The Lucky One
New in Town with a made up name Next Chapter Story
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The Lucky One: New in Town with a made up name

E - Words: 4,319 - Last Updated: Sep 14, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Feb 09, 2014 - Updated: Feb 09, 2014
181 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

My take on Prostitute!Kurt and a unusual love story that is more bitter than sweet.
I am not sure how the updating schedule will look but I will definitely try to finish and it will be a longer fic.



This time, Kurt barely felt the cum shoot into the condom or heard the man above him scream as orgasm hit him. He didn´t feel the last thrusts when the man rode it out. He just felt the pain of the hits bestowed upon him, the rough hand pulling at his hair and a feeling he usually had banned into the abyss he created: humiliation. It ran through him deeper than any nerve, made his skin crawl when he needed to thank his client and kiss him like he was grateful for the sex they just had. Let him rub Kurt´s soft penis like he was a caring lover instead of an abuser and call him what he really was: a slut.

With shaking hands he closed the door behind the man who promised his return before he went. No thought crossed his mind, but emotions he shouldn´t feel boiled over after such a long time of being ignored. Like a immediate darkness after turning off a light, it filled every corner of his body.

 It was irrationality that had Kurt knocking on his bosses door, anger that made him interrupt the one who now owned his life and finally reality and soberness that slammed into him as soon as Kurt had screamed his complaint.

“You said they were not allowed to hurt me. Look at me, look at what he has done. You think that clients will want to pay for damaged goods?”

His boss, Hunter Clarington, looked up at him, making the anger evaporate with a single gaze. He was young, good looking by most standard. His broad body was pressed into a form fitting suit and his face showed no sign of the age he actually had. With reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, he peered at Kurt who was the one thing not fitting into the office and yet being the single thing that suited the environment.

The whole room was professionally designed, all papers and a big desk, likely looking like any other office if what Kurt saw in the TV was accurate. But those papers did not entail marketing strategies, they were merely a cover for what he was really selling and currently Kurt was one of many folders up to rent and use.

“Kurt, why don´t you sit down?” Hunter said with a sugary voice but no room for argument. Once Kurt had obeyed he continued.”You know I hate when people interrupt me while I am working, right? You have known me for such a long time, Kurt.”

“I am sorry, I just-“ Kurt pleaded, no trace of fight left.

“You know I don´t allow anyone to talk to me like you just did. People who dare to cross me, you know what happens with them. Do you remember Jeffrey? Nice boy broken because he defied me. But I suppose you are lucky I am having a good day and will accept sincere apology later.”

Kurt nodded, internally scheduling sex with his boss between appointments and his family. There was no time to regret what he had done or the outcome.

“Am I right to assume you are here because you were hurt by your client?” Hunter asked.

With every clear thought Kurt regained, he noticed each bruise and tear and he couldn´t wait to have a silent minute to compose himself.

“Yes I was.”He was hurt visibly at least and how could he explain that to him?

“Well, too bad for you that he paid three times your usual fee just to do that. He explicitly ordered for someone with pale skin he could easily bruise and I knew you needed extra money. I am just looking out for you.You are my Lucky One.”

“Thank you.” Kurt replied as he was supposed to.

“You´re welcome. That also gives you tomorrow off to heal.” Kurt looked up in surprise and his doubt found reason when he glimpsed at Hunter´s  smirk.”Of course you will still have service at the bar and use your mouth for something meaningful if asked.”

He no longer wondered what his life has turned into if hearing this made him relieved. Service was alright, service would give him more time for him. More time to play a big, happy family.
Thinking the conversation was over, he asked: “May I be excused? I don´t know if someone prepared Dinner for him tonight, so I just check up with that real quick. I will impatiently await your call in order for me to apologize.”
“No, we still have to discuss something.” Kurt gulped, deflating into his seat.”How old is your brother now? Twelve, was it?”

“Eleven.”Kurt said, suspicion creeping into his bruised stomach.

“And remind me again, at which age did you start with my business?”
No, Kurt thought, no, this could not be true. Panic he only felt in the privacy of his small bedroom overcame him and Hunter was the sole trigger and anchor that kept him from a full blown panic attack.

“No, please, sir.”
“Kurt, answer my question.” Hunter bellowed.

In an attempt of changing the subject, Kurt fell to his knees and crawled under the table, rubbing his face into Hunter´s crotch. His lips traced the hard on his boss always sported when he knew he had total control over another person. And he always did over Kurt and that was fine as long as it concerned him only and not the only family he had left.

“Please, sir, I will work harder, I will take clients like the one today any time. I will warm your bed every night from now on,”Kurt licked and nibbled at the thin material hiding the hard on.”just please not him.”
“Hmm.”Hunter said humored.”That would be all nice and great if you had any right to decide over your actions. Since you don´t-“He shoved Kurt away from him.”I want you to answer my question. When did you start to work for me?”
“Tw-twelve.”Kurt yelped.”But he is not like me. He can´t sleep with men. And you know him, he is too much of a child for this line of work.”
“Do I look like I care? Once he turns twelve he will start, have I made myself clear?” Like a lover, he then caressed Kurt´s face, aroused by the tears that now slipped down the dead blue eyes. Ragged breaths left Kurt´s lips as his world spun with no place to hold onto but Hunter. It had always been Hunter.

“Shh.”He cooed.”You must have known this would happen. I don´t let people stay in my apartments for free.”
“Nonononono. Anything- a-a-anything.”
“Stop whining!”

Kurt did not cry out when he was hit, not when the first backslap hit his cheek and not when the third did. He barely felt it. No air was entering his lungs, not even when Hunter must have called people to pick Kurt up and bring him upstairs, to the apartment complex. It was only then that he bit down on his lower lip and tried to focus on the golden number thirteen that dangled on his door.

Finn was in there. Finn was in there and he needed him to be composed and cheery, otherwise he would start to ask questions. In and out, in and out. Kurt counted his fingers three times before he was sober enough and tears had dried on his skin before opening the always unlocked door.

He felt numb when a smile settled upon his lips and his back straightened. Inside he shut up all the voices inside of his mind that rushed in panic and self-loathing and instead focused on the boy currently sitting at the kitchen counter with his hand ruffling brown locks.

“Kurt, help me!” Finn said once he heard his brother enter. He did not look up which Kurt was grateful for. Kurt came to stand behind him, glancing at the homework Finn was worked up over, hiding his face and clothes. He needed a bathroom first, he decided.

“Math-monster taking a grip of you again, buddy?” Kurt asked while walking away.”I will help you once I took a shower, alright?”
“No, help me now or it will eat my brain alive.”

Kurt chuckled and locked the door behind himself, smile faltering immediately. Through the wood he heard Finn mutter complaints and mathematic formulas. Any other day, Kurt would have helped him as soon as he entered the apartment, but he had to shower and cover bruises up, grateful for them staying undetected before then and not willing to take a chance.

Stepping into the luke-warm stream the water system only provided, he made a quick process of cleaning. He hated showering, no efford of cleansing ever enough to wash the filth of his work off. They were merely a procedure he did with accuracy and routine. Lube and sweat and cum in his hair gone, he exited the shower after three minutes and proceeded with using make up until his reflection repulsed him less and the blue color forming around the hand print had faded.

Then he quickly returned to find Finn with his head resting on the counter, arms hanging limp. Once he spotted Kurt, he made a sound like a zombie about to die again.
“Urrrgh, they ate my brain. I told you, I told you.”
“Now come on, none of that.”Kurt  chided soft-spokenly.”Show me what they want to teach you that your body repulses.”

They proceeded on the fairly easy problems, Kurt trying hard to explain while Finn looked more desperate with any passing second. In truth, Kurt had little education, trying to power through nights teaching himself what little he could. Math was never on his list of priorities ,but he was lucky that Finn had trouble with even the simplest mathematical problems, that he could help him with. Yet. In the end Kurt did most of the exercises by himself while Finn watched. He was almost done when the constantly growing kid spoke up.

“Are you alright, dude?”

For a second Kurt checked if his smile was still where it was supposed to remain, yes it was, then he could only hope for the make-up covering everything it was supposed to. He quickly recovered from the shock this time.

“What have I told you about calling me that?”

“But Kevin always-“
“I don´t care if Kevin calls people that. I am your brother and not some dude.” Kurt said. In return, Finn looked at him with a pout on his face, his long arms crossed over his chest.

“Are you alright, bro?” His baby brother then repeated.

“Don´t bro me either.”
“No, you are just trying to avoid the question right? Rachel told me to pay attention to what people are saying.” Damn this Rachel, Kurt thought.”Why are you not telling me what is up, I am old enough to know.”

Kurt shook his head and looked at the only family he had left. Unlike him, Finn was in a constant growth-spurt, voice funny before it would turn deeper, face and body chubby with the remains of baby fat and so incredibly young. Kurt had been forced to grow up with a four year old in tow and winter drawing closer while they lived on the streets.

 After his parents had died, he had been cast into a foster home where he met Finn. They were not related by blood, but they were close enough to make Kurt flee when the abuse toward his baby brother got worse. And now here they were, at the only place where a twelve-year old could find shelter for him and his brother and even seven years later, Finn was still such a child. To make sure it stayed that way had always been Kurt´s priority. Now more than ever.

“I just had a stressful day at work, that is all. Now what do you want to eat, buddy?”

Advices from this Rachel girl were gone with the wind with the mention of food and for the rest of the evening he enjoyed his time with his brother.


Frankly, Kurt did not have a plan. Going out a week later, dressed in the one suit he had stolen from Hunter to try to impress someone important was not a great plan. It was the pure act of desperation as the two month mark Hunter had declared as Finn´s time span was running out.

 Nothing else had worked, not taking on even more costumers, not pleasing Hunter by staying behind every night, not even fulfilling Hunter´s biggest kinks which involved three men, a remote controlled vibrator for two days and humiliation. The only thing Kurt ha was a single demand he felt unable to let go, something Hunter had always respected to his surprise.

Despite that Hunter had stuck to his plan, making Kurt dry heave whenever he would visit them at their apartment. What was worse was that Finn adored Hunter, believed every sugared word he said and was angry at Kurt for not being ´as cool as Hunter´. What would he say if he saw Kurt blowing Hunter under the table-top when Finn thought he was out? What would he say if he knew that every surface of their small department had been soiled by Kurt´s work? Finn could never know!

Much like the nights prior to this, Kurt had not slept, had panicked and clawed at his skin and throat to let in air until he was afraid to wake Finn and had left the apartment. Next to him Sebastian and Santana, the devils spans, lived.

They were not his friends, nobody was, but they helped each other out and they would watch Finn when he had to work overtime. With no place else to go he had knocked on their door, shortly after being ushered in and guided to a couch.

“Lady, calm down your breathing, I feel like you are sucking out the only oxygen in the room.” Santana had hissed.

“You can be such a bitch.” Sebastian had cut in, but had lent no help either.
They just sat with him until he finally calmed down enough to explain.

“He wants to get Finn into business.”He shouted.” What can I do, he wants to take away my baby brother.”

Santana had shot up next to him, pacing the room. Next thing he had known was a glass shattering against a wall.

“Are you fucking kidding me? This bastard has finally fucked up his brain, right? Give me a day and I will stick my boot up his ass so high he will feel it in his brain.”

Kurt had looked at the now fuming Santana and had felt grateful for her reaction. He had known they did not care about him, but how could they hate the boy with the world´s biggest heart?  In a way, Finn was all of them before they came here and they would do everything to make it remain that way. There was no turning back for anyone once in.

“Hunter won´t listen. The only thing he loves as much as power is money. Money we will never see.” Sebastian said and it hurt Kurt to agree.

“What now?” He whispered.”I don´t know what to do.”

He had felt both of them cuddle closer to him, silence surrounding them until Santana jumped up once more and reached into her lace-up boots. Her former empty hands had retreated with a bundle of cash she waved around with a grin.

“Kurt Lady Hummel? I am now entitled to tell you the ultimate plan. Drumroll please.” Sebastian had sighed but proceeded to drum his fingers on the table edge.

”You are going to find a sugar daddy who takes you two out of here.”
Once Kurt had done nothing but gape at her she had scowled and said:”Why are you not gushing about the brilliance of my plan? It is practically waterproof. You go out at night until you find a rich old geezer who want to have a bite of you and you make him fall for you until you reveal your job and say he is the only one who could ever satisfy you. Then he will buy you out of here et viola brother is safe and you can only hope that your single client will die of a heart attack.”

Kurt had flinched at the mention of the cause of death. This had hit a little too close to home. Santana had not seemed to notice or care and had just shoved her cash into his hands.

“Thank Aunty Tana later. For now you only need a decent suit and a place in the decadent part of town and someone gullible. Use the cash to buy the most expensive wine or whatever to fool them into thinking you're one of them and you are in.”

One look at Sebastian had confirmed his suspicion of the plan being less than optimal.

Kurt still found himself at a decadent bar that night, groomed to perfection as he sipped on a whiskey that cost four times full on sex with him. The suit sat snuggly onto his body, repulsing him with the knowledge of who usually wore it and whom he had borrowed it from. He felt out of place but he simply hoped he did not appear to others that way. Tinkling piano music was playing in the background, live performed by the poor guy having to stick to classic and still going unappreciated and the room smelled slightly of stale ashes by the smokers that occupied it.

The whiskey disappeared very slowly as he needed to have it until he finally found his prey. He looked around the room, took in every male and even female because at this point he wouldn´t choose. It didn´t take long, his posture straight, but legs crossed and finger slipping over the rim of his glass, that he caught someone´s attention.

It was a man way above his age, hair and eyebrows grey peppered and few wrinkles in the skin of his face, sticking out because of his unnatural tanned skin. Kurt was no longer a dreamer, no longer attracted to men. He knew every single one of them and he was not stupid enough to ever believe love existed. Men were a grey mass that his body enjoyed better than the softness of women but that was where it ended. So he was not too bothered by the attention, especially not after spotting four golden rings on his fingers. Oh, how he would love to count on those fingers, rip them off and pay the ransom to at least free Finn. Maybe some lucky family would still want Finn.

He made his way over, hips swaying a bit and he settled close to the man whose smile got brighter once he sat down. Dark brown eyes landed on his lips, never to return to his eyes once he spoke.

“May I accompany you?”

Without hesitation the man answered.“You may.”

And that was that. An hour of boring causalities, flirting and touches under the table that Kurt allowed him, was enough to have the man finally invite him home. He wasn´t sure how the evening would go, if he would try and seduce the man with all he had learned this past years in hopes of becoming a permanent fixture in his life, or if he would dare to steal from him. Stealing was easy but it was not worth the risk of losing Finn in such a cruel way. He knew Hunter would take care of Finn, just like he had taken care of Kurt. Kurt didn´t dwell on how his first time went, instead lowering his voice and whispering sweet promises to the stranger.

“I really, really want to deepen our conversation in a private place.” Kurt drawled, running his pinky over the inside seams of Greg´s suit.

“I´d like that, too, but it would look suspicious if we left together. Follow me in a few minutes, I will be waiting in the white car in front of the entrance, baby.”

Winking when Greg turned around a last time, Kurt finally let go of his straight posture and greedily downed the expensive alcohol. He knew men like Greg, kinky old bastards who wanted to be called Daddy while they spanked him, but he would do this for Finn. After all he often had had worse.

Time didn´t seem to pass with no anchor to hold him down as his glass sat empty on the table and Kurt got restless. He remained seated, fidgeting until he suddenly got up and hurried to the bathroom to cool off. The inside of the restroom was covered in black mosaics from bottom to top, the white square taps sticking out in a stark contrast. His hands settled onto both sites of one of the sink and he looked into the huge mirror, never quite meeting his own eyes.

It was just sex, he did this several times a day and yet, with Finn´s entire future on the line he felt nauseas.

There was no guarantee Greg would keep him and buy him out, he couldn´t afford to mess this up even just a little bit. He needed to go all out, maybe even risk sleeping without a condom if necessary. He´d do it, his life was not worth anything more than the family he had left.

“You can do it.” He murmured to himself in a cheesy pep-talk and was about to leave the rest-room when he spotted something lying on the sink.

Without hesitation he picked the wallet up and held it to his face to examine. It was definitely rarely used, pure leather and opened up to reveal more than three credit cards and a lot of green peaking out behind a fold. Enough green to buy Kurt for a couple of days, he knew. Measuring money´s value in time with him had gotten a thing a long time ago.

 Here he was, one finger-slip away from being closer to earning enough to maybe buy himself out of there in a year or two and yet he did not take it.

That would take too long.

The only picture in the wallet showed an actor Kurt was familiar with because Hunter had tried to hire Cooper Anderson for a lot of porn only to be shut down. Next to Anderson was a man with slicked back hair and big, Bambi eyes. The credit card said: Blaine Anderson, so this guy had to be related to the actor and if Kurt was lucky enough he had hit the jackpot.

If this guy´s wallet spoke for something, it was definitely the money he needed and the idiotic owner that would provide him with it. “Blaine” looked so innocent it was hilarious and seducing him would be far easier than Greg, so he set his goal to a new setting.

Listening closely Kurt heard the sound of a buckle from inside the prestige stalls only and straightened his posture. He could only guess playing the sweet, loving type would get him much farther with guys like that, so he dropped the whole kind of slutty act when he heard a door open.
Out stepped the man from the picture, looking a bit older than he had been when the photograph was taken. His hair was still slicked, but it currently had a curly texture and his big brown eyes immediately caught the wallet Kurt was waving around.

“Excuse me, I suppose this is your wallet?” Kurt said with a fake grin.”You are lucky a decent guy found it lying on the sink it seems.”

Blaine returned his smile and went over to wash his hands.”First of all, I hope the pep talk was not because you found my wallet because I am more than grateful for you being so nice- “ It was Kurt´s turn to look down as if he wanted to hide a non-existent blush. ”And second of all in this place I think nobody needs that measly amount I have with me, right?”

Pretentious snob, Kurt´s favorite. Guys with big egos were easy to suck up to.

“You are absolutely right. Anyway, I still wanted to hand it to you personally. I actually- uhm- I saw your picture and thought you looked- uhm” He mumbled and finished lamely.”- nice.”

Instead of acting cocky, Blaine´s face lit up and the way he gazed at Kurt made him uncomfortable. Like Blaine saw a different man than what he really was. But that was the point, right?

“Thank you for saying that.” Blaine finally took the wallet.”You really look nice yourself. Ialready love the detail on last season´s Armani suits but you really lifted its appeal with that bowtie. I think we kind of match.”

And they did, both wearing blue bowties, just in different shades. Kurt forced to laugh alongside. “What a coincidence.” He said.

“Maybe it is not.”

Kurt teasingly raised an eyebrow “What, a grown man believing in destiny?”

“Sometimes.”Blaine retorted.”I guess we will only find out if you release me from spending the night bored and drunk here all alone.”

“I- I would love to.”


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