Sinner or Saviour?
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Sinner or Saviour?: Chapter 5

E - Words: 6,708 - Last Updated: Sep 02, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Sep 02, 2014 - Updated: Sep 02, 2014
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Blaine never wanted to see another text book in his life, but if he had any hope to pass all of his many finals, he had no choice but to. After spending two whole days studying non-stop, Blaine felt somewhat better off. So he wouldnt graduate with high honours, he didnt need to be in the spotlight, he just wanted to pass at this point. That deserved a much-needed break in his opinion. Considering the torture hed put himself through, he didnt feel the least bit guilty about inviting Kurt over.

Kurt appeared to be in good spirits too, though it was hard to tell at times. For all his embracing Blaine as a friend, Kurt still kept himself – and his inner thoughts – carefully guarded. As long as his reasons for doing this werent because of Blaine, or something he had done – then that was completely fine.

They were in Blaines dorm room just sitting together on his bed, busy enjoying each other's company. Close beside one another but not enough so any of their body parts were touching, however innocent the contact would be. Kurt was rambling on and on about what they could do tonight and Blaine in turn just nodded at him with his usual warm smile.

“We dont even have to go out tonight if youre not up to it, Blaine,” Kurt continued.

Why did Blaine get the feeling that his lack of energy wasnt the sole reason for Kurt suggesting they stay in that night? It was true that they rarely went out together, usually Blaine joined Kurt at his apartment since that was easier for them both. Out in the open and among other people, Kurt and Blaines many different values often got in the way. Not intentionally, but the awkward atmosphere, mixed with the fear of people misunderstanding the nature of their relationship, was never far away.

“That might be for the best, sorry. I feel like Im turning you into a shut-in, Kurt,” Blaine said.

Kurt rolled his eye at Blaine in a -youre being silly- sort of way. “I like spending time with you alone though,” he countered. Like clockwork, Blaines cheeks became flushed and he equally flustered by the little comment. What had started out as cute, now made Kurt irksome, because Blaine was still clueless to the effect he had on Kurt. Sure Kurt hadnt tried to give Blaine signals that he was romantically interested in him, because that was stupid, but, he couldnt be this dense. Unfortunately, there wasnt an off switch, or else Kurt would have pressed it weeks ago.

“We could talk for a bit perhaps? Ive missed doing that,” Blaine offered.

Kurt smiled at Blaine while on the inside conflicted guilt risked to bubble to the surface. He needed to tell Blaine the reason why he had first come to him and how that had all changed. Right from the moment they had first talked in Blaines dorm room, Kurt knew he wouldnt be just an assignment to him. Then there was the whole I already know the solution to your moral problems but you wont believe them – mess as well. The fact that their views on homosexuality were wildly different always left a wall between them. If Blaine werent so likeable, Kurt would have resented Blaine for it, instead he was only mildly annoyed by it all.

Blaine wasnt as clueless as Kurt thought; he was just too deep in denial to do anything about it. He could tell Kurt was uncomfortable about something and he hoped this would be a chance for them to admit some things to one another. Blaine shifted a little closer to Kurt on the bed so their shoulders touched.

“So what shall we talk about?” Kurt asked, since he had nothing to suggest.

Lots of things came to mind, all of which seemed either too personal or too dangerous to bring up considering their conflicting views on a number of subjects. That was why they usually avoided such discussions. As a result they were running out of safe topics to cover. Blaine knew all about Kurts tastes in movies, fashion, music and even food. When it came to his personal life and his past, Blaine had been told next to nothing. Kurt clearly didnt want to share anything along those lines.

“Um, there is one thing Ive been wondering... Im just... still not sure if its appropriate to ask you...” Blaine said nervously.

Acting nonchalant when Blaine could very well be struggling to confess something to him was very hard to manage and Kurts eyes fluttered in anticipation as he watched Blaine get even cuter as his flustered state grew. “You can tell me anything Blaine, you know that,” he coaxed in fear of scaring him off by acting too eager.

“How old you are?”

Kurts face fell ever so slightly; it served him right for getting his hopes up; and Blaines question might not be remotely romantic but he still could have some fun answering it. “Im older than I look but younger than youre probably imagining, Blaine,” he said playfully.

“So how many years are we talking here then? Because Im imagining you have a few decades on me at least,” Blaine teased back.

Kurt rolled his eyes. “Ill give you a clue to my age; I was apparently named after Kurt Cobain.”

Blaine frowned in confusion; he was way off then, because to his knowledge Kurt hadnt formed Nirvana until 1985. “I thought you said you grew up in an orphanage,” Blaine pointed out.

“Oh I did but when I was eight this woman showed up one day saying that she was my mother. In my foolish ignorance I thought my dreams of my parents coming to take me home were finally coming true... right up until my so called mother explained that she was in no state to look after me and just wanted to see me. After that shed show up from time to time and during one of those rare visits, she explained how she was a big fan of Nirvana and thats were my first name came from,” Kurt said.

“Was she youre real mother?”

Kurt nodded. “In her attempts to pass me off as human she took on the guise of a troubled young woman whod had a child when she was only fourteen. There was no reason not to believe her and her act was so flawless that the staff at the orphanage quickly felt sorry for her. She was granted visitation rights but as I got older I soon became fed up with her flighty personality so I refused to see her anymore. I didnt see her again until my true heritage was revealed to me and she was the one who told me it actually...” Kurt had never told anyone about his past and yet it didnt make the memories any less bitter. “Id elaborate a bit more but my life story isnt the happiest of tales... nor is it something Im especially proud of,” Kurt said.

Just off the top of his head Blaine could think of a lot of things Kurt should be proud of, the biggest one being how Kurt had accepted who he was without a struggle. He was such a confidant young man who had a fearlessness about him that Blaine envied a lot. “Weve all done things were not proud of Kurt, myself included,” Blaine whispered softly.

“You shouldnt dwell on your faults so much Blaine, because I hate seeing you look so ashamed.”

Blaine sighed, “I cant help it sometimes. Ever since I was little Ive always wanted people to like me. I still feel that way even now... and when I start to think how different my life so far might have gone if Id just had more courage...”

“I happen to think youre very brave Blaine. When I revealed myself to you, you didnt try to run. You were surprised of course and who wouldnt be, but you held your ground, listened to me and accepted who I was. Thats something to be proud of I think, wouldnt you agree?” Kurt asked, nudging his shoulder gently.

The emotion welling up in Blaine was too much for him to take; nobody had ever said anything like that to him before. He always felt like such an outsider, even long before his struggles with his sexuality had begun. Kurt understood him so well, he didnt judge Blaine for his discrepancies – past or present – he just let Blaine be himself and asked for nothing in return. He loved spending time with him, loved how Kurt always knew what to say to him, loved... Blaines thoughts came to a standstill when he realized the one word that kept on popping up. Loved. But for the first time in years, Blaine didnt run from those emotions, instead he chose to meet them head on.

He looked to Kurt, who was still smiling at him, he was so close that Blaine couldnt take it anymore. On impulse, Blaine closed in on Kurt, threw caution to the wind and kissed him full on the mouth.

Kurt couldnt believe what was even happening; he had to be dreaming. How else could he explain how Blaine had actually made a move on him! He couldnt stop the kiss from happening and had just closed his eyes in anticipation and to his amazement, Blaine hadnt pulled away at the last minute, he actually followed through with it and kissed him. Blaines touch was soft and unsure at first but as Kurt responded to the kiss, he got a little bolder. Blaines hand clasped the side of Kurts face and Kurt in turn held onto Blaine shoulders to steady them both. Nothing, not even the most passionate making out Kurt had experienced over the years could compare to the wonder that was kissing Blaine. He never wanted this feeling to stop. Blaine, he thought joyfully, nearly singing his name.

Blaine kept on kissing Kurt, because if he were to stop for even a second then he might realize what a grave error hed just made. So he didnt stop himself, he didnt think about the possible repercussions for acting in the heat of the moment. He just kissed Kurt, wonderful and passionate Kurt, who responded to each following kiss and was practically begging him for more.

Both boys were too occupied with each other to hear Blaines phone quietly buzzing in his back pocket. Blaine, who ignored the vibrations coming from it, leaned forward, causing Kurt in turn to lie down on the bed so Blaine could hover over him as they continued to kiss. “Kurt...”

Kurts heart was a flutter and there were butterflies in his stomach. He felt like he had been sent back in time to when he was a young teenage boy, only this time he was getting the first kiss (or kisses really) he had always dreamed of, back when he was still a romantic at heart. Blaine certainty was the boy of his young teenage dreams as well. “Ive wanted this for so long,” Kurt confessed between their urgent kisses.

“I know,” Blaine said in a half growl.

Kurts eyes widened and he stammered, “You did?”

Blaine grinned at Kurt; there was no room for any shame for once, not when Kurt was underneath him and looking too handsome for words. Blaines voice of reason was still switched off so he could forget all of the emotional baggage that usually held his urges for Kurt at bay. “Yeah, I just never let myself give into...” he said, trailing off so he could kiss Kurt again.

In any other situation Kurt would have found the fact that Blaine was failing to admit his feelings very irritating but for the moment he was content to kiss Blaine over and over. The rest could all wait, until later – much much later. “Blaine,” Kurt breathed, stroking his back.

The minutes passed slowly by as the boys clung together, desperately making out with a rising passion that it felt like nothing could bring them to stop. Kurt didnt want it to end anyway, or else he feared that Blaine might come to regret it all. If this were the way for Blaine to finally come to his senses then Kurt would do whatever it would take to reach that point.

But the moment never came because there was a sudden knock at the door that caused Blaine and Kurt to snap out of their trance and freeze in place. Kurt felt Blaines racing heart under his hand still placed upon his chest and he saw the absolute terror in his wide eyes.

“Blaine? You in there?” a voice called through the closed door.

“Maybe hes not in?” a second voice said.

“No, I saw him go in there after class,” the first voice explained.

Blaine hissed, “Oh no, thats Joe and Sam!”

While Kurt had yet to be introduced, Blaine had told him all about his two best friends at school but Kurt wasnt really in the mood to meet them at present. The two had already done enough for Kurt to come to instantly dislike them and their cock-blocking ways. Neither did Kurt having to watch Blaine jump off the bed and begin to flail about like a chicken with his head cut off put in a more reasonable mood.

“Blaine, will you fucking relax!” Kurt muttered under his breath.

They knocked on the door knocked again, louder this time and the noise made Blaine cease to a halt.

“Right. Sorry,” Blaine said as he attempted to calm himself down. “I hate to ask, but can you please--” he began to say, but was cut off when he felt Kurts consciousness enter his body.

Way ahead of you Blaine, now go answer the door before theyre gone, Kurt said.

Without any further delay, Blaine hurried over to the door and opened it up to find Sam and Joe standing on the other-side. Smiles were given all around in greeting and Blaine just hoped he didnt look too suspicious – considering what he had just been up to. “Oh, hey there guys, whats up?” Blaine said quickly.

“You disappeared as soon as last class was over Blaine, so we couldnt invite you hang out with us,” Joe, who was tall and had short brown hair, explained.

“Weve barely seen you for weeks, whats happened to you?” Sam, the blond with a perfect build, added.

“Sorry about that. Ive been hitting to books really hard,” Blaine said, it was the truth – more or less.

“We all have, Blaine and I dunno about you guys but I need a serious break from studying,” Sam said.

“Were going out for some food, you should join us, Blaine,” said Joe with a coxing smile.

Blaine hesitated. He did miss hanging out with his friends but what about Kurt? Could he really go after kissing him like that? No, it was out of the question. There was no way he could leave things between them so confusing and unfinished. He had to tell Kurt how sorry he was. At the time it had felt good, but it was still wrong. So then, his friends' appearance was his and Kurt's saving grace. ‘Thank God,' he thought to himself, though his problems were far from over.

“Oh well... um...” Blaine stammered in attempts to stall as he came up with a good excuse.

Go with them Blaine, well talk later, Kurt said.

Are you sure?

Yes. Your friends are clearly worried about you Blaine, so go and talk with them.

Blaine, who realized that Sam and Joe were still waiting for his reply, took his excitement down a notch and said, “Sure, Im in. Just let me go change my shirt, grab a jacket and Ill be right with you.”

Once he was convinced that they didnt think he was hiding anything from them, Blaine closed the door and darted over to his dresser. Im sorry about this, Kurt, Blaine told him regrettably.

Kurt knew it was wrong to go to level one without telling Blaine but he hadnt thought about at the time. In any case, it wasnt like reading Blaines mind made him feel any better. Saving grace my ass! Hearing those thoughts from Blaine sure made it easy to get away from his friend for the night. Not to mention how Kurt was so sexually frustrated after being so abruptly cut off. His body craved more and Kurt knew hed never get what he needed from Blaine, so that was his cue to leave. Kurt withdrew to level two and was grateful that it seemed Blaine was too distracted to notice any difference.

Ill take my leave then, Kurt finally said.

Blaine put on a new shirt and draped his jacket over on his arm, but he couldnt leave just yet. “Well talk soon okay?”

Kurt was so done with Blaine that he was willing to hide his displeasure just so he could get away from him. As pissed as he currently felt, Kurt knew his anger would die down, so that was another less petty reason to go. He slipped away from Blaine and materialized just so he could make his act believable enough for Blaine to leave with his friends.

“You worry too much Blaine, it will give you premature wrinkles if youre not careful,” Kurt said teasingly.

As much as he didnt want to part on such an awkward note, Blaine knew any attempts he made to mend their situation at this stage would only go horribly wrong. There wasnt any time for that either, not with Sam and Joe waiting for him out in the hall. Left with no other choice, Blaine flashed Kurt a smile, told him thanks and hurried out of his dorm room.

Kurt just stood there as the door closed behind Blaine; needing a moment to let everything sink in before he moved on. Blaine, for whatever reason, had actually kissed him, and they had kept on kissing until they were rudely interrupted. Blaine had been given a way out and he took it, though Kurt knew deep down that Blaine hadnt asked for it. Nor had he gone off without a word but despite Blaines caring nature, saying that Kurt wasnt looking forward to what would have to happen next was an understatement. Just thinking about what Blaine would say to him when they saw each other again, about how it had all just been a big mistake, made him feel petty and bitter. Kurt didnt want to feel either of those emotions and he sure wasnt about to sulk at home waiting for Blaine to call him either.

There far better ways for him to blow off his pent up emotions and none of which were anything that Blaine would consider appropriate – at least not for him to participate in. Kurt chose to travel back to home via subspace -- as in where he went when he wasnt in his physical body – because it made the short journey even quicker. The second Kurt stepped into his apartment he stripped off of his clothes, as if it would wipe the memory of Blaines body pressed up against him from his mind.

After taking a quick shower, Kurt rooted through his closet for the perfect outfit; ironically he went for the same leather pants he had first met Blaine in. His choice didn't have anything to do with Blaine though, they were just his lucky hook-up pants. He pulled them effortlessly over his hips despite their snug fit and went to select a shirt to go with it, opting for a sleek fitting red tank top. That only left his hair to fix up and Kurt wasted no time styling it to complete perfection. On a sudden whim, Kurt even added a bit of black eyeliner to make his eyes pop. Armed and ready, Kurt practically strutted out of his apartment but as soon as he cleared the building he turned it down a notch.

Kurt soon arrived at his local watering hole, and he was ready to have some hot meaningless sex to turn his hellish night around. Kurt laughed. Funny how he could want something one moment and then want another the next. What he currently wanted wasnt to pine after a clueless priest boy anymore, he needed to feel desired, wanted, even if it was just for sex.

He glided inside and already his appearance was getting noticed; it was good to be back. Kurt grinned at the cut before him, pleased that it seemed to be quite above par tonight. Time to remind himself of what hed been missing out on while he had been busy playing house with Blaine.

Poker had never been Blaines game, he always gave too much away in his eyes, and his whole face in general. Nor was he that much better at pulling the wool over people's eyes on a whole. Yet despite these two facts, Blaine knew that this time, as he smiled nervously as his two closet friends at school, he would have to lie – there just wasnt any other way around it.

“How about these exams huh? Theyre really kicking my but,” Blaine said.

Apparently Sam wasnt about to let Blaine stall for any longer. “Well you have been skipping out on going to study night for the past month.”

Blaine flinched but he figured he deserved the remark, since it was true. “Yeah I know...”

“Weve all been wondering whats been going on with you, Blaine,” Joe said. “Its not like to you shut people out like this.”

Blaine winced this time as he was hit with a sudden wave of guilt. “Im really sorry for being so MIA lately. I needed to take a step back so I could deal with some... problems Ive been struggling with for a while,” Blaine explained.

Joe and Sam exchanged a glance before Joe took the lead again and asked, “What sort of problems?”

Blaines jaw tightened slightly; he really hadnt thought this through at all. “Just some personal stuff,” he quickly replied. Unfortunately Blaine instantly noticed that his vague reply only caused Sam and Joe to look even more worried. “What? Whats going on?” Blaine questioned warily, picking up on their unease. “What are you guys too afraid to tell me?”

There was enough trust between the three of them to know it was safe to speak freely with one another and Blaine was glad for it. He might not be able to tell them what was really going on his life but he knew they at least would be honest with him. Though as he watched the two whisper to one another, Blaine wasnt so sure hed like what they were about to tell him.

“There are rumours about you going around campus, they were small at first but as you went deeper into hiding, theyve been growing,” said Sam, who smiled at Blaine sympathetically.

Blaines eyes further narrowed; yeah, he was right, he wasnt going to like this – not one bit. “Like what?”

“All of a sudden you stopped being... well you, Blaine; you would always hurry off as soon as class was over, you stopped helping out with youth group and even were you were around, like at church, it was like your mind was someplace else,” Sam continued, ignoring Blaines question.

“People started theorizing what had gotten into you and those theories started to spread around,” Joe added.

Blaine took a deep breath in anticipation for hearing what people were saying about him behind his back.

“You werent acting like yourself at all...” Joe started to say until Blaine let out a loud groan, cutting him off.

“Seriously guys just tell me what the rumours are!” Blaine said impatiently.

“They were nothing at first, just stupid stuff that didnt stick for long... that is until you were seen out with some guy. Even then most of the school didnt pay much attention until those sighting became more numerous,” Joe explained.

Blaine wanted to smack his head with his hand but that wouldnt help him at all. He thought he and Kurt were being so careful! He should have known that no amount of digression on their part could keep them under the radar. In truth Blaine hadnt even tried that hard to hide his friendship with Kurt, because in his mind, they werent doing anything wrong.

“Its not too hard to guess what people would start to think,” Blaine said, not stating the actual word just yet. “I wish I could say I didnt expect it but that would be a lie.”

“Blaine, you gotta know that we never did anything to fuel those rumours. We jumped to your defense and said you could never be like that,” Sam said.

Blaine sighed. He knew his friends were just looking out for him but just the way that Sam was wording himself triggered something in Blaine that felt very much like anger. “Like what? Gay?” Blaine said, choosing to say the obvious this time.

“Whats happened to you, Blaine?” Joe asked.

In an instant Blaines anger subsided. “Im sorry Joe, you and Sam havent done anything wrong, as I said... Ive had a lot going on...”

“Does that mean youre...” Sam said, trailing off awkwardly.

Blaine shook his head. “I have been hanging out with a guy lately but hes just a new friend of mine.”

Apparently Blaines simple explanation wasnt enough to put either of his friends at ease. Blaine sighed. That figured. At one point – like a few hours ago – Blaine might have been able to say with absolute certainty that his relationship with Kurt was strictly platonic but that had all changed with a kiss. Blaine wasnt about to admit any of this to his friends though. He refused to talk to anyone about what had just happened, not until he faced Kurt at least.

“So does everyone think Im gay now?” Blaine asked, fearing the answer.

“A vast majority do, but not everyone Blaine, a lot of people know better than to just assume like that. But people are still talking and the longer you stay away the worse it could get,” Joe said.

“I personally dont think theres anything wrong with being gay, sure it might say so in the Bible but thats just Old Testament crap,” Sam added with a little too much enthusiasm.

Blaine sighed, “But when Im studying to be a priest, the possibility of me being gay suddenly becomes scandalous.”

“Pretty much,” Sam said.

Blaine dug his fingers into his hair as his chin touched the table they were sitting around. This was the last thing Blaine needed to deal with right now. He couldnt care less about what other people thought about him, they could gossip all they wanted. Sure it was a little concerning when Blaine thought about the rumours reaching his teachers but it wasnt like they were true. There was no rule that Blaine couldnt have men as friends, even ones who were gay.

“I really appreciate you telling me whats going on. I needed that,” Blaine told them both.

“Thats what friends are for, Blaine,” Joe said.

“And you would have done the same thing for us, buddy,” Sam added, patting Blaine on the back.

“I know I havent been around much lately but that is going to change from here on out. These rumours arent the only repercussions of my actions, as I said at the start of our discussion... my grades have dropped significantly. If Im not careful, I could end up failing my senior year and obviously I cannot let that happen. Things need to change; I need to put my priorities back in order... and quick,” Blaine said.

“Did something happen between you and your friend?” Joe asked innocently.

“No. Its nothing like that, honest,” Blaine said, lying through his teeth and hating every minute.

“So he wont mind if you have to stop hanging out with him so much?” Sam said.

“Hell understand,” Blaine replied, hoping that claim wouldnt become a lie as well.

To his Blaines relief the rest of the evening with his friends was simple and fun and where Blaine fell instantly back in his usual rapport with Joe and Sam. They joked with one another, filled Blaine up to date with what was going on their own lives and vented together about their upcoming finals.

By the end of the night Blaine was in much better spirits and yet on the inside the stress he had pushed all down was already threatening to resurface. It wasnt until Blaine parted ways with Sam and Joe and headed back to his dorm that his good mood took an unexpected nose dive. Once he was back at the scene of the crime the realization of what he had done struck him hard.

He stormed over to his mirror, planted his hand firmly on his desk and stared angrily at his reflection. “What in the world was I thinking?” Blaine shouted at himself.

That was just it though, Blaine hadnt been thinking at all. Hed had gone and kissed Kurt without contemplating how it might ruin their friendship. Blaine thought he would have learned his lesson by now. Hadnt he suffered through enough the last time he had kissed a boy to ever want to do it again? Apparently not. Blaine was in no state to relive past memories about what had happened with him and Eli. He needed to focus on the present and what he was going to do about Kurt.

Blaine paced around his dorm room until he tired himself out, flopping down on his bed in defeat. Despite his efforts to put the past behind him, in his emotionally weakened state his parents harsh words from when his and Elis amorous pastimes were revealed kept popping into his mind. No matter how hard he tried to forget their words, it was no use because, even when it was years later, their words were still as clear as day. But since they were not pleasant memories, Blaine moved on to the pivotal moment were it all had changed for the better.

“You need to see it from our side, son, how much its hurting us to see you going through so much pain,” Blaines dad, Jonathan, said for the third time that weekend.

Blaine was seated at the dinning room table and despite how hungry he was, he was tempted to excuse himself. He couldnt stand it anymore: his parents' constant looks of sympathy, or how they kept repeating the same words over and over. He was glad that the tension looming around them was breaking but at what cost?

“Dad, I know...” Blaine muttered under his breath.

“Did you say something, honey?” his mother, Grace, asked sweetly.

Blaine wasnt sure which was worse: his fathers lingering disapproval or how his mother kept on patronizing him like he were a child. Either way, Blaine figured it was time to tell his parents the solution he had come up with all on his own.

Blaine put down his fork and took a deep breath; he could do this. He looked at his mother, who was still smiling at him and said, “I know I havent given you and Dad much reason not to worry Mom, and I am sorry for that. I know you only want whats best for me but I couldn't just ask for your help this time. I had to do things on my own, for the most part at least. I have thought long and hard about what I did and why I did it and for the longest time. Yet no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't pick myself back up.”

“The first step I took so reconcile that was to look deep inside myself to figure out what my next actions should be. I soon learned that it wasnt just enough for me to volunteer at Church and get involved with his various youth programs. I needed a whole new start, an entirely different path to take so I wouldnt lose myself down the same dark road again. So after a little soul searching... and a lot of prayer, a new path opened up in front of me and it feels like the right direction for me to go in.”

The matching expressions of anxiety on his parents faced was enough to convince Blaine that it was the right time to share his plans -- however difficult that might be. But that was the whole reason he had told his older brother Cooper first and that had gone decently enough.

“Ive decided to become a priest. Ive already applied to The Catholic University of America in Washington DC and I think my chances of getting accepted are very good,” Blaine told his parents.

Although Blaine had expected them to be surprise, he hadnt thought they would look this concerned by the news. He was sure they would be happy for him. “Isnt that great news?” Blaine prodded.

Jonathans bewilderment softened as he looked at his son. “It is Blaine, as long as youre sure thats what you want to do with your life.”

“I hope we havent unintentionally pressured you into making this decision Blaine, because entering the priesthood is a very big commitment to make,” said Grace, who touched her sons hand gently as if to show that he did have her support.

Blaine was finally able to tell when his parents truly did have his best interest in mind and this was clearly one of those times. “Mom, Dad...” Blaine began, pausing to look them each in the eye. “I want to do this. No, this is what I need to do. I want to dedicate my life fully to God – I want to give hope to those who felt as lost as I once did.”

It appeared that Grace had been convinced enough by her sons touching words. She rushed over to embrace Blaine, who hugged her back, his face beaming. It wasnt long before Jonathan joined the little celebration when he placed his hand upon Blaines shoulder. Blaine took a deep breath and he soaked in their words of encouragement and when he heard them both say there were so proud of him, he knew he had done right. Blaine had finally put his inner weakness to rest and he couldnt wait to see where the road hed laid out for himself would take him to.

Four years had passed since Blaine had made his decision to be a priest and yet he still felt like he was at a crossroad. Kurt and what he could be to Blaine could possibly derail Blaine altogether, and not just his life but Kurt's as well – and their friendship. Tired and confused, Blaine decided to sleep on it. He let out a loud yawn as he crawled into bed. Hopefully in the morning he'd have a better idea if he wanted to turn left, right or remain in the straight lane. ________________________________________________________________________

As luck would have it – or not much because of where he was – it didnt take long for Kurt to find a willing partner who got his blood rushing enough to meet his approval. This particular hotties name turned out of be Taylor and the deep kisses theyd shared on the dance floor was enough to make Kurt want to sample his talents in a more private setting.

On reaching Kurts front door, he and Taylor practically burst through it and went flying into the room laughing. They shared a glance before quickly coming together again, passionately making out.

Kurt already had his hands around the waist of his pants pulling them down off his hips when Taylor laughed, “Are you for real?”

Kurt looked up from his spot kneeling down in front of Taylor; not bothering to stop giving him a skilled hand job. “As soon as youre hard enough Ill show you how real I am,” he purred. Now this, this was something he had really missed. If Blaine wanted to stay just friends, then thats what would happen, but he wasnt about to live a life a celibacy because of that.

On the other side of Kurts apartment door were two women, one blonde, the other brunette -- both sworn enemies. Yet as they stood there a short distance apart, neither one rose to strike first. Instead they quietly listened to the sensual noises trailing from the door in front of them.

Santana snickered to herself, shaking her head in amusement. “Oh, you guys are so screwed, just like my cousin is about to be,” she announced to her rival.

Quinns mouth upturned slightly but her icy stare didnt falter. “Dont be so sure.”

“We both know whats gonna happen next; Blaines gonna come ask for forgiveness after kissing him and find out Kurt fucked some guy. I cant wait to see the dumb look on his face when that happens.”

“Kurt is allowed to sleep with whomever he wants.”

Santana rolled her eyes. “Oh please, this is so going to drive a huge rift in their pathetic excuse for a friendship. Blaine is gonna take one look at Kurt in his post morning sex-a-thon glory and turn tail and run right back to Jesus Christ, and Kurt will realize hes far more demon than angel and choose the only team that knows what humans are good for,” she preached.


“I was gonna say sex tools but that too.”

“Blaine and Kurts connection runs deeper than you think, they could still come out of this okay,” Quinn said, as if she were trying to counter Santanas every word.

“If you think Kurt will choose to join your holy ranks then you have some serious delusions of grandeur.”

“At the rate this is going, I dont see Kurt choosing a side at all. I think hell reject us both,” Quinn admitted.

Santana snorted, “If he does that he might as well put a bulls-eye on his back.”

“There is still room to hope, Satana.”

“Thats Santana to you, Quinn, and youd best not forget it. Kurts not the only one you angels should be worried about,” she threatened. “Even without power like him I bet I could still kick your tiny ass.”

A sharp cry of ecstasy interrupted Quinn and Santanas potential show down and the two women broke out laughing. Their mutual hate for one another was far from gone though, Kurts lewd shouting just reminded them that they werent there to duel.

“Someones enjoying themselves at least,” Santana remarked.

“Lucky Kurt.”

Santana gave her hair a sassy flip. It wasnt like she wanted to duke it out with Quinn out on Kurts doorstep, nor did she have the clearance to either. “Whatever, I guess well both have to wait and see what happens.”

“If we plan to follow our orders,” Quinn said in agreement.

Things were really heating up inside Kurts apartment and it sounded like the boys inside were enjoying themselves immensely.

“Are you getting as turned on as I am? How about it Blondie? Wanna see why Kurts dad couldnt resist the temptation to get with a demon?” Santana flirted.

Quinns dagger eyes scanned Santanas shapely body; sizing her over and once done, she advanced on the she-demon. In one fluid movement, she was right in front of her and Quinn reached out to touch Santanas chin gently. But it was never wise to trust an angel, because they could be just as cunning as any demon. Right when their mouths were only inches apart, Quinns eyes turned cold.

“You wouldnt live through the experience,” she whispered, taking her leave before Santana could give a bitchy response.

Left without a chance to get the satisfactory last word, or a night of dangerous yet hot sex, Santana stormed away from Kurts front door.

“God, I hate angels,” Santana grumbled before she too disappeared from the hallway.


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