Best Friend's Boyfriend
Prologue Next Chapter Story
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July 27, 2012, 9:17 a.m.

Best Friend's Boyfriend: Prologue

E - Words: 1,153 - Last Updated: Jul 27, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: May 30, 2012 - Updated: Jul 27, 2012
406 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Ok, this is my first fic, so expect it to be terrible. But thank you to everyone who reads it anyway:-).


Kurt Hummel had never liked the cold. He avoided snow and always made sure he was wearing no less than two layers of clothes to keep him warm. So on his first day of junior year at McKinley, he did not approve of the ice cold slushy being thrown into his face. His eyes stung as the purple grape flavoured syrup filled his eyelids, threatening to release salty tears. The ice ran right down to the top of his boxers and soaked his new sweater. The Neanderthals who threw the iced drink at him ran away shouting and laughing rude words that Kurt had only ever heard on adult’s evening television. He caught sight of their red letterman jackets just before they disappeared round the corridor corner. Picking up his books that he dropped in shock and sighing heavily, Kurt searched the crowded corridor for an easy exit.
He felt two arms grab onto his shoulders and lead him towards the boy’s toilets. The hands that held him felt strong but comforted him and he felt safe being held by the mystery person. The mystery person gently rested Kurt’s head against the sink and washed his face and hair clean of the icy syrup.

Once his hair was soaking, but free of the slushy, Kurt turned his head to stare at the owner of the warm hands that had been so gentle with him. A boy, roughly the same age as him, was smiling down at his shocked face. Curls not held down by his helmet of gel fell delicately onto his forehead, just above his hazel, honey tea coloured eyes. Eyes Kurt had never experienced before. They were whirlpools of gold and hazel and he felt like he could see through to the boy’s soul as they sparkled inches from his face.
Kurt forced himself to drag his eyes away from the gorgeous face in front of him, and down to the hand held out. Kurt took it, shaking it briefly before the other boy made to pull away. Kurt let go reluctantly and licked his lips nervously. The boy wore a burgundy cardigan that was buttoned up to show only a small triangle of black and white striped polo, and his jeans were faded at the knees; his shoes slightly scuffed at the toes. But the entire outfit went gorgeous together and hugged his slim, toned body well; as Kurt can see the bulge of his biceps and lets his gaze dance for just a second over the outline of his completely perfect ass. The boy coughs and Kurt snaps his eyes back up to meet the hazel heavens of the boy still inches away from him.
“Blaine Anderson”, he introduced himself with a nervous laugh. Kurt couldn’t help but admire the way his eyes lit up while he laughed and couldn’t help but giggling along with him.
“Kurt Hummel”, Kurt replied and he heard Blaine repeat him in a whisper, the words rolling off his tongue in a way Kurt found incredibly attractive.

Ever since then, Kurt has been completely and utterly in love with Blaine Anderson. But he’s neither told Blaine, nor has Blaine ever realised.
It's not like he didn't want to. Of course he wished that he wasn't plagued by constant dreams of Blaine's gorgeous, pink, soft looking lips where he either woke up turned on or reaching for his phone at 3am with all intentions of ringing Blaine and pouring his heart out to him. He very nearly did on a few occasions, picking up the phone and dialling the number; smiling through the few salty tears that clung to his eyelashes and trickled down his cheeks when Blaine answered. Kurt would then tell him that he couldn't sleep, and Blaine would groggily grunt out a reply- Kurt found this completely adorable- about how he should close his eyes and think about happy things, like the first time Kurt had successfully watched a vampire film. Kurt had been scared of vampires since he was little, and Blaine kept laughing quietly to himself as Kurt snuggled into Blaine’s shoulder at parts of the film that weren’t even scary at all. Other times it would be when they visited New York together and had spent a weekend pretending they were famous going to all the Broadway shows, or when they had spent hours rehearsing in the pool for Mr. Shue's proposal to Miss. Pillsbury. Kurt remembers that one fondly, even though he'd been forced to take his shirt off in front of Blaine. But then he had also seen Blaine's perfectly toned muscles and willed himself not to admire him too much; glad that the water distorted the growing bulge in his pants.

Sometimes it hurts Kurt to think about how gorgeous Blaine is. His heart melts and feels like warm butter on toast and he gets butterflies fluttering wildly in his stomach. Kurt's heart skips a beat every time Blaine accidentally brushes against him in the hallway or winks at him in the classroom during one of Kurt's daydreams.

But Blaine's straight. And he's dating Rachel.
Kurt wants to roll his eyes at how unfortunate he is sometimes.

But it isn't like he isn't friends with Rachel. He's nearly as close to Rachel as he is to Blaine. But no one knows he’s in love with Blaine. And it has to stay that way because Blaine's popular. And Kurt's just the kid who has good fashion sense and gets slushied on a daily basis.

They eat lunch together; they sing at glee club together, they watch movies together. Blaine doesn’t care that he’s too popular to hang out with the glee club because it’s just the way Blaine is. Another thing on the long list of things Kurt adores about him.
Sadly, other people at McKinley have other ideas. They believe that the glee club are there for their entertainment. But only if you think entertainment is being shoved into lockers, thrown in the dumpsters and slushies thrown in your face on a daily basis. And Kurt Hummel definitely did not.


Blaine was very aware that his best friend was bullied, and he tried to help out best he could. But it was in vain and because of this, he slowly began to drift away from Kurt. He didn’t mean to, he always cared about Kurt. He just had less and less time together with him, time that soon didn’t exist anymore. They never talked or even looked each other in the eye anymore. It just happened. 


He sighed as yet another slushy came his way, hit his skin and stung his eyes on the first day of senior year.
Kurt Hummel never liked the cold, especially now when Blaine wasn’t there to warm him up anymore.



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For your first story it's actually pretty good!!(: good job! Can't wait for chapter 2!