Another Time, Another Place
Chapter 34~Silly Love Songs~ Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Another Time, Another Place: Chapter 34~Silly Love Songs~

E - Words: 7,400 - Last Updated: Jan 11, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 47/47 - Created: Feb 04, 2012 - Updated: Jan 11, 2013
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Author's Notes: Note: The first time I posted this, it wasn't the whole chapter. It cut off at Kurt's valentines day card note to Blaine. So now the whole chapter has been fixed and posted. Posting this a day early since I have an early weekend ahead of me. I was very excited to get to write a VD chapter when Klaine's already a couple. It might of turned out a little weak in the end (might revise in the future). But I'm still happy with the results for the most part.
Chapter 34
~Silly Love Songs~

Math class had never been so bearable for Kurt until he ended up spending it with his boyfriend. Now he had something far better to stare at instead of his just looking at nothing when he let his mind wander. His mind now had very many things to think about, especially with a momentous date just around the corner. He dreamily looked at Blaine and glanced at the walls behind him, which were decorated in pink and red hearts.

Who had ever though that I, Kurt Hummel, would end up having a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day. And not just any boyfriend, but a ridiculously handsome, kind, and talented one who you not only love, but who you've started to have an amazing, if infrequent, sex life with. Whoever thought this would end up happening? Could I really be that fortunate to have Blaine Anderson as my boyfriend? I guess I'm just going to have to face the glorious reality of it all. I'm head over heels in love and the romantic in me can't wait to celebrate with my cutie. Cupid style.

But even with Kurt's earlier inner voice urging him to do so, Kurt couldn't help but feel odd about it. He loved Blaine and Blaine loved him and of course he wanted to show it. But as he looked around the Lima Bean and all the ridiculous Valentine’s Day novelties it was sporting. Kurt wasn't sure he wanted to give in to the cheesy convention of everything. After all Kurt felt like he and Blaine could celebrate their love any day they wanted to. Deciding it was always the safe bet to voice his feelings to Blaine he took a deep breath and linked his arm into the crook of Blaine's elbow as they got in queue for their drinks. Kurt reminded himself Blaine would never take offence and his usual playfulness quickly began to return to him, destroying all his doubts. He noticed a nearby novelty item of two stuffed animals and picked up as he began to eye it.

“Okay, I'm all for flair but even I have to admit these Valentine’s Day decorations are just tacky. I mean what the hell is this supposed to be?” Kurt asked as he stared at it.

Blaine grinned as he took it out of Kurt's hands, “It's clearly puppy love. It's cute, come on.” Blaine explained as he handed it back to Kurt, which caused it to say “I love you” and make kissing noise.

“Okay...” Kurt muttered as he put it down.

“Adorable.” Blaine told him. “And I'm kind of surprised this is your view on Valentine’s Day.” he admitted to him.

Kurt just gave Blaine a playful smile as they moved in the line and Kurt took hold of his arm again. “Oh don't get me wrong, Blaine, you know what you mean to me and there is no way I don't want us to celebrate our love on the most romantic day of the year. I just can't seem to ignore the fact that it's all just a simple excuse to sell candy and greeting cards on a holiday.” Kurt began to explain.

“Not true, people have been celebrating Valentine’s Day for centuries and call me a hopeless romantic but it's my favorite holiday.” Blaine told him.

Kurt gave him a quizzical look, “Really? Even back when you were single?” he teased.

Blaine laughed lightly, “Yes, even back when I was single. I think there's something really great about a day when you're encourage to just, lay it all on the line and say to somebody 'I'm in love with you'.”

“Well, I am glad you didn't wait till February fourteenth to tell me you love me, Blaine.” Kurt pointed out.

“I'm sure if I hadn't I would have been planning to sing to you on Valentine’s Day.” Blaine said with a chuckle.

Kurt just looked at him lovingly but they had made it to the counter, stopping Kurt from saying anything in reply just yet.

“What can I get you?” the cashier asked him.

“Uh, a Medium Drip and a Grande Non-fat Mocha for my boyfriend over here and maybe I can get him to split one of those cupid cookies.” Blaine told her.

Kurt smirked at him, “You still know my coffee order after all this time?” he asked.

“Oh Kurt, considering we ended up talking for the first time because of your coffee order, I don't think I will ever forget it.” Blaine told him wink a wink.

“That will be eight fifty.” The cashier told them with a smile.

Kurt began to fish his wallet out of his pocket when Blaine stopped him. “Don't even bother, handsome, it's on me... keep the change.” Blaine told him as he handed the cashier the money.

Kurt watched him walk to the side and Kurt grinned happily and he leaned over to the cashier. “I think it's going to be very hard not to love this holiday.” he chimed and hurried over to join Blaine as they waited for their drinks. “You prove a very good case Mr. Anderson.” he told him.

“Why thank you, I do try but Kurt, if you have a problem with Valentine’s Day we don't have to bother-” Blaine began.

“Stop it right there dummy, of course there is no way I would pass it up! Let's just try not to go too overboard if possible, though.” Kurt blurted out.

“So no serenading you in the Lima Bean, then?” Blaine teased.

“Not if you want to get lucky later, because if you did I can't guarantee that I wouldn't die of embarrassment, no matter how sweet the gesture would be.” Kurt added.

“Well we can't have that.” Blaine said in agreement.

Kurt never the less was still struggling with how he and Blaine should celebrate Valentine’s Day and he wasn't getting anywhere. He was well aware it shouldn't be this difficult to decide but a romantic dinner just seemed to simple and there was no guarantee they'd get a chance to be alone long enough to do anything carnal either. Even when he found himself sitting in glee club, with Blaine sitting a chair below him for inspiration and it was not helping in the least. Kurt gave a sigh as he watched Blaine chatter away with Rachel until he noticed Mr. Schuester begin to write the word love with a heart encircled around it and that got him interested.

Blaine grinned widely as he heard their assignment was to pick a partner and sing them a love song. It was hard to believe it was actually happening. Blaine instantly snapped his head around to look at Kurt as soon as Will broke the news and saw Kurt was smiling just as much.

“I guess you'll get to serenade me after all.” Kurt whispered as he leaned forward in his chair.

“I know, I can hardly believe our luck.” Blaine replied as he tried to keep quiet.

Kurt couldn't help but notice that naturally all the single people in the room were less than thrilled at the song assignment and Kurt smirked, it didn't escape him that he could have easily been one of them.

But their discussion was interrupted when once Will had finished explaining things, Finn stood up to speak. Kurt began to clap when Finn pointed out no one had gotten slushied in a week but when Finn continued to say it was because of him Kurt rolled his eyes. 'Celebrity indeed'. Kurt thought to himself, his step-brother was not dealing with his break up with Rachel all that well, if he thought setting up a kissing both would be a good idea.

As Santana began to insult a number of people in the room Kurt narrowed his eyes as a number of the girls called her out on it and a battle begun. When people started listing some of the insults she had given them recently Kurt glanced at Blaine who was looking at him and Kurt gave him a nod.

“Yeah, and yesterday she warned me that I had so much gel in my hair that I was a fire hazard because I could burst into flames at any moment.” Blaine commented.

“And then she asked me if that's where the term 'flaming' came from.” Kurt added as he gave her his best judgemental look.

Things continued to escalate until Rachel gave Santana the final blow of saying that all her future held was becoming a stripper and Santana left the room.

Blaine watched her leave, amazed that Rachel had managed to upset her. “I feel kinda guilty now.” Blaine whispered to Kurt.

“Don't be, Blaine, she had it coming to her.” Kurt whispered back.

Blaine simply let the subject drop as they both stood up and headed out of the choir room together. “So I was thinking why don't we keep our songs for the assignment a secret? We could make them part of our Valentine’s Day gifts for each other?” Blaine suggested.

“I like that idea, though despite Mr. Schue wanting us to pick our idea of the world’s greatest love song aside. I know I want to at least choose something that has some meaning for us too.” Kurt replied.

“Great. I have to say I'm really excited to get to sing a love song to you. Kurt.” Blaine told him with a grin.

“Even with an audience?”

“Oh right... well I guess the New Directions will just have to see how much I love you.”

“As if they already didn't know.” Kurt teased.

Kurt opened up his locker the next day to find something fall out from it and onto the floor. Kurt groaned as he bent down to pick it up, no doubt it was another anonymous note pointing out how gay he was like he often got. But as he grabbed the envelope and began to open it when he stood back up he turned out to be very wrong. It ended up being a Valentine’s Day card from Blaine that had a sweet but silly love poem inside it and Kurt let out a small chuckle. Trust Blaine to start his favorite holiday early, but as he stared at the card and the little hearts Blaine had drawn all over it. He couldn't help but begin to feel guilty because he wasn't pulling his own weight so far. Which only meant one thing, he needed to get someone else’s opinion, and by someone he meant it was time for a 'girl talk session'. Kurt intended to find Mercedes and Rachel later to make his plea and convince the three of them to have a sleep over to discuss his dilemma and he only hoped the fact that they were both single wouldn't make them say no. But for now Kurt had other things to worry about, like finding the perfect song to voice his love for Blaine and that wouldn't be easy.

Blaine found Kurt later that day sitting on one of the green chairs in the library writing something in his notebook with a big smile on his face. Blaine resisted urge to run up and yank it out of Kurt's hands to see what it was, but he knew better than that at least. So he simply strolled up to Kurt and gave him a warm smile.

“Whatcha doing?” Blaine asked him.

Kurt's eyes shot up at Blaine in surprise but he quickly recovered with a warm smile. “Nothing... even though I wish it was something. I was trying to think of song ideas for the assignment.” Kurt began, he turned his notebook around to reveal he had drawn their names inside of a large heart and arrow in red ink. “But instead all I ended up doing was daydreaming about you.” he admitted sheepishly. “Thanks for the card, it was sweet.” Kurt quickly added.

“I'm glad you didn't think it was too corny.” Blaine replied as he took a seat on the chair next to Kurt.

“How could I?” Kurt commented but then he then let out a long breath. “Only it makes me feel like I'm neglecting my boyfriend in comparison.” Kurt admitted.

“Well your boyfriend wanted me to tell you that you're talking crazy and to remind you it's not a competition.” Blaine told him with a smirk.

“Good, because I'd be losing if it was.” Kurt pouted.

Blaine gave Kurt a quizzical look and rolled his eyes, “Seriously Kurt, we don't need cards, chocolates or even love songs to know what we mean to each other. So don't beat yourself over it okay? Remember this is supposed to be fun for us. With it being our first Valentine’s Day together and all.”

“You're right, sorry if I'm ruining the fun...” Kurt began when he realized he was only blaming himself again. “Oh my god, I'm doing it again! I think I'm going to get some therapy and have a sleep over with Mercedes and Rachel on Friday... that is if you can survive without me for a night?” Kurt explained.

Blaine reached over to take hold of his hand for a moment, “I'll manage somehow.” he said warmly.

Come Friday night Kurt got his therapy secession like he wanted, which resulted in him sitting on Rachel's bed in his silk navy pyjamas as he watched Rachel braid Mercedes hair in front of him. He grabbed a piece of their vegan pizza and sighed. “Seriously, I know Blaine was trying to act like it wasn't a big deal. But it just makes me that more determined to show how much I love him.” Kurt began to complain as he paused to take a bite of the pizza.

“You're letting yourself get way too into this Kurt, Blaine's right, just chill.” Mercedes's replied.

“You know whatever you end up doing Blaine will love it.” Rachel added.

Kurt sighed lightly, “Yes, I am aware... but I'm also aware that the last thing I want to be is the kind of person who suddenly loves Valentine’s day only because they're no longer single.” Kurt muttered and then realized who he was talking to. “Sorry...” he muttered.

“Who says I'm sorry about being single?” Mercedes's pointed out.

“I just mean here I am complaining about my wonderful boyfriend and not even caring how annoying it must sound to the both of you.” Kurt explained.

“I, for one, am not throwing in the romance towel just yet. I mean if Finn thinks he's just gonna walk out of my life, he's wrong. ‘Cause I'm going to go up to that kissing booth tomorrow with a hundred dollar bill and he's not going to be able to make any change, and then he's going to be forced to kiss me a hundred times and when his lips touch mine I'm telling you he's gonna...” Rachel began to ramble on as she rested against Mercedes's back.

“Hey hey...” Mercedes interrupted. “We're supposed to giving Kurt advice here remember.” she pointed out and Rachel gave Kurt an apologetic smile. “You know the answers been sitting in front of your face the whole time, Kurt.”

“What?” Kurt asked in surprise.

“Blaine said it himself, why don't you serenade him? Like outside of the safety of the choir room. If he was willing to sing a coffee shop I think you could manage doing the same on school grounds.” Mercedes suggested.

“If anything it's a far more courageous move, which will only make it more romantic.” Rachel added in approval.

“You two could be onto something...” Kurt muttered in response. He then smiled at them warmly. “Thanks for helping me, I never would I thought I'd be sitting here with a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day.” Kurt told them.

“It just proof that love will find a way in the end.” Rachel commented.

“Yeah, but to do what?” Kurt teased.

Mercedes just laughed and shook her head, “You two have always been so guy crazy, whether you've been single or not. Look at me, I don't have a date for Valentine’s Day and I could give a rip. The three of us are divas, look at our idols; Whitney, Barbara, Patti LaPone, they all became stars when they were single.” Mercedes told them.

“So now that I have a boyfriend it marks the end of my music career?” Kurt teased.

“You know what I mean you, love-struck fool.” Mercedes said as she pushed Kurt back playfully.

“They took all the pain and loneliness and they put it into their music. People can relate to it and everyone feels lonely, even if they have a boyfriend. Harnessing this pain is why they became legends.” Mercedes told them both.

“Why has this never occurred to me?” Rachel muttered in disbelief.

“I mean, you know I love Blaine and I am so happy you two found each other, Kurt. But you shouldn't ever let yourself doubt you're not showing it enough to him or the world. Because in the end it's nobody else damn business.” Mercedes pointed out with a smirk. “And you, Miss Berry, sometimes you have to choose between love and talent and as far as I'm concerned the two of us need to fly solo for a while or until we get as lucky as Kurt.”

Kurt blue mood began to warm up and he gave them both a loving smile. “You know I may be gay but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate women.” he told them both.

Which caused the pair to both go 'aww' and snuggle up to Kurt on the bed, where Kurt had to rescue his piece of pizza from being sat on.

“How about we change the subject?” Mercedes offered.

“Sounds good, what to?” Kurt replied with a laugh.

“Like if you and Blaine's are virgins anymore?” Mercedes asked with a smirk.

Kurt opened his mouth but couldn't find anything to say in reply expect to turn bright red. “No comment, Mercedes!” Kurt blurted out and threw a pillow at her.

The following Monday when Puck sang his song to Lauren for their glee club assignment Kurt could only look on in horror at his song choice. Meanwhile Blaine seemed oblivious to the offensive material of the song had and joined the other guys in signing the backup vocals. Kurt just shook his head in disbelief at it all. Of course Kurt knew Puck’s heart was in the right place, even if his mind hadn't been. Lauren's continued looks of being flattered mixed with making her feel pathetic all in one, didn't seem that things would end in Puck's favour though. When the song ended Kurt took hold of the hand Blaine offered him and they walked out of the choir room and Kurt could guess the outcome Puck would face even without him being there to see it.

“And that is an example of where you can try to mean well but it just ends up being a bad idea.” Kurt told Blaine.

“Well I think my song choice is fine.” Blaine assured him.

“I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out if you're right.” Kurt replied with a smirk.

After Artie sang his rendition of Pretty Young Thing to Brittany with Mike's backing him up with his dance moves Kurt wasn't sure even Blaine could top their performance. But as he saw his boyfriend give him a confident grin as he stood up to take his turn, Kurt had a feeling he was about to be proven wrong.

Blaine suddenly surprised everyone by pulling a guitar out from the behind the piano, and that made Kurt give him a curious look, arching his eyebrow. Until Blaine ended up handing it off to Puck, who got up and who took a seat on the piano bench silently and Blaine flashed Kurt a cheeky smile. “Well that was amazing guys and it makes it hard for me to follow. But when I have such an amazing topic to sing about, it's no problem. Needless to say this song is dedicated to my boyfriend Kurt, no song is needed to express how I feel about him... but if you'll humour here.” Blaine commented and he gestured for Puck to start to play his guitar and start the song up.

Kurt instantly recognized the song and noticed a number of the others in the room did too. Rachel gave him a cute smile and nudged his shoulder with her elbow teasingly. The song like Blaine had said, was perfect, just like Blaine often was himself. It being, 'Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop' by Landon Pigg.

Blaine began to sing, for the longest time he just closed his eyes and resisted the urge to look at Kurt. Because he wanted to keep it all together and he knew one look at Kurt's face and he'd risk falling apart.

I think that possibly
Maybe I'm falling for you
Yes There's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you

I've seen the paths that your eyes wander down
I want to come too

I think that possibly
Maybe I'm falling for you

No one understands me quite like you do
Through all of the shadowy corners of me

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew

I think that possibly
Maybe I'm falling for you
Yes there's a chance that I've fallen quite hard over you

I've seen the waters that make your eyes shine
Now I'm shining too

Because I've fallen quite hard over you

If I didn't know you I'd rather not know
If I couldn't have you I'd rather be alone

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop I love so much
All of the while I never knew

All of the while
All of the while
All of the while it was you, you!

Kurt had watched Blaine sing to him so many times and still every time he felt like an emotional wreck after the music ended. Oh who was he kidding, he started feeling that way as soon as the music started and this was no exception. Only the fact that they weren't alone but in a room with many watching eyes stopped him from starting to cry. Instead his face was just full with love and emotion and the determination to show Blaine just how much he loved him.

When Blaine finally allowed himself to open up his eyes and glanced over where Kurt was sitting all he saw was an empty seat. But he didn't have any time to wonder where his boyfriend had gotten to because Kurt's arms suddenly wrapped around him from behind and gave him a big hug, Kurt's face pressing against the back of his neck.

“You certainly brought the house down.” Kurt whispered to Blaine.

Everyone else in the room made a hasty retreat once the class was over and Kurt was grateful for them to leave them alone so quickly. When they were safely alone or as safe as they could be while there were still at school Kurt came around to face Blaine head on and cupped his cheek with his hand. “What can I say after that, except I love you.” Kurt said softly.

Blaine laughed lightly in reply, “The feeling is mutual, Kurt. But I don't want you to start worrying that your song couldn't compare now. Because I'll have none of that.” he pointed out.

Kurt smirked, “No, actually I think I'm just that more confident with my plans now.”

Having to wait two days until Kurt's plans were revealed was turning out to be far more difficult than Blaine had thought it would be. Kurt's constant cheeky looks at him certainly weren't helping either. To the point where Blaine was almost tempted to try to drag it out of him the next time they were in bed together. That is if they even got the chance to do anything since Blaine swore with Valentine’s Day around the corner Burt was sticking around the house more than usual. 'You're being silly Blaine, this is supposed to be all in fun.' He reminded himself, Blaine was currently sitting in the courtyard waiting for Kurt as he had said there was something he needed to do before they could head off to the Lima Bean. When all of a sudden his inner voice was interrupted by what Blaine swore were trumpets beginning to play. Sure enough Blaine looked forward to see three members of the school’s band come walking into the court yard. Blaine's mouth hung open in surprise and confusion until he noticed they were playing the beginning to 'All You Need is Love' by The Beatles and Blaine's face formed a wide grin. In the distance voices of the New Directions chanting 'love' as the song started made him laugh out loud could be heard and Blaine started to shake his head, smiling bashfully.

Kurt was in front as they all stepped into view as they sang and Kurt stopped on the steps a short distance where Blaine was sitting. He gave Blaine a quick wink and then started to sing the song.

Blaine could only smile till his jaw was started to feel sore as he watched Kurt sing the lead vocals as the rest of the New Directions backed him up.

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.

There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.

Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you
in time - It's easy.

Half way during the song Kurt made his way over to where Blaine was sitting and held out his hands for Blaine to take hold of. Blaine let out another laugh as he took hold of Kurt and was pulled up to stand as Kurt continued to serenade him. He looked away bashfully as Kurt touched his nose with his finger playfully and Blaine tried to hold it together.

All you need is love, all you need is love,

All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.

All you need is love, all you need is love,

All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.

All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

Everyone behind them broke out into applause when the song finished and Blaine pulled Kurt in for a big hug. He didn't care if it was safe to do so, not when they had all their friends around them to challenge those who had a problem with it.

“Well Kurt, you couldn't be more right. Love is all you need.” Blaine replied with a choked laugh.

“Let's try not to forget that message.” Kurt said in agreement.

Neither of them wanted to forget it at all when they were amazingly alone in Blaine's house that evening. When Blaine before had been planning to pry the truth out of Kurt by any means necessary, he now wanted to show is true feelings about what Kurt serenading him in the courtyard meant to him. Resulting in him pouncing on Kurt the moment they made it to his bedroom and pushed him hard against the wall as he began to kiss him.

“Whoa what's got into you?” Kurt blurted out, though he really wasn't complaining.

“I just want to show you what that song meant to me.” Blaine muttered as he continued to attack Kurt's mouth with his tongue.

Kurt quickly found his libido rising to meet Blaine's pace, “Oh god, Blaine...” he moaned as their hips brushed against each other for a moment and he noted Blaine was getting a hard on as quickly as he was. “But we don't always have to show each other with sex...”

Blaine grinned and pulled away from Kurt who hissed in protest, “You want me to stop then...” he taunted.

Kurt grabbed onto Blaine's waist and pulled him in as close as possible and began to rub himself against him until Blaine began to moan in response. “Oh fuck no...” he said loudly.

Triumphant, Blaine grinned and lowered himself down so he was on his knees as began to unzip the fly of Kurt's pants. “Good.” he growled.

“Yah know maybe Valentine’s Day isn't so special after all, not when we pretty much celebrate it every day.” Blaine commented as they stood in line up at Lima Bean.

Kurt glanced over at Blaine and smiled, “While that might be true it doesn't mean we can't still have fun and by 'fun' I don't mean sex for once.” Kurt replied.

“But last night was fun you gotta admit.” Blaine pointed out.

Kurt refused to take the bait for them to continue talking about their sex life in public and quickly decided to change to subject. “Anyway, I think I have the perfect idea for what we could do on Valentines Day.”

“I'm listening...”

“It's a long shot I know but I thought we might call up the Warblers and see if we can persuade them to finally sing off campus. I mean with them no longer in run for Regionals I think no one would object to us mixing things up for the sake of a holiday.” Kurt explained.

“That's actually a brilliant idea... I just dunno if it's possible.” Blaine replied.

“Well there's only one way to find out, feel like crashing a Warblers practice once we're finished here?” Kurt suggested.

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

Kurt gave smiled in satisfaction and stepped up to the cashier, “I'd like a non-fat Grande Mocha and a Medium Drip for my cutie over here.” Kurt told the cashier.

“You know my coffee order.” Blaine couldn't help but point out, mirroring Kurt's words earlier in the week.

“I hope I never forget it, Blaine.”

Kurt and Blaine walked down hand in hand towards the Warbler's choir room just like they had many months before when Kurt had snuck into see him play. Only now they were boyfriends and Blaine was a mere visiting guest like Kurt was, reminding him how much had changed. Kurt looked over at Blaine and smiled at how his nervous his boyfriend looked, Kurt tightened the grip on Blaine's hand in support.

“Relax Blaine, we both know how delighted they're gonna be to see you.” Kurt whispered to him.

Blaine nodded and forced himself to take a deep breath but he still stopped when they reached the entrance and saw everyone inside working on their background vocals. Kurt pulled him forward and they stepped into the room. “Hey guys.” Blaine said casually.

Kurt started to laugh at the excited reactions the many blazer clad boys in the room gave in response to his and Blaine's sudden arrival, though he knew Blaine was the real cause. Kurt was touched to see a number of Blaine's friends race over to hug and welcome him and they all at once so Kurt or Blaine couldn't even understand them.

“What' brings you here Blaine!” Trent asked them.

“And aren't you going to introduce your 'friend' here?” Nick added, though he was well aware who Kurt was.

Blaine smirked at Nick's comment, “This is my boyfriend, Kurt Hummel, and we're both here because he has a proposition for the Warblers.” Blaine explained.

“Would it be alright if I took the floor for a moment of your time?” Kurt asked.

“I don't see why not.” Wes answered and gestured him to step forward.

Kurt took the cue and stepped forward and scanned the room quickly, noting he had everyone's attention. “Now I know from Blaine that the subject is a touchy one from tragic happenings concerning the Warblers in the past. But I have plans to put on a special show at Breadsticks of Valentine’s Day. I'm calling it 'Kurt Hummel's lovely hearts club dinner' and I'd like to enlist the Warblers to join Blaine and I in song for the event. I think it could be a fun way to bring us all together after having to compete against each other for so long.” Kurt explained.

Blaine watched the Warblers reactions, many of which were not on keen Kurt's suggestion. When a few of them spoke out in protest Wes brought things to order with his gavel and Blaine stepped forward.

“I know what we're asking is slightly unusual, especially when I am no longer a member but I'd honestly love to sing with all of you again.” Blaine told them.

“With respect to all of you, I feel the need to point out that this is a chance for you to step out of your comfort zone a bit. Since transferring I think Blaine can vouch for me when being in the New Directions means we perform in front of hostel crowds pretty much everywhere we go, I mean mattress stores, shopping malls, I had a cat thrown at me at a nursing home once.” Kurt explained and after everyone laughed lightly and Kurt continued on. “But it gave us confidence; it kept us loose and keeps us together, all in the sake of our love of music and performing it.”

“All those in favour then?” Wes asked.

Blaine looked around and saw everyone raise their hands in response and he squeezed Kurt's hand and flashed him a wide grin. “I guess the lovely hearts club is a go.” Blaine told him with a wink.

If someone had asked him last February the fourteenth if the next year he'd had a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day Blaine would have just laughed at them. Yet as he opened his locker he found a very large heart shaped card hanging there and he smiled. Blaine pulled the card off its hanging string and saw in addition there was a big box of chocolates at the bottom of his locker, hidden under his books. He opened the card and let out a small laugh at what was written there.

To my cupid cutie Blaine, whose heart is even bigger than this big ass card.

Forever Yours, Kurt Hummel.

Blaine shook his head as he began to chuckle, “Kurt Hummel, you sly little devil.” Blaine muttered to himself as he walked to his first class of the day. He suddenly felt far better about the fact that he had stuffed Kurt's locker full of confetti and candy hearts and he only wished he could have seen Kurt's face when he opened it, regretting how he hadn't been able to get a locker beside him because of his delayed transfer. Blaine got to find out later when he saw Kurt step into the choir room and he saw Kurt missed finding a few pieces of confetti because Blaine noticed some still remaining in his hair. Despite that Kurt didn't look mad or even annoyed; the word to express Kurt's face at that moment was definitely amused.

“Well I hope your happy Mr. Anderson, I'm surprised the scream I let out when I opened my locker didn't set the fire alarm off...” Kurt muttered as he walked over to where Blaine was sitting.

“I don't think fire alarms work like that, Kurt.” Blaine teased.

“Oh hush.” Kurt replied as he gave Blaine a quick kiss on the cheek before he came to sit down beside him. “But it was a lovely surprise once I calmed down and people stopped staring at me. Though I don't know how you got it to explode like that...”

“Just one of my many hidden talents, thanks for the card and chocolates by the way.” Blaine told Kurt.

“You’re welcome, so I managed to convince everyone in glee to come to my lovely hearts club dinner tonight.” Kurt began to explain. “It's also handy afterwards we'll already be at a restaurant where I of course booked us in for a romantic dinner for two when the shows over.”

“Should I also mention that my dad’s treating my mom to a romantic night out, which I believe ends with them going to a hotel for the night?” Blaine told him with a smirk.

“Are you serious?”

“Yep, seems my dad’s trying to make for all the times he's been kept busy with work. Considering the circumstances I can't complain... I think it would be safe for you spend some of the night to keep me company at home?”

“Well even though I am sure my dad will catch on pretty quickly when I don't come home early, there's no way I'm saying no.”

“And here I thought we'd have to miss out on a hot night of sex on Valentine’s Day to finish the festivities off.”

“Blaine! We might be alone right now but remember we're still in school, God!” Kurt hissed at him.

Blaine gave in when suddenly Puck stepped into the room, will the others following behind him soon after. Blaine realized he had taken things a bit too far because normally he was very private when it came to any of the intimate details concerning Kurt and his relationship. That if anyone heard him talk about it to Kurt when he thought they were alone, they'd call him completely out of character for sure. Blaine wasn't sure what had gotten into him lately but Blaine knew he should reel it back in a bit, at least when they weren't totally alone. All it took was to think if Burt ever overheard the bordering lewd comments he'd been making and that made him swear to tone the dirty talk down a bit, when they weren't in the actual act anyway.

After class that day Blaine got a call from Wes that the Warblers would meet him and Kurt at Breadsticks on time and he and hurried off to meet them there. Once they both arrived Kurt began to set the stage up while Blaine waited for his old classmates to start making their entrance. He glanced over at Kurt and couldn't help up grin at his boyfriend’s appearance. Kurt had suggested they wear coordinating outfits in a navy and red theme to match with the Warblers who would be wearing their uniforms. Blaine always knew agreeing to let Kurt dress him always ended up going in his favour and he was sure tonight would be no different. Because he had to admit they both looked pretty smart, as Blaine outfit consisted of a white button down shirt like he use to wear when he was in Dalton. Only it was topped off with a dark maroon red blazer with navy piping and he wore a black bow-tie that had little red hearts on it. Meanwhile Kurt wore the same type of button down white shirt, but he had a navy vest on with a dark red tie, which had a row of hearts down the middle. Blaine was so engrossed in watching his boyfriend that he didn't notice the Warblers had arrived at were all staring at him with smirks on their faces. Until someone cleared their throat and Blaine whirled around to greet them.

“Oh hey guys glad you made it all okay!” Blaine sputtered sheepishly. “Kurt's almost done setting things up.” he added as he pointed to the stage.

“It's quite impressive.” West commented.

Kurt turned to see the new arrivals and came down to join them, “Why, thank you, Wes, and I see our audience is all here amazingly.” Kurt commented as he waved at Mercedes's, Mike and Tina who had just arrived to join Rachel at her table. Kurt took that as his cue to start and after he got a quick nod in confirmation from Blaine they all stepped onto the stage and Kurt came to stand in front of the bright red mic he had set up.

Kurt gently tapped the mic to make sure it was on, “Testing, testing 1-2-3... testing.” Kurt began and once he was certain the sound was okay he continued. “Alright, so Happy Valentines Day everybody. For those of you Breadsticks patrons who don't know who I am, I'm Kurt Hummel, and welcome to my first ever ‘Lovely Hearts Club Dinner.’ Whether you are single with hope or madly in love like myself and you are just here because I forced you out to support me. Sit back and enjoy, because in the end it doesn't matter if you're in a relationship or not. There are all types of love and they are all worth celebrating. So to everyone out there, no matter what your relationship status is, this is our year.” Kurt finished and he quickly scooted off to join the Warblers as they began to sing their first song.

Blaine laughed as Kurt ended up giving his back end a quick pinch as he passed him by and quickly recovered so he could begin to sing the lead vocals. He had picked a fitting song for the event; Silly Love Songs by Wings. As he pushed forward Blaine began to walk around the one of the booth as he sang each verse. After going full circle around one he made his way back to everyone on stage and ended up beside Kurt, who managed to smile at him even as he continued to sing backup. Their eyes barely left each other as they began to snap their fingers and move along in formation with the Warblers as the song continued. When it came time for the line of 'Love Doesn't Come in a Minute' Blaine jump forward once again and he couldn't resist but end up in front of Santana when he sung 'Sometimes it doesn't come at all.' right after and he gave her an innocent shrug, causing her to scrunch her face up in annoyance. As he once again returned to Kurt's side and as he continued to sing the Warblers stepped off the stage and began to spread around the room and greet the various guests there. It warmed his heart to see his old classmates interacting with his new ones and he let that fuel his singing.

When Blaine sang out one of the long notes right in front of Kurt, he watched as Kurt burst out laughing in reply as he doubled over from how silly his boyfriend looked at that moment. During the vocal break where only the Warblers were singing Kurt hurried over to give Mercedes and Rachel a quick hug and almost ended up getting stuck between them at their booth. He quickly fought himself free and made a heart sign with his hands as he returned to the stage. Kurt bopped along to the beat as Blaine began to sing 'I love you' over and over and Blaine looked over at him for the last time before continuing on. The song finally came to an end with all of them crossing their hands over the other and standing straight forward and they were greeted with a loud round of applause.

Blaine took his cue and stepped up to the mic as Kurt came to join him at his side as he adjusted the mic a bit. “Thank you, thank you all very much. Now for our next song Kurt and I thought we'd sing you a rather fitting duet for the occasion.” Blaine explained and waited for the music to start.

Kurt and Blaine began to dance to the music and Blaine began to sing 'Ca C'est L'Amour, with Kurt joining in on the second verse.

When suddenly you you sight
someone for whom you yearn
Ca c'est l'amour
And when to your delight
she loves you in return
Ca c'est l'amour

Then dawns a dreary day
Your darling goes away
and all is over, you are sure
But oh, when she returns
And loves you as before
You take her in your lonely arms
and want her even more
Ca c'est l'amour

Ca c'est l'amour

Then dawns a dreary day
Your darling goes away
and all is over, you are sure
But oh, when she returns
And loves you as before
You take her in your lonely arms
and want her even more
Ca c'est l'amour

Ca c'est l'amour
Ca c'est l'amour , Ca c'est l'amour!

Kurt and Blaine couldn't have looked any cuter to their friends as they danced together during the song and they both knew it. After their second performance they continued with another group of songs one after another until they sang their final song. Kurt was proud that his first 'Lovely Hearts Club Dinner' turned out to be successful, one that neither he nor Blaine would forget anytime soon. All in all their first Valentines together so far had been very memorable and it was far from over.

End Notes: Needless to say there was no way Jeremiah would be in this episode. Also didn't bother to try to keep in the gap attack LOL. When I Get You Alone will pop up in a future chapter fyi though. Hopefully the changes work far better. Blaine's song for Kurt:'s song for Blaine with ND: duet from the lovely hearts show:


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