Aug. 3, 2012, 10:38 a.m.
Aug. 3, 2012, 10:38 a.m.
Kurt was ripped from his fantasising about new designs he could sketch for his class the next day by a knock at the door. He blinked a few times, coming back to the real world, then stood up from the sofa, moving his sketch pad to the coffee table and padding quickly over to the door. He adjusted his shirt and hair then unlocked it, running through the different people it might be in his mind.
Blaine stood there, shoulders slightly hunched and fully dressed this time in a tightly fitted red polo shirt and grey pants which were cut off just above the ankle. Kurt approved, but felt his throat tighten as he remembered just what those clothes were hiding.
"Hello?" Kurt said when Blaine remained silent, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh, yeah, hi... I... Um, I brought your box back." Blaine was clutching the clear plastic box to his chest, staring at it determinedly. Kurt waited for him to hand it over, but that didn't happen. The silence was unsure, and Kurt was just confused and wanted his box back and for Blaine to leave because now he was remembering how that girl Santana had been in her underwear, too, and the images that were coming to mind were really not what he wanted right then.
"Thanks?" Kurt said eventually, holding his hand out and trying to move the situation along.
"Oh! Right," Blaine handed the box over, blushing a little. "Sorry. Uh... I didn't actually get to eat one, but Santana said to tell you she would come to you in future if she wants a... ah, food orgasm," Blaine coughed then whispered, "Or something." Kurt snorted.
"I've heard that one before. Tell her thanks." Blaine nodded, but didn't move away like Kurt expected him to, and instead just stood there with a sort of pathetically uncomfortable expression on his face. Kurt shifted on his feet and pressed the cool bottom of the box into his stomach, making shapes with his fingers on the lid. He normally didn't fidget, but Blaine was unfairly attractive and Kurt had seen him practically naked the day before and now he was just standing there in his doorway like he was expecting someone to leap out of nowhere and throw water in his face.
"I..." Blaine's voice startled him after such a long silence. "You know, I'm so sorry about yesterday, I feel so embarrassed. I mean, I just didn't notice that I... because I'd just got out of bed, and I was really exhausted from-"
"Okay!" Kurt interrupted, not wanting to hear anything like that from this attractive guy whose black boxers hadn't left much to the imagination. "I get it, she's very beautiful, and I understand that you'd want to boast about her, but I think I got the gist well enough yesterday."
"What?" Blaine squinted at him like he'd missed something crucial.
"I don't want to know about what you two... do together. You're a stranger and-"
"Wait, you thank Santana and I... you think that we... oh my god, no, I... I'm not- I'm gay, Santana's just my friend, and she has a girlfriend," Kurt nearly dropped the box and fumbled for a moment while Blaine blabbered on, losing his balance as the box bounced off his arm and into the wall. He twisted for it and suddenly found himself on the floor, with the box pressed painfully into a rib. He closed his eyes for a second then glanced up at Blaine, who had stopped talking and was just staring at Kurt in utter shock. An involuntary groan slipped from Kurt, and he did not miss the way Blaine swallowed and blinked at him and oh god he was making such a fool out of himself, and why the hell was he still on the floor? Blaine must think he was an absolute idiot.
"Are you alright? Do you... I'll help you-" Blaine bent down a little and held out his hand to pull him up. Kurt blushed and took it, trying not to think about the way the sleeves of Blaine's polo top strained over his biceps. He might fall over again.
"Okay." Kurt said, becoming more determined. He had to get a hold of himself. "Okay. Let's start over?" He asked, setting the box down on the little table by the door. He shook Blaine's hand but still couldn't quite look him in the eye.
"Hi. I'm Kurt Hummel." He said, smiling.
"Blaine Anderson. As you can see, I always wear ample clothing." Blaine said, turning red but grinning broadly. Kurt snorted, taking his hand back and wrapping his arm around his torso.
"That's a shame," Kurt mumbled quietly, completely without thinking, then closed his eyes and screwed his face up, feeling his cheeks set on fire. Why did I say that, oh my god, he chastised himself, not wanting to open his eyes again ever. At least until he heard a sort of choking sound and snapped them open to see Blaine curled over, shoulders shaking in silent mirth.
"I'm-" Blaine attempted to say, but doubled over again. "I... I'm sorry you're disappointed." He managed to compose himself after a few more giggles then fixed Kurt with the most adorable, hopeful look he'd ever seen. It melted his insides and made his brain feel like a windy mountaintop. All whooshy and chaotic and exhilarating.
"Kurt. Can we put all of this ridiculous awkward atmosphere behind us and, I don't know..." He looked away and scratched the back of his head. "Maybe go and get coffee or something?" he was murmuring, but Kurt still caught what he said. He smiled.
"Of course." He answered brightly, and Blaine looked back up at him with the most brilliant smile he'd ever seen.
"Oh just have sex already." Santana snapped at them, having just walked out of her apartment and found them staring at each other. Both boys flushed heavily again, but Blaine seemed to recover the fastest.
"And a wild Santana appears!" He said in an exasperated tone, rolling his eyes. Kurt smirked and cocked his head to the side.
"Well I don't know about you, Santana, but I like to take my sweet time."
"Kurt uses 'witty comeback'!" Blaine announced, coughing and appearing to ignore just exactly what he had said and looking over to Santana, who was just grinning fondly Kurt's comment. "It's not very effective."
"I know that you just used a reference to something I don't understand, Blainey baby, but I really don't care." She flicked a lock of her long, delicately waved hair over her shoulder and started to walk away. "I do care, however, about you finally getting some! Take care of him like I know you can, Blainers."
Both boys gaped after her until she turned the corner until Blaine shook his head as if to clear it.
"Um... let's just... ignore her and go get that coffee?" He asked, voice wavering slightly and raising his eyebrows in question. Kurt giggled.
As sweet as Kurt's cupcakes!
Ahhh that's such a lovely thing to say! Thank you for reading - I'm so glad you liked it! :D x
very nicely done. i love the blaintana friendship.
Thank you! I've always thought that Blaine and Santana would be close friends, but due to Santana's nature she'd tease him, too. Though of course in an affectionate way. She'd obviously test anyone who approached Baline, because she cares about him, and Kurt passed the test. ;)Thank you for reviewing! x
Pokemons ftw! I loved this! It was funny and awkward and reallyyy sweet! Great job! :D
Aaaah thank you so much!!Gosh, thanks so much for reading and telling me what you think! :D x