Sept. 26, 2015, 7 p.m.
Sept. 26, 2015, 7 p.m.
Hi guys! So this is nerve-wrecking. This is my first attempt at writing fanfiction, so please be patient with me. This is an AU in which Kurt and Blaine never met in high school, and havent dated (yet at least...). It will be multi-chaptered, and Ill try to update once a week, but I cant promise!
This being my first fic, I dont really know where Im going, so dont hesitate to comment and let me know what you think! Feel free to criticize and give your honest point of view, as long as its done nicely! I also dont have a beta, so all errors are my own.
I hope you enjoy the fic, and thank you for taking this journey with me!
Blaine suddenly wakes up and looks at his alarm clock. It's past midnight, on a week day. He is going to kill his roommate. He slops back onto his bed, only to hear a loud knock on his door.
Kurt, his roommate, tumbles into his room without asking.
“Blaine, would you answer the fucking door? It is almost one in the morning, we're in the middle of the week, and it would be great if you could avoid having people into our apartment in the middle of the night!”
He then storms out of the room without waiting for an answer. This gets Blaine out of his bed, and he reaches for his clothes. He was certain that whoever was knocking on the door for now the third time in a row would be one of Kurt's hook ups. The guy was very popular, which of course, wasn't such a surprise to Blaine. He had to admit Kurt was attractive, even if it pained him to say so; he had a fair and smooth skin, light colored-hair which he paid such a close attention to, and deep blue eyes. He also dressed in a way which made it almost impossible to not look at him whenever he entered a room; he had such a peculiar, and yet fantastic style. Blaine thought he was, to be honest, absolutely gorgeous. Of course, he would never admit this to his roommate. However Blaine had felt about him when he first moved into the apartment quickly ended when he got to know Kurt. The guy was smart he had to admit that, but he was also obnoxious, pretentious, self-centered and he drove Blaine up the wall. In the two years that they had shared an apartment, Blaine and Kurt never had been able to share a normal conversation, it was like the guy didn't even live on the same planet. He was always so concerned with looks and so materialistic, which Blaine couldn't stand. And of course, there was the dozens of guys that Kurt had hooked up with over the years, which didn't help Blaine's opinion of him.
Blaine was pulled out of his thoughts by another loud knock on the door.
“Isaac, if this is because you forgot your keys again, I'm going to kill…” Blaine didn't finish his sentence. Blaine got out of bed, and started walking towards the door. Isaac was their third roommate, and a close friend of Blaine's. He was fairly tall, with blond curly hair, and baby blue eyes. They had shared a class freshman year, and he was the one that had told Blaine about the available room in his apartment. Of course, he had forgotten to mention his very annoying roommate. However, Blaine was thankful to have a opportunity to live in such a place. The apartment was in a great location in the middle of New York, close to NYU, where all three roommates were attending school. Blaine might not get along with Kurt, or approve of his living style, but on the contrary, him and Isaac got along great, and for that he was grateful. Except when he woke him up at one in the morning because he had forgotten his keys. Again.
When Blaine finally opened the door, he stood stock still for a moment, with a gaping mouth. Indeed, the person standing on the other side wasn't Isaac, as he had originally thought, but a tired-looking police officer with a grave face.
“Are you Blaine Anderson?” asked the man in front of him. With his tired mind, and still in shock, Blaine didn't answer straight over. The officer looked perplexed and uncertain, until Blaine finally remembered to nod and answer the question. “I'm sorry to wake you up at such a late hour in the night. My name is Officer Williams, and I'm afraid I have some bad news, it's about your sister.”
Blaine didn't say anything for a while, and just frowned. Why would some police officer come to his apartment in the middle of the night, to talk about a sister with whom he had lost all communication years ago? After their parents had passed away four years ago, their life had taken different paths. Indeed, while Blaine had decided to use the money from his parents' life insurance to put himself through college and make something out of himself, his sister had decided to use hers to drown her pain in alcohol and drugs. Blaine had tried to talk to her at the beginning, to stay with her so they could grieve together, to push her to get some help when the drinking became out of hand. He had been so patient. Forgiven her for creating a scene at their parent's funeral, took care of every legal detail, picked up at the station the time she had been arrested for public disorder, but after a year, he had given up. He still missed his parents every day, still felt like a hole was in his chest, and he sometimes felt so guilty for the way he had abandoned Laura, but he had to move on. He burrowed himself in his work, and tried his best to keep on living. A sudden noise brought Blaine back to the present and to the officer that was patiently waiting in their entry way, with a pitying look on his face.
Remembering his manners, Blaine said: “Come on in officer.” They sat at the table in the middle of the small lounge he shared with Kurt and Isaac. Already dreading what the answer to his question would be, and how he would come up with the money to pay for whatever Laura had done, Blaine continued “What has she done now? And how much is this going to cost me?”
The police officer looked taken aback by the cold tone of Blaine's voice for a second, but being professional, he was quick to hide his emotions.
“I'm very sorry to come here with such news, but your sister passed away tonight sir.” he said with a soft voice. “She was found in her apartment by a neighbor…” Blaine had stopped listening. He couldn't comprehend what he had just heard. His sister had died; the last member of his family had passed away. Sure, Blaine wasn't close to her anymore, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt deeply. He hadn't talked to her in years, but he always knew he could always find her if he one day wanted to, the opportunity to rebuild his relationship with her was always present, until now that is. Because his sister had died. The last member of his family had died. He was truly alone, for the first time in his life. Blaine lived in New York, the city which never slept, and where the streets were always packed with people. He lived in an apartment he shared with two other students; he was constantly surrounded by people, and never felt lonely. Until now that is. His sister, his last tie to his parents, to his past was now gone. The officer then said something that pulled Blaine out of his thoughts.
“The person who found your sister went to her apartment because he was worried about the cries from the baby that had been going on for quite a while. He said it wasn't unusual for the baby to cry, but that it never lasted this long…”
“I'm sorry what?” Blaine cut him off “The baby… What baby?” Blaine felt even more lost than he did before. Surly, he had misunderstood; it was the shock that was making him hear things. But…
“Your niece Mister Anderson, Emily.” The officer looked confused for a moment, until understanding drew on his face “You didn't know your sister had a daughter..?” Blaine completely froze upon hearing the news. He couldn't talk, couldn't find his voice. His sister had a baby, a daughter, and Blaine didn't even know about her. How could this be news to him? He didn't even know he had a niece, his sister never told him that she was with someone, had started a family again. They had grown so far apart that he didn't know anything about his sister's life anymore. What kind of brother did that make him?
“How – How old is she?” Blaine asked with a trembling voice “And where is she? Was she harmed in any way?” The officer quickly shook his head to reassure the young man in front of him.
“Emily is 11 months old. She doesn't have any recent injuries, but she didn't look too good when we found her. She was crying next to the body, looked like she hadn't been fed in days, and hadn't been bathed in weeks… She's with child services right now”.
“What about her father?” Blaine asked quickly.
The officer looked at him with soft eyes, and started to explain “When we interrogated the neighbors, they said they never met the father, that they weren't even sure if your sister had known who the father was. You're the only family this child has left Mr. Anderson. She needs you…”
Understanding came to Blaine. The only family she had left, this child had no one. Her father was missing, her mother had died, she was now Blaine's responsibility. His sister wasn't there anymore, she had passed away alone in her apartment, and had only been discovered hours later by a neighbor. He hadn't even known he had a niece until a few minutes away, because he had stopped talking to her years ago. The guilt about that would always live with him. However her daughter was still there, she was still alive and alone. With that thought, Blaine knew his decision was taken. He would do anything he could to help his niece, and honor his sister by taking care of her daughter. Blaine had thought that he had no family left, that we was alone in the world, but maybe it didn't have to be that way. Maybe Blaine didn't have to be alone; they could be a family together. Him and this little girl, which he had yet to meet. He could do this, had to do this. Right at this moment, Blaine realized his life never would be the same.