him now and one he had caged in his chest a long time ago. The first sentence he heard, he had to force his lips to move to repeat. Every following sentence was like a hammer to the cage he held his emotions in.

 “I- I am nothing short of a cheap whore.”
“Nobody truly forces me, I ask for it.”

“I love to feel strangers dicks up my hole. I am a cunt. I never get enough.”

“I will never run away. I will never run- I will never.”
“No one can satisfy my needs but Hunter.”

“I hate myself for seducing men and luring them into bed. I ask for it!”
“I ask for it.”
“No, please don´t make me say-“ Kurt tried at the next sentence. The consequence was two kicks to the rips. Hunter said the sentence in a loop until Kurt finally repeated it.”Finn doesn´t deserve this, to be surrounded by a whore every day. He loves Hunter much more. How could he love a brother that relishes being impaled on cock?”
“Finn doesn´t love me.”

“Nobody will ever love me.”
“I am a worthless whore.”

Hunter chuckled. The moment his foot lifted, reality seeped back into Kurt´s life. First he felt the pain on his check and in his neck, then he realized he had to breathe. He started to cough violently, more liquid spilling onto his face and drip-drip-dripping down. He was crying.

“Now, Kurt, that wasn´t so bad. You should come clean to yourself every day.”

A soft kiss was pressed on his cheek. Not comprehending what was happening, he clung onto Hunter, who consoled him like a lover after a quarrel.

“You have truly amused me today, Kurt, so I will be generous and listen to one wish of yours. Name it.”

Kurt took in a deep breath, trying to focus.”I was almost thirteen when I started-“
“You know I won´t grant you that. It is high time Finn came to work.”

“Just give him another  half a year to be a kid. Please.” Kurt kissed up and down Hunter´s jaw. “Forget my last boundary, I will do it. Six guys, seven, I don´t care. I have nothing left, I will take on everyone and you can- you can drug me too.”

Hunter kissed him roughly, holding his head in place. As a favorite, he had had one thing he was allowed to refuse and that had been drugs. He had watched drugs destroy Finn´s parents, he had lost weeks as a kid under the influence until he refused them. Now, everything was over. He needed to have more time for his plan to work and to be on Hunter´s good side.

Six more months to make Blaine fall for him.



When he returned home by six in the morning, he didn´t even bother to cover himself with a blanket once he had fallen into bed. It wasn´t until four hours later that he woke up and looked at his phone.

Blaine Anderson 2.21 am: This evening was truly wonderful. I really hope the next time we see each other I can convince you how special you are.






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