May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Reviews are appreciated!
Chapter 2: Visions
Blaine could not believe his eyes. Surely, the long hair was replaced by a more androgynous, cropped look, but those eyes… oh, he knew those eyes anywhere. He moved closer, his arms poised to reach what he thought was an elaborate mirage that constantly would haunt him in his dreams. And in those dreams, whenever he would try and touch her, she would always dissolve into bubbles… then one by one, those bubbles would pop into non-existence.
But this vision was different.
As soon as Blaines hands touched a bare patch of ivory skin, a surge of electricity passed through his entire body.
It was no vision.
It was real. Blaine looked at his hands then back at the ethereal being in front of him.
"Celestine?" he asked tentatively.
An amused chuckle greeted his ears.
"Dear no, not even close." The boy held his hand out. "Kurt Hummel"
Blaine frowned at the hand being offered then back at Kurt. The boy smiled at him.
"Dont they do handshakes in hell? You said youre from hell right? We get a lot of those here in Lima," he teased. Blaine realized that he was probably gaping and took Kurts hand and shook it. Blue green eyes lit up.
"Good job devil boy, or should I say demon boy?" He then said, mock-patronizing. Blaine was still too shocked to say anything. How could this –this boy –be not Celestine? Blaine felt it, he knew he did –that pull, that urge he had been waiting for so long… How could this –Kurt –how could he not have felt it? By the time that the dark-haired boy was uot of his stupor, he saw Kurt eyeing him rather queerly.
"Well, Blaine Anderson, thank you for playing the knight to my damsel in distress, but I assure you, there was no need. Those three goons are no more dragons than I am a redhead."
"No –no problem," Blaine sighed. He needed more time to process things. It has been a while since he felt that jolt –not since Celestine died –and it wouldnt do him very well if he scared Celes –no, Kurt, with his incessant staring. Kurt started to walk away. Blaine felt another sudden pull.
Kurt spun around gracefully and raised one perfectly arched eyebrow in silent question. Blaine smile slightly.
That expression! Celestine or not…
"Im new here, where to –to go to Spanish class?"
Exactly 10 minutes later, Blaine eased into a desk beside Kurt on the left most side of the classroom, third row from the front. An Asian boy took the other seat on Kurts right side. The boys onyx eyes met his own hazel ones and smiled. Blaine allowed himself to relax. He could not sense any danger nor ill-intention coming from him. He then turned his attention to Kurt.
"Is the teacher always late?"
Kurt looked at him briefly then at the wall clock above the blackboard.
"Not really, its Monday. Mr. Schues probably stuck in a faculty meeting or something."
"Mr. Schue?"
"The teacher. We call him Mr. Schue. Hes very nice… if not a little too overbearing at times."
"I see," Blaine took his spreadsheet out and showed it to Kurt. "Would you mind suggesting two electives for me? And perhaps a club?" He asked the boy hopefully. Kurt looked surprised.
"I know youre new here –but, what makes you think youd enjoy the classes I would pick out for you?"
Blaine grinned.
"I just know that I would."
Kurt shrugged.
"Okay, just dont blame me if –"
"I wont."
A few minutes later, Blaine was already decided on Art 100 and Creative Writing 10. He would be attending both classes with Kurt, apart from Spanish and to his surprise, Gym."
"Whats Gym for us this year?" Blaine asked curiously. "It didnt say on my transfer packet."
Kurt wrinkled his nose.
Blaine smiled.
Kurt threw him an are-you-kidding-me look.
"Ah," Blaine nodded somberly. Kurt caught his look.
"Did you just mock me, Blaine Anderson?"
Blaine let out a quiet chuckle.
"I might have." The response earned him a playful tap on his arm.
"Flirt," Kurt whispered.
"Only you," Blaine said quietly, staring into those gorgeous blue-green eyes.
Kurt blushed and looked away. Blaine thought hed never seen anything more beautiful. Maybe all hope was not lost. He can tell it. His non-existent heart recognized this feeling.
A different name, a different time, heck, a different gender even…. But this was Celestine.
Kurt was Celestine.
His Celestine.
Just as Blaine was about to call Kurts attention again, an adult male entered the room. This must be the teacher, Mr. Schuester… or as Kurt called him, Mr. Schue. Blaine tried to lock his eyes with the man. A few seconds later, he concluded that the curly-haired teacher posed no threat.
Forty minutes later, Kurt and Blaine exited the Spanish classroom. Kurt huffed.
"I admire Mr. Schue for all hes worth but, seriously, him and Spanish dont mix."
"It would be hard to teach a language if you are not a native speaker." Blaine agreed. Both of them were now headed to their second period classes: Trigonometry for Kurt, AP Physics for Blaine. They walked together in silence until they have reached the junction. Kurt was to turn left, and Blaine, right.
"Well," Kurt breathed. "Thanks for what you did this morning and for making Spanish more enjoyable. I guess Ill see –"
Blaine held Kurts arm back.
"Can I see you for lunch?"
Kurt blushed again.
"You dont – are you sure? I mean, Im not exactly one of the popular ones on campus. I assure you, Im more of a liability than an asset."
Blaine frowned.
"Do people bother you a lot?" He asked darkly.
Kurt looked at him and sighed.
"Youre new here Blaine, you have no idea how dangerous it is to be at the bottom of the social food chain –"
"I can handle myself, Kurt," Blaine said intently. All of a sudden, Kurt felt an obscure wave of power emanating from the dark-haired boy.
"I know you can, Blaine, judging from what effect you had on Karofsky and his thugs, but –"
"Nothings going to keep me away from you now, Kurt."
Kurts eyes shot up. Something in the tone that Blaine had used seemed familiar to him. All morning, the countertenor had been constantly hounded by thoughts… vibrations… visions… whenever Blaine would look directly into his eyes or touch him or even just speak to him. It sounded weird, but for some reason, Blaine felt very familiar to him even if he had just met the latter about an hour ago. He shook his head mentally.
I just need coffee, Kurt tried to reason out. I missed my morning mocha… that and Blaine was the first ever guy who dared walk with me through the halls of McKinley, saved me from Karofsky and who wanted to eat lunch with me. Thats just it!
Kurt brought his attention back to the boy he had just met, enjoyed the company of in the last hour, and had practically asked him out on a lunch date –all in one day. Blaine had a mild, hopeful expression on his face. But his hazel eyes burned with something that Kurt thought was akin to passion –an entirely different story.
Blaine Anderson was an enigma, Kurt decided. He himself wanted things simple, but something told him that things will never be the same again after today. He let out a deep breath and turned to Blaine.
"Spending time with me, entails one major investment"
Blaine looked at him quizzically.
Kurt smiled serenely.