May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
How was it? Up next: Chapter 2: The Umbra. In the mean time, feel free to send a review/ comment my way. I love them. Like seriously LOVE them. See you in the following social media platforms as well:
Chapter 1: The Proposal
(3 hours before Blaine proposes to Kurt)
Blaine Devon Anderson considered himself to be quite lucky. Despite everything that had been so damn fucked up in the earlier years of his life, he can say that the last three years have been more than enough to make up for the rotten first 15.
But this story would not be about looking back, no, bet your bottom dollar that this would be about tomorrow. The future. The future that he would be spending with his amazing best friend, his soul mate, his one true love… Kurt Hummel (or so, he deeply wishes).
The preparations for the epic klaine-posal as Sam dubbed, it were all underway. The New Directions, Haverbrook School for the Deaf, Vocal Adrenalin and the Warblers are all in position, waiting for his signal. Blaine smiled at his reflection in the mirror inside his bedroom. He had second thoughts about the yellow ensemble he was now donning (because, surely, too much yellow can be harmful for the health, right?) but never for a second did he second guess what he was about to do today.
His right hand immediately flew to the pocket of his mustard suit and Blaine heaved a sigh of relief as soon as he was able to feel the small black velvet box nestled in silk lining. Despite his friends earlier misgivings about his plans, Blaine was happy to have finally convinced them that there was no other option for him. Kurt was his and he was Kurts. Nothing would ever come between that.
With a final look at his immaculately gelled coif, Blaine made his way downstairs. He decided to drive alone towards Dalton where his surprise for Kurt was waiting. But he hadnt even reached the front door of his familys palatial manor when he was accosted by an oncoming body…
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Squirt? Wheres the fire?" An amused voice accompanied the arms that held on to Blaine rather tightly. "And for the love of all things –I told you to stop letting Kurt decide on your outfit! Yellow?"
"Coo –Cooper?" Blaine looked as surprised as his brother. Last time he checked Cooper was in L.A. auditioning for Fifty Shades of Grey. Or one of those big movies. "What are you doing here?"
"Hello to you too, Blainers!" Cooper playfully ruffled his younger brothers gelled hair (how that was possible, I have no idea). "Do you really think I would miss this epic possibly-once-in-a-lifetime moment in your life?"
"Wha- Huh?" Blaines face automatically morphed into a look of utter confusion. "What do you-"
But before Blaine or Cooper could even continue with their impromptu reunion, another body crashed with the two men and gave both a death-hug at the same time.
"Did I miss anything embarrassing?" A dark-haired female asked with a grin. She looked very much like Blaine except that her hair was longer and she was an inch taller than him.
"Charlotte," Cooper beamed at the new comer. "How is my favorite little sis –"
"Dont you DARE finish that sentence, Cooper Michael Anderson." The one he had addressed as Charlotte gave the older man an evil eye, the same honey-colored eye that the other young man in the room sported. "Its Charlie. Call me Charlotte again and I will hurt you. Remember last Thanksgiving?" Cooper paled at that thought, whatever that was. Charlie continued on. "And Im your only little sister so you have no choice. I on the other hand –" She turned to Blaine who was until then frozen in his steps. " –am here to support and congratulate my favorite older brother." She tossed her gathered curls and hugged the young man. "Im so happy for you, Blainey."
"What –wait," Blaine pulled away from his younger sisters hug and looked at his two siblings quizzically. "Not that I am happy to see you guys, but what –how –"
"I think what Blainey wants to know is how weve managed to find out that he is proposing to the love of his life today," Charlie smirked. "Really, Blaine. I know we three are in three separate parts of the world at a given day, but, hello? Facebook? Twitter? Tumblr?" Cooper nodded wordlessly at his younger sisters words. Blaine looked alarmed.
"Oh, God –who posted about it? It was supposed to be a secret!" Blaine grabbed his phone and was meaning to text Sam to reprimand him when Cooper stopped him.
"I think thats counterproductive, Squirt. If I in L.A. and Char here in London know about it, most probably, your beloved Kurt already knows too."
"Oh man," Blaine face-palmed. "I knew it was hard to keep this a secret –"
"You should have realized that when you involved practically half of the population of Lima, Ohio." Charlie said, smiling, patting her brothers shoulder sympathetically. "But just think of it this way, at least you would have an idea of what pretty Kurt thinks. If he shows up, most probably its a yes. If not, then you have saved both of your asses from an incredibly embarrassing situation."
"True," Blaine sighed thoughtfully. "Well, I guess I have to go," he glanced at his silver wristwatch, a gift from his grandfather when he turned fifteen, the last time the man ever made an effort to do so.. "I have two and a half hours to get to Dalton –" He pushed past Cooper and made a headway towards his Prius when a tandem arm lock pulled him back.
"Hold it, Curly," Charlie. "Coop and I may have understood why you failed to properly inform your family of this, but you are crazy if you think well let you do this on your own."
"Really, Blainers." Cooper echoed his sister. "We had to find out on line that youre proposing. Let us help you get to Dalton –" The two Andersons frog-marched the third one into Coopers own Mazda and strapped him into the passenger seat even before he could complain. Charlie slid into the back seat and pulled out her phone as Cooper eased out of their spacious driveway.
"I didnt think –" Blaine began looking embarrassed. "Mom and Dad werent really keen on the idea of me dating Kurt –"
"Oh Blaine," Charlie managed to twist in her seat to give her brother an awkward hug, "Were not Mom and Dad. Im really happy for you. Kurt is amazing –"
"You havent even met him," Blaine pointed out which earned him an eye roll from the youngest Anderson.
"Like duh, of course he has to be amazing. You wouldnt go to these lengths to impress a loser."
"Shes right, you know." Cooper agreed, glancing at his two younger siblings from the rearview mirror. "And Mom and Dad –" Cooper let out s deep sigh. "They have their reasons, Blaine… even Grandpa…"
"Dont –just dont try to justify them, Coop." Blaine muttered, looking defeated. "I know it was hard to accept that Im –Im gay. But I think after three years, they wouldve already at least adjusted."
"Its not that youre gay," Cooper told him softly, his eyes grazing over at Charlie who was silent all of a sudden. "Look, just take it from me. Mom and Dad love you, okay? They want whats best for you, all three of us. Just listen to me when I say that everything will be okay soon. And soon enough, youll realize why they were like that about you and Kurt."
Blaines eyes widened. "They know! They wouldnt try and stop me, now, would they?"
"Relax, B." Charlie placed a comforting hand on Blaines shoulder. "No ones going to try and stop you. Unless they want to mess with me." She made a threatening fist that Blaine could not help but laugh at. Sometimes it felt like Charlie was older than him, with the antics she employs to make him feel safe. In reality, Charlotte Denise Anderson was exactly nine months younger than Blaine, but they look so much alike that they liked to call themselves twins. Most people thought as well upon seeing them for the first time. When Blaine was recovering from the Sadie Hawkins dance incident, Charlie deferred her acceptance to the prestigious St. Clair School for Girls in London just to be with him as he got better. She cried whenever she saw him in pain, although she would greatly deny the fact that she cried. She was a bit of a tomboy, probably having grown up with two brothers, away from their parents who were always on a trip or another (although she outgrew that after living with their grandmother in London since three years ago, where she was now a junior high school student). Blaine honestly loved his brother and sister, but Charlie always had a special space in his heart. And it was not just because they were closer in age. Charlie only left his side when he had transferred to the safe walls of Dalton Academy. And even then, the youngest Anderson would always call to check up on him from across the miles. In fact, she was the first to know about Blaine and Kurt when they first got together. Ironically though, she has yet to meet the beautiful countertenor personally. Cooper, His Mom and Dad, and even his Grandpa had met Blaines best friend, but not Charlie. Although, she was the most vocally supportive of the lot.
"Thanks Char," Blaine grinned at his sister. "You have no idea what this means to me. Both of you."
"We love you too, Squirt," Cooper beamed at his younger brother. "Now lets go get you that soul mate of yours. Stop worrying about everything else, okay? Char and I can handle it. Now, did you have a speech prepared? Because I can give you pointers on effective delivery…"
(Right after the proposal)
Blaine could not help but think that the smile on his face was already a permanent fixture. Not after his soul mate, his one true love, his best friend Kurt had said yes to his crazy and elaborate proposal. The honey-eyed man glanced at the grinning Kurt as they both accepted congratulatory messages from everyone that had participated in Blaines idea. As Mr. Schuster left to corral the New Directions back to Lima, the happy couple was approached by two more.
"I must say, that was spectacular, Squirt," Cooper grinned as he gave his younger brother a bear hug. "Congratulations, Klaine." Cooper then proceeded to give Kurt the same treatment.
"Th- thanks, Cooper." Kurt looked both surprised and relieved at Coopers words. He exchanged glances with Blaine, who just nodded, as if telling him it was okay.
"Stop hogging them, Coop!" A bossy voice tore into the couples wordless exchange. Kurt turned towards the source of the voice and had to suppress a surprised gasp.
"Charlie Anderson?" The countertenor asked. The girl grinned and pushed her elder brother away from Kurt. She enveloped Kurt in an even tighter hug than Coopers.
"Nice to finally meet you in person, future brother-in-law. Facebook certainly doesnt do you justice."She said with the trademark Anderson wink that Cooper and Blaine would use whenever they needed that extra bit of charm. When she had finally released Kurt, she turned to Blaine. "You better not let this one go, Anderson. Hes wearing Tom Ford. And Im best friends with anyone who can wear Tom Ford and not look like a freaking China doll."
Blaine chuckled and pulled Kurt closer to him. "I have no intentions of ever letting this one go." His words caused Kurt to blush even more.
Cooper watched the by play among the three teens with an amused expression. I wish they would continue to be this carefree after they find out…Cooper shook his head inwardly. What am I saying? Of course tonight changes everything. If there was a way to keep this from Blaine and Charlie… and Kurt now, I would have already freaking done it. But what can I do? I cant take Blaines destiny away from him; there are a lot of things that would go wrong if we in the least tried to keep him away from it. Cooper then focused his attention on Kurt, who was chatting with Charlie about the latest Tom Ford Fall Collection and her interest in enrolling at Parsons for college.
I know next to nothing about you, Kurt Hummel. But I trust my brothers choice. I just hope that you would be up for the challenge. There is so much more about being an Anderson than meets the eye. I hope you dont give up on Blaine. Especially after tonight…
"Okay, why dont we all go out and celebrate, huh?" Cooper broke his silence. "Come on, my treat!"
Blaine and Kurt exchanged looks. Charlie rolled her eyes.
"Really Coop. They just got engaged. I cant believe how clueless you are. These two are planning engagement sex!"
"Uhm," Blaine flushed, as Kurt paled considerably. Cooper chuckled. They began to exit Daltons main hall and into the parking lot.
"Come on, its rare that were together like this! You guys can have you celebratory sex later! Ill buy you Italian –"
However as the siblings argued on the sanity of having dinner, a heavily tinted car rolled up to them. Blaine was the first to see it. He froze in his steps. Kurt, whose hand was intertwined with his fiancé, felt Blaine stiffen. His gorgeous baby blue eyes followed Blaines line of sight. He too, stopped in his steps. "Blaine?"
Seeing the newly-engaged couple in a state of passiveness alerted the other two siblings. Cooper turned from his spot in front of Klaine. Charlie followed suit. All four pairs of eyes were on the heavily-tinted Escalade that finally parked right in front of the foursome. Out of instinct, Blaine pulled Kurt behind him as Cooper approached the car door that was now opening.
A man with dark blonde hair and azure eyes stepped out. He was wearing a generic business suit in charcoal with a neutral expression on his face. As he alighted the vehicle, he glanced at Cooper with a subtle nod. Before turning to assist the woman who was now making her way out of the SUV.
She had Blaine and Charlies hair, which was hanging below her chin, although her eyes were darker than theirs. She was about as tall as Blaine and dressed in a peach-colored cocktail dress. She smiled gently upon seeing the assembled group before stepping aside to give way to the final person joining their group.
The man had silver hair. There was no doubt that he was still sharp as a samurai though. He was wearing a similar suit as with the other man, as well as the same neutral expression. However, upon seeing Blaine and Kurts joined hands, a frown crossed his face. The peculiar group of seven were silent for what seemed like days until Cooper took the initiative and broke the spell,
"Mom, Dad, Grandpa," Cooper approached to shake his fathers hand and give his mother a peck on the cheek. But when he turned to his grandfather, be bowed at the old man. Blaine, Charlie and Kurt looked on in wonderment.
"Are we too late, Coop?" His mother asked gently, glancing at Kurt and Blaine. But before Cooper could answer, Blaine had already stepped up, still not letting go of Kurts hand though.
"You bet you are." The honey-eyed young man spatted out heatedly. "I told you, Mom, I love Kurt. Theres nothing you can do to stop us! You hear me? You can disown me –I dont care!"
"Blaine!" Kurt tried to calm his fiancé down, seeing the rather hostile reaction of Blaines father to his younger sons words.
"Blaine –" his mother tried to reason.
"No. Im gay, okay! I love Kurt. Im marrying him. If you dont support me, I dont care, I –"
Blaines rant was unexpectedly cut off with a hand on his cheek courtesy of his grandfather.
"Blaine Devon Anderson," The old man straightened his back. He may be advanced in his years, but he could still tower his grandson by a good 5 inches. "You will not talk like that to us!"
Blaine was still clutching his stinging cheek when he let out a deep sigh and bowed his head. Kurt on the other hand was looking furious.
"Excuse me, sir," he addressed Blaines grandfather with the much beloved sass he was wont to use. "I know that Blaine was disrespectful, that he had no right to raise his voice or talk back –but you sir, are just as horrible! Was there really a need to hit him? In front of other people? I would think that you Andersons are gentlemen, at the very least civilized. But slapping your grandson is a most uncouth and uncivilized move!" The countertenor was gasping for breath by the time he ha finished his rant. All the while he was speaking, the eldest Anderson maintained his stoic expression. But as soon as Kurt finished, to the surprise of many, he broke into an airy chuckle. He took a step towards the bewildered college student and held out his hand. Blaine moved to block his grandfather, but a hand from Cooper and a shake of Charlies head made him stop. Kurt on the other hand was eyeing the proffered hand rather warily. He shrugged after a few seconds before meeting the older mans eyes and clasping the wrinkled appendage. As soon as he did, Grandpa Anderson pulled him into a tight bear hug (really, what was with these Andersons and their hugs?)
"Just like my Ramona," the old man murmured softly against Kurts hair before pulling away from the embrace and holding him at an arms length. "Youd be a perfect addition to the family. I like your sass, young man."
Jaws dropped at that announcement.
"G- Grandpa?" Blaine just could not believe his ears and eyes. Grandpa Anderson gave him a knowing smirk before turning to his son and his daughter-in-law.
"I take it that nobody told him…"
"Told me what?" Blaine asked, looking around wildly, first at Kurt who shrugged, then at Charlie who shook her head as if to say she had no idea either. Then, he turned to Cooper who blanched.
"I was planning to tell them on the car ride to the restaurant," the actor admitted sheepishly.
"TELL ME WHAT?" Blaine raised his voice against the din. "FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS NORMAL, WHAT IS GOING ON?"
Grandpa Anderson was once more in front of Blaine with his hand raised. The honey-eyed young man braced himself for the slap he was sure to come and closed his eyes. But to his surprise, instead of his grandfathers palm, the mans thumb and forefinger connected with this cheek.
The man was pinching him.
"Oh Blaine," The man said, laughingly before turning to his son. "Michael, would you take my place here? Im not getting any younger you know. Perhaps you should be the one to tell your son the obvious that he has failed yet again to notice.
"Of course, Dad." Michael Andersons facial expression softened as he did his elderly fathers bidding. He left his wifes side and approached the younger lot of them, particularly Blaine and Kurt.
"In not so many words, we are not here to stop you, Blaine." Michael Devon Anderson said with a small smile. "So no need to act so hostile. We were hoping that Cooper had already given you a heads-up to us being here, but –" he threw a dark look at his elder son. "Anyway, we were hoping to be able to celebrate with you and Kurt even if we missed your proposal –"
"Wait, what?" Blaine was tempted to pinch himself to check if he wasnt dreaming. He gave his fiancé who was sporting a confused expression, a glance. It seemed that Kurt heard the exact same thing he did.
"We support you, Blainey-bear," Elise Anderson moved closer to her son and kissed his cheek. She did the same to Kurt. "Im sorry that it had to be this confusing, but if you let us explain over dinner, maybe?"
"Okay. Im confused. And hungry." Charlie interjected. "Why dont we all agree to go to dinner and talk?"
"The chef has prepared a meal for us at home," Elise said to no one in particular. "It would be better if we head over there so we can talk. Prue and Tempy would be by as well" She gave Kurt a warm smile. "I for one would very much like to re-meet my future son-in-law without the all the pretenses of our past dealings."
Those were the last words spoken among the group as they all headed for their respective rides. As Kurt and Blaine took the backseat of Coopers Mazda, the couple could not help but meet each others eyes. Kurt took Blaines hand in his and gave it a light squeeze. The events of that day were a rollercoaster of emotions: euphoria, puzzlement, nerves. Blaine returned the squeeze.
The proposal was supposed to be the beginning of the next chapter of their lives. But what transpired in the last ten minutes told the couple that maybe there was more to it than they had anticipated. Nevertheless, they were together now. Whatever was coming towards them will be met with their hands intertwined and their hearts joined at the seams.
As Cooper cruised towards the highway that would take them back to the Andersons estate, Kurt and Blaine both took deep breaths. Whatever it was, they were ready.