The Andersons of Westerville
The Opening Salvo Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Andersons of Westerville: The Opening Salvo

M - Words: 2,425 - Last Updated: May 14, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: May 13, 2014 - Updated: May 13, 2014
160 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Sorry, I just had to deal with Finns death in this story. I apologize if I had upset anybody. Unlike in the show, his demise will be explained here. You saw a glimpse of it at the last part, but it will be tackled more in the next chapter. Worry not, Finns death will not be senseless. As Ive said, it is an important device to move our plot along. Up next: Chapter 6: The Darkness Beckons.

Chapter 5: The Opening Salvo

**Please read the WARNINGS before proceeding**

Prue and Tempy arrived the following day just after breakfast, and therefore missed the glorious waffles courtesy of one Kurt Hummel. The twins were all business though, the moment they stepped in that plush penthouse suite. Tempy shepherded Blaine and Charlie towards the training room, while Kurt was to be stuck with Cooper and Prue in the den. When Blaine raised an eyebrow of protest, Tempy gave him a glare.

"Kurt needs to learn family history and decorum, B. If you were in the room, I doubt hed learn much –"

"But Cooper –"

"Im his Charms tutor," Cooper winked. Blaine groaned.

"God, you did not just make a Harry Potter reference." The rest of them laughed. Prue winked at Blaine. "Never fear, Blainers, Aunt Prue will make sure Kurt is safe from Coop."

"Yeah B," said Cooper. "Wont touch a hair on his head. Just focus on training with Charlie."

"Why do we have to be training separately anyway?" Charlie mused out loud. Tempy sighed. "Well, you two need to focus on the physical aspect of things… you Blaine, will have to learn how to defend yourself and Kurt should the need arise. Well have weapons training, physical strength training –"

"Sounds like fun," quipped Blaine. Tempy continued on. "Kurt on the other hand needs to learn not only those things, but his and our family histories. On top of that, he needs to be acquainted with the legal side of our business. Cooper will assist Prue in getting Kurt in tip-top witch hunter shape while she drills him with fun facts about the Umbra and the Illustrati."

"That sounds fun," Kurt mirrored his fiancés response.


The three youngest Andersons schedule went like this:


7:00 –Breakfast

8:00 –Warm-ups

9:00 –Combat Training

12:00 –Lunch

2:00 –Weapons and Tactics

4:00 –Readings

6:00 –Dinner

8:00 –Bed


7:00 –Breakfast

8:00 –Readings/ Family History

10:00 –Weapons and Tactics

12:00 –Lunch

2:00 –Warm-ups

3:00 –Combat Training

4:00 –Practice

6:00 –Dinner

8:00 –Bed


8:00 –Breakfast

9:00 –Tutorials

12:00 –Lunch

2:00 –Testing

4:00 –Readings

6:00 –Dinner

10:00 –Bed


Free Day

It was regimentary at first glance, and not a week later, it proved to be quite just that.

"No, B. Im not helping you escape practice to see Kurt!" Charlie exclaimed as she wielded the long sword she had been given. It was half-past two and she and Blaine were doing weapons training. After a brief testing, Tempy deemed that Charlie would be better with long swords and Blaine would master the Sais better (Coopers weapon of expertise was the Nunchacks). Tempy had briefly left the two of them in the training room while she got out getting ice cream with Prue. "And besides, Im pretty sure Kurt is being heavily guarded –"

"By Cooper," Blaine pointed out. "Come on, I just want to see Kurt, Char. You can distract Coop for me. I promise to take full blame if we get caught –"

"Blaine, I dont want an extra hour of strength training as punishment. Remember last time when we tried to sneak into Kurts training?"

"But –I miss my fiancé!" Blaine exclaimed. "It feels like I rarely get to spend time with him! When we get to bed at night, were both comatose from all this training–I mean, whats the point in living together if you cant LIVE together? Who knew our Aunts were a couple of slave-driver Druids?"

"They should probably get laid," Charlie intoned before sighing. "Oh, alright, I will never hear the end of it if we dont do something about your recently-non-existent sex life."

"Its not just SEX, Char –"

"Shh –do you want my help or not?" Charlie raised an eyebrow at her older brother. Blaine nodded wordlessly. Charlie grinned. "Okay, Operation Break-Out Pretty Kurt from Hellish Training is now on!"


While the two youngest Andersons were scheming, Kurt was dutifully stretching in preparation for Combat Training –thank Gaga for Cassie Julys Dance 101 routines. Prue and Tempy were out for ice cream so he was stuck with Cooper. After a brief testing, Prue declared him compatible for daggers, so that was his weapon of choice. It also helped that his Wiccan blood from his mom had a natural affinity to sharp objects made from metals –Wiccans, unlike Druids, have a better control of the Metal element rather than say, Earth or Fire. Kurt had found his Witch heritage fascinating – sure, he was too young to have been caught in the CHARMED fever, but Harry Potter wasnt as far removed from reality as it seemed. So what if he cannot manipulate time or turn invisible? (The first one was a rare talent, according to Prue, the second was just downright fantasy.) He can control elements (given the proper training) and summon all sorts of objects (including spirits and demons). He can turn on his rare talent of empathy (think of it as an upgrade of being able to read people) and if pressed, can become a clairvoyant… the possibilities were almost endless, come to think of it, and this is from the kid who thought hed never get out of small-town Lima and be anything.

He was now in the city of his dreams, engaged to the love of his life, and although his life was currently in jeopardy because of a bunch of crazy witches, he was learning to fight –just like he had learned to fight all those bullies in high school… and it did not go amiss to Kurt that in both times he needed a push in that direction, it was Blaines influence that served as the proverbial wind beneath his wings.

When he had first met the Andersons, he had never imagined that the seemingly uptight family would want to have anything to do with him. Now, Kurt could not imagine doing this without them –they were practically risking their lives to protect him from the Illustrati. They could have just left him in the dark and let him deal with the threat on his own, but they didnt. In fact, he would completely understand if they forced him and Blaine apart…

Kurt bit his lip as he remembered Blaines words: fearlessly and forever. Their hands, their hearts, their lives, were made to hold each other, love each other, and join each other. He wiped the sweat dotting his forehead with the purple wristband he had on.

"Kurt, Im going to check up with Dad via Skype –Ill be back in about fifteen, okay?" Cooper waved goodbye, leaving Kurt alone in the den a.k.a. Kurts Torture Room. The countertenor nodded wordlessly as he continued his quiet musings.

Nobody said it would be easy. But nobody said that it would be impossible either. He and Blaine would make this work. It will be a long and painful road (based on what he had learned from Prue) but in the end, they will triumph…

His reveries were interrupted by a dull thunk. Kurt looked around him for the source of the sound and found himself looking at a balled up piece of paper –that apparently landed next to him when someone threw it –that upon closer inspection, was some sort of hard object wrapped in paper. He picked it up and could not help the grin that flashed across his face when he had unwrapped it –it was an ORANGE. He smoothed the piece of paper and began reading the short note:


If you have a minute, why dont we go somewhere only we know?

Fearlessly and Forever,


P.S. If Cooper is reading this, just so you know, this message will self-destruct in 5 seconds.

Kurt found himself laughing at the coded message. He crumpled the paper and threw it outside the nearest window. He took the orange and stealthily exited the den to go to his and Blaines secret meeting place.


The suites pristine kitchen was spacious and well-lit, but that wasnt Blaines favorite part about it. No, it was the rather large broom closet beside the refrigerator –Cooper would never go anywhere near cleaning supplies, neither would Charlie. It was the perfect nook for him and Kurt to escape their rigorous trainings.

The closet could barely fit one, let alone two people, but Blaine wasnt complaining. He and Kurt were both flexible enough to make themselves fit in that dark space. The amber-eyed young man stood in perfect silence and stillness as he waited for his lover to arrive. He just hoped Charlie was able to deliver his coded message and had not gotten intercepted by Cooper. He glanced at his glow-in-the-dark watch. Five minutes have elapsed… Suddenly, there was a knock on the closet door. Then, it was pulled open.

"Hello, stranger, missed me?"


While Kurt was busy with Blaine, Charlie was stuck in the training room, watching Twerking Videos on her phone. There was no sense in practicing without Blaine standing in for a training dummy –at least until Prue and Tempy arrive, or Cooper finds out that two of his charges were missing. She was currently engrossed in one video where a Glee Club Director was Twerking with his students –ugh, that just sounded disgusting in theory, let alone in actuality. She prepared to close the window and look for a Grumpy Cat Video instead when she was distracted by "You Are the Sunshine of My Life" playing in the background. She glanced around to find the source of the noise: Blaine left his phone. She approached the convenient piece of technology as it lay on top of the bench press. The screen was blinking:

Incoming Call: Burt Hummel

For a second, Charlie debated on whether to answer it or not, but in the end, she figured that it must be important for Kurts Dad to call Blaine. She swiped at the screen and answered the call. "Hello, Mr. Hummel. Charlie Anderson speaking. Blaine is currently preoccupied, can I take a message?"

"Hey, kiddo. Is Kurt with him?" came the muffled voice of the Ohio Congressman. Charlie thought that she could detect a bit of trepidation in his tone, but brushed it off.

"Yes, actually, were on break from training –would you like me to call them?"

"If thats possible, Id like to speak with Blaine first, then my son."


Charlie did not need to search far and wide for her brother and his fiancé. She had bumped into them as Blaine was escorting Kurt back to the den.

"Blaine –Mr. Hummel wants to speak to you!"

"Shh –Charlie, not so loud!" Blaine shushed her. "Where is he?"

"On the phone," said Charlie. Kurt frowned. "He wants to speak to Blaine? Not me?" Charlie shrugged. "He said he wants to talk to Blaine first before talking to you. I dont know, it sounded important though." Blaine and Kurt exchanged looks before Blaine gave his fiancé a small peck on the cheek.

"I wont take long. I know you miss him." Kurt smiled as the younger man headed towards the training room. A few minutes later though, the smile on Kurts lips was wiped off, seeing the look of devastation on Blaines face. He immediately approached the younger man and held his hands against his chest. Charlie looked on in confusion. The moment Blaines lackluster golden eyes met Kurts concerned baby blues, the latter knew it wasnt good news. "Blaine, honey? What happened? What did he say? Can I talk to my dad now?" Blaine pulled Kurt into a tight hug.

"Im so sorry, Kurt… So, so sorry…" he whispered next to Kurts ear. Kurt pulled away. "Why –whats wrong? Tell me, what happened? Is my Dad okay? Carole? Are they hurt –"

Blaine cupped Kurts cheeks lovingly before handing him his phone. Kurt immediately took the call from his Dad. A few seconds later, his lovely face turned from concerned to confused, to shocked, to devastated. He dropped the phone in his hands as he felt his knees buckling at the weight of his Dads news. The phone hit the carpeted floor, but Blaine was quick enough to catch Kurt in his arms. The countertenor was sobbing against his hold, looking utterly broken and helpless.

"Blaine," Charlie laid a gentle hand on his brothers shoulder, unsure of what to do or how to react. Blaine shook his head wordlessly at her before turning to his crying fiancé.

"Kurt, Im here, just know that, okay?" He whispered softly as he rubbed Kurts back soothingly. While in that tableau, Cooper had finally returned, ready to reprimand the three he had caught out of training, but a well-placed glare from Charlie shut him up before he could even open his mouth. Coopers attention was diverted from her to the embracing couple on the floor. With the softest voice he could muster, he asked, "What happened?" His voice seemed to make Kurt cry even harder into Blaines shirt. The curly-haired young man took the liberty of answering his brother instead.

"Cooper, its –its Finn. Hes dead."


(Two days earlier)

Finn did not know if he was dreaming or not. But he was certain that he did see that table fly off the ground like in those movies with really bad special effects. He saw the same table head towards him, and if not for his fast reflexes, it would have certainly hit his head. He saw the cloaked figures –what did Kurt call them again –oh, yeah, Dementors. He saw the figures that looked like those thingies from Harry Potter, sucked all the happiness out of a person when they kissed you. The only difference was this Dementor did not approach to kiss him or anything. It kept flinging objects from Finns room toward him. But then again, Finn wasnt sure if it was real or not. He kept evading the attack, ducking, running, jumping off the window of his second-floor dorm room. When he felt his ankle twist form the impact was when Finn realized that it wasnt a dream. He yelled as he tried to run away from his cloaked attacker. It was the dead of the night, but surely, someone would hear him and help, right? Surprisingly, no one did, and Finn felt like one of those characters in a bad horror movie. In the light of the moon, he kept running, not once realizing that he was just in his pajamas and socks. The cold asphalt of the road rubbed against the wool as Finn Hudson ran for his life. Behind him, his attacker glided effortlessly like a phantom ghoul but ceased throwing things at the college freshman. Finn mustve realized this and made the split-second decision to look behind him. His error in judgment afforded him a look at his assailant –he saw the dark eyes reflecting the full moon. However, it was the last thing he would see before an oncoming pearl-blue station wagon hit him with a screeching impact.

Then, it was all black.



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