May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Chapter 3: The Blunt and the Beautiful
The bell rang, signaling the end of third period. Blaine rushed outside of his history class. The class was a bore; the teacher, Mrs. Kipling, forgot half of the dates she was rambling on and on about and sounded as if Frankenstein decided to become a teacher. If anything was ever more annoying than that, Blaine found out, was the fact that the brunette chatterbox he had encountered earlier was in his History class. When she entered the room, she saw Blaine and immediately approached him. Blaine saw this and threw her a piercing glare. The brunette bobbed away, seeing his expression and instead took a seat next to a tall and burly-looking boy, wearing a plaid flannel shirt that had seen the wash one too many times. The brunette leaned over and kissed the guy o the cheek.
Figures, Blaine thought.
History was a useless class for him. He had lived through history and could probably teach more on the subject effortlessly. But he needed this slam-dunk easy-A class.
Since first seeing the boy, Blaines thoughts were filled with nothing but him. It was hard not to think of Kurt as Celestine, but the dark-haired boy figured that if he did not want to scare him away, he would have to take things slow.
Demon boy, Blaine smiled. He called me demon boy, surely, it was in jest, but what would he give to see Kurts reaction upon finding out the truth.
Now, Blaine was headed towards the left wing of the school where Kurt had his third period Home Economics. He was given directions earlier when they agreed to meet up for lunch. Blaine practically ran towards the entrance to room 1301 after seeing it open. His eyes excitedly scanned the room for the object of his affection.
Affection? he thought. There was no question that he had loved Celestine. But Kurt… although he was sure that Kurt was Celestine, Kurt was still… different. He was male for one thing; although he had no problem with that, Blaine did not know if Kurt wouldnt mind.
At the same time, he was like Celestine; he was gentle and innocent, like a puff of cumulus clouds; He was fiery and feisty and full of life –like a candle burning brightly on a dark winter night…
"A penny for your thoughts?"
Blaine looked up. He did not notice that his mind had wandered off. He forced a smile.
"Hey Kurt,"
"Ready for lunch?"
Blaine nodded. He slung his backpack over both of his shoulders and reached out for the books that Kurt carried in his arms. Kurt gave him a quizzical look.
"Modern day chivalry?"
Blaine smiled.
"Something like that."
Kurt snorted.
"Next thing I know, youd be opening doors for me.
Blaine did not say anything and just kept smiling. And when they both finally got to the cafeteria doors… he rushed ahead of Kurt and opened it for the boy with a mock bow.
"Here you go, oh fair one…beauty before age."
Kurt gave him an amused look before walking through the open doors. When Kurt was already in, Blaine followed suit. Kurt turned to him as he approached.
"Youre amusing, you know?" Kurt told him.
"Youre beautiful,: Blaine replied back, still smiling, causing Kurt to turn pink yet again.
"You, Mr. Anderson, are very blunt."
"Just honest,"
Kurt stopped walking.
"Just –just tell me –why are you so –so –being nice to me, Blaine?" Kurt asked exasperatedly. Blaine looked at him, for the first time in his long life, unsure of what to say, or how to say it without scaring the boy.
"I like you Kurt."
Kurts eyes were wide like saucers.
"You… WHAT?"
The attention of the whole cafeteria turned towards the countertenor. Kurt felt eyes on him. He took a deep breath to steady himself.
No Kurt, you did not just hear this gorgeous and possibly not-so-straight guy in front of you tell you that you are beautiful and that he likes you –because if he did, all hell wouldve broken loose and the demons would be crawling all over the school!
Kurt sighed. Blaine stared at him with a concerned look on his handsome face.
"Kurt? Did I say something wrong?"
Kurt wanted to scream right in the middle of the crowded cafeteria –instead, he bit his lip. Blaine moved closer. He reached out and let his right thumb ghost over Kurts lower lip. As he made the connection, he felt that sudden rush of electricity once more. And judging from Kurts surprised look, he felt it too.
"I –I need to go to the boys room," Kurt excused himself and stormed out of the cafeteria without another word. He was out of the doors before Blaine could even register what had happened.
Kurt rushed towards the nearest bathroom and locked himself in the stall farthest from the entrance. He then hung his bag on the hook provided and sat on the closed toilet seat. Without even meaning to, he found his right forefinger touching the spot Blaines thumb had caressed, just a little while ago. Kurt closed his eyes.
The world has gone mad.
Blaine ran after Kurt.
Fuck, Ive messed up! He scolded himself. He carried his feet pretty quick, but it seemed that Kurt was a track star in an Alexander McQueen leather coat. He lost him in the middle of the hallway. Blaine sighed and decided that desperate times called for desperate measures. He closed his eyes and trained his heightened senses to find Kurt. Since his last close encounter with people from his "shady past," twenty-five years ago, he had worked hard to suppress his demonic abilities. But now, it was no question. Screw the risks. He will protect Celestine –no, Kurt –with all that he got –something he should have done all those lifetimes ago.
Blaine then felt a strong pull towards the left wing.
Kurt, I will never let go of you again. I promise.
A pair of blue eyes surveyed the not-so impressive façade of red bricks and smirked.
Perfect for a hideout… almost.
He then began to walk towards the tow-storey building complex, anticipation almost leaking through his pores. His orders from the elders were clear: retrieve and exterminate.
It had been more than two decades since the last time they had made a move. Their target had been almost too careful…
But apparently, not careful enough.
The slip up this morning cost him two decades of peace and anonymity.
But the blue-eyed man couldnt be thankful enough. It made his job easy. AS he entered the building, he immediately threw up a mask. It wouldnt do well for his target to sense him, now that the boy –no mans senses were active once more. He then surveyed the scene quickly; a number of students were milling about, all caught up I their own little worlds –clearly unaware of danger, right at their midst.
The blue-eyed man smiled.
Humans were too complacent.
Humans were too weak.
They had emotions –that was their ultimate flaw.
The man then adjusted the tinted aviators he had on and brushed an invisible speck of lint off of his black denim jacket.
How humans managed to survive all this time remained a mystery to him.
As he cruised along the corridors, he felt eyes on him –curious glances and appreciative stares alike –most especially from that ditzy blue-eyed blonde that happened to pass by.
The man could not help but smile to himself. If only his preference swung that way, then maybe he would oblige her. But then again, he did not have time for it at all. Maybe when he was done cleaning up, he can try and have fun with humans.
But now, he had a dark-haired, hazel-eyed demon to seek and a dark blonde, blue-green-eyed human to dispose of.
Work first. Fun later.