July 27, 2012, 9:17 a.m.
July 27, 2012, 9:17 a.m.
Kurt usually enjoyed his long morning moisturising routine, loving how it slowly woke up his entire body and made him feel fresh, but today he was eager to finish it. Rachel said she had something to show him. Normally this wouldn't excite him, but he had a feeling that this time something important would happen at school today involving Rachel's surprise, and he was as excited as he was curious. After grabbing Blaine's school books from his desk, since Rachel had so rudely told Blaine that Kurt would do his French homework for him, he was out the front door to his sleek black navigator in a few minutes, leaving a sleepy Finn long behind in the comfort of his bed. Kurt had completed Blaine's homework correctly in a perfect copy of Blaine's handwriting. He'd learnt that particular skill when they'd been friends, what with Blaine being better at math and Kurt being fluent in French they'd always swapped books. Blaine's books were still filled with the same neat handwriting, the same little drawings of penguins in the corner of his pages. It made Kurt's heart melt inside his chest when he'd found that Blaine still continued to draw them after he'd called Kurt a baby penguin and Kurt had drawn penguins in all his books as revenge.
A memory flashed to the front of his mind as he sat in the driver's seat and with a sad smile, dragged his gaze to the badly stuck together picture of Blaine and him in their junior year. Kurt had torn it in half when he'd first been slushied without Blaine there to hold him and clean him up afterwards. He'd been so angry at the smiling, happy version of himself that had his arms around his best friend's waist that he'd split them up. Days later, he felt regret at doing it, his sleepless nights had started too, so he'd stuck the two halves back together, reuniting his happy self with the one he loved. He'd felt like he was sticking two halves of his heart back together.
He turned the engine on and drove quickly to school, cursing himself for losing himself in so many memories, only slowing down when he reached the parking lot of McKinley. This was going to be an interesting day.
Thursday, his favourite, /not/, day. He had no glee club and his first period was filled with Neanderthals and ditzy cheerleaders. He could usually survive, but that was when he had Blaine.
Sighing, he reached his locker early before most students arrive bar the cheerleaders and a handful of random kids that were blurred faces in the corridor to Kurt but still enjoyed shouting 'faggot' at him when they got the chance. Kurt wished he was popular and everyone would fear him, purely so he could dumpster toss everyone at the damn school. He peered round his open locker as he heard footsteps coming from the end of the hallway getting closer until they were only a few lockers down. Leaning against it was Blaine; he looked gorgeous, and was with two of his cheerleader friends, both swooning over him. He gazed longingly at Blaine's hazel gold eyes, but seconds later, he heard a shriek as Rachel threw herself into Blaine's arms and he gave a weak smile to the short brunette holding his waist tightly. The other two cheerios walked off angrily, annoyed at Rachel for ending their moment to flirt with what they and Kurt thought was hottest guy in school.
Kurt felt like he was looking through a window as he watched helplessly from his locker a few metres away. Rachel leaned closer and tried to give Blaine a passionate kiss but he jerked his head away quickly as soon as their lips made contact, reducing it to only a peck. Rachel smiled and said goodbye before dancing off through the corridor to a waiting Quinn who grabbed her hand and then ran off giggling- he'd have to find out about the 'surprise' later. Blaine wiped his hand roughly across his lips and let out a long quiet sigh.
It was just Blaine left in the deserted hallway now. He looked over but Kurt quickly snapped his eyes away, burying his head in his locker pretending he was looking for something so as to avoid Blaine seeing the sadness and jealousy in his eyes.
Kurt groaned as Blaine slowly strolled away. His eyes had been closed, holding in tears of frustration. He commanded his brain to pry them open to meet the collage of Blaine and him, 20 or so pairs of smiling eyes met his own, now streaking wet salty tears down his cheeks. He slowly withdrew his head and wiped his tear stained cheeks on the corner of his sleeve, scolding himself when he realised what he'd done to his new shirt. He held his head up to whimper lightly, and then gently rest his forehead against the cold harsh metal of his locker. Why does my life have to be so unfair? Don't I deserve a happy ending like everyone else? with a final moan, he walked down the bare corridor of McKinley to his first class.
Despite being over half an hour early, someone had still beaten him to his first period. As Kurt gracefully walked into the small classroom, he saw out the corner of his eye a figure sitting lazily at the desk behind him, his head dropped down to rest on his hands and pressing his face against the table looking away from Kurt.
He sat down in his usual seat at the front and laid out his French book and pulled out his phone. He was about to text Mercedes when he got a message.
Rachel: hey you, I know you're at school already, I saw you gazing lovingly at Blaine this morning.
He rolled his eyes, but couldn't help the feeling of panic that rose in his chest as he tapped out his reply.
Kurt: what! I was doing no such thing, Rachel I hate you.
Rachel: I'm just teasing :-) and anyway, no you don't, you love me.
Kurt: I only pretend so as to avoid being hunt down by an army of crazed hobbits.
Rachel: :-( mean
Kurt: :-)
Rachel: Ew. Ok anyway just remember to give Blaine his homework back you little nerd.
Kurt: and I'm the one being mean? Bye Rachel.
The person behind Kurt sniffed and wiggled in his seat, and Kurt shifted slightly in his seat to look at the student behind him. He got a glimpse of curly hair in the second before he turned back and Kurt suddenly came to realise that it was Blaine. He was alone with Blaine. His perfect Blaine. Perfect Blaine who still didn't have homework for that very class because his books were in Kurt's bag.
He couldn't not give Blaine his books, but he also couldn't face doing it himself without bursting into tears and making himself look a fool. He could always wait half an hour for Rachel to finally turn up to class, but then she and Quinn usually skipped French first period. Fuck, he'd have to give it to Blaine on his own.
As he leaned down to leaf through the various books in his messenger bag, a million thoughts crossed his mind. What if Blaine says something hateful, what if he asks to make up, what if he tells me I'm a fag like the rest of his friends do...His worries were cut short by a feather light hand on his shoulder that quickly drew back with lightning speed as soon as it touched the fabric of his Alexander McQueen jacket. He stared forward at the shoes in front of him on the floor and dragged his eyes up muscle toned legs hugged by the soft fabric of designer pants and a well fitted Cardigan and shirt before finally meeting the eyes of the curly haired boy inches away.
"Um, Hi, Kurt".
"Hi", he breathed. His throat dry as he slowly sat up in the hard plastic of his chair, leaning against the support when he though his body might collapse on itself.
"Rachel said you had my book?", the Hazel eyed boy asked gently in a barely audible whisper, like he was afraid everything would break around him like glass if he raise his voice to a normal conversation level.
Neither of them seemed to know what to say, so Kurt leaned back down and picked up his bag to fish out Blaine's French book. His hands trembled and he lost his grasp on his bag and it fell to the floor, scattering paper and a trio of pencils rolled across the classroom floor.
Kurt gasped and got on his knees to collect up the escaping contents of his bag. Blaine has the same idea and suddenly Kurt found himself face to face with the boy, an arm extended to hand back a few papers he'd picked up. Kurt accepted them bashfully and slid them back into the messenger back on his lap.
Neither of them moved when Kurt turned to look back. The cold room was empty of sound except the faint tweeting of morning birds outside the open window. A beam of sunlight lay on the two figures crouched on the floor, turning everything around them into a golden halo.
Kurt was barely breathing, because Blaine was right there. Closer than he'd ever been since they'd become friends. And Blaine was leaning in, so slowly that you could barely see it happening. His face almost childlike in a state of awe and his eyes swirling and practically sparkling with liquid gold and Hazel. Kurt flicked his eyes downwards and stared openly at the rosy pink of Blaine's lips just centimetres away from his own. Kurt could feel Blaine's slightly laboured breath on his face, could taste its sweetness. Blaine's skin so smooth, slightly tanned and free of blemishes. Kurt just wanted to reach out and stroke his cheek, but locked his hands firmly in his lap, shaking visibly as his heart thrummed within his chest, like a birds wings fluttering, about to burst out. His heartbeat so loud within his ears he couldn't help but expect that Blaine could hear it when he was so close.
Kurt gazed into the gold honey whirlpools of Blaine's eyes, and Blaine stared back, as if he were hypnotised. Kurt watched as the twinkling orbs almost lazily dragged down to Kurt's lips, his mouth slightly ajar, lips dry with anticipation.
If there were any words to describing Blaine's eyes, it would be that there were fireworks glittering throughout them. Blaine looked like he wanted, no, longed to get closer to Kurt. Kurt only hoped his mind wasn't playing tricks when Blaine tipped his head excruciatingly slowly and tilted his chin.
Kurt let out a shaky breath and saw it tickle the curls on Blaine's forehead. He could feel heat radiating from Blaine's skin it was so close. His nerves felt electric and his body buzzed with every heartbeat in longing mixed with terror at the tension held in the air. Everything seemed to happen slowly. Blaine blinking, every flutter of long eyelash sweeping across hooded lids, seems to take minutes. Time slowed to an almost stop as Kurt's heart skipped and franticly drummed inside his fragile body.
Kurt could almost taste Blaine's lips on his, their flushed skin almost brushing. He felt a tiny kitten sized whimper growing in his chest at the need for contact but knowing he couldn't grab Blaine, he didn't even know how the intimate moment had begun. He closed the gap, his forehead delicately resting against Blaine's in the lightest of touches due to how close they were. He leaned into the open space, and Blaine followed. Kurt waiting to feel the loving feeling of lips on lips. Just waiting to feel his heart do a backflips as he tasted the sweetness of Blaine's lips. Waiting a second so he could finally kiss Blaine. They were so close to locking lips, just a hairs width apart almost. Blaine had closed his eyes, his eyelashes fanning out like a butterfly's wing against his cheek. Letting his senses guide him into the warm embrace of Kurt's lips. To be surrounded by Kurt and engulfed by his everything. Just one more movement until they'd finally share what Kurt was waiting for. For Blaine to kiss him