Sept. 26, 2015, 7 p.m.
Sept. 26, 2015, 7 p.m.
So I know its strange that its a kid!fic, and we havnt met the kid yet, but I promise we will soon! I hope you guys are enjoying the story, let me know what you think :)
Later that evening, Blaine and Isaac were both sitting around the table drinking a cup of coffee, or in Blaine's case, playing with the mug to give his hands something to do. He was so nervous, and he realized that the fate of Emily relied on Kurt's decision tonight, and that made him uncomfortable. He might still be hesitant and unsure that taking Emily in was the best thing to do, but he didn't want Kurt to be the one making the decision. It was a little childish, but if the decision was made not to take Emily in, he wanted it to be his completely, and not because of his obnoxious and pretentious roommate. Isaac could see how nervous Blaine was, but he didn't know what to do. He tried to explain several times to Blaine that Kurt wasn't as bad as he seemed to think, but he wouldn't hear of it. He had to admit that Kurt would often be particularly cold and distant with Blaine, and he didn't know why he acted that way. Isaac himself had no problems getting along with Kurt, and Kurt was always friendly with him, so he didn't understand why Blaine and Kurt seemed to hate each other so much, and had such a hard time getting along. He thought about it for a while, but then decided that Kurt and Blaine's relationship was a matter for another day. Still, he wasn't as nervous as Blaine was because he knew that despite what Blaine thought, Kurt did have a heart and wouldn't react badly to the news. He had tried to inform Blaine of that fact, but the man wouldn't be convinced until he saw it for himself.
When Kurt came back to the apartment at about 7 in the evening, he entered and saw his two roommates seating there in silence and grave faces. “Who died?” he asked sarcastically as he came forward, but he regretted the question when he saw the way Blaine's face darkened with pain, and saw Isaac flashing him a furious glare.
“Listen Kurt, can you be serious for 10 minutes? We really need to talk to you about something, and it would be great if you weren't being…” Isaac started to say.
“My sister died” Blaine said, cutting off Isaac in the middle of his sentence. At that, Kurt understood why they had such serious faces when he entered, and instantly felt guilty for what he had said when he entered.
“I'm really sorry Blaine” he said seriously. Blaine was surprised to see that Kurt seemed to be sincere and seemed genuinely sorry for him. Instead of answering, he acknowledged his apology both for the death of his sister, and what he said entering the apartment with a quick nod. He still felt anxious however, Kurt might seem more compassionate than he thought he would be, but that didn't mean he would accept the presence of Emily in the apartment.
“The thing is, when my sister died, she left behind her a complicated situation. And as Isaac pointed out before, and as much as I might dislike the fact, the decision of what happens next really depends on your opinion and is ultimately your decision.”
Hearing that, Kurt frowned. He didn't understand, what could he have to do with the death of Blaine's sister. He was truly sorry for Blaine, he could understand the meaning of family, but he didn't understand what it had to do with him. He had never met his sister, didn't even know Blaine had one until now.
“I'm not sure I understand what this has to do with me” Kurt said, and he winced when he realized how cold that sounded “What I mean is, I didn't know your sister and… I'm not sure what decision you expect me…”
“She had a daughter” Blaine cut him off. “My sister has… had a daughter, who is 11 months old, and is now alone. Her name is Emily, and she doesn't have any family left. Last night, the person who rang the doorbell in the middle of the night? That was a police officer, he was there to inform me that my sister had died, and I was now responsible for this little girl.”
At that, Kurt started to understand where Blaine was going with this, but he decided to let the man finish explaining before he answered. He could see how nervous Blaine already was, and didn't want to make it even worse. He might not always like the guy, but it didn't mean he wanted to make his life even more complicated. Especially in moment like these. He saw Blaine's shoulders tense, and the man took a large breath, before saying.
“Here's the deal Kurt. I would like her to come live here, in the apartment. I know it's a lot to ask, and I know you don't like me, and why should you do me any favors right? But she's a little girl, I'm her only family left, and I…”
“Okay” Kurt said quietly. However, Blaine didn't hear him and kept going.
“… really can't afford to live by myself, and…”
“Blaine” Kurt spoke over him. When the other man stopped talking and finally looked at him, Kurt continued. “I said okay. You don't need to convince me, I already agreed. She's your niece, and you're now her last remaining family, from what I gathered. So yes, okay. She can come and live here.”
Blaine was so astonished by this answer, that he didn't say anything for several minutes. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Sure, he hoped that after he had told him all of his arguments, and after Isaac had tried to convince him a little, Kurt might say yes and relent. But he never expected him to say yes so quickly, without any hesitation or questions asked. While Blaine couldn't stop from staring at Kurt in disbelief, Isaac just looked at Kurt and smiled slightly. He knew Kurt better than Blaine did, and knew what Kurt's likely answer would be. He was happy to see that Kurt had agreed so readily, but couldn't say he was surprised. He knew a little about Kurt's history, and it didn't make sense for Kurt to say no.
When Blaine finally got over his surprise, he finally stopped staring at Kurt and cleared his throat. He almost asked if Kurt was sure of his decision, but he didn't want to tempt faith, and didn't want Kurt to come back on his word, so he simply thanked him.
“I… that's… Thank you. I know it's a lot to ask, so thank you.” Blaine said uncertainly. “I'm still not sure that she will come and live here. I mean, she's still a child, and I'm not sure I'm fit to look after children, but thank you for saying yes. At least now I know whatever decision I take will be okay with the both of you.”
Hearing that, Kurt frowned, but Blaine didn't notice and kept speaking, holding his head with both of his hands, as if he was too tired to even consider holding his head up. “Now, all I have to figure out is the money, and whether I'm really the best one to take care of her and…”
Isaac opened his mouth and was ready to reassure Blaine again, but to both his and Blaine's utter surprise, Kurt beat him to it.
“You are.” said Kurt “Anything is better than child services, trust me on that”. With that last sentence and a dark look on his face, Kurt stood up and went to his bedroom. Isaac and Blaine kept looking at the place where he had been only seconds before, and were both perplexed by his answer.
After a while, Blaine shook his head in order to try and clear his mind. He couldn't be thinking about Kurt right now, he had more urging matters on his plate. Still, he couldn't forget what Kurt had said before leaving. Anything is better than child services. Blaine hadn't thought of that. He had been so focused on the numerous ways in which he could fail Emily, and wouldn't be good enough of a parent for her, that he hadn't even considered than staying with him would always be better than the alternative. Blaine wasn't perfect, and he realized that taking care of Emily would probably be the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. However, he was family, and he was willing to do everything it took to make this little girl's life as good as it could be. He would do everything he could to provide for her, and raise her at the best of his ability, and one day, give her a real home to grow up in. And that had to beat Child Services right? With that final thought, Blaine knew that his decision was really taken. He was going to go and get Emily, and he was going to raise her in this apartment. He was really going to be responsible for another life for the next 17 years of his life at least. He was going to be parent.