McKinley Abbey
The Arrival Next Chapter Story
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McKinley Abbey: The Arrival

E - Words: 6,933 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Apr 29, 2012 - Updated: Aug 30, 2012
593 0 14 0 0


Blaine Anderson looked up at McKinley Abbey through its wrought iron gates. Even as he had approached the home he could tell it was intimidating, but standing about 200 yards from its front door was absolutely terrifying. He wondered if this new job would turn his luck around, or if he was destined to spend his life flitting from house to house, always with an excellent letter of recommendation that made employers wonder why he had been fired in the first place. Blaine sighed and shifted his modest leather suitcase to his other hand; there was no use worrying about the future before this place had a chance to become his past. At that moment, a figure emerged from the cathedral-sized doors. As he approached, Blaine could see that the man was from the orient, was rather tall and had a kind smile that was interrupted by surprisingly deep stress lines; this man could only be about twenty-two, twenty-three, hardly older than Blaine himself.

“Mr. Anderson I presume? Ah, yes, excellent. I’ll take your bag for you. Come now, they have to pay me to do something.” The man smiled down at Blaine who reluctantly handed over all his worldly possessions. “Now, follow me.” The man bustled off at a pace much too quick for Blaine’s liking, and he had to struggle to keep up. “Oh how rude of me: I haven’t introduced myself Michael Chang or Mike if you prefer…” Mike stuck out his hand and Blaine was surprised to be met with a grip equal to his own. “My wife Tina does the cooking and most of the cleaning, she has a village girl, Brittany, as her helper, but I’m afraid she’s more of a nuisance than anything. If it were up to me we’d just let the poor girl go, but Tina’s got a soft spot for her, and she can be right entertaining if she wants to be. Oh yes, around His Lordship and his family, you’ll have to refer to me as Mr. Chang, Tina as Mrs. Chang and Brittany as Ms. Pierce. Normally, Her Ladyship would have her own servant as well, but after you meet her you’ll understand why that isn’t necessary. Lady Carol and Master Finn were commoners, just like you and me, not more than a year ago. Lord Hummel met her one day when he was out for a stroll, and she didn’t have the faintest idea who he was until she noticed how nice his clothes were about an hour into their conversation. Hadn’t seen him so happy since I was a boy, when Lady Elizabeth was still alive and my dad was Lord Hummel’s Valet. Young Master Hummel took it surprisingly well; he even helped plan their wedding, although it was Brittany’s job originally. Master Hummel took one look at the colors she picked out and he took matters into his own hands. But I digress, since Lady Carol lived a simpler life for so long, she isn’t comfortable having someone dress her and bathe her and what have you, and Master Finn almost punched me in the nose the first time I tried to help him into his jacket, so we really only need help with Master Hummel.”

Blaine nodded, trying to keep up. A Lord marrying a commoner? That was unheard of in Westerville. Maybe things were different here in Lima.

“Alright, here we are.” Mike had stopped in front of two large light colored oak doors that stood out against the gray walls of the hallways they had been traveling through, obviously the servants’ quarters. “Now after you meet the family and the staff- don’t be nervous it would’ve been much worse about ten years ago, hardly anyone left anymore- I’ll show you to your room, or if Master Hummel likes you enough he’ll show you around himself. Things didn’t go too well with his last valet; bit of a lug David was, so hopefully he won’t be too hostile towards you. Now if he is, don’t take it personally, Master Hummel is infamous for his mood swings. Alright…” Mike turned towards Blaine; he dusted off his shoulders and yanked his jacket down. “Perfect. Here we go.”


Mike pushed open the right-hand door to reveal a truly fantastic ballroom. The marble floors gleamed and reflected both newly-installed electric light from the enormous crystal chandelier and the natural light flooding in through the diamond shaped windows carefully placed around the room. There was a grand piano and a harp off to one side raised on a round red velvet platform, with a golden music stand just waiting for a conductor. The back wall had two smaller staircases coming down from identical doors on the right and left-hand sides combining into a grand staircase with steps that Blaine was sure would fit both him and Mike end-to end comfortably on just one stair. The same red velvet from the music platform trailed lazily down the stairs, with a small overlap onto the marble that led off to both back corners of the room. In each corner there were several red armchairs, loveseats and poufs, as well as a small coffee table, obviously gathered in a manner for socializing. After his eyes had had their fill of possibly the grandest place they had ever seen (and that was saying something) Blaine turned his attention to the small group of people assembled on the stairs. On the last three steps, six people were gathered in a V. On the bottom step, the farthest ones out, stood two young women; the one on the left had long beautiful blonde hair that was falling out underneath her maid’s cap. She wore a white apron over her simple red dress that was tied in the back with a most extravagant bow. Her face, though simple, was kind and her blue eyes light up as she smiled at Blaine. The woman on the right had her black hair expertly put up in her cap; the spot of flour on her chin was the only sign of anything but organization. Her small almond-shaped eyes were full of laughter. Like her husband, her uniform was black and white, and she wore it modestly, though Blaine swore he saw something like men’s work boots peeking out from underneath her skirt. These were, respectively, who he assumed to be Brittany and Tina. Brittany had turned around and said something to the man behind her. Was this Master Hummel? The man was very tall, and had both brown hair and eyes. He had a dopey yet happy expression, and was treating the servant girl with kindness. Blaine would’ve bought his act had it not been for the way he kept pulling on his collar like it was attempting to single-handingly murder him: Master Finn. Blaine chuckled; he knew from experience that after so many years of simple shirts and trousers, formal wear was rather uncomfortable. Pity that he was too small to have been any use in the fields, and even more of a pity that Valets were forced to suits (although, Blaine did secretly love the bowtie). The woman behind Finn had to be Lady Carol, for she was the only female left unidentified. She shared both her son’s hair and eye color, but she seemed to be handling the clothing much better. In fact, Blaine had seen many women who were supposed to be ‘highly fashionable’ and most of them looked like beggars compared to Lady Carol. Had he not known her back story he never would’ve guess she was anything but noble. She was simply stunning and like everyone else had a cheerful expression on her slightly aged face. The man next to her on the top step was obviously Lord Hummel. He had very little hair on top of his head, and muscles that hinted that fox hunts weren’t his only form of exercise. He was the first person to look at Blaine with a stern gaze that demanded respect, and Blaine knew that he would have to prove himself worthy of receiving one of the smiles that had caused Lord Hummel’s laugh lines. Blaine did a mental sigh. The only person left to look at was going to be the spoiled, more than likely rude future Lord he’d have the displeasure of serving for God-only knows how long. Blaine assumed that like his father, Master Hummel wouldn’t be easily won over by a basically randomly acquired servant. Blaine shifted his gaze and froze. The man standing on the second step surely could not be simply the son of a lord. He had to be the son of a king, a God. His chestnut colored hair was perfectly styled, barely sweeping onto his defined forehead. His skin gleamed in the light and his blue-grey-green (what color were they?) eyes danced with amused boredom. He had a semi-smirk playing about his mouth; like he thought this whole thing was absolutely ridiculous. His suit fit him like it was made for him, (which it probably was) and Blaine caught the subtle lace detailing around the cuffs and buttons that was more than likely self-altered. He brought his eyes back up to the face of this lovely man and was shocked to see that his gaze was matched. He had been faintly aware of Mike introducing everyone in the background of his mind but he was suddenly pulled to a crystal focus at the words “-and this of course, is the future Lord of McKinley, Master Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, the man who’s every need will soon become your priority.” The man’s mouth turned into a full out smirk then, like he knew exactly what needs were Blaine’s priority at that particular moment. “Lady and Gentlemen let me introduce to you the newest member of our staff, Mr. Blaine Anderson.” Brittany and Tina applauded, Finn and Lord Hummel nodded, and Lady Carol even curtsied. Blaine wouldn’t let his gaze shift back to Kurt so he returned their greeting with a smile and a bow. Mike looked over at him, his own smile on display. “Now Blaine, if you’d just come with me and-“

“No, Chang, that won’t be necessary.” Blaine looked up to see his new master slowly descending the stairs towards him. “I’ll show Mr. Anderson around myself.”

Mike nodded respectfully, backing out of the way. “Of course. Mr. Anderson, I’ll put your suitcase in your room. I trust Master Hummel will direct you to it eventually. I shall see you both at dinner.” He bowed and exited the room. Blaine looked up to see Brittany and Tina also exiting through the doors Mike had recently brought him through. Lady Carol and Lord Hummel (what was his first name? He should’ve paid attention to Mike...) and Master Finn exciting up the left staircase. Master Hummel was already heading back up the right-hand side staircase when he paused and turned around. “Well, Mr. Anderson, are you going to follow me or did you grow roots?” Blaine blushed. “Sorry, Master Hummel.”

“Master Kurt if you will, Master Hummel makes me sound much too old. Come on, then!” He beckoned Blaine and watched with slight amusement as he almost tripped on the gigantic steps. Kurt gave Blaine a quizzical look as he stopped on the step below him. “Do I have an odor?? I assure you, I bathe every morning, something you’ll grow rather accustomed to I’m afraid.”

 Blaine blushed again. “Sorry, Master H-“ he stopped as Kurt’s eyes turned into angry, cat-like slits. “Master Kurt.”

Kurt sighed. “Oh, stop apologizing, that will become old far too quickly. It’s not your fault your past master’s have been so uncivilized that they’ve made you think you aren’t even worthy of standing on the same step. Where did you say you came from?” The look on his face told Blaine he already knew, but for some reason Kurt wanted to hear it from Blaine himself. “I didn’t, sir. I grew up in Westerville, sir. But from the age of twelve up until last week I worked at Dalton Manor.”

Kurt’s expression became serious, but his eyes were still as mischievous as ever. “And what did you do at Dalton Manor?”

“Well sir, I started out as a kitchen boy, for my mother works in the kitchen to help my father when the crops are poor.”

 “You come from a farming family? Why did you go into house- service?”

“My father claims I am too weak to be any use in the fields, sir.”

“Ah, well, you obviously weren’t a kitchen boy for the entire time you worked at Dalton. How’d you make your way up?”

“It got around to Lord Warbler that I was giving the footmen advice on how to properly behave, sir. To be honest I thought when he called me to his study I was right sure convinced he was going to fire me. But instead he offered me a raise; valet to the Young Master Wesley, who was actually only 3 months older than me, sir. I worked for Master Wesley for a good six years and then…-“Blaine trailed off, not really sure how to phrase what happened next.

“Oh no need to explain Mr. Anderson, I’ve met Wes on numerous occasions and I think we both know how…difficult he can be at times.”

 The way Kurt paused made Blaine’s heart race. Did he know? How was that even possible? Could he be..? Blaine stopped his thoughts as he noticed that Kurt was looking at him with an expectant look.

 “Master Wesley was a good and kind to me, Master Hummel; he had just reached a point in his life in which he required services beyond my means. He hoped that by sending me here I would, as Master Wesley himself put it “Be an end to your Valet woes.”

Blaine realized how disrespectful that sentence was stopped. Why did he always have to get so defensive about Wesley? It wasn’t even part of his job anymore. Ignoring the answer he gave himself to that very dangerous question, he hastily added an apologetic “Sir” before stepping down a step again.

Kurt rolled his eyes and joined Blaine on his step. “Oh how eloquent your lovely Master Wes is, he always had a way with words. Please don’t trouble yourself with my so called ‘valet woes’. I am more than capable how handling my own woes by myself, I just prefer to have someone else handle them for me” Kurt paused, turning his full attention to Blaine. “I know that sounds terribly snobbish and spoiled but I do know how lucky I am, and I figure, why waste it?” He smiled then, the first real smile of the day. Blaine decided he was going to do everything in his power to make that smile appear again and again.


“Now that that’s settled, let’s get off this blasted staircase and take our tour.” Kurt briskly walked up the steps so gracefully, that as he trudged clumsily behind him, Blaine wondered how many afternoons he had spent practicing that walk. As they reached the landing, Blaine followed Kurt respectfully (although not too respectfully, for he did not receive another lecture) through another set of huge doors into a carpeted hallway. Portraits that faintly resembled Kurt and his father greeted them as they passed door after door. Just as Blaine was wondering what they might hold Kurt’s voice drifted back to him

“Guest rooms, my grandmother loved to entertain... and decorate. They’re all very delicately furnished, though most of them haven’t been used in at least 30 years. On their wedding anniversary, Father lets Mr. and Mrs. Chang have their pick of rooms for the night, though its usually one of the ones frequently visited because Mrs. Chang doesn’t want to have to do extra cleaning.”

 Kurt had stopped and was staring at a portrait of some long-dead Hummel relation with a peculiar smile on his face. “It’s so odd, calling them that. When I was younger father insisted I attend school with the village children to keep me grounded. He actually hired a highly educated governess to teach us all, something most of the children never could’ve dreamed of. Michael was the only one who treated me normally, and therefore kindly, for the other children were always respectful to my face and spiteful behind it, and would consequently make fun of me. When Tina’s mother moved here to be our new cook, Mike welcomed her with such kindness that she had to fall in love with him, even though we were only nine years old. When I reached thirteen of age  I was literally the only pupil left in the school; all the other children had been taken out to go work with their families (so they worked for my family) and father decided I could continue my education at our house. After Mother’s accident, father fired almost everyone, but he knew how kindly Mike and Tina had treated me. So he offered both of their parents a very generous amount of money to retire on, as long as their children continued to work for him at regular wages. It was an all-around perfect situation after that, father had gotten rid of all the people who reminded him of mother, (well, except for me) and I got the satisfaction of knowing that my only two friends I’d ever had weren’t starving in the street somewhere. Fantastic, really.”

Kurt’s tone of voice told Blaine the situation was anything but perfect, that he resented his own status.

 Kurt shook his head, realizing what he had just said and to whom it was said to.

 “I have absolutely no idea why I told you any of that. Well, congratulations! You have your first secret of mine to keep. That’s got to be a record; usually it takes a couple of days for the valets to even get my true tea preference out of me, let alone a pathetic story about my childhood.”

 Kurt laughed then, a laugh full of bitterness and pain. Blaine didn’t know what to do.

 “I don’t think you’re pathetic, sir.”

 Kurt turned towards him, his gaze more intense than any Blaine had ever seen.

“Thank you, Anderson. That means a lot.”

 He smiled softly at Blaine for a moment, before he yet again remembered where he was. “Anyway, you shouldn’t ever have to worry about these rooms, unless that silly Ms. Pierce locks herself in one of them again, but Chang has stopped keeping the keys in the door handles so I doubt that will be a problem.”


Blaine followed Kurt down several nearly identical hallways, around a corner and through the dining room, where a smiling Brittany waved to them with a China plate as she set the table for five “Ah, I see that either Miss Fabray or Miss Berry will be joining us for dinner. My stepbrother fancies both of them, and is having a rather difficult time deciding which one he’ll actually marry. Though the Fabray girl is slightly more attractive, she’s incredibly cold. And once you get past the initial shock of meeting Miss Berry she’s actually a lovely girl and a well trained musician, though aren’t we all in this circle?”

Kurt mentioned music with a slight hint of resentment, but Blaine decided not to pry. Kurt suddenly gasped overdramatically, making Blaine jump.

“Well, Anderson, you got yet another secret out of me! Can’t have the whole world knowing what I think of my brother’s oh-so-exciting love life.”

“Brother, sir?”

 “Oh yes, I consider Finn much more than just a regular step brother, for him and his mother have made my father truly happy again.” Kurt smiled fondly at some memory that Blaine would probably never know.  “Well, you’re up to two secrets now. I must say, you’re being rather quiet through out this whole tour. Don’t you have anything to say?”

Blaine stammered, he’d never been addressed so boldly before. “I didn’t want to seem rude, sir.”

Kurt scoffed. “I consider it rude to not respond when someone says something to you, don’t you?”
Blaine nodded “You’re quite right, Master Kurt.”

“I know I’m right, so please try to keep up.”

“I look forward to meeting and hopefully sharing your opinions of the two fine young ladies, sir. For I feel if I don’t share your opinions you will more than likely fire me.”


Stupid, idiot Blaine! Why, why must you run your mouth off? You weren’t hired to-


Kurt burst out laughing “How delightfully accurate you are, Anderson! Though I don’t think you have to worry about sharing my opinions, I tend to be correct 99% of the time.”


“The 1% being choice in valets, I assume?”


That earned him a chuckle “Oh so you’re under estimating yourself already? Anderson, if you don’t want the job I’m sure I can find someone else.”


Blaine tensed immediately “Not at all what I meant sir, I am actually quite excited-“


Kurt raised one of his hands “I know, Anderson, save it. I just merely displaying that you aren’t the only one who possesses the power to be witty.”

 Kurt smiled again, and Blaine brought the count up to two real smiles. And two secrets.


“Now then, if you continue this way, I’ll show you the kitchen. You needn’t bother with my father and Lady Carol’s or Finn’s rooms, until later, and Chang or Miss Pierce will more than likely show you around.”

Kurt sauntered off to yet another massive door that was discreetly tucked away so the guests at the glossy redwood table wouldn’t see the wait staff (Brittany) entering and exiting. Kurt pushed the door open to reveal an ordinarily averaged sized kitchen. Compared to the rest of the house, it was rather disproportioned, but it was just the right size for Tina.

“Good afternoon, Master Kurt, Mr. Anderson.” She smiled as she hugged a mixing bowl to her chest, the hand spinning the spoon a blur. “Anything I can get for ya? Or is this justa stop on tha tour?” Her slight Scottish accent was the only give away she had not grown up in the area. Kurt smiled with real affection in his eyes.

“No thank you Mrs. Chang.  I know you have a rather big meal to prepare for. An extra mouth tonight?”

“Yea, two actually. Sir Abrams an his nurse be comin’ up for dinner.”

Kurt looked mildly surprised. “I thought it would’ve been either Miss Berry or Fabray.”

Tina shook her head, pouring her mixture into a pan. “No, no. Miss Berry is in London and Miss Fabray’s family is hosting the Puckermans at the moment, an they didn’t want to have to send young Master Puckerman along ‘cause he isn’t quite the gentleman jus yet.”

Kurt chuckled. “Ah yes, Noah. You’d think they’d teach you at boarding school not to look under ladies skirts.”

Tina giggled. “Or at least tell ya how ta do it without gettin caught. But Sir Abrams wanted ta stop by and hopefully help Master Finn figure out his marriage situation. An’ he said he was gonna help ya with yers, but I doubt tha’ll happen.”

Tina smiled fondly at Kurt, as she walked her pan over to the oven. She brought back two rolls and handed one to each of the boys. She turned to Blaine. “Mr. Abrams was in a horse accident a few years ahgo. His legs don’t work anymore, but tha don’t stop ‘em from bein a good gentleman. He ‘as a nurse, Ms. Lopez, who looks after ‘em, and she usually gets real excited when he has dinner here cause she and poor Brittney used ta be friends in tha village.”

Blaine smiled. “So I’ll be even a more of a burden my first night than I usually would.”

Tina laughed, heading back to her work “oh no, Mr. Anderson, ya’ll fit in just fine. Now, shoo, both a ya, I got work ta do.”

Kurt smiled warmly at her once more and led Blaine out of the kitchen. They were back in the gray hallways Blaine had been before.

“Now, as you probably know, if we were a proper working house with the so called ‘correct’ number of servants there would be at least 20 more of you. And I wouldn’t dream of entering the kitchen or the servants’ quarters. Like I said, before my mother’s death, we were a fully functioning house with 50 servants; we had a night staff, a day staff, and a weekend staff. My mother had a big heart and didn’t like turning people who needed help away. However as I’ve said, after she died my father couldn’t bear any reminders of my kind, generous mother, so he fired everyone, with the exception of the three. Since we have such a small staff in such a big house, the four of us and the three of them agreed that we are welcome to come and go as we please in the servants’ quarters during daytime, though we rarely do. I just like knowing I can walk freely in my own house without fear of offending anyone. In exchange, as long as they knock before entering and all their duties are done, they are welcome to use the library, which I’m sure you will eventually be shown. Does this agreement work for you to?”

They had stopped in front of one the (finally) normal sized  white-washed doors that lined both sides of the newest hallway. Blaine paused, it was defiantly unconventional, but as he was learning from his brief tour of McKinley Abbey, total tradition wasn’t exactly their style.

“I have no problems with that, sir.”

Kurt nodded, and smiled a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Excellent. Well Anderson, allow me to show you to your room.”

Kurt opened the door to reveal a simple but airy living space. There was a single white sheeted bed that looked like it might actually be tolerable, it even had a pillow. There was a small window, next to which a slightly deflated armchair sat. A small lopsided bookcase took up a corner, and it had a few dog eared classics on it. Directly in front of the bed was a writing desk and chair. In the corner opposite the bookcase was a dressing screen with a uniform very similar to the clothes Blaine was already wearing hanging over the side. There was a table that held a chamber pot and a basin for washing, as well as a cracked but clean hand mirror and a new razor. Blaine was shocked.

“Sir, this is too much!”

“Hardly. You should’ve seen what my mother used to do to the servants rooms. She and my father got the idea that instead of throwing away their old furniture they should let the servants use it in their rooms. I hope you’ll be comfortable here.” Real smile of the day number three. Blaine smiled back.

“It is much more than I could’ve ever hoped for, sir. Thank you so much sir.”

Kurt nodded, distracted, smile gone, and looked off down the hallway as he said. “I’ll give you a few minutes to freshen up, Anderson, and then we’ll continue your tour.”

Blaine was confused. “But sir, I thought we had finished the tour?”

Kurt looked back at Blaine, his expression a mixture of serious and playful. “We still have my room. Or did you think you could get out of your duties because it’s your first night here?”


Blaine dressed quickly, thanking everyone above that he had remembered to shave at the inn that morning. He was surprised to find that his new uniform fit him better than his old one, though he supposed McKinley Abbey probably had more spare ones that Dalton had. The crisp white shirt and a black bowtie that were quickly buttoned up and tied on, a practice he had mastered long-ago. He stepped out of his navy trousers and into his black ones, thankful that he had worn both black socks and shoes that morning. He shrugged into his jacket. He was almost out the door when he had a moment inspiration. He picked up his new hand mirror and opened his suitcase. He grabbed his jar of pomade, and was delighted to discover how much quicker the process of slicking back his mess of curls was when he could actually see them. Convinced he looked presentable, he flung both he mirror and jar and the bed and rushed out the door.



“Michael. Michael. MIKE!”

Mike turned around, his face hard.

“I’m sorry, Master Hummel; do you want a word with me?”

“Stop it, you know I have to do that around everyone or my father would fire you in an instant. I don’t like this any more than you do, how many times do I have to tell you that? But do you and Tina really want to be living on the streets?”

Kurt’s eyes were full of frustration and hurt. Mike sighed.

“You’re right, I’m sorry. But really? ‘Chang’?”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry too. But it’s my 3rd valet in six months, and after Karofsky can you really blame me for wanting to seem fierce?”

Mike shook his head. “No, I guess I can’t. What did you want to discuss? You look quite flustered.”

Kurt blushed, but he tried to hide it in his voice. “Nothing, nothing important. You know Artie is coming to dinner?”

“Is he bringing the nurse? Brittany needs company.”

“Yes, Ms. Lopez will accompany him, according to your wife at least.”

“Excellent. So what did you really need to speak to me about?”

Kurt looked at his shoes. His oldest friend always knew when he was lying.

“Anderson. You said his first name was Blaine?”


“Will you try to find out exactly why Wesley didn’t want him at Dalton anymore? He seems to be a very capable valet, but if he has any nasty secrets I really don’t want him working for me.”

Mike nodded. “I’ll do my best.” He started to continue to walk to the kitchen when he paused and turned around. “But Kurt?”

Kurt looked up, forgetting for a moment who served whom and whose father owned or didn’t own what, and simply seeing his best friend.

“We all have secrets.” And with a knowing look Mike opened the kitchen door and was enveloped inside, reminding them both of their respective standings in society.



Blaine opened the door to see Kurt looking off towards the kitchens with a lost expression on his face. Had he kept him waiting too long?

“Sorry sir, I’ll be faster next time.”

Kurt yelped in surprise. “Anderson! Goodness, you gave me quite the fright. No it’s perfectly alright, no need to fuss, you’re on time. Now come, I’ll show you the path from your room to mine. You might as well memorize it now, for your life will prove rather difficult if you keep getting lost. I think this is the quickest way.”

Kurt lead Blaine through the same set of double doors he had first entered in hours ago, though it felt so much longer than that. They walked through the ballroom and up the staircase together (Blaine already found it much more manageable) but they turned left at the landing instead of right. Kurt opened the door to a lovely blue hallway with tastefully coordinated purple carpeting, and the art that lined the walls had much lighter subjects; ballerinas, fruit, sunflowers, and so on. Kurt continued down the hallway and stopped at the third to last door on the right.

“Well, Anderson, are you ready to see it?”

Blaine nodded, though he wasn’t expecting anything too special

Kurt threw open his double doors and Blaine gasped. Everything in the room was white with the exception of the massive four-poster bed, whose sheets were a dazzling shade of emerald. The rest of the room, the walls, the rugs, the curtains, the chairs, etc. were bleached of all color, though due to the sheets they all had a slightly reflected green tint. There was a door on the right hand side of the bed which Blaine guessed led to a bathroom. There was a white, slightly battered amour that was overstuffed with every kind of suit Blaine could think of, and a few he had never imagined. There was a full length mirror hanging on the wall beside it, and a fantastically ornate white dressing screen on the other side in the corner. Blaine was surprised to see a vanity, complete with mirror, pushed up against the wall across from the bed. To his knowledge, only women used those, but he assumed that was how Master Kurt got his hair perfectly styled, and Blaine was not going to judge the object responsible for that masterpiece. On the opposite side of the bed, closest to where Blaine and Kurt were, was a massive white writing desk, a ridiculously plush white loveseat and two tall white book cases. The books on the book case were spine in as to prevent any other color than the green from being shown. The entire effect of the room was so breath taking that it took several moments for Blaine to take it all in. Kurt chuckled behind him.

“That’s the general reaction for the first time. Since its apparently impossible for me to keep things from you, I might as well tell you that that particular shade of green happened to be my mother’s favorite color, and I decorated this room as a tribute to her.” Kurt smiled sadly, and walked over to the bed and sat. “I know it seems silly. There are so many nobler or braver things I could do to remember her. Or I could be a real man and not miss her, but I do. And every time I see this color it makes me feel like she’s watching over me, so why not see it everyday?” Kurt covered his face with one of his hands, and gripped the bedspread with the other, his body shaking slightly.  Blaine didn’t even have time to mentally categorize that as secret number three. He didn’t stop to think what he was doing, in fact, he didn’t think at all. He just saw someone who was in pain, and he reacted automatically. He walked over to the bed and crouched down to Kurt’s stooped level.

“It’s okay to be sad, sir. I don’t think you any less of a man for doing this. In fact, I know many men who would never be brave enough to admit how important their mothers are to them. In just a few hours you have already became one of the noblest and bravest men I have ever met.” He put his hand on Kurt’s shoulder, and  it happened.  A spark, a jolt, whatever you want to call it, Blaine felt it all over the second he and Kurt made contact. It was warm, and it filled him with this strange sense that his life was going to become a whole lot better soon.


Kurt jumped away from the touch, discreetly whipping his nose on his sleeve.

“Thank you Anderson and you have proven to be one of the kindest men I have ever met, though you don’t exactly have that much competition.”

Blaine laughed. “Whatever you say, sir. Should you get dressed for dinner now?” Whatever just happened needed to be forgotten, and fast. He needed this job, and he couldn’t screw it up. Not now.

Kurt nodded. “Excellent idea. I’d like my navy suit if you please.” Kurt went behind the dressing screen

Blaine turned toward the amour. “Uhm, Master Kurt? Which navy suit? You have several.” An understatement. There were at least 7.

“Any one of them will do Anderson, do you really think those oafs at dinner will care? Hurry up!”

The famous mood swings, Blaine thought, as he grabbed a particularly exquisite suit from the wardrobe. He was almost afraid to touch it. He carefully hung it over the dressing screen.

“Excellent selection, Anderson. You have decent taste. Congratulations on passing the first test.”

Kurt emerged in his trousers and shirt, holding the jacket out to Blaine.

“It’s the only part you’ll ever really need to help me with Anderson; I can manage most everything else except the jacket and tie.”

“Quite alright sir, ties are my specialty.”

“Ah-ha! So you passed the second test. Well done.”

Blaine chuckled. “If you don’t mind my asking, sir, how many tests are there going to be?”

Kurt put his hand on his chin, as if thinking hard. “I think just one more, actually.”

Blaine turned Kurt in a small circle checking his jacket for dust or lint. He carefully turned Kurt towards him and adjusted his tie. “And what might that be, sir?”

Kurt locked his eyes on Blaine’s, and he could finally tell they were closer to blue than any other color.

“The last test, of course, is how good you are at keeping secrets, Anderson.”


And with that, the smirking mouth captured the surprised one. The spark had ignited them on fire, hands were everywhere; they were everywhere. In their blindness they had managed to find the wall and were now using it was the only means for keeping themselves upright. Kurt pushed himself all the way onto Blaine, moaning as he found evidence that proved they were both very hard. Kurt kissed hungrily, waiting for the moment for Blaine to push him away, for the bribe to be given and for another new valet to be found, but it didn’t come. Blaine responded with such enthusiasm that Kurt could hardly contain himself. With one quick movement Blaine’s jacket was on the floor, and his tie followed quickly after. As Kurt unbuttoned Blaine’s shirt, the valet placed frantic kisses on his neck, careful not to leave any bruises. As soon as the button- up followed its companions to the floor, Kurt latched his mouth back onto Blaine’s. Knowing full well that he would probably be doing the opposite process very shortly and how long it would take, Blaine got Kurt out of his jacket and tie very quickly. For each button he undid, Blaine left a kiss on Kurt’s chest, causing the young lord to shudder at the new sensation. Soon they were both shirtless, and they both groaned at the sensation of skin on skin. However it proved to not be enough and Blaine could sense Kurt was getting restless. Without even stopping to think, Blaine unzipped Kurt’s trousers. As soon as they were around his ankles Blaine looked back up at Kurt. His new master had given Blaine more than he could’ve ever hoped for in his entire life in just a few hours.  He was sweaty, his hair was a mess, his face was flushed pink, but Kurt Hummel was beautiful. He looked down at his servant, his lips parted, his eyes on fire. He tried to speak, but his throat was closing up. “Please…Blaine…”

His name; his real name. Blaine wasn’t going to last. Without a second more of hesitation he pulled down Kurt’s underwear. He spent only a second gaping at the very large and very hard cock in front of him before his instincts took over. He swallowed Kurt whole, bobbing away like he was taught. In a matter of seconds, Kurt came. He bit his lip so he wouldn’t scream Blaine’s name for the whole village to hear. Panting, he looked down at Blaine, who swallowed Kurt easily. Kurt realized then, with a pang of emotion, that making Blaine stay a step behind him wasn’t the extent of Wes’s teachings. Kurt looked down at this beautiful man, a boy basically, who was literally on his knees in front of him. He wanted to tell him how he was already in love with him, that he was in love with him right after Blaine had reassured him he wasn’t pathetic. But he couldn’t, not now, and probably not ever. Its one thing for a noble to fall in love with commoner, but when both were boys, it was unheard of. They could never be more than each other’s biggest secret. So instead, Kurt stood Blaine up and slipped his own trousers off. Kurt took Blaine’s cock in his hands and pumped once, twice, three times, and it was over. After he had caught his breath, Blaine went behind Kurt’s dressing screen and found a basin of water and a cloth. Blaine walked over to Kurt and carefully cleaned them both up. After he was done, Blaine looked Kurt in the eye and kissed him so sweetly that it almost felt wrong after what they had just done. The look on Blaine’s face told Kurt everything he needed to know. Kurt pressed a sweet kiss back on Blaine’s lips then he pulled up his underwear and trousers. After he was settled he went back behind the dressing screen.


“Anderson, pick me out another suit. That one isn’t for dinner. And hurry up, we only have twenty minutes.” 

End Notes: Reviews would be so amazing, like I would probably scream and run around my room if I got even just one.Thanks so much for reading! <3


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THIS WAS AMAZING! Absolutely loved it!

I literally just danced in a circle of joy. Thank you so much :D

That was AMAZING! This is SUCH a good story so far! I love it!

:D:D:D:D:D Thanks!! I guess I have to write a second chapter now :D

This is gold,please don't stop-I can't wait to know more:)

Thank you :D I'll try to update at least once a week!!

that. was. simply. amazing! and incredibly HOT at the end! *fans self* i am so going to read this through to its completion. can't wait for the next chapter.

:') Thank you so much, I'm so freaking excited about all of this.

I can't believe there sare two fics practically with the same plot with the switched roles of Kurt and Blaine. I saw Dalton Abbey a few days ago. I must say that the idea is great and I love the rating, so I will definitely continue reading this! :)

Ahh, thank you so much! I had no idea about the other fic, but I'm not suprised its out there, both shows are so fantastic!

UNF. If you hadn't said, I would have had no idea this was your first fic. It's really, truly wonderful.

<3 thank you, that is one of the best compliments I could get.