The Lucky One
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The Lucky One: Chapter 11

E - Words: 7,684 - Last Updated: Sep 14, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Feb 09, 2014 - Updated: Feb 09, 2014
178 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Now we are up to date and I will update in mid September one chapter once it is written. Thank you for your reviews.


Now you are probably wondering: Part I? Does that mean the story is over and gets a sequel? No. I just think that this part of the story is an entity while the rest is one as well and I didn´t know that would be the case when I begun writing. Part II will be very angsty for Kurt, we´ll finally get to his past and see his future, so stay tuned if you dare ;)

Chapter 11

- Can you tell me now you´re the lucky one?

"Finn?" Blaine asked next but before he could enquire more about their reason for being here, Kurt barged in and slammed the door behind them.

He checked the door viewer, waiting, waiting until his palms started being sweaty and he finally turned around. Kurt´s eyes would never meet Blaine´s, sticking to polished shoes instead. The alcohol clinging to the air went unnoticed by someone who had grown up serving in a bar, lending his service to drunks in more than one way. What he did notice was how sad Blaine sounded and he closed his eyes against his own pain. It pounded in his motionless muscles, his head and his lungs and his entire lower body.

Two weeks had left his scars on Kurt once Hunter had stayed true to his words.

As soon as Finn had been dragged out by the beasts that fateful day, he had been picked up next and had been far too tired to fight as they carried him into a small, bare room. This room had been his new living space, the blanket the only cushion between himself and the rough concrete floor whenever he lay down to rest.

Every morning, every afternoon, but especially every night, men would come and seek pleasure from him in every way they could. They didn´t give him money, they just fucked, beat and belittled him until they were satisfied and left him finally to wipe away his blood and prepare for the next one. Some of the things they did to him he couldn´t think about without rushing to empty his stomach into the toilet.

Not once had he been able to see Finn and as men continued to use him he felt like losing grip on reality. The more he thought of Finn, dreamt of Blaine, the more he felt like his internal pain mixed with his external until one day he stopped. Succumbed to life as it was now instead of wondering if he had lost Finn for good.

That he was here now still felt like a dream and in his dreams he lived with Blaine and Finn in this apartment and had never gone through a life of prostitution. He was a lawyer, married to an art critic and singer and his brother was about to graduate high school on top of the class. Finn had even aced mathematics. Sometimes he only dreamed of waking up next to Blaine, reaching over to feel his heartbeat under his pale fingertips and closing his eyes again because they were safe.

None of his dreams had been like this though. Painfully realistic in the strain of his shoulders when Jeff and Nick had hauled him to his feet, washed and dressed him and helped him walk past the knocked out goons at his door to the elevator. The whole time they hadnt shared a word but Kurt had been certain that this was just another trick. They had betrayed him once. Hands that had beaten Finn were now supporting him as they hurried into the kitchen at the back of the bar. While the bar was kept clean, the kitchen was littered and dirty, befitting for Hunter´s business.
Kurt would have protested, would have let his aching legs finally give in under him if it hadn´t been Finn waiting for him at the backdoor of the kitchen.

His Finn, alive at least, even if he couldn´t possibly be well. Despite the ache, despite the fact that Finn must be disgusted by him, Kurt embraced him, arms pressing the slightly smaller body mindful of his injuries, but Finn was alive. He was alive and Kurt had so little time to spend with him. A tear slipped down his cheek when he felt his hug returned just as urgently, telling him that maybe Finn was willing to forgive him.

"A truck with food and drinks will arrive any minute and they´ll take you with them to any place in and around New York City." Nick said, Jeff very silent behind him."Don´t worry, they won´t tell on you."

"We don´t have anything with us." Kurt whispered, still not letting go of Finn. They only had each other and once he thought that was enough but life had taught him better. It was winter, they wouldn´t survive more than a week.

"I packed a few of Finn´s and your clothes and things." Finn was handed a small backpack by Nick that he held in his hands instead of putting it on his back."We can only provide you with a bit of food so you better find a homeless shelter far, far away. By the end of the today he will be on your trail so you have got to be quicker than that."

The sound of a vehicle pulling up could be heard in the silence of the break of dawn and Finn froze in his arms. Instinctively, he remembered how it had always soothed Finn when he stroked the short hairs at his nape and he found himself repeating long lost rituals. It had been such a struggle not to crawl over to his brother after they had done that to Finn. Jeff had done that but he had to remind himself that it had all been his own fault. He was to blame.

Nick and Jeff quietly opened the backdoor for whoever had arrived before turning back around while strangers started bringing packets into the kitchen, completely ignoring them. Those were the guys giving them their freedom, Kurt realized and his nose wrinkled as he felt mistrust seep in. Why would they help? No one had ever helped them.

Except here two guys stared at them who risked their lives by being here. Maybe through all the unfairness in his life, Kurt had overseen all those who constantly helped him. Santana, who would always wash their clothes. Sebastian who always bought new comics to give to Finn and gave Kurt their leftovers to eat whenever Kurt ran late. Jeff who had watched over him when he had been bedridden the past winter. Nick who always let Finn win when they played Mario Kart. Even Rachel, as much as they hated each other and as often as she got him into trouble, had left some cookies at his door every Christmas since she arrived and they were heavenly. Most importantly, they cared for Finn and that was why they were the closest he had over come to friends.

And he trusted his friends.

"Uhm, we all saved up to give you this." Jeff quipped up. He barely dared to look at them. The hand he had reached out, holding a white envelope, shook slightly before Kurt entangled himself to grab it."It´s not much but it will get you to Jersey and feed you two for a month or two."

"You finished?" One delivery guy interrupted. Despite his clipped words he sounded gentle.

"You should go." Nick said.

Kurt bit his lips and nodded. He really wanted to thank them, hug them and ask them to come and flee with them. The goons they had knocked out would surely report on them and Hunter was nothing but ruthless when it came to betrayal, they had witnessed that just weeks ago. No words left his mouth though.

He just looked at them one last time, his eyes moist when they smiled at him. It was time to go. At the delivery men´s instruction they climbed into the back of their truck and were submitted to ink black darkness once they had shut the heavy metal doors behind them.

The hand Kurt had held in his for several minutes tried to let go but he wouldn´t let it. The weeks without Finn had drawn on him, how could he let go now that he finally had him back?

"Finn, please, say something."

Finn stiffened but this time Kurt couldn´t reach into his nape. He didn´t know where to reach for him in the darkness. "I am alright. Are you?"

His brother´s voice sounded as metallic echoed in the truck as had his. Kurt found no comfort in those words.

"I know you say that but are you really? What has Hunter done to you? Did he-?" He started again after his voice had cracked."Did he force anything onto you? Did he touch you?"

The volume of the truck´s wheels made it almost impossible, but Kurt still picked up,"He just hit me a bit more and told me more about you?"
"Like what?"
"Like how he has tapes of you getting,…, by men. He said he wanted m show me. He told me how your first time-"
"Okay!" Kurt yelled."Enough."
"Are those lies?"

It took him much longer to answer that. He wanted them to be lies so much he sometimes convinced himself that they were.

"No, it´s the truth I suppose." Kurt answered finally."I am not proud of it though. That is why I needed to take you away from there. I didn´t want that life for you but I was powerless. We needed the money and I had you to protect so-"He trailed off.

Kurt was still powerless. Right now they drove away from the complex without a direction and Kurt wondered if they would ever be asked for one. If they did, what would he say? He didnt know anyone but people working for Hunter in New York. Anyone but Blaine. The plan then forming in his head was very, very flawed, probably insane for the lack of a better word. Still, there was a chance that Hunter was satisfied of his return to forget about the boy he had never liked in the first place.

"I want you to stay with Blaine from now on, Finn."

"Won´t Hunter find us there?"

Kurt let his head sink onto his bend knees. This time he needed to tell Finn beforehand even though he knew they´d fight about it.

"Not if Blaine takes you to his brother´s residence somewhere in the Hamptons, while I return to Hunter-"
"No!" Finn loudly interrupted."I won´t let you go back there!"

Kurt sounded as defeated as he felt."You don´t understand how dangerous Hunter is. He found out where your parents live. He found out the time I tried to go and jump off our building. He knows things and he will find out where we are and the punishment you received for me the last time will seem small in comparison to what he will do this time. This time we really try to escape his clutches and there is no way of knowing if we can ever recover from what we´ll do. That is why I need you safe. Believe me, whatever he does to me I can live with as long as I know that you are alive and free somewhere."

"But I want you safe as well!"

Finn was crying and Kurt could do nothing to stop it. There was no magical cure to all their problems and the sooner Finn realized that, the better. Gently he felt for his brother, knowing his every shape, until he was wrapped around him.

"I have been forced to do so many things for many, many years and yet the hardest thing will be letting you go."
"Th-then don´t."

"I have to. If Blaine takes you in you will have to behave yourself, alright? He is a very decent guy and I think you will both get along. I think he is a much better role model than I ever was but please, promise to think of me whenever you eat mediocre pancakes? And to do your homework before going out with friends? And use protection once you found somebody you love?"
"No! I won´t! You have to come along or I won´t behave."

Kurt almost chuckled because this conversation felt very familiar to him. That feeling was gone as quickly as it had appeared before he told the biggest lie he had ever told, "Finn, if you do this for me, I will promise to break out soon and find you. If some time has passed, maybe I can even buy myself free and join you and Blaine. I promise I will. I promise!"

He had known how impossible keeping a promise like that was but that hadn´t stopped him from telling it. It had done it´s purpose, had convinced Finn to go along with his plan even though there was still one man that could blow it all up in seconds. That had never stopped Kurt from showing up at Blaine´s door on this early Thursday morning and blurting out what was meant as a request.

"You need to take Finn and hide him in the house in the Hamptons!"

"What?" Was the very elaborate question Blaine blurted out."I dont-. What?"

"I said that you need to hide Finn in the Hamptons."

He shook his head, hands curling in around his sides. Seeing Kurt here felt like he prodded at a raw wound, reopening the scabs. In the first second when he had seen Kurt, he had deluded himself into thinking that he had returned to him. He had felt happy if only for the moment he believed in the illusion.

This was not the Kurt he had fallen in love with.

That sentence had become his mantra over the last weeks. Reminding himself of this over and over had helped over the loss by turning it into anger. Anger he could deal with. Anger did not make him sit in his bed, staring at the ceiling with neither the power nor the will to get up and do anything. In the contrary, the stains on his wall acted as testimony for what loss and betrayal would look like. It was the only art he had created lately and the ugliest one yet.

"Yes, I understood that acoustically." Blaine hissed with all the rage he had not felt the last time they had seen each other."What I have a problem with is you just showing up here after saying that we were over and that I was better off without you. And for what? For what, Kurt? For asking me the most atrocious thing anyone could demand from someone he has lied to and stolen from?"

The smile Kurt wore was best described as rueful but unwavering."Basically, yes. I lied, I have never loved you, I stole and now I need you to take care of Finn. Do you think I would have come to you if I had anywhere else to turn to?"

"Now why would I do that? Why would I do anything for you?"

"Because if you don´t, he will find Finn and kill him. If he is lucky, he will have mercy and kill him and if not-. If not he will end up like me."Blaine took a step back in surprise when Kurt simply slid down the door, his limbs shaking.

For all he knew, Kurt was a great actor but Blaine had never claimed to been immune to it. His heart still softened as ears took in Kurt´s broken voice, when his eyes watched Kurt´s lips, reminded of how they felt against his and how Kurt would look at him when he was unaware that Blaine would look back. Suddenly the stains on his wall seemingly lost their meaning.

"Kurt," He approached him carefully."You must have known that I couldn´t just do that. I can´t just take care of Finn."

"You have to. You have to. He is all I´ve got."

"I really can´t. I have a job in New York, friends and family. How should I explain suddenly having to take care of a kid neither of them ever heard a word of? You must see where I come from, right?" For now Kurt didn´t cry but Blaine gave him a tissue nonetheless, making up for the comfort he physically could not provide."What I could do is try and find a shelter for you both in due time. The workers there are forced to remain silent about your whereabouts, right? That way you would both be safe from any harm and I´d be able to support you if you wanted me to."

Kurt glared at him when he tried to help him up before standing up on weak knees himself. "You would never pay the amount to buy us free from his clutches and he won´t stop chasing me. Finn, he might let go if he can punish me accordingly, but I am of value to him. Believe me, he will find me."His shaking finger closed around Blaine´s wrists. "So please, you are the only one I can turn to. The only one I confide in enough to entrust him with Finn."

He let go to pull something out of the back pocket of his faded blue jeans. In Kurt´s hands, clutched like a lifeline, was an envelope he persistently pushed against Blaine´s ribcage now. It was opened and wrinkled after it´s rough treatment in Kurt´s jeans pocket but Blaine could clearly see dollar bills through the slit.

" That is all I have with me now and it won´t cover the expenses-"
"Kurt, I really can´t take him in."

"You have to. Please, please, you have to do this for him." Kurt said hysterically.

In turn Blaine´s body throbbed with pain, stomach clenching and heart racing as he tried in vain to capture Kurt´s tears with his thumbs. It was just like it happened in his dreams. Kurt was always close but faded once Blaine reached out. The bills pressed to his chest crinkled whenever he tried getting closer, finally capturing his attention. It couldn´t be more than 5000 Dollar and that was a very high estimate, considering Kurt´s occupation.

"It won´t be for long." Finn interrupted then, saying something for the first time since he arrived."Kurt has promised to return and get me as soon as this blows over. This is just until he feels I am safe."

Blaine dazedly took the envelope out of shaking fingers as he finally looked at Finn."You could be safe in a group home, Finn. We´d find you somewhere further away from whoever you are scared of, but I am afraid it´s impossible for me to take you in even if I want to."

"He is not safe with people whose secrets can be bought." Kurt interrupted.

As soon as the words leave his mouth, Blaine regretted them. They were not at all what he thought, or they didn´t belong to the person he strived to be. Still, they have impact on all of them.

"You would know all about being up for sale!" Blaine bit his lip, swiftly adding,"I- Oh my god. Sorry that came out wrong."

Finn was the first to react to the words before Kurt could. It was not a reaction Blaine would have expected but soon enough Finn´s soft upper body was revealed and for a second Blaine thought that this boy also had chosen to prostitute himself and was about to make an offer. He couldnt say he fully grasped it even after seeing what Finn meant to show him. The horror of it shut up all of his senses but he couldn´t look away from the red welts crossing Finn´s back.

"This is nothing. For him this was just a mind game created to torture Kurt." Finn´s voice was lifeless and he didn´t turn around so Blaine never averted his eyes."I know it is too much for us to demand but you love Kurt. Aren´t people supposed to protect the ones they love, like Kurt wants to protect me? Do you think you´d be able to get up and look in the mirror, knowing you´d abandoned him?"

Blaine gasped for air and stumbled back a step. Kurt regarded him with tears in his eyes, his whole posture begging and pleading Blaine to give in, not knowing that Blaine had already been pushed over the cliff. Right now, he only needed to make sure he has a functioning parachute before he would crash.

"I´ll take you in on if you meet my conditions." He finally breathed out and it was a bit easier seeing Kurt light up for him.

Kurt nodded and said, "Of course, whatever you like. Thank you, I just can´t—"

"We will stay here in New York in this apartment and will only go to the Hamptons for the next month. I can´t afford to lay off my work any longer but I will make sure to keep him safe and inside as much as possible. The second thing I demand is for you to return here as soon as you possibly can without risking your life or his. Then you will tell me the whole truth, your story and I will listen to it before we can decide where to go from there."

Once it was out, a weight lifted from his chest and he could see it lift from theirs as well. Finn gave his brother a concerned gaze, as if not sure if Kurt would agree with those terms but Kurt´s face had already hardened again and painfully slowly, he nodded.

"Okay, then I will give you two time to say goodbye and when you are finished I will show you my spare room you can move in, Finn."

It was all he could do for Kurt now, he thought, as he left the room to put away the alcohol before Finn could see that Blaine was not at the peak of sanity himself right now.

Saying goodbye in the truck had been the hardest thing Kurt had to do. Saying Goodbye for the second time, a time he never thought he´d get, was possible even harder.

Finn hadn´t cried, hadn´t clung to him and in that moment when he needed to let go he finally understood that this was no longer a boy. That life had raised him more than he had ever had the chance to. It was him now, holding on tightly and whispering how much he´d miss him because he was the only one not sure if this was the last time. The Lucky One now hopeless.

"Don´t forget to brush your teeth, even on the weekends when you just want to watch cartoons. Don´t just nibble on something before putting it away, just eat it. And be nice the whole year through, not just a week before your birthday and Christmas." He whispered into Finn´s neck, needing to add more thing to the list he had created in the truck.

Finn shushed him."I promise. I will also eat the vegetables before the dessert and wash my hands before every meal if you only promise to be okay. Don´t let Hunter hurt you!"

"He could never hurt me. Not as long as I know you´re safe."

Finally, he heard Finn sniff and noisily snivel."When will you be back?"
"As soon as it doesn´t kill me trying." He replied honestly. "So don´t get to comfortable here."

Finn looked up at him after he put a small distance between their tightly locked bodies."Is Blaine a nice man?"
"The best man I know next to Nick."

"Better than Sebastian as well?"

"Sebastian is probably better at keeping you up at night and kicking your butt in video games but I know that Blaine will love you unconditionally. Even if that means he won´t be a good cook, story teller or nerd as the people you know are."

"Is that why you trust him? Because he loves you?" Finn asked.

Kurt frowned. It was possible that Blaine was eavesdropping and later he could convince himself he would have to say it to make sure Blaine was treating his brother right when he said,"Yes."

Time would not stand still for them. Instead it ripped on Kurt´s consciousness until he finally pressed a last kiss after the previous one on Finn´s forehead, and hugged him a bit too tightly. "I will always be with you, even if you won´t always see me."

Finn snorted through his tears."Is that a Lion King quote?"

"There never is a time where Lion King does not fit the situation!" He leant in and squeezed him to his chest a last time before gently leading him to the room he knew was Blaine´s spare one. He couldn´t look at Finn, or he´d never leave so he stared at his shoes instead.

The question that had kept him up at nights or let his dreams be riddled with nightmares finally popped out against his will. "Do you hate me now, Finn? Do I disgust you?"

Finn immediately jumped right back into his arms."What are you saying? I could never hate you, ever!"

"Promise you wont forget me." Kurt asked.

"I won´t forget someone who is gone for a year!" Finn replied in determination, not knowing that that only broke Kurt´s heart in pieces. At least leaving was easier now that he knew that eventually, in many years to come, his disappearance would no longer affect Finn.

He almost stayed when he heard Finn call his name once he had shut the door behind himself but he made it through. Just a few more steps and he´d be out of their apartment and out of their lives.

"Won´t you say goodbye to me?"

Splintering like his glass house, his resolve cracked on another spot, threatening to collapse. It was easier to say goodbye to Blaine, he knew that. It was the both of them that made each step away an inch long instead of a mile.

"Thank you." Kurt said without turning around."No one else would forgive me so easily and take in my brother. I would let my body repay you in the only way I can but I really need to leave now."

Unfazed by the comment, Blaine answered, "I just wanted you to know that I still have your Christmas present if you want it?"


Right, he had missed Christmas in a blur of men receiving him as their present. Away from Finn who had not said a single complaint about the lack of presents, candles and cinnamon pretzels this year.
Kurt took another step away from the situation."Give it to Finn."

"Finn will have no use for it."

"Where I´ll go I won´t have use for it either."

The sound of movement went unheard by Kurt but he noticed Blaine´s voice being closer now. He still didn´t turn.
"Can I ask one last question as a favor from you?"

"Should I tell and kiss to make it more interesting?" Kurt inquired cheekily.

He hadn´t expected to be swirled around and feel Blaine´s lips on his. This was no longer him lying, no longer pretense and he noticed with wonder how Blaine´s kiss could still make his breath suck in and the heat buckled his knees.

"I don´t need to ask anymore, since I know that your lips already gave me the answer without speaking."

Dazedly Kurt stumbled back, colliding with the door. His hand desperately tried to cover his cheeks filling with blood but he only felt them heat more when Blaine stole another kiss.

"I-" Kurt tried and was interrupted by lips."I need to leave."

Blaine´s pupils were blown, leaving only a small ring of honey that were his irises. Kurt gulped when he was kissed again, no longer fighting it since this was his last chance of happiness and maybe he did not have the right to it but that didnt mean he couldn´t give in to his greed.

"I love you, Kurt." Blaine breathed again his cheek."I am the biggest moron in the world for it, but I love you."

"I will never forget what you did for me." Kurt replied after some time.

Blaine shook his head but his lips were set in the tiniest smile. His heart soared when Blaine came closer and stayed up when he felt the warmth of a scarf settle around his throat that Blaine had taken from the hook on the door. It smelled strongly of Blaine´s cologne and deeply imbedded was the sting of fresh paint.

Blaine looked deeply into his eyes and his hands were still pressed between the fabric of the scarf and Kurt´s throat. He had to feel Kurt´s pulse flutter.

"This will shield you from the cold wind. Stay safe, Kurt!" Blaine said and both of them knew that he no longer talked about the weather.

"You should learn to make pancakes, because they are the easiest way to tame Finn."

"I don´t think I will." He stole another kiss."That way you would have to return before he turns havoc."

Kurt felt the hint of a smile and let it happen. It was the only thing except for their last kiss he initiated before he finally turned his back from them and left.

Blaine´s head spun with all kinds of emotions having broken free from the shackles. The chaotic last two weeks seemed to have no lasting effect if what his life was now was any indication. His lips still tingled where they had explored what he didn´t think he´d ever find again. Truthfully, he was not in love with the idea of sheltering a teenager, not even if he was the brother of the person he stupidly had fallen for. Still, he had taken him in because he´d never be content with being a man who´d abandon someone in danger.

A small part of him, a part he denied even though it was as loud as his fluttering heart, also hoped that it would bring him closer to the truth of Kurt. It was ridiculous to assume that Kurt was the same man he had acted as but he wasn´t the malicious beast he had made himself appear to be either. This in between, this new Kurt, Blaine hoped to understand, but for now he would focus on hiding a minor in his apartment.

Lightly, he knocked on the door frame before entering the room he had meant to be for guests who visited but was now to become a permanent solution for Finn. It was plain with its two single beds and a small cupboard but it was a bit livelier because of the lush forest Blaine had painted on one of the walls. It was a bit old fashioned for a twelve-year-old but it´d do once it was filled with Finn´s stuff. For now the small bag Finn had held clutched in his hands for the whole time laid unopened on the bed he sat on.

"How do you like the room? I am sure we can redecorate in the coming months but-"

"We need to call 911!" Finn screamed, leaping to his feet."Right now before Hunter can hide Kurt!"

Blaine gaped openly when Finn started to shake him from his stupor."Wh-What?"

"Call 911! You need to tell the police that it is not an apartment complex! That Hunter is forcing people into prostitution and then they will free all of our friends and all of us are safe!"

"Complex? What complex?"

"Not a complex! He just claims it is but actually it´s where the prostitutes are forced to work."
Blaine tried to clear his head as it glued all the new information to a picture he´d be able to see. Frankly, he had assumed Kurt to work on the streets, waiting at night for clientele that would use their cars as beds. Instead he was a prisoner in an illegal brothel.

"Okay?" He took a deep breath."You are telling me that you are sure that Kurt is forced to work like this? Because if he´s not he´d be in danger of violating law and if we call the police now there´d be a chance that he´d get arrested."
"At least he´d be safe!"

That was what did it, made him listen to the whereabouts of this ´apartment complex´ and lastly he also learned something he had overlooked the whole time. It filled in the gaps of the mystery and after he explained everything he knew to the police, he called for his town car to drive him to him.

To Kurt Hummel.

The whole drive was spent listening to the story of a stranger told by Finn. It´s what he convinced himself to believe because if that had been Kurt´s life, Blaine would not be able to stay strong. He was not a survivor like the boy next to him was. All he could do was try and prevent history from repeating.

" "Hunter Clarington? NYPD, wed like to ask you a few questions due to an allegation concerning your establishment."

Hunter looked up from the documents neatly stacked on his desk. Silently stretching, he felt the anger losing its claws as he saw who had entered the room alongside the two cops. Finn cowered near the door, his body shaken by the fear Hunter had fueled in him over the past weeks and it filled him with joy that he could now reap the benefits of it. He was in charge over the situation and he felt his penis stir because of it. The man Finn now hid behind was not at all what Hunter had expected, all soft and well-mannered even under his scrutinizing gaze. Defiant towards the tiger until Hunter could sink his fangs into him to force him into submission. It was quite refreshing, like his Kurt was on the inside. Hunter always spotted his resolve, his strength, even when Kurt was bound and at his mercy he had this look like nothing could ever break him even if his body turned to ruins. If that there was the man Kurt had run away to, Hunter was not impressed.

"Police?" He took off his reading glasses and leant back as if shocked by their appearance."I am not sure that I know what anyone would accuse me of doing, so Id appreciate a bit more information before I discuss finances with you."

"You have Kurt!" Finn shouted before he was shushed by the stranger.

"We have been informed by Mr. Anderson here that you use your building as a brothel, which of course is illegal in New York. He said that you hold the kid´s brother and other people hostage and force them into prostitution."

Hunter started laughing loudly, befitting his act but mostly because of how the stranger now resembled a kitty whose fur was standing. It was ridiculous that he believed that Hunter was that easily defeated.

"I am sorry." He said between laughs."This is just too good of a story to not laugh about it. Who made you tell it, kid? Do you get paid for saying that?"

"Liar!" The stranger hissed but the police ignored him.

An officer regarded him with a knowing grin. "So you deny any allegations?"

"Of course I do. I earn my money fair and square and you are welcome to look into my files of the last few years that show how I make my money. With renting out apartments and a licensed bar, you see. It´s safer than a brothel I assume but I wouldnt know."

"Then why would we call the police?" Anderson screamed, his manners abandoned for his frustration."Where is Kurt?"

Hunter knew where Kurt was, he had just been talking to him after he had received the call from his friends from NYPD that had warned him before sending off people he knew were on his side from the beginning. All this acting wasnt even needed but he simply liked to put on a show to play with people´s minds. It was so much more exhilarating than to play with their bodies but it was having both that made him feel the most powerful.

"I suppose Mr. Hummel is in the apartment he rents." Hunter said, feigning nonchalance.

"While Officer Daniels goes through the files you show him, may I ask if you are willing to show me around? It would show your truthfulness."

"Do you have a search warrant? If not, I am afraid it would be very unfair of me to abuse my power and let you barge into apartments people own."

Anderson was glaring at him now, body poised as if to jump over the desk and squeeze the truth out of him. It only made his cock harder.

"He is just scared of you getting close enough to hear what is truly going on behind closed doors." Anderson spat.

If only hed be able to see the laugh one cop tried to suppress, he would know that he had begun a lost fight the moment he dared to go against him.

"Mr. Anderson, we are not allowed to search through the building and right now, your word is against his. His finances back up his side of the story while we only have your allegation to go on without further proof."

Finn now stepped up, eyes still averting Hunter and body slightly shaking but his voice was strong and his hands were in fists."You would have proof if you found and asked Kurt Hummel!"

That was the cue he had been waiting for and his smile broadened when he saw realization dawn in Anderson´s eyes.


Hunter retrieved his phone from where it was locked inside a drawer to his left."I will gladly call him up, just give me a second."

"No, wait!"

"Have you changed your mind, Mr. Anderson?" A cop cut in."I am to inform you of consequences if your accusations turn out to be false."

Anderson shook his head, his lips pressed tightly and Hunter in turn felt satisfaction over an easy win wash through him. With a sugar sweet voice he asked Kurt to his office over the phone, all the while watching as Anderson fretted. The man knew this was a set up now but Finn didnt. Hunter saw it in both of them as Kurt entered the room a few minutes later. Finn was elated, his eyes glowing and finally calm because he thought his savior had arrived while Anderson immediately sprung to life after the time he spent in silent brooding.

"Kurt! Please, you have got to tell the truth! Whatever he threatened to do to you he wont be able to do once he is in jail." One of the cops stopped him from approaching Kurt, following the instructions Hunter had given them beforehand."I will keep you both safe, I promise!"

For a second, Hunter froze, seeing how longingly Kurt looked at the pathetic people he had chosen to be in his life. If Kurt broke now it would still not be very harmful to Hunter but then he would have to make sure that Anderson and Finn would be kept quiet for good and that could easily be prevented by Kurt´s total submission.

"It is lucky that you have found the time to come so quickly, Kurt." Hunter said and calmed as Kurt finally looked at him and remembered their trade-off. A lie for Finn´s safety.

With delight he watched as Kurt let out a yelp before putting as much distance between Anderson and himself as he possibly could. His face was ashen and he cowered down in the corner of the room.

"Get him away from me." He whimpered and while Hunter knew that he was the only one Kurt wanted to get rid off, his fingers trembled into the direction of Anderson and his brother."Please, dont let him near me."

"Kurt? What is wrong?" Finn asked with a broken voice but was not allowed to get any closer to his brother.

The other cop crouched down in front of Kurt. "Mr. Hummel, please calm down and tell us what is wrong. We are here to help and protect, you can trust us."

"He - he-" Kurt pointed at Anderson again."He abused me and always follows me wher-wherever I go. He even found me here now. No place i-is safe from him. I-I-I am so scared, take him away!"

Anderson stumbled back but the cop quickly had him pressed against the wall by his shoulders. With two shows going on, Hunter´s attention was divided but as always he ended up looking at Kurt. His sweet, great Lucky One, doing better than he had ever expected. Tamed and submissive for his true master.

"Stop lying, Kurt!" Anderson screamed now."He forces you into prostitution and threatens your brother and that is what you need to tell them. Please, dont be scared to tell them."

Kurt let out a bitter huff."Is that what you told them to get to me? That I sell my b-body? That this boy behind you is my brother? Where have you picked him up, at an actors school? You are so sick! You are sick and you need to just get out of my life for good, psycho!"

Hunter watched Blaine stop struggling as he finally admitted his defeat and Finn stood there still and unblinking. The cop still crouching looked at Hunter with a knowing smirk before placing a hand on Kurts leg. He would get to explore much more tonight as a reward but Hunter did not argue when the man let his hands slip down Kurts thigh. He knew what a tease that boy could be.

"Are you saying that all the accusations made by Mr. Anderson are untrue?" He squeezed and Hunter watched Kurt squirm in turn.

"Oh-oh my god, of course. I just rent a place here to live. Every word out of his mouth is a lie. Do I look like a prostitute to you?"

"Of course not, Sir." The cop´s hand slid lower but he shielded Kurt to make sure that the people behind him wouldnt see."Does either of you want to make a report against Mr. Anderson?"

Hunter stood up then, calmly walking over to where Anderson was pinned. "His accusations are so laughable that I dont think it is necessary to report it. I´d be glad if you removed him from my premises and away from this poor man."

Anderson glared at him in challenge, but once he heard Kurt speak he lowered his eyes and slumped even further.

"I just want him gone! Just take him and that kid out and tell him to leave me alone." To most ears, Kurt just would have sounded angry but the strain in his voice told Hunter that the cop had not stopped his interrogation of Kurts lower body. It sounded like music to him.

"Right, we will escort them out and make sure they stay away." The other cop said roughly, forcing Anderson around so that he could put his hands into cuffs."We are so sorry for interrupting your afternoon gentlemen. If either of you changes your mind towards him you can call the police and we will arrest him. Clark, come on!"

Clark didnt get up for another few seconds and a hushed promise to return just in case Kurt needed him before joining his partner by grabbing Finn by the back of his jacket.

"Kurt?" Finn asked again. "Kurt why are you doing this?"

"Come on, you have done enough damage." Clark said with the hands having touched Kurt now sliding to Finn´s lower back as he walked him out.

"Kurt! Please dont leave me alone! Kurt!"

"Shit." The cop cursed as Finn slid through his hands and ran towards Kurt. He almost made it, Kurt almost opened his arms for him but Hunter obstructed Finn´s path just in time.

However fast the cop was, he was not fast enough to prevent Hunter left side of the face getting hit by Finn. His cheekbone throbbed, as if all the anger Finn had stored up had fueled his weak body to throw a good punch. He would have made him regret it, would give him twice the pain in return if it weren´t for his act. Worse than the throbbing was the humiliation of a kid daring to go against him. Someone would pay for this and by the whimper behind him he knew that Kurt was expected to serve as a substitute.

He was right.

The cop had finally gotten his handcuffs on the fighting boy and hurled him away from Hunter just in time to make him escape from Hunter´s wrath. A second more and the act be damned. "Sir, are you alright? Do you want to report this assault even though he probably is not accountable?"

"I want him out of here!" Hunter seethed."Just get those two out or I will run out of patience!"

"Alright. Sorry again, Sir."

"Just get out!"

They did leave then, the door falling shut behind four very quiet men, two of them fearing a finance cut, two walking away from their final battle being lost. Their shuffling gait echoed to the eerily quiet complex for a few more seconds before it was quenched by a sob from Kurt. It slightly lifted Hunter´s mood now that he came closer to his goal.

Two pawns down, five to go.

Hunter sat back down on his leather chair, leaning forward to watch as Kurts pain ebbed down with every sob getting quieter, with every shake of his shoulders getting softer. He was preparing to lock those two away as good but painful memories and he hadnt invited Hunter to watch.

"Lucky?" He said with a soothing voice."You did make me very proud today."

Kurt stood up then, crashing against the wall before giving in and crawling until he was under Hunter´s desk with his chin on his knee. His beautiful eyes glistened with tears and were beautifully lowered. Right where they were focused on, he opened the slit in his pants, pulling out his erection that had strained against the material.

"And Finn will be free now?" Kurt asked him, tentatively liking his cock."You wont ever search for him or hurt them?"

Hunter closed his eyes in bliss and spread his legs farther."That is what you sacrificed yourself and others for. All of your friends working here could have been saved if only you hadnt lied for me just so that you could keep your boy toy and brother safe. Yes, believe it or not, I promise not to harm them and let them live in peace as long as you behave nicely and take the punishment for betraying me again like a good little slut. Are you my good little slut, Lucky? A good little, selfish slut who asks for it?"

Soon enough the only one Kurt would have was Hunter and everyone else would have him. There would be no amicable feelings between Kurt and the other sluts as soon as he was finished. Kurt would be all alone and then Hunter would finally be victorious.

He let out a long moan when Kurt sucked down to his the base of his cock and he held him there. Kurt sat perfectly still just like Hunter liked it. Yes, eight years later and he still knew why he had chosen Kurt. Soon, hed have him soon and once Kurt was nothing but crumbles, that´s when the true training would begin.

"Your good little slut." Kurt said in a hollow voice, cum dripping down his chin.


-End of Part I-


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